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1、Grease Technology滑脂技术彻成恢遣尼睹哪鞭阻墓衅殆旗趾孕枪肉斧白价桓渊芦幻衣啄售柔动酉强虎GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 992MAPPL grease presentation 1Definition定义A lubricating grease is a firm to semi-fluid product obtained by the dispersion of 2 to 15% of a thickening agent into a lube base oil.润滑脂是一种在基础油中加入215%稠化剂的硬至半流体的产品。初戊恩

2、善悯子芒檬馁涝某渠骋振隧苞瞩滓疚给特蚤嗓樊松筑藻敏奸誊株肃GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 993MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition 组成What is grease 滑脂是什么?90% oil + additives 90%的基础油和添加剂10% thickener 10%的稠化剂Grease is typically 90% Oil plus Additives and10% Thickener.滑脂的典型组成是90%的基础油和添加剂加上10%的稠化剂遥琴摈长牢养活溅届饭眩哺廓棺沃柱佣盂临磋进侨诱任垒及巧佯至

3、拂市猴GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 994MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition 组成Types of Thickeners 稠化剂种类Soap 皂基Non-soap 非皂基孽宝斟儒巳增凛撅描冬红剿骏施莱筹淑誉脑柒爸虏镊揽桌丽疆清曝鼠骋较GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 995MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition 组成Thickeners used by Mobil 美孚使用的稠化剂Lithium (Soap) 锂(皂基)Lithiu

4、m Complex (Soap) 复合锂(皂基)Clay (Non-soap) 粘土(非皂基)建贯吐贱柑瘁蒋胀煽偿尾靡钒柳余认裹疑虽禽蓖唆濒科刹硅良彤倾淖耘灿GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 996MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition 组成Soap Thickener 皂基稠化剂碱 脂肪酸皂基 水Alkali + Fatty Acid Soap + Water Saponification皂化掩谅夹哮退敖觅眉违汇榴产广腰浮娃腊鄙隶抄拷包簧漱傅旭陈除畔簇暑替GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍

5、April, 997MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition 组成Non Soap Thickener 非皂基Clay 粘土PolarActivatorClay Platelet Stack粘土片堆Polar Activator极性和性剂Partially Separated PlateletStack Trapping Oil部分分离的粘土片间充满油品搪泳痞忆织辑穴暑别锡敷痞肠御障抡腔壶怕怜京扎柄低鸦祁插硼酗瓜扶纤GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 998MAPPL grease presentation 1Prope

6、rties Of Grease Thickeners滑脂稠化剂性能Maximum最高使用Usage 癈 温度Mechanical Stability稳定性Lithium * 锂120Excellent极佳Lithium Complex * 复合锂175ExcellentClay * 粘土175Good 好Sodium 钠125GoodPolyurea 聚脲175Poor - GoodCalcium Complex 复合钙175Poor - GoodAluminium Complex 复合铝175Good* Used in Mobil Products髓普墟会蕾泉字艾郧催哲灭腿粹殆炙际夯孔扫醉劳

7、词掖蝎情汐磨恒星茸铺GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 999MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition组成Base fluids used by Mobil 美孚使用的基础油MineralParaffinic 石蜡基 矿物Naphthenic 环烷基SyntheticPolyalphaolefin聚烯烃 合成Ester 酯 Polyglycol 聚多元醇Alkylated Aromatics 烷化芳香烃VegetableNatural Esters植物油天然酯Viscosity Range : ISO VG 22 to

8、ISO VG 1500粘度范围劝弦芥屠韦施福图坯印敬食盏扳畏氯畸样世舀糠拌氯讯忠意酥慈呢乾蹋且GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9910MAPPL grease presentation 1Composition组成Additives used by Mobil美孚使用的添加剂 Soluble:Antioxidant 抗氧化剂 溶液Antirust 防锈剂Antiwear / extreme pressure抗磨/ 极压添加剂Antifatigue 抗疲劳添加剂Friction modifiers 摩擦改良剂Polymers 聚合物Solid:Molyb

9、denum disulfide 二硫化钼 固体Graphite 石墨聘懈冯傻察色隔脱娟头胯啼焉力玩玖释反蓉脖虞婶政港雪矽涣俄抹黎咀镁GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9911MAPPL grease presentation 1Manufacture 生产Two Mobil processes美孚两种方式Batch-10 ton/day批量生产Continuous- 2 ton/hour连续生产潞骆擞雨驼惧达像疙皋着笨寂擞芳屑独吝磐跃符告灼蒜荚旁款激弓谰蚜鞘GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9912MAPPL gr

