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1、 unit 24No laughing allowednew words and expressionsin trouble n trbl adv. 遇到麻遇到麻烦against enst prep. 违背背while wal adv.在在期期间;enter nt v.输入入data det n.资料料system sstm n.系系统;screen skri:n n.屏幕屏幕;librarian labrern n.图书管理管理员;set off set f 使使.发笑笑camp kmp vt.& vi.宿宿营,desert dezt n.沙漠沙漠;decide dsad vt.决定决定;c

2、hain ten vt.束束缚draw dr: vt.绘画画hop hp vi.单足足蹦跳跳;pretty prti adv.很,十分很,十分unfortunately nf:tntli adv.不幸地,不幸地,遗憾地憾地trouble n.烦恼”、“苦苦恼”、“困困难”、“困境困境1 havetrouble(in)doingsth表示表示“做某事有困做某事有困难 Wehadnotrouble(in)findinghisoffice. 我我们没花吹灰之力就找到了他的没花吹灰之力就找到了他的办公室。公室。2 take(the)troubletodosth表示不怕表示不怕费事或不怕麻事或不怕麻烦而

3、去做某事而去做某事Hetookthetroubletoshowmethewaytothestation.他不嫌麻他不嫌麻烦为我去我去邮局指路。局指路。3 givesbtrouble/putsbtotrouble表示表示“麻麻烦某人某人”、“打打扰某人某人”Imsorrytogiveyousomuchtrouble.Imsorrytoput youtosomuchtrouble.对不起,不起,给你添了你添了这么多麻么多麻烦。4 havetroublewith表示表示“有有毛病毛病”、“同同闹纠纷Themanoftenhastroublewithhiswife.这个人个人经常同他的妻子常同他的妻子

4、闹矛盾矛盾.5 getintotrouble意意为“陷入困境陷入困境”、“引起指引起指责”Hesalwaysgettingintotrouble(withtheteacher).他老他老闯祸(挨老挨老师的的骂。)。)6 beintrouble意意为“处于不幸于不幸(苦苦恼,困境,困境)之中之中”Pleasetelephoneuswhenyouareintrouble.有困有困难给我我们来来电话。trouble v. “(使使)烦恼”、“麻麻烦”、“费心心”等,可用作及物或不及物等,可用作及物或不及物动词1 troubletodosth意意为“费心做某事心做某事”,通常用于否,通常用于否定句或疑

5、定句或疑问句。句。Donttroubletocomeout,please.请留步,留步,别出来啦。出来啦。2 troublesbfortodosth意意为“麻麻烦某人做某事某人做某事”,通常用于疑,通常用于疑问句,句首通常用句,句首通常用may,might,can,could等情等情态动词,表示客气的,表示客气的请求。求。CanItroubleyouforthetime?Mywatchseemstohavestopped.请问现在几点在几点钟了了?我的表好像停了我的表好像停了 against1“反反对Iknewshewasagainstus.我知道她反我知道她反对我我们2表示表示“违反反aga

6、instoneswill违心地,心地,违背意愿地背意愿地3表示表示“紧贴着着”the house against the church 教堂隔壁的房子教堂隔壁的房子enter v.输入入entrance n.入口,入口,进口口exit n.出口出口 set off 1出出发;what time are you planning to set off tommorrow?你明天打算几点你明天打算几点钟启程?启程?2(使)开始(使)开始;Theyve set off on a journey round the world.他他们已已经开始开始环游世界游世界.3引起引起;点燃点燃;Do be ca

7、reful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.这些烟火要格外小心些烟火要格外小心, 稍有火星就能引起爆炸稍有火星就能引起爆炸. camp n.营地地,工地宿舍,工地宿舍;阵营(指(指观点相同且与持点相同且与持不同不同观点者点者对立的集立的集团);兵兵营;(度假者、(度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地地;summer camp 夏令夏令营vt.& vi.宿宿营,露,露营;he was camping in the desert.desert n.沙漠沙漠, 不毛之地不毛之地Vast

8、areas of land have become desert.大片的土地已大片的土地已变成沙漠成沙漠desret v.抛弃抛弃 舍弃舍弃 遗弃弃True friends dont desert each other when one is facing trouble. 当其中一人面当其中一人面临困困难时,真正的朋友是不会抛,真正的朋友是不会抛弃弃对方的。方的。 decided v.决定决定1 decide+to do sth Last week, a group of Class 3 students decided to go to the museum in the centre o

9、f the town. 上星期,三班的一些学生决定到位于上星期,三班的一些学生决定到位于镇中心的博物中心的博物馆去。去。2.decide+that 从句从句When the winds started to get strong, the family decided that it was not safe to remain in the house. 当当风势开始加开始加强的的时候,候,这家人家人认定,定,继续呆在房呆在房子里是不安全的。子里是不安全的。unfortunately adv. 令人令人遗憾的憾的 Unfortunately, we think italy is far to

