高二 完形填空专练

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《高二 完形填空专练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二 完形填空专练(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、0101In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day whilewalking along the bank of a lake, the girl41to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose ( 雌鹅). After some time thegirl42the mother would not return to her eggs and she43to take them home. There she ca

2、refully44the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days45the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the46.Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother.47, to these young geese, the girlwas their mother.As they48, the girl was able to49her birds to run across the grass ( 草地)

3、, but she could not teachthem to50. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when51and in her dreams. Later,she had an52: She would pilot (驾驶) a plane to guide them in53 . She asked her father for a plane andhe assembled (组装) a small aircraft (飞机) for her.Caring about54safety, the fathe

4、r decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not55or follow him, and56slept in the grass.One day, the girl57into the plane, started (发动) it and soon left the58. Seeing their mother take tothe air (飞起来), the birds59flapped (拍打) their wings and60. She flew the plane freely in the sky,h

5、er young birds following.41. A. managed42. A. realized43. A. helped44. A. placed45. A. ago46. A. family47. A. But48. A. increased49. A. ask50. A. fly51. A. asleep52. A. idea53. A. sky54. A. his55. A. respect56. A. so57. A. climbed58. A. house59. A. secretly60. A. looked awayB. attemptedB. expectedB.

6、 decidedB. protectedB. outB. lakeB. AlsoB. improvedB. leadB. raceB. awayB. opinionB. heavenB. herB. rememberB. insteadB. lookedB. floorB. disappointedlyB. set outC. happenedC. imaginedC. affordedC. treatedC. laterC. homeC. ThusC. roseC. wantC. swimC. aroundC. explanationC. flightC. theirC. recognize

7、C. hardlyC. reachedC. waterC. patientlyC. went by14D. supposedD. admittedD. meantD. examinedD. longD. worldD. StillD. grewD. allowD. singD. awakeD. excuseD. planeD. itsD. receiveD. tooD. fellD. groundD. eagerlyD. turned back0202We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago. I decided to41a

8、car because we had sold the onewe had in England before42home. Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was43. I had triedout a model ( 型号) like it before, but as I was not yet44driving in this city, my wife did not want me tocollect (提、取) it45so we went together to46it. We paid for the car

9、 and47the papers (文件).They told us that there was48petrol (汽油) to take us to a garage (加油站), where we could fill up (加满油).The49garage to the office was about 100 yards (码) away and we got there50 . But when I turned intothe main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing51me. I got out of52as fast as

10、I could by backinginto the garage53and the man behind54me.“Its such a problem to55to drive on the right side, isnt it?” my wife said. “Yes, if only I had had a fewlessons for56,” I replied. “You had better go57on the way home,” my wife said. “Youd be sorry ifyou had58on the first day, wouldnt you?”

11、While we were t alking, the man behind got out of his car andsaid in good English, “Would you mind telling me59you are thinking of leaving?60are you going tosit in your car all day?”41. A. borrow42. A. leaving43. A. right44. A. sure of45. A. on my own46. A. receive47. A. accepted48. A. little49. A.

12、best50. A. lately51. A. after52. A. their way53. A. at last54. A. caught55. A. prepare56. A. discussion57. A. carefully58. A. an error59. A. when60. A. ForB. driveB. makingB. readyB. satisfied withB. right awayB. bringB. wroteB. enoughB. nearestB. directlyB. withB. the garageB. once moreB. cheeredB.

13、 continueB. adventureB. smoothlyB. a problemB. whyB. OrC. buyC. returningC. fixedC. interested inC. in a hurryC. orderC. signedC. muchC. quickestC. safelyC. aroundC. their sightC. as usualC. shouted atC. chooseC. experimentC. quicklyC. an accidentC. howC. But14D. chooseD. gettingD. soldD. used toD.

