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1、第四章第四章 商务信函的翻译商务信函的翻译4.14.234内内 容容4.32.4商务信函特点商务信函特点商务信函短语句子翻译商务信函短语句子翻译商务信函类别及翻译实训商务信函类别及翻译实训概概 述述 商务是一种公文性质的信函。根据功能和写作商务是一种公文性质的信函。根据功能和写作目的,商务信函分为请求、拒绝、投诉、道歉、建目的,商务信函分为请求、拒绝、投诉、道歉、建议、感谢、慰问、邀请、祝贺等。根据具体的国际议、感谢、慰问、邀请、祝贺等。根据具体的国际贸易活动环节,可以将商务信函分为建立业务关系、贸易活动环节,可以将商务信函分为建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、受盘、订立合同、保险、装运询盘、发

2、盘、还盘、受盘、订立合同、保险、装运和索赔等。商务信函旨在商务交际,语言简洁明了,和索赔等。商务信函旨在商务交际,语言简洁明了,语气委婉,具有较强的呼唤功能。语气委婉,具有较强的呼唤功能。原文(例1):We wish to draw your attention to the result of inspection made by CCIB Shanghai of the consignment of sulphur under Contract No.OXHJ73091 MC Shipped per s.s. (steamed ship) “Sanming” and discharged

3、at Shanghai: 译文:译文:第OXHJ73091 MC号合同项目下的硫黄由SANMING号轮运卸至上海,希望贵方能对中国上海进出口商品检验局检验的结果予以重视。 4.1 商务信函特点商务信函特点英汉翻译技巧英汉翻译技巧: 突出重点,在形式、突出重点,在形式、突出重点,在形式、突出重点,在形式、内容及风格上保持对等内容及风格上保持对等内容及风格上保持对等内容及风格上保持对等4.1.1语言简洁、一目了然语言简洁、一目了然原文:原文:On the strength of the Inspection Certificate No.221003 in one original and the

4、 Freight Account enclose herewith we file a claim against you for the following amounts.译文:译文:随函寄去商检证书第221003号正本一份和运费账单,现向贵方提出如下索赔。 汉英翻译技巧汉英翻译技巧: 熟悉专业套话和行业背景熟悉专业套话和行业背景4.1.2用词准确,严谨规范用词准确,严谨规范原文: I beg to send it herewith to you and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therei

5、n. 译文:请阁下查阅其间有无错误 汉英翻译技巧汉英翻译技巧: 根据源语风格调整目的语称呼及表达习惯根据源语风格调整目的语称呼及表达习惯4.1.3措辞礼貌,语气委婉措辞礼貌,语气委婉原文: Purity: 99.81% which is 0.09% lower than 99.9% as stipulated in the contract;译文:纯度:99.81%,比合同规定的99.9%低0.09%;汉英翻译技巧汉英翻译技巧: 熟悉专业术语、准确再现术语信息熟悉专业术语、准确再现术语信息4.1.4多专业术语、缩略语和套语多专业术语、缩略语和套语1.be subject to 以以.为准为准

6、2. price sheet/list价目表价目表 3. profit share 利润分成利润分成 4. space available 空舱空舱 5. booking agent 订舱代理订舱代理 4.2 商务信函短语句子翻译(翻译实训)商务信函短语句子翻译(翻译实训)4.2.1一、将下列短语译成汉语。一、将下列短语译成汉语。6. a fortnight sailing双周班双周班7. in transit 中转中转 8. bonded area 保税区保税区 9. freight to collect 到付运费到付运费 10. on a regular basis 定期,通常定期,通常1

7、.Thank you for your inquiry of April 10. We confirm having received your sample. 谢谢您4月10日的询盘, 我们确认收到了你的样品。2. We know you are interested in walnuts, but regret to advise that this item is out of stock. 我方得知贵方对我方的核桃感兴趣,但很抱歉目前没有存货。3. Please quote us your lowest price for walnuts. 请向我方报核桃最低价。4.2.2将下列句子译

8、成汉语(将下列句子译成汉语(1) 4. While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say we cant reduce our price any further. 虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱慊,我们不能再降价了。5. Lets meet each other half way. 我们各让一步吧。4.2.2将下列句子译成汉语(将下列句子译成汉语(1) 6. The above price includes your 2% commission. 以上价格包括你方2%的佣金。7. Attached please find our

