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1、lesson-12lesson-12概要概要 retain vt.保持,保留,记住,聘请e.g. His speech could not retain the interest of his audience.e.g. I will retain my right. apply to: 对适用e.g. This law does not apply to the present situation.apply to: 向某机构提出申请e.g. You have to apply to the school authorities.apply for: 为某事提出申请e.g. Do you k

2、now how to apply for a scholarship? strive vi.attempt by employing effort; to exert much effort or energy奋斗,努力,力求,斗争e.g. The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.We should all strive to reunify the motherland. justify vt.show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for; show t

3、o be right by providing justification or proof替 ,证明 . 正当,adjust the spaces between words调整版面e.g. Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.right justify 右端顶满 left justify 左对齐 justification n.辩护,正当的理由arouse v. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); stop sleeping; cause to become awake or

4、conscious叫醒,唤醒,激起,睡醒e.g. He fell into a sound sleep, dont arouse him.The slogan was designd to arouse the people.His sufferings aroused our sympathy.arouse v. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); stop sleeping; cause to become awake or conscious叫醒,唤醒,激起,睡醒e.g. He fell into a sound sleep,

5、dont arouse him.The slogan was designd to arouse the people.His sufferings aroused our sympathy.arouse v. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); stop sleeping; cause to become awake or conscious叫醒,唤醒,激起,睡醒e.g. He fell into a sound sleep, dont arouse him.The slogan was designd to arouse the

6、people.His sufferings aroused our sympathy. arouse与rouse的不同:rouse: 较正式用词,用主动语态时,强调弄醒别人的努力,用被动语态时,指轻而易举地醒过来。可用于引申意义。arouse: 除表示一般的唤醒外,多作引申用。arouse主要指唤起引起无形的东西,通常与fear,curiosity等抽象名词连用。e.g. This aroused my suspicion.rouse则常以具体的人或动物为对象,指把某人叫醒,引起某人的兴趣。e.g. The professors speech failed to rouse his audie

7、nce. arouse sympathy 引起同情arouse attention 唤起注意arouse curiosity 引起好奇心arouse concern 引起关注忧虑arouse suspicions 引起怀疑arouse pity 引起同情arouse discussion 引起议论arouse criticism 引起批评arouse hatred 引起憎恶arouse resistance 激起反抗 arouse与rouse的不同:rouse: 较正式用词,用主动语态时,强调弄醒别人的努力,用被动语态时,指轻而易举地醒过来。可用于引申意义。arouse: 除表示一般的唤醒外,

8、多作引申用。arouse主要指唤起引起无形的东西,通常与fear,curiosity等抽象名词连用。e.g. This aroused my suspicion.rouse则常以具体的人或动物为对象,指把某人叫醒,引起某人的兴趣。e.g. The professors speech failed to rouse his audience. arouse sympathy 引起同情arouse attention 唤起注意arouse curiosity 引起好奇心arouse concern 引起关注忧虑arouse suspicions 引起怀疑arouse pity 引起同情arouse

9、 discussion 引起议论arouse criticism 引起批评arouse hatred 引起憎恶arouse resistance 激起反抗 asas possible: if what follows the first as is a noun modified by an adjective, then the article a should be placed before the nounexhaustive: 是形容词,意为“完全的”、“彻底的”(thorough or complete),与之经常搭配的词有 work、inquiries、research、inve

10、stigation、treatment 等。This is a piece of exhaustive work.这是一部完美的作品。The police are making an exhaustive investigation of the crime.exhausting: 是现在分词,作形容词使用,义:“使竭尽的”、“使疲惫的”(to make empty or tire out)。与之经常搭配使用的词有day、job、task、experiment等。This is a piece of exhausting work.A journey through the mountains

11、 is exhausting.exhausted是过去分词,意为“空竭的”、“疲惫的”(fatigued or tired),用作表语形容词,放在连系动词之后。After taking part in the cleaning campaign,the children were much exhausted.ridicule ridikju:l n.嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄 v.嘲笑,愚弄e.g. To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule. ridiculous adj.荒谬的,可笑的practicing lawyer 见习律师., 开业