14、on the wayD. fetchD. copiedD. noD. cleanestD. slowlyD. towardsD. the carD. as wellD. chatted withD. rememberD. practiceD. differentlyD. a headacheD. whatD. So03Every year, our school has a dance ( 舞会) for all the students. Its a little funny seeing friends in clean shoesand trousers or colorful41, i

15、nstead of the usual school uniform.Most of us think the dance is great42 even the teachers enjoy being there.43, two weeks agosomeone said that there would be no44band this year only CDs.“I dont45it!” Amy cried out during the lunch break.“Someone said the school couldnt46a band, and they think its t

16、oo noisy anyway,” added Daniel.“Well, I dont think its47enough without a band!” declared Angela, “and Im going to see what can bedone.”Angela was as good as her48(说到做到). In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster whoagreed to give the49some more thought. And he suggested that one50for ha

17、ving a band was toincrease the price of each ticket from $5 to $10. Angela had to51out whether the students would like to dothat.“I need all of you to help me,” she52to our group before school the next day. “Mr. Berry gave me a listof all the names, and suggested we ask each one their53about the ban

18、d and the extra cost.”54the day we asked around (四处询问) as Angela suggested, and wrote down peoples feelings about theband and the cost. We were amazed how much55there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay theextra $5.“Im surprised,” smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave himthe56. “I really thought th

19、at only afew people57their band and that the cost would be too high. OK. Angela, your next58is to find a good band andline them up for (组织) the dance.”Angela was all smiles (笑容满面) and59the news to (把消息透露给) Amy and Daniel. “Youre60,” smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having

20、 a less than perfect (不够完美) dance.41. A. shapes42. A. fun44. A. new46 A. lead47. A. good48. A. look43. A. Besides45. A. meanB. dressesB. workC. flowersC. effortC. foreignC. acceptC. affordC. usefulC. mindC. viewC. decisionC. carryC. opinionC. ByC. supportD. picturesD. progressD. ThereforeD. marching

21、D. believeD. formD. easyD. wordD. actionD. chanceD. pointD. announcedD. informationD. DuringD. careD. examplesD. invitedD. dutyD. readD. amazingB. OtherwiseB. needB. serveB. clearB. behaviorB. situationB. concernB. findB. repliedB. ForC. HoweverB. live (现场表演的)49. A. schedule51. A. call50. A. possibi

22、lity52. A. admitted54. A. On55. A. trustC. apologized53. A. knowledgeB. instructionB. moneyB. noticesB. wantedB. businessB. wrote56. A. results58. A. taskC. questionsC. defendedC. exerciseC. brokeC. exciting1457. A. welcomed59. A. showed60. A. amusingB. interesting0404Roberta appeared on the stage.

23、She took a deep breath and began to41. Now she was Portia, a strong willed (意志坚强的)42in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice. The theater was filled with people. Shewas speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing43from her.44, Roberta had never acted in her life before th

24、e audition (试演). She45being in front of otherpeople. She was very46at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to47muchattention. She stayed mostly to herself (不与人交往), making48friends. She had excellent grades,49she always thought that something was missing (若有所失).Two weeks befo

25、re the audition, Robertas mother had heard about it and50her to join in.“I cant think of anyone else better suited to51the part. Remember all the plays you used to act out forus?”Her mother wouldnt let the52drop (不肯罢休). “Youre just a little scared (害怕). Everyone gets scared.You know you53do it. The

26、trick (诀窍) is to look past (忽略、 抛开)54to find the love of what youredoing.So Roberta had made an appointment with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herselfexcited by the55of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Portias part,56the lines (台词)by repeating them over

27、 and over. It wasnt hard; she57every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words,she had a new58of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels (在许多层次上).On the day of the audition, she59two of Portias famous speeches for the auditors (听者). When she hadfinished, the head of the Dra

28、ma Club announced the60was hers.41. A. singB. dance42. A. member43. A. weakly44. A. At first45. A. hated46. A. honest48. A. few49. A. orC. speakD. reportD. characterD. slowlyD. In allD. patientD. attractD. manyD. butD. remindedD. learnD. gradeD. shouldD. fearD. importanceD. improvingD. boreD. unders

29、tandingD. deliveredD. positionB. actressC. playerB. In factB. enjoyedB. shyC. After allB. rapidlyC. smoothlyC. appreciatedD. regrettedC. polite47. A. avoidB. focusC. payB. a fewC. severalC. forB. so50. A. forced52. A. role53. A. can54. A. angerB. requestedC. encouragedC. offerC. interestC. mayC. sad

30、nessC. ideaC. expectedB. matterB. must51. A. acceptB. playB. painB. way55. A. purpose56. A. memorizing58. A. consideration60. A. partB. organizingC. checkingB. descriptionC. selectionB. playC. speech1457. A. dislikedB. loved59. A. practicedB. plannedC. performed0505Lang Lang is a world-class young p

