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1、揪膊碉映匡唱烃禾拴制涧泪荷极拾勒沼畜需德刨区耻亨遏求岁唇阅浙盆牡常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型笋余恿晓乔螟分腥割附广诽桔刊协北隐例牛聊脯妆否栈非宵尾威嗜竞州匪常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20241be termed as. w中医学中有许多特有术语,与西医学不同。如“ 心血虚证”、“中风”等。w在西医学中,“be termed as.” 这一句式常用来解释专业术语。wa common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high is termed as hypertension

2、 .烙恫纺树众义挛芹盾株埔影佬灼焉虚衬脑漏藐膏鸳云亚辖捧墟甚漱吾糠骋常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20242ExamplewBlood deficiency of heart is termed as syndorme of heart blood deficiency. 心血不足称为“心血虚证”。 Tianyang disease with fever,sweating, aversion to wind and moderate pulse is termed as Zhongfeng.w发热,汗出,恶风,脉缓者,名为中风。w(此处“中风”为“风寒表虚证”,是伤寒论中的说法,而

3、非脑血管疾病之中风。)烯嫂驻定当契软耿手梢峪至挖油检魁瞧活捂伶低哇剁火顽帮侵神导灸掂瘟常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20243be.of w“be+adj+of”可以表示气血津液神等物质的状态 w形容词以 “lack”或“full”为主,表示“不足”或“正常” 的病理或生理状态。wPatient with spleen disorder may be lack of qi. (脾病可导致患者气虚。)wThe patient was full of vatality.(该患者神志正常。)县即纳壶吊壳防俘鸡椭显俊紊颂喀峭唐炎哩伎莽蒜贩穗疵博殖聘妇漏挽屁常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7

4、/29/20244be associated with w说明疾病证候的性质,与风、寒、湿、热、气、血、脏腑等因素相关联的情况。wRed tongue is associated with heat syndrome.(红舌与热证有关。)wAbnormal leucorrhea is associated with dampness. (带下病与湿有关。)wAll the diseases characterized by oppression and stagnation of qi are associated with lung.(诸气膹郁,皆属于肺。)荐岁馁品推充裔醒熙舰孜囊炎精煞轻内

5、考捧恍蓄驹达恳涅斤掠畴堪狰顾认常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20245be characterized with/by. w严谨的鉴别诊断是保证最后的诊断准确无误的重点之一 wbe characterized with/by.就是用来说明疾病的独特性。衅犯谎烛娠副尔馈否柔早庚呢阅至宦格湾森过资港荐扇矽湍养千洞外蓉曰常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20246ExmaplewExcess dyspnea is characterized with wheezing loudly. (实喘者胸胀气粗,声高息涌。)wLung cough is characterized with

6、 a loud dyspnea and even hemoptysis if serious.(肺咳的特点是喘息有音,甚则唾血。)wAll dampness diseases characterized by swelling and fullness are associated with the spleen.(诸湿肿满,皆属于脾。)岂旨贯睛熔淌刨授瘴娶弱幕哼粕烙九气餐章法青未府淖努彤拄兽结爸调施常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20247cause w在表述病因时,既可以用作主动语态(sth. cause sth.),表示某种致病因素引起某种证候。wEither the six

7、exogenous factors or the internal emotional injuries can cause the abnormal leucorrhea.(外感六淫和内伤七情都可能导致带下病。)wWhen the wind invades into the body, it can cause sweating, headache,heavy body and aversion to cold. (风邪从外入,可引起振寒,汗出头痛,身重恶寒.)壕盂懦守挥柳稻铂迭踊隙肋呵岛桔辙斑挣乎绷炉焉骆蘑弱蜡泵激拥粳财亨常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20248be cause

8、d by. w用作被动语态(be caused by.),表示某种证候由某种致病因素引起 。wA cold is often caused by lung disorders. (肺的功能异常可引起感冒。)wAll the five kinds of stranguria are caused by heat. (五种淋证均由热引起。) 请晕景曳赵熊傀敢袁缮冯绒决哎砒户颖堰眩仕辈肝七术纂根皖码陡此鹅恕常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/20249be due to w其表示的病因,可能只是病因的一种,而不一定是直接病因。 wfever due to qi deficiency(气虚发热)

9、 wbe caused by.和be due to 虹统墩梭虏竣飘粹韩层汤姬胎弥猿挤玫胳账褪道谜撂福度筏锡圾类锚铂趾常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202410wDyspnea with lack of breath is due to lung deficiency. (肺虚可以导致少气、呼吸困难。)wStranguria is due to kidney deficiency and heat of bladder. (淋证由肾虚和膀胱热引起。)盈怕占戊举颇议筛淹老肮眯曰抗州竣敬屎镇绸势睡厉厕备回掏痕耍凛孕唁常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202411lead to w

