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1、Unit 2ManagementTo be effective,is the job of the executive. 1ContentsLead-inWarm-up ActivityManagementMeetingsThe retail sector2Lead-invDo you think management is important? Why? Management is important. The success or failure of business organizations, government institutions and public sector ser

2、vices, voluntary and non-profit organizations, sports teams, and so on, often depends on the quality of their management. 3Warm-up ActivityvDiscuss the cartoon on page 14. 4Management an art or a science? vWhat is management?The answer is probably that management is a mixture of innate qualities and

3、 learnable skills and techniques. Management involves the utilization of human and other resources (such as machinery) in a manner that best achieves the firms plans and objectives. 5Management an art or a science? vIs management an art or a science?Management is both art and science. It is the art

4、of making people more effective than they would have been without you. The science is in how you do that.The value of management - making a group of individual more effective. 6Process of Effective ManagementProper Planning of TasksProper Organizing of TasksProper Communication to Employees about Jo

5、b TasksProper Control of TasksFirms Revenues and ExpensesFirms EarningsFirms ValueEffective Management7The levels of Managementwhich concentrates on the firms long-run objectives.which is responsible for intermediate and short-term decisions.which is highly involved with employees who engage in the

6、day-to-day production process.Levels Top (high-level) management Middle management Supervisory management 8TitleTypes of DecisionsTop ManagementPresident1) Should we create new products?2) Should we expand?3) How can we expand? Through acquisitions?Chief FinancialOfficer1) Should more funds be borro

7、wed?2) Should we invest available funds in proposedprojects?Vice-president ofMarketing1) Should an existing product be revised?2) Should our pricing policies be changed?3) Should our advertising strategies be changed?The levels of Management9TitleTypes of DecisionsMiddle ManagementRegional SalesMana

8、ger1) How can we boost sales in a particular city?2) How can complaints from one of our largestcustomers be resolved?3) Should an additional salesperson be hired?Plant Manager1) Should the structure of the assembly line berevised?2) Should new equipment be installed throughoutthe plant?The levels of

9、 Management10TitleTypes of DecisionsSupervisory ManagementAccount Manager1) How can workers who process payments 1.from various accounts be motivated?2) How can conflicts between two workers be resolved?Supervisor1) How can the quality of work by assembly-line workers be assessed?2) How can assembly

10、-line tasks be assigned across workers?3) How can customer complaints be handled?The levels of Management11The key functions of management IntegrationIntegrationfor the future (objectives) resources to achieve objectives employees by providing them with instructions on how they should complete their

11、 tasks which involves monitoring and evaluating employee tasks 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling * Integration of Management Functions12Qualities of ManagersvWhat do you think makes a good manager? Which four of the following qualities do you think are the most important? 13Four Ty

12、pes of Skills of ManagersConceptual skills Interpersonal skills Technical skills Decision-making skills to perform specific day-to-day tasks, such as accounting skills to develop financial statements or electrical skills to understand how the wiring of a product is arranged to understand relationshi

13、ps among various tasks to communicate with other employees and with customers to assess alternative choices on the allocation of the firms resources ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.SKILLS14Introduction to the MasterPeter F. Drucker19092005 15Voc

14、abulary Notecrisis crises pluralanalysis analyses pluralhypothesis hypotheses plural16As well as organizing and supervising the work of their subordinates, they have to work with people in other areas and functions. (Line 16-17)-这里的连接短语as well as引起一个次要的成分,因此可译为:除了组织和监督他们下属的工作之外,他们还必须与其他领域和职能部门中的人们一起

15、工作。 Sentence explanation17It is generally the job of a companys top managers to consider the needs of the future, and to take responsibility for innovation, without which any organization can only expect a limited life. (Line 16-17)-这本句的形式主语it代替后面的两个不定式短语to consider,to take,而定语从句中的which指代主句所讲的内容。本句的

