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1、Unit11.survive v. 幸存幸存;存活下来存活下来 survival n. 幸存幸存 survivor n. 幸存者幸存者 survive the air crash 在空难中存活下来在空难中存活下来2.remain v. the remaining evidence 剩下的证据剩下的证据 remain a mystery 仍然是一个神秘仍然是一个神秘3.look into 调查调查4.gift n. 礼物礼物;天赋天赋 have a gift for sth. 有有的天赋的天赋5.imagine v. 想象想象 imagine doing sth. imagination n.

2、imaginative adj. 富于想象力的富于想象力的 imaginable adj. 可想象得到的可想象得到的6.design v./n. 设计设计 designer 设计者设计者 be designed to do 设计来做设计来做7.fancy hair style 怪异的发型怪异的发型 fancy doing sth. 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事8. in return 作为回报作为回报 take turns to do sth. 轮流做轮流做9.at war with 与与处于交战状态处于交战状态10.world wonders 世界奇迹世界奇迹11.in search of my w

3、allet search the bag for my wallet 在包里面找我的钱包在包里面找我的钱包12.a piece of furniture U13.remove a chair 搬开椅子搬开椅子 remove a coat 脱衣服脱衣服 remove a secretary 解雇秘书解雇秘书14.There is no doubt about sth. There is no doubt that have some/ no doubt in doubt 有疑问有疑问;怀疑怀疑 beyond doubt/without (a) doubt 毫无疑问毫无疑问1)There is n

4、o doubt that this is a rare vase in Ming Dynasty.2)I doubt that if/ whether he spoke ill of me behind my back.(在背在背 后说我坏话后说我坏话) 15.consider v. 考虑考虑;认为认为 consider doing sth 考虑做考虑做 consideras/ to be 认为认为16. opinion n. 意见意见;建议建议 in ones opinion 在某人看来在某人看来 have a good opinion of sb. 对对有好评价有好评价 Im of the

5、 opinion that 我的意见是我的意见是17.pretend v. pretend a headache pretend to be a sailor(船员船员) pretend to tell the truth18.think highly/well/much of 看重看重;对对高度评价高度评价 think ill/badly/poorly of 对对评价不好评价不好19.prove sth. to sb. 向向证明证明 prove to be 证实是证实是20. tell apart 区分区分 take apart 拆开拆开21. light lighted- lighted

6、v. 点燃点燃;照亮照亮 light lit lit a lighted candle() a lit candle()22. belong to 属于属于 The gift belongs to me. The gift belonging to me is a vase. (belonging做定语而非进行时做定语而非进行时)1. honest adj. 诚实的诚实的 honesty n. to be honest 老实说老实说2. compete v. 竞争竞争 We have to compete with 18 competitors for the honor of our cla

7、ss. competitor n. 竞争者竞争者 competitionn. 竞争竞争 competitiveadj. 竞争的,有竞争力的竞争的,有竞争力的3. gold/silver/bronze medal 金银铜牌金银铜牌4. Greece n. 希腊希腊Greek n.希腊人希腊人Unit 25. a magical journey 奇妙旅程奇妙旅程6. interview v. 采访;面试采访;面试 interviewer n. 采访者;面试官采访者;面试官 interviewee n. 受访者;受访者;(被被)面试人面试人 employ v. 雇佣雇佣 employer n. 雇主

8、雇主 employee n. 雇员雇员7. used to do sth 过去常常过去常常 be used to do sth被用于做被用于做 be used to doing sth 习惯于做习惯于做8. find out about 弄懂关于弄懂关于9. host n. 主人主人guest n. 客人客人 v. 主办主办 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games,and there will be many foreign guests.10. in ancient times 在古代在古代 in modern times 在现代在现代11. eve