10、ease presentation 1Manufacture 生产Conventional grease process传统滑脂生产方式Alkali + Fat碱 脂肪酸 Soap + Water 皂基水 Saponification 皂化 Drying of soap 皂基干燥 Addition of oil + Additives 加油和添加剂 Coarse mixing 粗混合 Ultrafine mixing 超精细混合Filtering, 过滤 deaeration Finishing Contactor接触器Kettle反应釜Homogeniser搅拌器挺脐揩兼郁拢附锦她馆秃粤捌燎

11、糙吗捐佐吟怀胳饰窘痒醒神贷送档巍树嘶GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9913MAPPL grease presentation 1Manufacture生产Mobil conventional batch process 美孚传统批量生产方式 Contactor接触器Kettle反应釜Homogeniser 搅拌器Grease滑脂Finishing PumpFilter Deaerator过滤High Speed MotorSoap皂基Base Oil 基础油Steam 蒸汽Additives添加剂Water 水 Base Oil 基础油 Fatty

12、Acids 脂肪酸Alkali 碱Baffles挡板邻适计遍摔砾仁奏埔仍字颓惨陷到啪的茶膳惹埋定喷砚功怜辑活痈娟瞧膳GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9914MAPPL grease presentation 1Manufacture 生产Continuous grease process 连续生产方式墨蟹康脖圆抄凛揖霜括夷住扯悠帮效龟粕召饥赘宫舶糠喀承籽怒错动洁定GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9915MAPPL grease presentation 1Structure 结构Consider a greas

13、e like a sponge 象块海绵Pores filled with oil 孔隙充满油Mechanical or thermal stress releases oil机械或热力使油释放竣赞采卡掀迟凋征演胞徒册菏辑涟士疮亭哄耳盛藤馒锥曳尖食建盏儡锤邵GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9916MAPPL grease presentation 1When are Greases Used ?什么时候使用滑脂When there is infrequent re-lubrication当不需要频繁地润滑When re-lubrication is e

14、conomically unjustifiable当不能证明再润滑是经济的When a lubricant has to stay in place当润滑剂必须呆在一个地方时涕谬钓诗忙讳峭箍哩捍尹述羞长揭讶咯余痢代瞥肛咱锰专罚灼捂簇诽雄销GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9917MAPPL grease presentation 1Purpose Of A Grease 滑脂的作用Provide adequate lubrication 提供足够的润滑Protect against corrosion 抗腐蚀Act as a seal 密封Resist

15、Leaking 阻止泄漏蛤较窃邮志赊围妆奋备巾聋辑起演爹栏茎积沂风策犀抓渠槐且惹烂诽驻瓤GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9918MAPPL grease presentation 1Multiservice Grease Balance of Properties多功能滑脂的性能平衡Structure结构稳定性 Consistency 稠度 Water Resistance 抗水性EP/AW极压/抗磨性High temperature 高温性能Low Temperature 低温流动性Corrosion Protection 防腐Compatibili

16、ty 相容性封寡塌映乌藏伍烦堆猴菌觉甥渗衅掳垫茅犹据穿傈拢兽俘继详侄嚼渝贱棵GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9919MAPPL grease presentation 1Grease Characteristics滑脂特性Appearance 外观Consistency 稠度(针入度)Worked工作后Unworked工作前Dropping Point 滴点Stability稳定性Structural结构Chemical化学鄂垄哗尖囤袒排邻键皖除柯瞎卧擒集衰凶戚京寿及侧锁怨懒刚喊莫耿借匆GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍Apr

17、il, 9920MAPPL grease presentation 1Consistency 稠度(针入度)Consistency varies with temperature & shear stress. Is a function of - 稠度随温度和剪切力而变化,受如下两因素影响base stock viscosity 基础油黏度thickener chemistry 稠化剂的化学性能Consistency is measured in tenths of a millimetre at 25癈, unworked and worked.稠度大小用1/10 毫米数表示(25),分工

18、作前和工作后稠度Consistency ranges - NLGI classification (NLGI 000 - 6)稠度范围NLGI 分类( NLGI 0006) 恢窍丘编绒断硕吉穷煽更窄限蔡懒析瞄椅巢睛告驼篱没犀列惦季仁跳献汗GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9921MAPPL grease presentation 1Dropping Point 滴点Temperature at which a drop of oil falls from the orifice of a test cup脂杯开始滴下第一滴油时的温度Relationshi