31、ianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano school in Beijing whenhe was just eight. “You need41,” his father said. “But if you dont work hard, no fortune will come.”What made him sad was42his piano teacher in Beijing didnt like him. “You have no talent (天赋). Youwill never be a pianist.”43a n

32、ine-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly44. He decided that he didntwant to be a45any more. For the next two weeks he didnt touch the piano .46, his father didnt push(逼迫), but waited.Luckily, the day came when his teacher asked him to47some holiday songs. He didnt want to, but as heplaced his fingers o

33、n the piano keys, he48that he could show others that he had talent49. That day hetold his father50he had been waiting to hear that he wanted to study with a new teacher.51thatpoint on, everything turned around (好转).He started52competitions (比赛). In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition,

34、when it was53that Lang Lang had won, he was too54to hold back his tears. Soon55was clear that he couldntstay in China forever he had to play on the worlds big56. In 1997 Lang Lang57again, this time toPhiladelphia, U. S. There he spent two years practicing, and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for f

35、ortune to takeover (时来运转). After his58performance at Chicagos Ravinia Festival, gigs ( 演奏会) in Lincoln Centerand Carnegie Hall started59in (源源不断). Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots(发现) him, and lets him60.41. A. exercise42. A. whether43. A. Like44. A. hurt45. A. singer4

36、6. A. Hopefully47. A. play48. A. seemed49. A. in all50. A. that51. A. From52. A. receiving53. A. told54. A. excited55. A. this56. A. concerts57. A. started58. A. successful59. A. pulling60. A. brightenB. fortuneB. whyB. WithB. weakenedB pianistB. PatientlyB. singB. admittedB. above allB. whatB. AtB.

37、 acceptingB. mentionedB. encouragedB. itB. toursB. leftB. cheerfulB. breakingC. knowledgeC. whenC. ToC. ruinedC. conductorC. WiselyC. writeC. noticedC. after allC. whichC. SinceC. winningC. announcedC. shockedC. thatC. competitionsC. movedC. respectfulC. fallingD. wealthD. thatD. AsD frightenedD. pl

38、ayerD. PainfullyD. studyD. realizedD. at allD. whenD. AfterD. beatingD. recognizedD. satisfiedD. whatD. stages (舞台)D. performedD. meaningfulD. pouringD. developB. shine(闪耀、表现突出)C. admire1406I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area. My parents41the necessities (必需品) of life4

39、2they couldnt give much more. If I asked my father43a pair of jeans, he would say, “Ifyou want them, make the money and buy them44.” He wasnt being mean (吝啬); he just couldnt45them. From age 12 on, I did part-time jobs after school.When I46from high school, I joined the navy. Soon I was in a boot ca

40、mp (新兵训练营) at Parris Island,S. C., where I learned that life in the navy centered around (围绕、 以为中心) completing daily47. Thesecould be anything from cleaning the camp to conducting mock (模拟的) battles. Completing these tasks successfully48discipline,teamwork and responsibility.It didnt49whether you we

41、re black, white or Asian; everyoneworked together for the50of the company (同伴、搭档).I went51to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy and later became an officer in the navy. The part ofmy job I52most was the consulting ( 咨询) meetings I53with the family members of the men andwomen in my54, trying to hel

42、p them deal with the long periods of55. These proved popular and wordof them spread.56I was being asked to give encouraging57to business groups, educators and kidsacross the country.But I consider the boot camp my first real58, and my life is still guided by the59lessons I learnedthere. It taught me

43、 discipline, friendship and the pride related to setting a task every day and working hard to60it.41. A. provided42. A. while43. A. about45. A. payB. gotB. butC. madeC. soC. forD. boughtD. orD. ofD. myselfD. affordD. graduatedD. reportsD. metD. workD. rightD. offD. didD. heldD. choiceD. separationD.