9、ry four years= every fourth year every some days 每隔几天每隔几天12. reach the world standard达到世界水平达到世界水平 13. replace = take the place of 替代;取代替代;取代take place/ happen/ occur v. 发生发生 14. allow v. 允许允许allow doing allow sb to do be allowed to do sth15. admit v. 承认;准许承认;准许进入;容纳进入;容纳admit sth admit doing sth Its

10、 generally admitted that一般认为一般认为 He is brave to admit his mistakes. This ticket admits 3 people to the concert. Our school stadium admits 1,000 people.16. poster n. 海报海报advertise v. 做登广告做登广告 advertisement n. 广告广告 put up a poster to advertise for a manager 张贴海报做广告聘请经理张贴海报做广告聘请经理17. 原谅原谅 pardon/excuse

11、/ forgive vt. pardon sb. for sth/doing sth18. be amazed at sth 对对感到惊奇感到惊奇19. promise n. 承诺承诺;可能性可能性;希望希望a promise of the bright future a promising (adj.) young pianist make a promise 许下诺言许下诺言 keep a promise 信守诺言信守诺言 break a promise 不守诺言不守诺言 promise to do promise sb to do promise sb sth promise (sb)

12、+that clauseUnit 31.calculate vt. 计算计算;估计估计 calculator n. 计算器计算器 calculation n. 计算计算;估计估计 He is calculating the cost of the foodthis month.他正在计算这个月食品花了多少钱。他正在计算这个月食品花了多少钱。 I calculate that we wont have the winter holiday until early February. 我估计我们要到二月初才放假。我估计我们要到二月初才放假。2. common adj. 共同的,共有的共同的,共有的

13、 in common 共同;共有共同;共有 have sth. in common 有一些共同之处有一些共同之处 have a lot/little/nothing in commonin common with sb. 与与 一样一样 3. in ones opinion 依依看;据看;据认为认为 in ones opinion= in ones view have a good opinion of sb./sth. 对对评价好评价好 Im of the opinion that我的意见是我的意见是4. analytical adj.分析的分析的, 解析的解析的 analyze vt. 分

14、析分析;研究研究 analyst n. 分析家分析家 analogy n. 相似相似;类似类似 analysis n. 分析分析;研究研究 5. simple adj. a simple problem simple clothesIn the old days women are considered as simple people. a simple child 简单的简单的朴素的朴素的低贱的,卑微的低贱的,卑微的低能的,弱智的低能的,弱智的 simple-minded: 头脑简单的头脑简单的; 笨的笨的absent-minded open-minded narrow-minded si

15、ngle-minded strong-minded weak-minded心不在焉的心不在焉的虚心的虚心的, 没有偏见的没有偏见的心胸狭窄的心胸狭窄的一心一意的一心一意的意志坚强的意志坚强的低能的低能的, 愚蠢的愚蠢的6. technology n. 工艺;技术工艺;技术 科学技术科学技术 science and technology 技术研究技术研究 technological research 技术革命技术革命 technological revolution7. revolution n. 革命革命 revolutionary adj. 革命政党革命政党revolutionary par

16、tiesmathematical problems 数学问题数学问题a calculating machine 一个计算机器一个计算机器serve the human race 为人类服务为人类服务8. artificial adj. 人工的,人造的;造作的人工的,人造的;造作的 artificial intelligence 人工智能人工智能artificial flowers/limbs/pearls假花假花/假肢假肢/假珍珠假珍珠artificial expressions 造作的表情造作的表情7. go by: (时光)逝去;从(时光)逝去;从旁边经过;依照旁边经过;依照About h

17、alf a year has gone by since I came to Xiuquan Middle School.A car went by.You cant go by what he says.9. deal with 处理处理 deal with information 处理信息处理信息How can you deal with the problem?What can you do with the problem?total adj. 完全的完全的; 整个的整个的total silence寂静无声寂静无声in total 总共总共totally adv. 整个地整个地;完全完