9、illustrated catalogue. 随函附寄我方插图目录,请查收。8. Please check and advise as soon as possible in case of delay. 请尽快核实并告知(最新消息)以免延误。4.2.2将下列句子译成汉语(将下列句子译成汉语(2)9. We are willing to appoint you as our agent on a commission basis of 3% of sales. 我方愿委任你方为代理商,佣金按销售额的3%计算。10. Wed like to extend our congratulations

10、on our successful business cooperation. 我们对双方的成功业务合作表示祝贺。4.2.2将下列句子译成汉语(将下列句子译成汉语(2)4.3 4.3 商务信函类别及翻译实训商务信函类别及翻译实训 We learn from the recent issue of International Business that you are an exporter of foodstuff. As a retailer specializing in canned food, we are writing to you in hope of setting up bu

11、siness relations with you. 从最近一期从最近一期国际商国际商务务杂志中,我们获悉贵杂志中,我们获悉贵公司是一家食品出口商。公司是一家食品出口商。作为一家专营罐装食品的作为一家专营罐装食品的零售商,我们特致函贵方,零售商,我们特致函贵方,希望建立贸易关系。希望建立贸易关系。4.3.1建立业务关系建立业务关系4.3 4.3 商务信函类别及翻译实训商务信函类别及翻译实训 We are glad to learn from your advertisement in China Textile News that you are a professional manufact

12、urer of cotton piece goods. We are quite interested in your tablecloth and table napkins. Therefore, we shall be obliged if you would send us the newest catalogue, price list and samples of various sizes. 很高兴从很高兴从中国纺织报中国纺织报的广告上得知贵方是棉的广告上得知贵方是棉质产品的专业生产商。我质产品的专业生产商。我们对贵方的桌布及餐巾非们对贵方的桌布及餐巾非常感兴趣。如能寄送最新常感

13、兴趣。如能寄送最新目录册、价目单及各种尺目录册、价目单及各种尺寸的样品,我方将不胜感寸的样品,我方将不胜感激。激。 4.3.2询盘询盘 亲爱的先生/女士: 我方代表墨尔本企业总部致函,现有意从中国进口一批瓷器。请贵公司寄送最新产品目录、价目表,并给予最优报价。我方为澳大利亚大型连锁店,如果贵方产品质量上乘,价格优惠,我方的订单数量将相当可观。盼早日回复。 约翰怀特实训任务实训任务案例一:询盘案例一:询盘Dear Sir or Madam, We are writing to you on behalf of our principals in Melbourne who are interes

14、ted in importing Chinaware from China. Could you please send us your latest catalogue and price list, quoting your most competitive prices? Our Principals are a large chain store in Australia and will probably place substantial orders if the quality and prices of your products are suitable.Looking f

15、orward to your early reply.Your faithfully,John White实训任务实训任务案例一:询盘(答案)案例一:询盘(答案) Thank you for your enquiry of May 11. We confirm having received your sample. We have carefully examined the sample and can assure you that we are able to produce articles of identical type and quality. Based on your a

16、nnual requirements, we offer as follows:Plastic Zipper 3#: 1,000 dozen USD 1.2/dzMetal Zipper 2#: 2,000 dozen USD 0.8/dzNet price, FOB FuzhouThe above items for which we have quoted are made of very best quality material and can be supplied in a range of designs and colors.4.3.3报盘报盘 谢谢您5月11日的询盘, 我们确

17、认收到了你的样品。我们已经仔细检查样品并向贵方保证,我方能生产物品相同类型和质量货物。根据贵方的需要,我方现报盘如下: 5号塑料拉链:供货量1000打,1.2美元/打;2号金属拉链:供货量2000打,0.8美元/打;福州离岸净价格。 以上项目我们采用了最好质量的材料,以及可以提供范围的一系列的设计和颜色。译文报盘报盘亲爱的约翰: 很高兴收到您8月15日关于瓷器的询盘。我方现将产品目录和价目表以附件形式发送给您。如产品目录所展示,我方可提供各种各样宴会及茶点瓷器,质量上乘,款型美观,服务一流。如能与贵公司合作,我方愿意接受任何数量、任何形式(如需要,产品可以混搭)的订单。如有任何问题,请随时来函

18、咨询。 莎莉 实训任务实训任务案例二:报盘案例二:报盘/复函复函Dear John, It was a pleasure to receive your letter of 9 August inquiring about chinaware. Enclosed please find the catalogue and price list you asked for.As the catalogue displays, we can offer a wide selection of dinner and tea services of different styles. All the