12、律师attorney t:ni n.(辩护)律师. 主要用于美国,指代理当事人处理遗嘱检验等法律事务的律师,有时可与lawyer通用,泛指辩护律师solicitor slisit; slist n. a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents 律师 barrister brist n.出庭律师(在英国有资格出席高等法院进行辩护)once too often 又一次.e.g. He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined10.Youve

13、 let me down once too often and I shall not trust you.roar with laughter 哄堂大笑roar with pain 痛苦地号叫roar with rage 咆哮如雷; 愤怒地吼叫indignation .indignein n. a feeling of righteous anger 愤怒, 愤慨, 义愤 (较正式用词,指出于正义或对不公正之事而发出的愤怒)e.g. I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.boiled with indignation 怒

14、火中烧。be indignant with sb. 对某人感到愤慨.challenge n.挑战,邀请比赛,盘问,质疑v.向 ,盘问,质疑challenge sb/sthe.g. I did not think he was right, so I challenged him.New competitors are emerging to challenge the old economic arrangements.challenge sb to sth要求某人做某事e.g. He challenged me to a debate.challenge sb to a duel, a ga

15、me of tennischallenge sb to do sth e.g. Never challenge a fool to do wrong.rise to the challenge vi. 接受挑战(应付某种复杂局面)take up the challenge vi. 应战 fight to the death: fight until one is killedstab sb to deathstarve sb to deathbore sb to deathwhip sb to deathstone sb. to death thrust sb. to death 将某人戳死f

16、righten sb. to death 把某人吓得要死.1. invaluable adj.无价的,非常珍贵的valuable adj.贵重的,宝贵的priceless adj. 无价的 2. valueless adj.无价值的,不值钱的,不足道的worthless adj. 无价值的, 无用的, 可鄙的blunder n.大错e.g. He made a blunder in front of his girlfriend.v.失策,绊倒,弄糟e.g. The best workman sometimes blunder.pace the floorpace the room 在房间里踱

17、来踱去incompetent adj. 无能力的, 不称职的, 不能胜任的n. 没有能力的人incompetence n.无能力,不合格,不能胜任malice n. feeling a need to see others suffer 恶意, 怨恨, 蓄意malicious adj.怀恶意的,恶毒的hold ones peace v. 闭口不说hold ones tongue 保持沉默.Judge not, that ye be not judged.(Para 5)勿对人非议,以免自己受非议。This is written in archaic English. In modern Eng

18、lish we will say Do not judge others, so that you will not be judged by them.ye 英 ji: pron. 你archaic 英 :keiik; :keik adj. 已不通用的, 古老的, 古代的occasion n.场合,时机,理由,机会,盛大场面e.g. There was no occasion for you to be so rude.vt.引起,致使e.g. Stephens behaviour occasioned his parents much anxiety.on occasion 偶尔,有时 o

19、n the occasion of 值此 . 之际. rise to the occasion 应付自如occasional adj.偶然的,临时的,不时的occasionally adv.偶尔地retreat n.撤退,改变,隐居处v.pull back or move away or backward撤退,改变,退避,缩回象棋的棋子retire/ retreat/ withdraw retire: 指从公开或公共场合退下到私下场所,也指被免除职务或自动辞职、退役等。retreat: 含消极意味,多指被迫采取退下或退却的行动。withdraw: 侧重因某种原因而有意离开,常含礼貌、谦恭等理由

20、。也指军队的撤退。 deluge n. 大洪水, 暴雨, 泛滥e.g. I got caught in the deluge on the way home.v. 泛滥, 大量涌入e.g. We advertised the job and were deluged with applications.surge n.汹涌,波涛,猛增e.g. Oil was the prime cause of the price surge.v.汹涌,涌起,激增e.g. Anger surged up within him.procrastinate v.postpone doing what one sh

21、ould be doingpostpone or delay needlessly延迟,拖延,耽搁delay postpone defer suspend prolong put off delay: 普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。postpone: 正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。defer: 正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。suspend: 指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。prolong prl: 指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。put off: 口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。all manner of

22、adj. 各种各样的,形形色色的e.g. In the department store you can buy all manner of things.point-blank adj. 近距离平射的, 短射程的, 直截了当的, 坦白的e.g. Do you mind if I ask you some point blank questions?adv. 直接地, 正面地, 坦白地e.g. I told him point blank what I thought of his behaviour.recede vi.后退,减弱e.g. As the tide receded we wer

