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1、 Clean the househasWhat are they doing?They are _.cleaning the house.drink drk teati:Friends often _in the afternoon.drink tea A:Do you want to drink tea with me this afternoon ?B:Sorry, I must clean my house today. Maybe _?SaturdaytodaySundaytomorrow tmrutomorrowClean the househasdrink drk teati:1.

2、 你在做什么?你在做什么? _2. 我在看电视。我在看电视。 _3. 她在做什么?她在做什么? _ 4. 她在洗衣服。她在洗衣服。 _5. 他们在做什么?他们在做什么?_6. 他们在听他们在听CD。 _7. 你在做作业吗?你在做作业吗?_8. 是的。是的。/ 不是。不是。 _阅读阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。部分,完成下列句子。Im watching TV. What are you doing?Whats she doing?Shes washing her clothes. Theyre listening to a CD. What are they doing?Ar

3、e you doing your homework?Yes, I am. / No, Im not.9. 我在打扫我的房间。我在打扫我的房间。_10. 他在读报纸吗?他在读报纸吗?_10. 是的。是的。/ 不是。他在打篮球。不是。他在打篮球。_11. 他们在用电脑吗?他们在用电脑吗? _12. 是的。是的。 / 不是。他们在锻炼。不是。他们在锻炼。_Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.Is he reading a newspaper?Are they using the computer?Yes, they are./No, the

4、y arent. Theyre exercising. Im cleaning my room. 现在在进行行时态一、一、用法:用法:1. 表示表示现在(在(说话瞬瞬间)正在)正在进行或行或发生的生的动作。例如:作。例如:我正在做作我正在做作业。Im _ my homework now. 他他们在操在操场上踢足球。上踢足球。Theyre _ soccer on the playground.2. 也可表示当前一段也可表示当前一段时间内的活内的活动或或现阶段正在段正在 进行的行的动作。例如:作。例如:这些天来,我些天来,我们在做一架模型在做一架模型飞机。机。We are _ these days

5、.playingdoingmaking a model plane这个月我个月我们一直在一直在为英英语考考试而学而学习。 We _ for the English test this month. 二、句子结构:二、句子结构:1. 陈述句:主语陈述句:主语+ be (am, is, are) not + V. ing +我正在洗衣服。我正在洗衣服。_他正在打电话。他正在打电话。 _ 他们没在下象棋。他们没在下象棋。_彼特没在打篮球。彼特没在打篮球。_Im washing the clothes. They are not playing chess.are studyingHe is talk

6、ing on the phone.Peter isnt playing basketball. 2. 一般疑一般疑问句:句:Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语主语 + V.-ing 她正在她正在弹钢琴琴吗?_你你们正在做作正在做作业吗? _3. 特殊疑特殊疑问句句特殊疑特殊疑问词+ be (am, is, are) +主主语+ V. ing杰克正做什么事情?杰克正做什么事情? _他他们正在做什么事情?正在做什么事情? _ Are you doing your homework? What is Jack doing?What are they doing?Is she playing

7、the piano?三、常用三、常用时间状状语:now, right now或表示现在情景的或表示现在情景的look, listen等。等。格林先生格林先生现在正在写一个故事。在正在写一个故事。 _看!他看!他们正在吃早正在吃早饭。_Mr. Green is writing a story now.Look! Theyre eating breakfast.四、与一般四、与一般现在在时态的区的区别 一般一般现在在时态表示表示经常性、常性、习惯性性的的动作;作;谓语动词为原形原形或或第三人称第三人称单数数形式;形式;时间状状语常常为usually, often, sometimes, on Mo

8、nday, every day。琳达通常在早上冲个澡。琳达通常在早上冲个澡。 _Linda usually takes a shower in the morning.3. Marys parents/ drink tea/ after dinner _4. Bill/ talk on the phone/ now _ 5. Becky and Bob/watch TV / on weekends _3a Write sentences following the examples.1. Jenny/ clean the house/ now Jenny is cleaning the hou

9、se now.2. Bob/ make dinner/ every Saturday Bob makes dinner every Saturday. 1.本本题主要是考主要是考查现在在进行行时态的句子与一般的句子与一般现在在时态的句子的区的句子的区别用法。用法。2. 首先,首先,应根据句意及所提供的根据句意及所提供的时间状状语来确定来确定本句本句话用什么用什么时态。3小小题由由时间状状语after dinner可知可知应用一般用一般现在在时态;4小小题由由now,可知可知应用用现在在进行行时态。5小小题由由on weekends可知可知应用一般用一般现在在时态。3.然后,根据每种然后,根据每

10、种时态的句子的句子结构来造句子。构来造句子。4.注意根据句子主注意根据句子主语的的单复数来确定复数来确定谓语动词。3. Marys parents/ drink tea/ after dinner _4. Bill/ talk on the phone/ now _ 5. Becky and Bob/watch TV / on weekends _Bill is talking on the phone now.Marys parents usually drink tea after dinner.Becky and Bob watch TV on weekends._ Do you wan

11、t to go tomorrow then?_ OK. See you tomorrow evening!_ Im reading a book._ Lets go at seven oclock._ No, this book is really interesting. _ What are you doing?_ Do you want to go to the movies now?_ Sure, what time?3b Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. Then practice it w

12、ith a partner.1.先通先通读一下所有句子一下所有句子, 弄清楚弄清楚对话的主旨大意。的主旨大意。2.根据根据对话的大意,比的大意,比较各个句子的意思,先找各个句子的意思,先找出第一句出第一句话或最后一句或最后一句话,这是最关是最关键一一环。然后然后顺藤摸瓜,确定整个藤摸瓜,确定整个对话的的顺序。序。 比比较可知可知What are you doing?是是对话的第一句的第一句;而而OK. See you tomorrow evening是最后一句。是最后一句。2.特特别注意部句与答注意部句与答语之之间在意思上在意思上联系。系。4. 最后最后, 通通读一遍整个一遍整个对话,看整个,

13、看整个对话的意思是的意思是否通否通顺。_ Do you want to go tomorrow then?_ OK. See you tomorrow evening!_ Im reading a book._ Lets go at seven oclock._ No, this book is really interesting. _ What are you doing?_ Do you want to go to the movies now?_ Sure, what time?13254687Practice the conversation with your partner.Ar

14、e you making soup?No, Im not.3c Take turns miming different activities in your group. The others in the group guess what the activities are.Are you cleaningYes, youre right.No, Im not.Are you writing?Yes, youre right.Are you drawing?No, Im not.Are you reading a book?Yes, youre right.Are you singing?

15、Are you?Are you?Are you?Are you?根据示例和图片提示谈一谈你根据示例和图片提示谈一谈你在星期六经常做的事以及你这在星期六经常做的事以及你这个星期六正在做的事情。个星期六正在做的事情。I usually sleep in the morning.But Im playing soccer this morning. I usually _.But _. use the computer at 10:00Im reading a book nowI usually _But _ I usually _But _ _ take the bus to the park.p

16、lay the guitar after dinner.Im riding my bike now.Im playing ping pong now.1.The tigers are swimming in the river. (变否定句否定句) _2.His grandpa is drinking now. (变为一般疑一般疑问句句) _句型转换句型转换The tigers arent swimming in the river.Is his grandpa drinking now?3. The dog is walking on two legs. (对划划线部分提部分提问) _ 4.

17、 Linda usually gets up at six. (用用now替代替代usually改写句子改写句子) _5. They usually watch TV in the evening. (用用now替代替代usually) _ What is the dog doing?Linda is getting up now. They are watching TV now.1. Remember the sentences in the Grammar Focus.2. Write five sentences about what your family members are doing now.



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