18、全totally blind 全盲全盲totally different 完全不同的完全不同的 birth n. 出生;诞生出生;诞生 give birth toHe was born in 1960 and before that his mother had given birth to ten children. advantage n. 优点;优势优点;优势 take advantage of disadvantage n. 缺点;劣势缺点;劣势12.type n. 类型;型号类型;型号 v. 打字打字 a new type of notebook computer13. agree

19、v. 同意同意 agree with sb./sth disagree v. 不同意不同意 disagree with sb./sth.14. choice n. make a choice 作出选择作出选择 choose v.15. personally adv. = in person 亲自地;就本人而论亲自地;就本人而论 person personal- personally16.creat v. 创造创造 creation n. creative adj. 有创造性的,创新的有创造性的,创新的 the creation of God 上帝的创造上帝的创造17. move n. 步骤;行

20、动步骤;行动 make a move 采取行动采取行动 15. arise v. 出现;发生出现;发生 arise-arose-arisen The programmer will make up new programs if a new situation arises.16.in a way/in some ways 从某种意义上说从某种意义上说 in the way 妨碍;挡道妨碍;挡道 by the way 顺便顺便 on the way/ on ones way 在在的路上的路上17. with the help of 在在的帮助下的帮助下18. after all 毕竟毕竟 in

21、 all 总共总共 above all 首先首先 first of all Unit 41.wild adj. 2. wild flowers / a wild rabbit 野花野花/野兔野兔a wild mountain region 荒凉的荒凉的 a wild night 暴风雨的暴风雨的 He led a wild life in his youth.他年轻时过着不羁的生活。他年轻时过着不羁的生活。wildlife n. (U不可数不可数) 野生动植物野生动植物2. protect v. 保护保护 protect sb /sth from (against) sth protectio

22、n n. 3. as a result : therefore 因此因此 as a result of sth: because of 由于由于e.g. I was very busy. As a result, I couldnt take care of her. e.g. About twenty people were killed as a result of the big fire.result from 起因于起因于. (+原因)原因)result in 结果为结果为.,导致,导致(+结果)结果)1). The terrible accident resulted from h

23、is carelessness.2). His carelessness resulted from the terrible accident.4. die out: 灭绝;灭亡灭绝;灭亡 die away: (sound, wind, or light) becomes weaker and finally stopsdie off :先后死去先后死去;(草木草木)先后枯死先后枯死die of (由于疾病由于疾病,饥寒饥寒,情感原因造成的情感原因造成的亡亡)die from (除此之外的原因造成的死亡用除此之外的原因造成的死亡用 die from.)1.Dinosaurs have die

24、d out.2.The noise of the city died away after midnight.3.The leaves of the plants died off as aresult of lack of water.4. The old man died from drinking dirty water.5.The old man died of cold and hunger.5. loss n. 损失;遗失;丧失损失;遗失;丧失 suffer the loss 蒙受损失蒙受损失 at the loss of 丧失丧失 at a loss 不知所措不知所措 lose

25、v. lose lost lost lose a pen 丢失一支笔丢失一支笔 lost adj. 丢失了的丢失了的 the lost child= the missing child be lost in thought 陷入沉思陷入沉思5. reserve n. 保护区保护区;储备物储备物 a wildlife reserve 野生动物保护区野生动物保护区 the gold reserve 黄金储备黄金储备6. hunt v. 打猎打猎;寻找寻找 hunt for/after sth. 追寻追寻 be on the hunt for 在寻求中在寻求中 hunter n. 猎人,狩猎者猎人,

26、狩猎者 7. in peace 和平地和平地; 和睦地和睦地be at peace with sb. 让让平静;与平静;与和睦相处和睦相处The roommates live in peace together. She is never at peace with each other.China desired to be at peace with Taiwan.peace n. peaceful adj. the flame of peace 和平的火焰和平的火焰8. be in danger (of) : 处于危险之中处于危险之中 be out of danger 脱离危险脱离危险