16、意思是:一般来说,公司的最高层经理的工作是考虑未来的需要和对创新负责,没有这些工作,任何机构存在的世界都不会很长。 Sentence explanation18Top managers also have to manage a businesss relations with customers, suppliers, distributors, bankers, investors, neighboring communities, public authorities, and so on, as well as deal with any major crises which aris

17、e. (Line 16-17)-因为介词with后面有一连串的名词,所以比较难看出to deal实际上是和to manage并列的动词。本句译为:最高层的经理也必须处理公司与客户、供应商、经销商、银行家、投资者、相邻社区和地方当局的关系,同时还要处理可能出现的任何重大的危机。Sentence explanation19Drucker, for example, wrote nearly 30 years ago that Altogether this entire book is based on the proposition that the days of the “intuitive

18、” manager are numbered, meaning that they were coming to an end. (Line 16-17)-这里的numbered意思是剩下的日子不多,即不能长久存在。本句译为:例如,德鲁克在差不多30年前写道,“总体来说,这本书是根据凭直觉的经理存在的世界不长了的命题来写的,意思是这种日子即将结束了”。Sentence explanation20WritingvWhat is a memo? vA memo (short term of memorandum, memoranda pl.) something you usually use w

19、hen you want to share news about something within your office or company. 21MemoMemovTO:vFROM:vSUBJECT:vDATE: vBODY:vSIGNATURE:22The TO line vContent: appropriate title of the receiver/department name ve.g. vTo: Susan Greenv Miss Susan Green v Susan Green, Company managervTo: Human Resource Departme

20、nt 23The FROM line vGenerally: name, department, location/branch, a phone extensionve.g. vFrom: Harry Lee, General Manager, Extension 911vTips:va. no courteous title before your namevb. sender should sign his or her initials beside (hard copy) 24The SUBJECT line v1. Topic, objective, main ideave.g.

21、vSubject: New Insurance ProgramvSubject: Annual meetingv2. Phrases, key words 25The DATE line vMarch 10, 2011 / March 10th, 2011v10 March, 2011 / 10th March, 2011v10/3/2011 / 3/10/2011 26BODY / MESSAGE vTips: va. no salutation and signaturevb. block form and double spacevc. within a page, or will be

22、 a long memo 27Memo Notation vInitial of the typistve.g. sg (hard copy)vEnclosure / attachment pagesvDistribution: 28Meetings vOne can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time. What do you think Peter Drucker means by this comment? Drucker obviously believes that work is largely some

23、thing that is done individually, and that meetings are not work, but merely preparation for it, or consolidation after it. 29Kinds of Classical Meetings vInformation. vThis is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade

24、 of conversation, its primarily designed to inform. vDiscussion. vThis is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. vPermission. vThis is a meeting where the other side

25、is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no. 30IBMs Golden RulesPREPerfect service to customersRespect for individuals Excellence must be a way of life31So much effort, in fact, is put into managing all the managers who are managing things that hardly anyone is left over to do the real work.

26、(Line 16-17)-本句是一个sothat结果状语从句,但又包含了修饰managers的定语从句。全句译为:事实上,太多的努力被投放到管理所有那些在从事管理工作的经理们身上,以至于几乎没有人来做实际的工作。Sentence explanation32Everyone else is too busy going to meetings, managing, or learning to be a manager, so there is little chance to include any of their technical expertise in IBM products. (

27、Line 16-17)-在busy后面有几个分词说明他们在忙于做什么。全句译为:其他每个人都忙于去参加会议、管理或者学习如何当一名经理,因此很少有机会把他们的技术专长用在IBM产品上。Sentence explanation33IBM has layers and layers of management to check and verify each decision as it is made and amended. -从句中的it指each decision。全句的意思:IBM有一层又一层的管理层级,它们对(公司)做出的和修改的每一项决定进行检查并且核实。Sentence expla

