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1、Chapter4wordformationCompounding Compounding 复合法合法2、1、definition2、characteristics3、FormationofcompoundsDefinition:Definition:Compounding(orcomposition)istheformationofwordsbyjoiningtwoormorebases. wordsformedinthiswayarecalledcompounds.1)Phonologicalfeatures2)Semanticfeatures3)GrammaticalfeaturesCHA

2、RACTERISTICS OF COMPOUNDSCHARACTERISTICS OF COMPOUNDS 4)orthographicalfeature1.Phonological FeaturesIncompoundsthewrongstressusuallyoccursonthefirstconstituentwhereasinnounphrasesthesecondelementisgenerallyaccentedifthereisonlyonestress. Compounda fat heada hot house a dark horseFree Phrasea fat hea

3、da hot housea dark horse2. Semantic Features Compounds differ from free phrase in their semantic “one-wordness.A green hand: inexperienced person.Red meat: beef or mutton.Hot dog : a typical American sausage in between two pieces of bread.3.Grammatical Features. The one-wordness of compounds can be

4、seen in the way the expressions are handled morphologically.Compound Free Phrasefine art finer artred tape reddest tapehot line hotter line4.Orthographical Features In most cases, compounds are written either “solid” or “hyphenated” as mentioned earlier, thus easy to recognize. But spelling conventi

5、ons are not often dependable because as illustrated above some compounds can be written in all the three forms, e.g. flowerpot , flower-pot , flower pot.1.Noun Compoundsn +n : moon walk ,end productn +v : toothache , frostbitev +n : crybaby , tell-talea+ n : deadline , blueprintn+ v-ing: brainwashin

6、g , air-conditioningv- ing +n: cleaning lady , wading birdn+ v- er: stockholder, crime reporteradv +v: outbreak, downfallv+ adv: sit-in, have-notFormation of compoundssubject+verbDaybreak the day breaksGlow worn the worm glowsVerb+objectHandshake shake handsHousekeeping deliver meatVerb+adverbialHid

7、ingplace hide in a place Drinking cup drink out of a cup2)Adjective compoundsa.v.+adv.:run-down年久失修的drive-in开车进去的(电影院)broken-down破旧不堪的see-through透明的b.adv.+n.:off-guard失去警惕的off-peak非高峰期的off-campus校园外的outdoor户外的off-budget预算外的uphill上山的c.其它形式的all-out全力以赴的well-off富裕的two-year-old两岁大的all-round全面的ever-victo

8、rious常胜的face-to-face面对面的out-and-out彻头彻尾的其他形式的合成动词其他形式的合成动词:blow-dry 吹干吹干 spin-dry 甩干甩干 stir-fry 炒炒 deep-fry 炸炸 court-martial 军法审军法审判判 tittle-tattle 闲聊闲聊3)Verb compoundsa. n.+ v.: caves-drop 偷听偷听 sleep-walk 梦游梦游 spoon-feed 灌灌输(知输(知识)识) baby-sit 看孩看孩子子b. adv.+ v.: overthrow 推推翻翻 under go 经经 overcharge 超额收费超额收费 overhear 听见(别听见(别人人讲讲话话) uphold 维护维护 uplift 提起,振提起,振奋奋c. adj./adv.+ v. white-wash粉刷粉刷 blacklist 列入列入黑名单黑名单 ill-treat虐待虐待Through conversionNicknames (n) to nick nameMoonlight(n) to moonlightThrough backformation Chain-smoker to chain-smoke mass production to mass-produceThank you !



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