27、a danger to 对对是危险物是危险物endanger vt. put in danger 危及危及;危危害害吸烟危害健康吸烟危害健康.Smoking endangers health.9. stomach n. 腹部;胃;胃口腹部;胃;胃口 stomachs (pl.复数复数) have a stomach for 有做有做的欲望的欲望 on ones stomach 匍匐着匍匐着 stomachache n. 胃痛胃痛9.apply to sb. for sth. 向向.申请申请 apply to/be applied to 适用适用;适合适合;使用使用 apply oneself

28、to sth./doing sth.很专心很专心I will apply for the job today.Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.The rule can not be applied to every case.The nurse applied the medicine to his wound(伤口伤口).We should apply ourselves to our study.11. thick adj. thick black haira thick f

29、oresta thick doorthick smokea thick rope浓密的头发浓密的头发茂密的森林茂密的森林厚重的门厚重的门浓烟浓烟粗绳粗绳13. affect v. 影响影响 effect n. have an effect on/upon 对对有有 影响影响14. pay attention to: give your attention to call/draw ones attention 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意15. come into being 形成;产生形成;产生16. dust n. 灰尘灰尘 dusty adj. 17. recently adv. 最近地

30、最近地 recent adj. 18. lazy adj. 懒惰的懒惰的 laziness n.Unit 51.classical music 古典音乐古典音乐2. folk music 民间音乐民间音乐3. rock music 摇滚音乐摇滚音乐4. country music 乡村音乐乡村音乐5. popular (pop) music 流行音乐流行音乐6.2. musician n. 音乐家音乐家7. surgical instrument 外科仪器外科仪器8. musical instrument 乐器乐器9.3. the country folk (n.) 乡下人乡下人10. fol

31、k music (adj.) 民间音乐民间音乐4. dream of/about doing sth. 梦想做梦想做 have a dream dream a dream 做梦做梦 daydream n. 白日梦白日梦5. be honest with sb. 对对诚实诚实 to be honest (with sb.) 老实说老实说 = to be frank/to tell the truth6. form (1) v. form a band 组建乐队组建乐队(2) form good habits 养成好习惯养成好习惯(2) n. fill in the application for

32、m 填写申请书填写申请书 in the form of sth. 以以的形式的形式7. earn some extra money earn ones living = make a living8. extra pay for extra work The football math went into extra time.9. chance n. 机会机会 by chance 偶然偶然 give sb. a chance to do/of doing sth. 给给机会做机会做 The chances are that很可能很可能 Chance ( “运气运气”,不可数不可数) play

33、s a big partin the game.10. play jokes on sb. 与与开玩笑开玩笑 play a trick on sb. 作弄作弄11. put an advertisement = advertise 登广告登广告12. pretend v. pretension n. 假装假装;假扮假扮 pretend sth. pretend to do sth. pretend that13. attract v. attractive adj. attraction n. attack v./n. 攻击攻击 吸引吸引14. support sb. Fiercely 热烈支

34、持热烈支持15. a year or so = about a year 大约一年大约一年16. Their relationship broke up. 他们的关系破裂了他们的关系破裂了. The police were called to break up the meeting. 出动警察将集会驱散出动警察将集会驱散. Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可分成从句句子可分成从句. Shes just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚与男朋友绝交她刚与男朋友绝交.17. Imagine that Zhang

35、 Dongjian is now on a tour to Guangzhou. 在广州巡回演唱在广州巡回演唱 The visitors have completed their tour/visit to Guangzhou. 在广州旅游在广州旅游 18. perform v. 表演表演;履行履行 perform ones duty 履行责任履行责任 performance n. give a live performance 现场表演现场表演19. go without sth./doing sth. 没没也能应付也能应付 cannot go without sth./doing sth. 没没不行不行 She can go without sleep for three days. We cant go without studying or working.20. stick to sth./doing sth.21. have the ability of doing sth./to do sth. 有做有做的能力的能力 be able to do sth. 能够做能够做



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