28、nation34In fact, it is hard to make any decision at all, which turns out to be the companys greatest problem and the source of its ultimate downfall (remember, you read it here first). -本句which引起的非限制性定语从句修饰主句,说明IBM公司由于管理层庞大,很难做出任何实质性的决定,这一点是公司最大的问题,也是导致它最终衰败的原因。为了强调这是作者的看法,特地在最后说明这是作者本人首先提出的。Sentenc

29、e explanation35Comprehension 1. Every IBM employees ambition is apparently to become a manager.It seems as if the people who work for IBM are more interested in being regarded as a manager than as a computer designer or technician.36Comprehension 2. IBM makes management the companys single biggest b

30、usiness.IBMs corporate culture seems to place more emphasis on management than on developing and selling the companys products.37Comprehension 3. IBM executives manage the design and writing of software.IBMs managers dont actually do the work of designing and writing software themselves, but organiz

31、e and supervise the people who do it.38Comprehension 4. IBM products often arent very competitive.IBM products are rarely as good or as cheap as similar products made by their competitiors.39Comprehension 5. The safety net is so big at IBM that it is hard to make a bad decision.There is an extensive

32、 hierarchy and a system of checks and controls which ensures that bad decisions are generally avoided (but good decisions also take a very long time to make).40Comprehension 6. This will be the source of the companys ultimate downfall.The slowness of IBMs decision-making process (and the consequent

33、lack of competitiveness of their products) will eventually destroy the company.41Comprehension puter programs3.work, time and puters (and other machines)5.young workers still learning their jobs6.knowledge and skill7.levels or strata8.to make certain that something is true9.corrected or slightly cha

34、nged10.collapse or failureapparentlyhardwaretraineesexpertiselayersverifyamendeddownfallsoftwareeffort42The Retail Sector Top 10 global Retailers 2009 43vMarks and Spencer plc. is the largest retailer in the United Kingdom, with nearly 300 company-owned Marks & Spencer (M&S) stores in its home marke

35、t. The Retail Sector vThe stores sell clothing, footwear, gifts, home furnishings, and food. vThe company also owns and operates nearly 100 additional Marks & Spencer stores in Europe, Hong Kong, and Canada. 44The Retail Sector vMarks and Spencer also owns the Brooks Brothers chain of mens clothing

36、stores. vThe fast-growing Marks and Spencer Financial Services unit offers its customers credit cards, personal loans, life insurance, and savings, investment, and pension plans. Read more: http:/ Retail Sector 1.Designing the store and its layout2.Displaying the merchandise3.Employing the sales sta

37、ff4.Ensuring the safety of staff and customers5.Establishing the companys principles6.Getting commitment from the staff7.Increasing profits8.Maintaining a pleasant working environment9.Motivating staff10.Organizing the day-to-day logistics11.Pricing the merchandise12.Running 40 out of 280 stores13.S

38、electing the merchandise14.Supervising the day-to-day running of the store15.Training staff46The Retail Sector 1. Why are Marks & Spencers store managers limited in giving accountability to their staff and delegating responsibilities?Although Marks &Spencer would like to encourage as much accountabi

39、lity and delegation as possible, they have a corporate appearance for all their stores, in all of which customers should get the same level of service. This limits the freedom of individual managers to change the stores: there are parameters and disciplines that not only the staff but supervision an

40、d management would follow.47The Retail Sector 2. What do they concentrate on instead?Instead, they concentrate on staff development and training.48The Retail Sector 1. Steve Moody mentions two kinds of regular meetings. The first is weekly meetings for management and supervisory staff. What is the s

41、econd kind of meeting called?A focus group.49The Retail Sector 2. Who attends them?Members of staff from all areas of the store.50The Retail Sector 3. What are they designed to achieve?Staff can discuss problems in the store, and make suggestions for improvements. After this, they will meet with mem

42、bers of management to discuss those issues and try to provide solutions.51The Retail Sector 4. What kind of problems cannot be dealt with by meetings?Individuals problems with their work or their line manager, or even family problems.52The Retail Sector 5. How are such problems dealt with?Individuals are encouraged to discuss such problems with their supervisor or manager.53Effective Management!54



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