19、products are of high quality and elegant style with a first-class service. We would be glad to accept your orders for any number of pieces, and can mix sets if required.If there is any further information you inquire, please contact us. Yours sincerely Sally实训任务实训任务案例二:报盘案例二:报盘/复函复函 (答案)(答案) We regr

20、et to state that your price is found to be on the high side. And recently we have already received some offers at lower prices from other suppliers. Under such circumstance, we cannot accept your price as the goods of similar quality are easily obtainable at much lower prices. Should you be ready to

21、 reduce your price by 5%, we might come to business.4.3.4还盘还盘 很抱歉告知,我们认为价格偏高。近期,我们也收到了其他供应商的报盘,价格较为低廉。 在这种情况下,我们无法接受贵方的报盘,因为质量类似的产品以较低的价格就可以买到。如能降价5%,有望成交。译文还盘还盘亲爱的约翰: 感谢您的HT200-96订单。我们注意到您要求的折扣是35%。事实上,比起其他供应商,我方报价已经非常优惠,利润已经非常薄,目前状况下,最多只能给予客户25%的折扣。但是,鉴于我们是第一次合作,我方想和贵公司长期往来,所以此次给予您30%的折扣。盼早日收到您的订单

22、。 实训任务实训任务案例三:还盘案例三:还盘Dear John, Thank you for your order No. HT200-96. We have noticed with interest that you are asking for a 35% discount. As a matter of fact, the price we have quoted is very competitive compared with quotations from other suppliers. Furthermore, we are working on an extremely n

23、arrow profit margin, so 25% is the most generous discount we can give our customers under the present condition. However, considering this is our first cooperation and we do hope to build up long-standing relationship between us, we are prepared to let you have a special discount of 30% for this bus

24、iness.We are looking forward to your order. Yours Sincerely, Sally实训任务实训任务案例三:还盘(答案)案例三:还盘(答案) On inspection, we found that 200 bags had burst and that the contents, estimated at 8,000kg, had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The reports indicates that the loss was

25、due to the use of substandard bags for which you, are responsible.4.3.5投诉投诉 检查货物时, 我们发现有200袋货物破损, 估计损失8000公斤。其后对该票货进行检验,检验报告显示,该损失是由于包装袋不合标准所致,故应由贵公司负责。 译文投诉投诉亲爱的莎莉: 我方现就今晨到达的瓷器(货号:HT200-96)和贵公司商榷。拆箱时才发现我方收到的货物发错了,该票货显然不是我方订购的,应该是另外一家买主所订。请告知我方的货何时到达,我方客户已经等待多日。请告知我方收到的这票发错的货应如何处理。盼早日回复。 约翰实训任务实训任务案

26、例四:产品投诉案例四:产品投诉Dear Sally, We would refer to your consignment of Chinaware (Order No. HT200-96) which arrived this morning. On opening the cases, we found that we had received the wrong goods, the shipment are apparently intended for another buyer instead of our company. Please let us know what we a

27、re to do with the wrong cargo. Please advise us when we can expect to receive our order, as our clients have been waiting for days.Looking forward to your early reply. Yours Sincerely John实训任务实训任务案例四:产品投诉(答案)案例四:产品投诉(答案)亲爱的约翰: 非常感谢您来函告知我方该票货发送错误,对此我方深表歉意。近来码头工人正在罢工,许多货从码头撤回重新装船,我方由于匆忙造成此次混淆,希望给予谅解。

28、贵方货物已经在路上,最迟应该在一周内到达。恳请贵方先稳住收到的那票货,稍后当地船公司会联系你们。我们为此次错误给您带来的不便真诚地表示道歉,我方保证类似事情绝不可能再次发生。 莎莉实训任务实训任务案例五:投诉处理案例五:投诉处理Dear John, Thank you for your letter informing us of the wrong delivery .We must apologize for this error. Recently many dock workers are on strike, a number of cases were withdrawn from

29、 docks and redirected by container service, which caused some confusion in a hurry. We do apologize for this error and hope for your kind understanding. While confirming that your consignment indeed on its way to you, and should arrive within a week, we wonder if you could hold the shipment already received until the local shipping agent can call for them. We greatly regret for the inconvenience caused by the error and offer our sincere apologies. We can assure you that every effort will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again. Yours Sincerely Sally



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