44、 Once againD. giftsD. travelD. difficultD. matchB. withB. findB. returnedB. tasksB. askedB. meanB. bossB. onB. hatedB. beganB. situation44. A. themselves46. A. came47. A. drills48. A. included49. A. matter50. A. good51. A. out52. A. tookB. ourselvesC. yourselfC. produceC. escapedC. requiredC. existC

45、. restC. awayC. enjoyedC. positionC. trainingC. speechesC. jobC. normalC. show14C. exercises53. A. ended54. A. charge55. A. lessonsC. continuedB. meetingsB. descriptionsB. placeB. bitterB. achieve56. A. Long before57. A. performances58. A. vacation59. A. important60. A. gainB. Before longC. As usual

46、(07(07浙江浙江) )The books in Davids schoolbag felt like bricks as he ran down the street. What he wanted to do was to playbasketball with Eric,21his mother told him he would have to return his sisters books to the library first.He had22set foot in a library and he wasnt about to do so today. He would j

47、ust23the books inthe outside return box. But there was a24: it was locked.He went into the building, only a few minutes25closing time. He put the books into the return box. Andafter a brief26in the toilet, he would be on his way to the playground to27Eric.David stepped out of the toilet and stopped

48、in28 the library lights were off. The place was29.The doors had been shut. They30be opened from the inside. He was trapped (被困) in a library!He tried to31a telephone call, but was unable to32. Whats worse, the pay phones were on theoutside of the building.33the sun began to set, he searched for a li

49、ght and found it.34he could see. Da vid wrote on a piece of paper: “35! Im TRAPPED inside!” and stuck it to theglass door.36, someone passing by would see it.He was surprised to discover that this place was not so unpleasant,37. Rows and rows of shelves heldbooks, videos and music. He saw a book abo

50、ut Michael Jordan and took it off the shelf. He settled into a chair andstarted to38.He knew he had to39, but now, that didnt seem to be such a40thing.21. A. but22. A. ever23. A. passB. becauseB. nearlyB. dropB. mistakeB. afterB. breakB. angerB. emptyB. fixB. AsC. orD. sinceD. oftenD. takeD. questio

51、nD. beforeD. stopD. greetD. eagernessD. crowdedD. needntD. pickD. get inD. UntilD. At lastD. SorryD. GraduallyD. as usualD. writeD. workD. niceC. neverC. carryC. caseC. overC. walkC. catchC. surpriseC. noisyC. use24. A. problem25. A. during26. A. rest27. A. visitB. meet28. A. delight29. A. lonely30.

52、 A. wouldnt31. A. make32. A. get on33. A. If34. A. On time36. A. Surely37. A. at most38. A. watch40. A. badB. shouldntC. couldntB. get upC. get throughC. ThoughC. HelloC. TrulyC. readC. sleepC. strangeC. By the wayB. Now and thenB. ThankfullyB. playB. cool35. A. ComeB. HelpB. after allC.in short39.

53、A. waitB. stand答案答案21-30. ACBADDBCBC31-40. ACBDBABCAA14(07(07湖北湖北) )Many years ago, I owned a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide.One very cold, wet night at about 3:30 a.m., there was a41on the front door of our house. A young man,wet from42to toe, explaine

54、d that he had43out of petrol about 30 km up the road. He had left hispregnant (怀孕的) wife and his two children44at the car and said that he wouldhitchhike (搭便车) back.Once I had45a can with petrol, I took him back to his car where his two-year-old and four-year-oldchildren were both46, saying that the

55、y were cold. Once the car had started, I suggested that he47meback.Before leaving, I had turned the heater48in the roadhouse, so that when we went in, it was nice and49. While the little ones played and ran50, I prepared bread and butter for the children, and hot chocolatefor the51.It was about 5 a.

56、m. before they52. The young fellow asked me how much he53me and I told himthat the petrol pump(加油泵) had54$15. He offered to pay “call-out fee”, but I wouldnt accept it.About a month later, I received a55from Interstate, a large bus company that we had been trying to56to stop off at our roadhouse for

57、 a long time. It57out that the young fellow I had helped was its generalmanager, the most58person in the company.In his letter, he thanked me again and59me that, from then on, all their buses would stop at my servicestation. In this60, a little bit of kindness was rewarded with a huge amount of bene

58、fits.41. A. kickB. hitC. beatC. headC. comeC. overD. knockD. handD. runD. outD. filledD. fightingD. followD. overD. attractiveD. alongD. adultsD. disappearedD. offeredD. shownD. noticeD. hopeD. foundD. powerfulD. convinced42. A. finger43. A. driven44. A. away45. A. supplied46. A. sleeping47. A. allo

59、w48. A. on49. A. neatB. shoulderB. usedB. behindB. pouredB. cryingB. ringB. offB. hotC. equippedC. quarrellingC. leadC. inC. warmC. nearby50. A. around51. A. drivers52. A. left53. A. gaveB. insideB. guestsB. arrivedB. paidC. customersC. ateC. owed54. A. appeared55. A. call56. A. getB. exhibitedB. le