23、e able to look for shells.vt.撤回restraint n.克制,抑制,束缚e.g.The police appealed to the crowd for restraint.restrain vt.抑制,阻止,束缚,剥夺e.g. He couldnt restrain his curiosity.appreciate vt.欣赏,赏识,感激,领会,意识到指对某事物或意义有正确的认识,对其价值的肯定vi.增值appreciation n. depreciate v. 贬值,降价. magnitude mgnitju:d; mgn.tju:d n.大小,重要,光度,(

24、地震)级数,(星星)等级e.g. I had not realized the magnitude of the problem.Stars of the first magnitude are the brightest.immeasurably adv.无法计量地,无限地e.g.The task seems immeasurably difficult. Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now. (11) Anyhow, the thing is past and gone.It is used for saying that you should

25、 stop thinking about sth bad that happened in the past and you should forgive people who did bad things.impair vt. make worse or less effective;make imperfect 损害,削弱e.g. His illness has impaired his efficiency.impaired adj.受损的e.g. Impaired hearing is just one of themimpairment n.损伤The thing for you i

26、s a burial permit.(12)The thing you need is a burial permit./ You really have no reason to live in this world.This is extremely cruel and insulting. Mark Twain was wild with anger at the time. He couldnt really mean to deliver the letter.decay dikei v.(使)衰退,(使)腐败,腐烂e.g. The dampness of the climate d

27、ecayed the books. The vegetables have begun to decay.n.衰退,腐败,腐烂decayed tooth decayed teeth decayed fruitstinging stii adj. 刺人的, 刺一般的, 激烈的动词sting的现在分词.blow off steam v.放掉蒸汽,发泄抑制的感情regulate vt.调整,校准,管理,控制regulation n.管理,规章,规则I am all in favor of it: I am all for it.standpoint stndpint; stnd.pint n. 立场

28、, 观点e.g. Lets look at this from a historical standpoint.to (suicide): the resulting condition ofto be starved to death; to be whipped to death; to be tortured to deathdiplomatic .diplmtik adj.外交的,古字体的,老练diplomatist diplumtist n. 外交家diplomacy diplumsi n. 外交diplomat diplmt n.外交官,通权达变之人diploma diplum n

29、.文凭adroit adj.熟练的,灵巧的,机敏的,善于的e.g. He is adroit in handling machinery. He soon became adroit at steering the boat.maladroit .mldrit adj. 笨拙的 be made American Ambassador to (countrys name) 驻某国大使speak ill of: to say bad things aboutspeak good ofe.g. Always speak good of others behind them, dont be afra

30、id that the compliments cannot be passed on to their ears.ill: means bad or badlye.g. ill-tempered, ill-treated, ill-equipped, ill-preparedmaneuver mnu:v vt.巧妙地操纵,使演习,调遣e.g. The mouse had a quick wit and was able to maneuver his way out of danger.vi.演习,调遣,用计策e.g. Politicians maneuvered for position.

31、n.演习,策略,调遣e.g. This military maneuver strained the governments principles as well as their budgets.这种军事演习使政府的原则无法自圆其说,也使其预算捉襟见肘。inspect v.检查,视察e.g. The government sent him to inspect our school.inspective adj. 检查的, 视察的, 留神的, 注意的inspection n.视察,检查routine inspection 常规检查;日常检验. periodic inspection 定期检查

32、定期检查;定期检. .piridik; .piridikcasual inspection 不定期检查;抽检. sampling inspection 抽样检查 suspect sspekt; sspekt,sspekt v. to believe that sth is true, esp. sth bad怀疑,猜想 e.g. She has more intelligence than we suspect sb (of sth/ doing sth)相信或怀疑某人有罪e.g. They were suspected of underground activities.He was sus

33、pected of collaborating (with the enemy). collaborate klb.reit vi.合作,通敌n.嫌疑犯e.g. The police couldnt prove the suspects guilt.adj.可疑的,不可信的e.g. His fitness is suspect, so we cant risk including him in the team.doubt usu. means to believe that sth is not true.e.g. I doubt very much that he will be able