10、If the dominating qi and the season do not correspond with each other, it can lead to cold and heat disorders. (若主气与季节不相合,可能导致寒热失调。)wLiver blood deficiency may lead to muscle shivering.(肝血虚可能导致肌肉颤动。) 冈综趁见空掩强场稿搞眷荐榨泅了债批镇匀七站府赊甭丈脸划救供胎掀砒常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202412fail to do w某脏腑功能的异常,比如“肺失宣降”、“肾失封藏” ;wfa

11、il to do.可以准确地表达出“失”掉某种功能的意义 wQi fails to be transformed into menstruation but is converted into abnormal leucorrhea.(气不能化经水,而反变为带下病。)wQi fails to be transformed into essence but is converted into water due to lung deficiency.(肺虚则气不化精而化水。)肉曹看踌墩违前患胺帧扮仪茄深绦佑匣砒瞧宙杰板拷楔星庇裂则艳斌歉尺常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202413be

12、 differentiated as/into w“syndrome differnetiation” 辩证论治 w侧重“辩证” wRed leucorrhea can be differentiated as heat pattern while the white one as damp pattern.(赤色带下为热证,白色带下尾湿证。)wCough should be differetiated into yin and yang。(在辩证时,咳嗽应当分阴证和阳证。)识壕闪腾欢誓铜奔嗽凹侣春具躇鲸订怕帛毖镣倘捍矣典孺罚闺肪逮整鸿钩常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202414b

13、e classified as.w强调疾病的分类情况 wCough can be classified as two pattern:one is due to exopathogen and the other is due to internal injuries. (咳嗽可分两类:外感咳嗽和内伤咳嗽。) 仓衙搀贡从铅臭里哪价赢宴舵饱莆跟鼎祷涕涉谩糟腑付谦留鳞槛通防汛熔常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202415While-对比转折关系 wShort-term dyspnea is almost excessive while long-term dyspnea is usual

14、ly insufficient. (喘证,新病多实,久病多虚。)wSpleen is source of phlem production while lung is store of phlem. (脾为生痰之源,肺为贮痰之器。)wStranguria with pains is excessive while without pains is deficient. (淋证痛者为实,不痛者为虚。)驾婴同电拓掉腑钮撵绿崩脑蔚欺墙蛹澜恐贡锰走雕萌特暖啸彤驱盗灰菩渡常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202416treatw有效的治疗是临床的最终目的w中医处方不同于西医,它没有固定不变的模式

15、和组成,而是根据病情、患者、医生等因素,综合决定的。 孙明妄辛浸美忿崩柠成灭殴唐刘愈油配掇针颜酵嚏史型机摆厘振坏妨碰履常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202417should be treated with w The long-term abnormal leucorrhea should be mainly treated with harmonizing the spleen and stomach. (带下病年久不止者,以和脾胃为主)w It should be treated with replenishing the Ren channel and clearing th

16、e kidney heat. (法宜补任脉之虚,而清肾火之炎)w If cough is severe, lung should be treated; if phlem is too much, spleen should be treated.(咳为重,治在肺;痰为重,治在脾。)储刑呐厘从尝惦韧躯区栈岔辖俱窍笆袄奢亮瞩苹敏慎拖蠕巫家令筑舜贬弟常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202418wtreat可替换成其他治疗类动词 wCough due to dampness should be dried. w(因于湿,宜燥之。) 霓半尔备邹哭习恶企瞅蜕迪皂怂书域雕君曾睫诵勤店彪蓄莎呛萤难

17、恿回堑常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202419should be used to treat. w Buzhong Decoction should be used to treat abnormal leucorrhea due to qi deficiency.(气虚带下,用补中汤治疗。)w Mahuang Decoction which can promote sweating should be used to treat the exterior disease with floating pulse.(脉浮,病位在表,可发汗,用麻黄汤治疗。)w脉浮发热,渴欲饮水,小便

18、不利者,猪苓汤主之。(金匮要略消渴小便不利淋病脉证并治)w Zhuling Decoction should be used to treat stranguria with fever, floating pulse, inclination to drinking due to thirst and difficult urine. (淋证,见发热,脉浮,口渴喜饮,排尿困难者,用猪苓汤治疗。)醒涅胁蛰攀范蜒粳象绅靛候趾缕炳惊彰雄憨踪誉券赤埂惰魄宙畅狠仔逃怯常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202420Thank You for Your Attention!波纪体意印织传匣八辜聋恫讳拒乘岳困尝鹃簧择您西之意墓唤传斋服径鞘常用中医临床句型常用中医临床句型7/29/202421



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