10、o large to rescue. 不幸的是我不幸的是我们认为意大利可能大到没法救。意大利可能大到没法救。 fortunen.(某人的)命运(某人的)命运;富有富有;幸运幸运Good fortune seems to be more critical today than ever. 如今,好运气似乎前所未有地重要。如今,好运气似乎前所未有地重要。misfortune n.不幸不幸But it was no misfortune. 但但这却并非是一个不幸。却并非是一个不幸。screenin troublejokeagainstsystemdatawhileenter根据英文根据英文.说出出汉

11、语十分十分使使.发笑笑查阅宿宿营令人令人遗憾的憾的束缚束缚沙漠沙漠决定决定根据根据汉语说出英出英文文.drop drp v.(使)落下(使)落下;as z conj.当当.时light lat n.光光go out u aut 熄熄灭;tent tent n.帐篷篷embarrassedmbrst adj.尴尬的尬的;new words and expressionsdrop away:1.地面等陡峭向下延伸;地面等陡峭向下延伸;2.减减弱,消失弱,消失drop back:逐渐落在(同伴等)后面:逐渐落在(同伴等)后面drop behind:落后于,移到:落后于,移到后面后面drop by:顺

12、便探望:顺便探望drop in on sb:看望,到某处一会儿看望,到某处一会儿drop sb in it:使陷入困境,使尴尬:使陷入困境,使尴尬drop off:1.小睡小睡 2.锐减,下降锐减,下降drop over:窜门,到某人家小坐:窜门,到某人家小坐drop sth around:将某物递送到某人家 drop light (1)adj. 明亮的明亮的(=bright),浅色的,浅色的(=pale)His room is light and airy. 他的房他的房间又亮又通又亮又通风。She has a light green dress. 她有一条淡她有一条淡绿色的裙子。色的裙子。

13、(2)n.光光线,亮光,亮光(不可数不可数),I cant read while you are standing in my light. 你你挡住了我的光住了我的光线,我没法看,我没法看书。 v. 点燃点燃, 变亮变亮, 照亮照亮 点燃点燃I saw him enter the room, sit down and light a cigarette. 我看见他走进房间我看见他走进房间,坐了下来坐了下来,点燃了一根香烟。点燃了一根香烟。 . He struck a match to light the room. 他划了根火柴来照亮房间。他划了根火柴来照亮房间。 bossdropjokea

14、sembarrassedtentlightgo out根据英文根据英文.说出出汉语Claire is chatting to Paul about her day in the photo library.Listen to the recording,and then answer this question:What was the drawing like?克莱克莱尔在和保在和保罗谈论她在她在图片片库的的经历。听听录音,然后回答音,然后回答问题:那幅画是什么:那幅画是什么样的?的?Listening and understandingClaire:CraigandIwereintroub

15、leatworktoday,Paul.Paul: Whywasthat?Claire:Welaughedinthelibrary. Itsagainsttherules.Paul:Whathappened?违反反规定定Claire:Whilewewereenteringdatainthesystem,Craigstartedtolaugh.WhenIlookedathisscreen,Istartedtolaugh,too.Wecouldntstop.表示表示过去不能去不能 whileWhilewewereenteringdatainthesystem,Craigstartedtolaugh.

16、引引导的的时间状状语从句使用了从句使用了过去去进行行时,主句使,主句使用了一般用了一般过去式,表示去式,表示当当.时,发生了生了.当当时间状状语从句放在主句之前,后面要加逗号,从句放在主句之前,后面要加逗号,如果放在主句之后,如果放在主句之后,则不用加逗号。不用加逗号。Whileshewaslisteningtotheradio,shefellasleep.她听着收音机睡着了。她听着收音机睡着了。Claire:WewerebothstilllaughingwhentheLibrariancamein.he askeduswhatwassofunny.Thatsetusoffagain.引述引述



19、满地。近代才本意是完全地、程度上全满地。近代才由由“完全地完全地”弱化为弱化为“相当的相当的”的含义的含义pretty的本意是精诈聪明的意思,逐渐衍生的本意是精诈聪明的意思,逐渐衍生出出“精巧精巧”、“好好”、“美好美好”的意思。口语的意思。口语也用来表达也用来表达“相当相当”,这个词原本是,这个词原本是粗话粗话。quite good, 更文明一点更文明一点pretty good 更口语一点,俗语一点更口语一点,俗语一点 pretty quiteLets do the guide conversation on page 69.grammer 过去去进行行时表示在表示在过去某一去某一时刻或某一

20、段刻或某一段时间内内进行行或或发生的生的动作。作。通常句子一定会有一个通常句子一定会有一个“表示表示过去某个去某个时间点点”的状的状语。如:如:at 7 p.m. last night、 when引引导的的时间状状语从句(从句(when he came/ )、)、this morning、the whole morning、 all day yesterday、 from nine to ten last evening、 when、 while结构构: 主主语+was/were + doing +其他内容其他内容注注:doing 就是就是现在分在分词,词形形变化与化与现在在进行行时相同相同I