34、 to carry out this plan.spect= to see, to lookspectacle spektkl; spektkl n.景象,场面,奇观,壮观,公开展示(复)spectacles: 眼镜.spectator spekteit n.观众,旁观者prospective prspektiv adj.预期的,未来的retrospect retru.spekt; retr.spekt n. 回顾, 追溯 v. 回顾, 回想, 追溯unon/on returning to the airport: as soon as he returned to the airport/

35、the moment he returned to the airportbe sick with 患 . 病be sick with worry 非常担心; 极其担心anticipate ntisipeit; ntis.peit vt.预期,提前使用,抢 . 前e.g. We anticipate that we will meet a certain amount of resistance to our plan.tongue-lashing n. 斥责, 谴责unleash v. release or vent; release from a leash; turn loose or

36、free from restraint解开 ,释放 ,解除 . 的束缚e.g. Go at once,or I will unleash my dog on you.Changing the habits unleash your power within. 改变惯性激发行动力。leash n. (系狗的)皮带, 控制, 约束 v. 用皮带控制, 束缚propose to do sth: to plan or intend to do sthe.g. He proposed to buy and run a farm.The committee proposed that new legisl

37、ation should be drafted.On Chrismas Eve that year, Paul, a business manager, proposed to her.proposal prpuzl n.求婚,建议,提议Gettysburg Address (Delivered on the 19th Day of November, 1863 Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania )Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent

38、 a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to de

39、dicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that Nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, w

40、ho struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us; (consecrate knsi.kreit v.供神

41、用,奉献,使神圣adj.被献给神的,神圣的)that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that this Nation, under GOD, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the People by the People and for the People shall not perish from

42、 the earth. Abraham Lincoln 在葛底斯堡的演说 1963年11月19日87年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。现在我们正从事一场伟大的内战,以考验这个国家,或者任何一个孕育于自由和奉行上述原则的国家是否能够长久存在下去。我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集会。烈士们为使这个国家能够生存下去而献出了自己的生命,我们来到这里,是要把这个战场的一部分奉献给他们作为最后安息之所。我们这样做是完全应该而且是非常恰当的。但是,从更广泛的意义上来说,这块土地我们不能够奉献,不能够圣化,不能够神化。那些曾在这里战斗过的勇士们,活着

43、的和去世的,已经把这块土地圣化了,这远不是我们微薄的力量所能增减的。我们今天在这里所说的话,全世界不大会注意,也不会长久地记住,但勇士们在这里所做过的事,全世界却永远不会忘记。毋宁说,倒是我们这些还活着的人,应该在这里把自己奉献于勇士们已经如此崇高地向前推进但尚未完成的事业。倒是我们应该在这里把自己奉献于仍然留在我们面前的伟大任务我们要从这些光荣的死者身上汲取更多的献身精神,来完成他们已经完全彻底为之献身的事业;我们要在这里下定最大的决心,不让这些死者白白牺牲;我们要使国家在上帝福佑下得到自由的新生,要使这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存。 亚伯拉罕.林肯 第一:几个单词有必要好好查查字典。如

44、,score,conceive,dedicate,proposition,altogether, consecrate,detract,rather,devotion第二,语言里的敬体与委婉语现象。可以说这篇演说词是一篇 祭文+励志演说。正式场合注意敬体的选用,以及委婉语的应用。比如文中:英文dead,作为名词,简而言之有“死人”,形容词则为,“死的”,可是考虑到本文的特殊场合,换为 烈士 和 牺牲 比较稳妥。同时也达到委婉的作用。就像中文里一些特有的词,薨,崩,驾崩,圆寂,归天 这些词语的选用一定要注意语境(context),以免产生误会。第三,修辞美。这篇演说词,气势磅礴,是什么让它产生这

45、样的效果呢?修辞手段的运用为之。首先,注意开篇Four score and seven years ago, 其中score=20 年,如此一用,文辞简练不说,更重要的带来了演说的流畅和气势, score 发音为阴平而ago 则为阳平,这样抑扬顿挫(lilting)之感浑然天成 (simultaneous)。其次,气势一词空虚无力,唯有排比句给予气势力量。文中结尾,可权当例句: It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. 未捷大略因为有烈士们的奋斗才得以取得不斐的进展,更切确地说,我们这些生者,当为这个未酬大业,而再接再厉:结束结束



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