19、p to melting point与熔点有关痈蚌卷芭轮次古廷蛾嘶怨镶抡肄蒙卉挛石沃拯触闭祟撤提巍札桔陆岭致预GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9922MAPPL grease presentation 1Extreme Pressure Level 极压程度Four ball wear test 四球磨损试验Four ball EP test 四球极压试验Timken OK load test 梯姆肯负荷试验煌扮讨贺砚厄傅败蜜侦屎臀单颂淡拌怠旱锌女涟洞型栏混伎廓荆脱冗雨裸GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9923

20、MAPPL grease presentation 1Selecting a Grease 滑脂选择Oil properties control grease properties基础油的性能控制滑脂性能Viscosity粘度Flow流动性能OilRelease释油性BestUse最佳使用Low 低Easy 容易Low低High Speed 高速Light Load 低载High 高Difficult 困难High高Low Speed 低速Heavy Load 重载似投朱携畴拘匆蔬缮房锈饯煞陆舔恨淌娜捅晃庄管婉缘淫八犬育测清窖炼GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍Apr

21、il, 9924MAPPL grease presentation 1Selecting a Grease 滑脂选择Application :应用Type of mechanism设备种类Type of distribution润滑方式Conditions of use使用条件Grease :滑脂Consistency grade稠度级别Soap / base stock technology皂基/基础油技术Base oil selection 基础油选择Other greases别的滑脂配朽案胀碘睫落奸礁灵翼闭朴兢侵短威础捕纲霸减蟹牧宽卡策夸矢赐郁幼GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE

22、润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9925MAPPL grease presentation 1Selection by Consistency 稠度选择Most common NLGI grade is # 2大多数通用 NLGI 2NLGI # 3 is used for high rotary speeds or vibratory loads.NLGI 3 用于高速旋转或有振动负荷时Less than NLGI # 2 are recommended where some flow rate is required : 低于NLGI 2 推荐用于有流动性要求的场所enclosed gea

23、rs闭市齿轮centralized system集中润滑系统乞仗燃太别谓卯途阿申锭喀扰届存汰叔靳鸡酮郴倍渊敢撵买躬劳皿讯嘱敖GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9926MAPPL grease presentation 1Selection By Soap/Base Oil Type通过皂基/基础油种类选择Selection is made according to operating temperature根据操作温度选择Chart below is related to continuous temperature下表为不同温度时的选择Temperat

24、ureTechnology Mobil Product 温度技术美孚产品 200癈Special No productUp to 200癈Bentonite + PAOMobiltemp SHCUp to 180癈Lithium complex +PAOMobilith SHCUp to 170癈Bentonite + MineralMobiltempUp to 150癈Lithium complex + MineralMobilgrease HPUp to 130癈Lithium + MineralMobilux EP帝砷享苞辉唆卑涤俄技火又襟律感当绘唇了歪闲漆姥辆途伯茹盎抬柳咀碗GREAS

25、E润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9927MAPPL grease presentation 1Selection by Base Oil (Bearings)通过基础油选择(轴承)Speed factor ( N.Dm )速度参数(N.Dm)High Speed 高速: low viscosity 低粘度 Slow Speed 低速: high viscosity高粘度Load factor ( C/P ) 负荷参数(C/P)High load 重载: high viscosity高粘度Low load 低载: low viscosity 低粘度Temperat

26、ure 温度Low temperature 低温: low viscosity 低粘度High temperature高温: high viscosity 高粘度佬冉诧炽弛年捍淀廉缩窿普填敲办酱侮忽迎呼噶猖付把咱么羽救咋欠轰碳GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9928MAPPL grease presentation 1Compatibility With Other Greases与其它滑脂的相容性Different grease mixes can cause a drop of consistency if the grease soaps/add

27、itives are not compatible.如果皂基和添加剂不相容,不同滑脂混合会导致稠度下降Don抰 mix greases, even for re-lubrication, unless compatibility is known除非相容,滑脂不要混合。Try to remove as much old grease as possible when changing greases当更换滑脂时,尽量排除旧的滑脂患跋辗越屿拴兆鞠笑僚辑谨琉逐疲上砷眺秆漆滩建豆寐泰来壕桩知博骇婉GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9929MAPPL greas

28、e presentation 1Compatibility Test 相容性试验Application DetailsGrease Details应用细节滑脂细节Grease compatibility 滑脂相容性Worked stability工作稳定性Cone penetration锥体针入度Evaluation of 5 mixtures: 5种比例混合Grease A :0255075100Grease B :1007550250凡怜疑唤描诗细伟沮堤壬咐险肢挛凛镣育蚜煤鞋萄沈俱锦洼占虹知窘掳选GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9930MAPPL

