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1、学案四富有文采的状语从句及求职申请信学案四富有文采的状语从句及求职申请信状语从句主要包括时间、地点、条件、原因、让步、比较、方式、目的和结果状语从句。写作运用探究一、常见状语从句的类型及连词状语从句连词时间when,whenever,as,while,(ever) since,before,after,till,until,as soon as,hardly.when.,no sooner.than.,scarcely.when.,each time,every time,the first time,the last time,the moment,the minute,the second

2、,the day,immediately地点where,wherever条件if,unless,providing/provided (that),supposing/ suppose (that),given (that),as long as,so long as,on condition (that),in case,only if原因because,as,since,now that,seeing that,considering that,in that让步though,although,even if,even though,as,while,whatever,whoever,wh

3、enever,wherever,however,no matter疑问词, whether.or.,whether.or not比较 as,than,the same as,not so.as.,as.as.方式 as if,as though,as目的that,in order that,so that,in case,for fear (that),lest结果 so that,so.that.,such.that.,that高考佳句If you return to England,well miss you very much.(2016天津,满分作文)如果你回到英格兰,我们会很想念你。

4、You know,I havent seen each other since he left.(2016全国,满分作文)你知道,自从他离开以来我没见过他。You can write anything relevant so long as its interesting and informative.(2015全国,标准范文)只要是有趣味性和教育性,你就可以写一些相关的材料。 He felt so happy that he praised me in public,saying that I was an intelligent student.(2015湖南,满分作文)我感到非常高兴,

5、他在公共场合表扬我,说我是一名聪明的学生。Besides,I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(2015陕西,标准范文)此外,我的英语学得非常棒结果被选为英语老师的助手。Whenever you want to achieve something in life,there will be problems of this or that kind.(2015福建,满分作文)每当你想在生活中获取什么时,总会有这样或那样的问题。Firstly,beca

6、use my spoken English is fluent,I think I am very suitable for this job.(2015陕西,满分作文)首先,因为我的英语口语很流利,所以我认为我非常适合这项工作。 【即时演练】用状语从句完成句子1.At the beginning,learning English seemed _ I wanted to give up without even trying.(2014山东,满分作文)起初,学英语看上去那么难以至于我还没尝试就想放弃。2.They walked about 30 miles _.他们走了约30英里才看见一个村

7、庄。3._,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.尽管因特网有很大帮助,但我认为在上面花太多的时间不是好主意。 4._,well wait for you at the school gate at 9 in the morning.(2015全国,满分作文)如果你想参加,我们将于上午9点在学校大门口等你。答 案 1.so difficult that 2.before they saw a village3.Although/Though the Internet is of great help4.If you

8、would like to take part 用状语从句翻译句子1.如果你对它感兴趣,告诉我一声我会发给你更多信息。(2015北京,满分作文)_2.当谈及选择时,我宁愿去旅游。(2014山东,满分作文)_3.如果方便的话,你可以在上午11点半到机场去接他吗?(2014新课标全国,满分作文)_4.无论我做什么,我都会尽力做好。(2014天津,满分作文)_ 单句跟踪演练5.另外,我会告诉他你长得什么样,以便你们可以容易地找到对方。(2014新课标全国,满分作文)_6.你读得越多,写得就越好。_7.他把名字写下来以免忘记。_8.只要你坚持下去,就一定会成功。_答案1.If you are inte

9、rested in it,tell me and Ill send you more information.2.When it comes to a choice,I prefer to go traveling.3.If it is convenient for you,can you pick him up at the airport at 11:30 am?4.No matter what/Whatever I do,I will try my best to do it well.5.Besides,I will tell him what you look like so tha

10、t you can find each other easily.6.The more you read,the better you will write.7.He wrote the name down for fear/in case that he should forget it.8.As long as you keep on trying,you will surely succeed. 求职、申请信常用词汇1._ n.性格;个性2._ adj.有能力的3._ vi.毕业4._ adj.专业的5._申请6.be qualified _有资格7.have a good _ of.熟

11、练掌握8.meet the _满足要求答 案 1.character/personality petent 3.graduate4.professional 5.apply for 6.for mand/knowledge8.requirements 1.I am writing to apply for the position of.you advertised in yesterdays newspaper.我写信来申请你们在昨天的报纸上刊登的职位。2.To introduce myself briefly, I am a graduate student of.University m

12、ajoring in.and Im expecting graduation this June. 简单地自我介绍一下,我来自大学专业,将于今年6月毕业。3.Not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses,I also possess rich experience of.我不仅在所有课程上都取得了优秀的成绩,而且在方面拥有丰富的经验。求职、申请信常用句式4.My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this

13、post.我的互动技巧和团队精神也适合这个职位。5.I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience.如您方便,我将非常高兴参加面试。6.I am writing in response to your advertisement for.我写信来回复你们的广告。7.The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in.我之所以对这个职位充满信心是因为8.I have much spare time this sem

14、ester,which can ensure my time commitment for the internship.这个学期我比较空闲,能保证实习的时间。9.Please find more details in my enclosed resume.请在我随信附寄的简历里查找更多的细节。10.Thank you for your time and patience,and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview.非常感谢您审阅简历,非常希望和您面谈。求职申请的信件是一种应用文,一份出色的求职申请的

15、信件是得到理想职位的关键。这类文章一般具有以下特点:1.时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主,有时会用到一般将来时。2.人称相对统一,主要采用第一人称。3.文章主要叙述真实情况,而不需要发表评论。求职、申请信常用写作方法技巧与注意事项 写作步骤写求职申请的信件一般采用以下几个步骤:第一,明确提出自己所应聘的职位,然后介绍自己的基本情况,如年龄、性别、学历、所学专业或技术特长等。第二,写自己的简单经历,着重写教育和工作经历,如:在何单位从事过何种工作、业绩如何、受过何种培训等,切记不可浮夸或隐瞒。第三,阐述自己能胜任此项工作的理由,尽可能写得详细、充分。注意要谦虚、客观,不要夸夸其谈或信誓旦旦。第四

16、,写清自己的联系地址、电话及联系时间。注意事项这类文章的写作,通常要注意以下几点:1.直入主题。解释你为什么写这封求职信并表明你感兴趣的职位。还可以说一下你是在哪儿得知工作信息的。2.一封求职信是你向雇主证明你是最好人选的好机会,因此确定该职位的技能要求是重要的一步。必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与其比较,然后,具体介绍你以前和这些技能相关的工作经历,最后表明自己的信心。假设你是新华中学的学生李华,高中毕业后想到美国弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)计算机专业深造,请根据以下提示用英语写一封入学申请:1.性别,年龄,毕业学校;2.学

17、习情况及特长;3.申请入学的理由;4.联系方式:lihua93 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。【模拟训练】Dear Sir or Madam,_I look forward to your prompt reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 【参考范文】Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to you in the hope that I would have the chance to further my studies at your university.Firstly,pl

18、ease allow me to briefly introduce myself.My name is Li Hua,born in 1993.Ill graduate from Xinhua High School this coming June.Im an all-round student with excellent grades in all subjects,particularly in Internet Technology and English.This is the reason why I want to major in Computer Science in a

19、n English speaking country.Im also good at computer program design and basketball. I know that the University of Virginia ranks among the top universities in the USA and enjoys a good reputation all around the world.It would be a great honour for me to study at your university.My e-mail address is lihua93 ,and Ill appreciate it very much if I can receive your reply!I look forward to your prompt reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua



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