21、,she,he,it用用wasYou,we,they用用wereI was washing the bowls at this time last night.昨晚昨晚这个个时候我在洗碗。候我在洗碗。He was writing a letter when his brother broke into his room.当他哥哥当他哥哥进入房入房间的的时候他正在写信。候他正在写信。否定式:否定式:主主语+was/were+ not +现在分在分词 This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike. 昨

22、天这个时候,杰克不是在看电视,而是在修理自行车。 疑疑问式:式:was/were + 主主语+ 现在分在分词 Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午四点你们在打篮球吗?1.I was singing songs yesterday morning.否定句:_一般疑问句:_2. They were drawing pictures when the teacher came in.否定句:_一般疑问句:_3. She was washing the window when the telephone rang.否

23、定句:_一般疑问句:_按要求转换下列句型。 1. We were having a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.(改为否定句) We _ _ a PE class at four yesterday afternoon. 2. Kate was reviewing her lessons at eight last night.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯、否定回答) _ Kate _her lessons at eight last night? _ , she _. _ , she _ . 用所用所给动词的正确形式填空:的正确形式填空:Do you

24、 know what they _ (do) this time yesterday?They _ (have) supper when we _ (go) into the room.It _ (rain) from 7 to 9 last night.When she _ (arrive) I _ (telephone) Harry.What _ you _ (do) yesterday at 7 pm?When I _ (go) downstairs (楼下楼下), they _ (eat) breakfast.When we arrived, she _ (make) some fre

25、sh coffee. I broke a glass, while I _ (cook) the dinner.1.时间状语从句when和和while:while引引导的的时间状状语从句多用从句多用进行行时态,而,而when引引导的的时间状状语从句多用一般从句多用一般时态。如:如:1Whiletheyweretalking,thebellrang. 正在他正在他们谈话的的时候,上候,上课铃响了。响了。 2Iwasdoingmyhomeworkwhenmymothercamebackhomeyesterdayevening. 昨天晚上昨天晚上妈妈回家的回家的时候,我正在做家庭作候,我正在做家庭作


27、他们谈话的时候,上课铃响了。2、Iwasdoingmyhomeworkwhenmymothercamebackhomeyesterdayevening.昨天晚上妈妈回家的时候,我正在做家庭作grammerI was watching TV.While I was watching TV, my sister was in the shower .My sister was in the shower .My brother was doing his homework.The telephone was ringing.When the telephone rang, my brother w

28、as doing his homework.“at the same time”2.while, when, as辨析辨析While引引导的的时间状状语从句从句只指一段只指一段时间,强调某一段某一段时间内,主从句内,主从句动作作同同时发生。从句生。从句动词常是常是延延续性性的的 When既可以指既可以指一个一个时间点点,也可以也可以是一段是一段时间,可表示主从句的可表示主从句的动作作同同时或或先后先后发生。从句生。从句动词可以是延可以是延续性性的,的,也可以是非延也可以是非延续性性的的 while, when用法辨析:用法辨析:(1)While he was reading, he fell

29、asleep.(2) When he came in, I was having lunch.When I was sleeping, a thief broke in.用用when或者或者while填空填空1.He was driving along _ suddenly a woman appeared.2. _ Jake was waiting at the door, an old woman called to him.3.He was reading a book _suddenly the telephone rang.4. _ it began to rain, they we

30、re playing chess.5. She saw a taxi coming _ the woman was waiting under the streetlight.whenwhenWhenWhilewhile1.While Jake _(look) for customers, he _(see) a woman.2. They _(play) football on the playground when it _(begin) to rain.3.A strange box _(arrive) while we _ (talk).4. John _(sleep) when so

31、meone _(steal) his car. was lookingsawwere playingbeganarrivedwere talkingwas sleepingstolepronounciationwear we(r) what wt美hwt wherehwthrowing r fewer fju:write rat who hu:drawing dr: 带W的的单词的的读音音w 在在r前不前不发音音,如,如 write wrong wrapw 在在这些些单词中也不中也不发音音:two who whom whose answer否否则的的话,w读作作w :want went win

32、 wonwh 通常通常读作作w , what when where which while pronounciationpattern practice1 A:When did Claire her purse? B: While she was shopping.2 A: What happened while Claire was shopping? B: She lost her purse.3A: Did Caire lose her purse? B: Yes, she lost it while she was shopping. 4 A: What was Claire doin

33、g when she lost her purse? B: She was shopping.5 A: Claire lost her purse,didnt she? B: Yes, she did. She was shopping when she lost it. or she was shopping at the time.listeningA happy attitude 乐观的的态度度listen to the recording,and answer the questions about the text.听听录音,回答音,回答问题。1 What did the Company Director want everybody to do? why?2 Did everyone agree?3 What did the young man say?4 What was the rule?5 What happened next?



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