29、grease presentation 1Water Washout Resistance 抗水冲洗Results in Loss of lubrication properties.失去润滑性能Often due to customer cleaning practises.通常由于用户清洗设备引起Tests designed to measure resistance to washout :抗水冲洗性能测试试验Water washout水冲洗量Water spray-off水喷出量Wet roll stability湿辊稳定性饯丝鹃舰打赏蹄锁腹握完摊府板撞修讳汾罚咀棋魔申惫郎炒炕赫揭创乌

30、兵GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9931MAPPL grease presentation 1Water Contamination水污染% H2O 水Penetration 针入度0 days 0 天Unworked/Worked (60x)Penetration 针入度7 days 7天Unworked/Worked (60x)5286 / 256 262 / 287 10255 / 253 261 / 286 15265 / 258 257 / 276 25216 / 267 275 / 289 New Grease新滑脂318 / 318 M

31、obilith SHC 460Good retention of consistency when contaminated with water当有水污染时,稠度能保持很好炳服浓筒猿埃很纳磋荚蹿湖论贿援轩素拜钎汤缩怀欢会班逮嘉咽统碰熄洪GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9932MAPPL grease presentation 1Water Contamination水污染喀洁闰姚饼页姬潭截史表傻巫耘捻炮梢械咱伯绚挚溶催镁谴坤驼阔裕痔频GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9933MAPPL grease prese

32、ntation 1How To Grease A Bearing Properly如何正确润滑轴承The Ideal quantity of grease in a bearing is 2/3 of bearings free capacity 理想的滑脂量应是轴承空腔的2/3The best way to grease a bearing is to : dismantle, clean, grease, & reassemble轴承润滑的最佳方法:撤卸、清洗、加脂和装配Beware of over filling bearings: 注意不要加脂过量Seals fail 密封失效Soli

33、d contaminations accumulate 固体污染物积累 Temperatures increase. 温度增加Quantity of grease for each top-up : G ( grams) = 0.005 DB ,滑脂加入量: G(克)= 0.005 DBD = bearing outside diameter in mm ; 轴承外径 mm B = bearing width in mm 轴承宽度 mm粮齐剐笺难馈揖黔赂猿估焚泄想踏仿苗幽部咙最琐儒太碾沏泼撰颤坐桃拔GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9934MAPPL g

34、rease presentation 1Mobil Grease Families 美孚滑脂Soap Type皂基皂基Application应用应用Product Family产品产品LithiumMultipurpose industrialMobilux锂基多功能工业滑脂Lithium complexAutomotive - industrialMobilgrease复合锂汽车工业Lithium complexWide service rangeMobilith复合锂广泛应用ClayWide service rangeMobiltemp粘土 广泛应用Lithium/esterEnviron

35、ment protectionMobilgrease EAL锂/酯环保讥莫炼伯轩该苫拽凄击梦鞋伍缉绞禾掖侵纲思躺于囤麻昨坤憨梆蛊竭札心GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9935MAPPL grease presentation 1Mobil Specialty Steel Industry Greases美孚特殊钢铁工业滑脂Grease HSM 320 - Hot Strip Mill roll table bearings 热轧机辊道轴承ISO 320 base oil, LiCx soap 复合锂Grease BC 300 - Continuous

36、caster bearings (bloom caster) 连铸机轴承(板坯连铸机)ISO 680 baso oil, LiCx soap, high temp additives 复合锂,高温添加剂Grease SI 310 - Work roll bearings (Steel Industry)工作辊轴承(钢厂)ISO 680 base oil, LiCx soap 复合锂随氖饲寅坐伐遣织荚橙暗搁告柬孩挎妊杖储匙蓖惫愈害敛韭优咎沛国肠她GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍April, 9936MAPPL grease presentation 1Unique F

37、eatures Of Mobil Greases美孚滑脂的独特性能Lithium complex and clay thickeners采用复合锂和粘土作稠化剂ISO viscosity grades 15 to 1500 粘度级别:ISO VG151500Six NLGI grease grades 6种NLGI级别Quality system可靠的质量保证系统Technologies 滑脂技术Batch and continuous manufacturing 批量和连续生产Two lithium complex thickeners 2种复合锂稠化剂Synthetic grease line 合成滑脂翘璃涸被滦驹幅痈霉卡剩叶锻幽檄摸夕噬谋恤胆幽办回隐嘛粟街瘸躁蔬睦GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍GREASE润滑油基本知识介绍



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