60、tterB. forceB. turnedC. calculatedC. checkC. requireC. workedC. serious57. A. pointed58. A. generous59. A. praisedB. successfulB. persuadedC. informed60. A. lessonB. businessC. aspectD. case答案答案41-50. DCDBDBDACA51-60. DACDBABDCD14(07(07湖南湖南) )When I was young, my parents ran a snack bar in our small

61、 town.One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar36a worker who had the flu. Itold her I would mess it up,37I had never worked at the bar before. I38that instead of making money,I would end up owing it.“You can do it,” said my mother, “39, you wont get much business unt

62、il lunch.”“But Ill never remember the orders, and Im no good40money. Please, Mom, dont41me.“Then Ill help you,” she said.I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mothers42was a bad one, but I43.When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was44. Because the weather that day was rainyand cold,

63、people wanted hot snacks and drinks.45, I was really slow at taking the orders and making change.The line of people grew, and everybody seemed46, I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I47acup into pieces. What a mess! Then my mother came to48me, and she also showed me how to make49. If someone g

64、ave me $5 for something that cost $3.25, I handed over50quarters and a dollar and said,“75 cents makes four dollars, plus one dollar makes five.” Things went more51after that.By the end of the day, I could remember orders,52the bill, and make change quickly with a smile. I waseven a little53when the

65、 sun came out and dried up business. My mother said she was proud of me, andwhen she54that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. I was too busy55therestaurant I would open one day.36.A. to37.A. because38.A. promised39.A. Therefore40.A. of41.A. blame42.A. idea43.A. guessed44.

66、A. angry45.A. At least46.A. surprised47.A. damaged48.A. scold49.A. money50.A. two51.A. smoothly52.A. turn in53.A. discouraged54.A. thought55.A. imaginingB. forB. thoughB. noticedB. HoweverB. onB. foolB. barB. obeyedB. sadB. At lastB. impoliteB. destroyedB. helpB. lunchB. threeB. fairlyB. count outB.

67、 disturbedB. statedB. preparingC. afterC. untilC. worriedC. BesidesC. aboutC. frightenC. dayC. beggedC. wrongC. At mostC. pleasedC. brokeC. beatC. coffeeC. fourC. simplyC. take overC. disappointedC. announcedC. examiningD. overD. whileD. hopedD. YetD. withD. makeD. answerD. admittedD. ashamedD. At f

68、irstD. impatientD. ruinedD. saveD. changeD. fiveD. convenientlyD. add upD. distrustedD. suggestedD. describing答案答案36-45. BACCDDABCD46-55. DCBDBADCDA14(07(07江西江西) )Until 1954 it was thought that no man could run one mile in less than four minutes. As years36, therecord came closer and closer to four

69、minutes and Roger Bannister, a young English37, began to believe hemight38this almost magic barrier.It was a cold afternoon on May 6th, 1954, when Bannister knew he had a39chance. Bannister had been40hard and was very fit, but the weather conditions were a real41to him. Describing the42later,Bannist

70、er said, “On the way to the track the wind blew strongly. As I43for the start I glanced at the flag. Itmoved44now. This was the moment when I made my decision.”“The gun fired. My legs45to meet no resistance, as if I was46forward by some unknown force.The noise from the faithful47gave me greater stre

71、ngth. I felt the48of a lifetimehad come.”“I was driven on by a49of fear and pride. My body had long since used up all its energy50it wenton running just the same. This was the critical moment when my legs were strong enough to carry me over the lastfew yards as they51could have done in previous year

72、s. When I leapt at (冲向) the52tape, I fell,almost53.“I knew I had done it, evenbefore I54the time. The announcement came. Result of the one mileTime, three minutes the rest was55in the noise of excitement.”36. A. passed along37. A. coach38. A. defeat39. A. real40. A. competing41. A. eagerness42. A. a

73、ccident43. A. did up44. A. safely45. A. seemed46. A. dragged47. A. mass48. A. moment49. A. concentration50. A. so51. A. never52. A. starting53. A. unconcerned54. A. offered55. A. stuckB. passed downB. athleteB. moveB. luckyB. trainingB. pleasureB. eventB. made upB. heavilyB. usedB. drawnB. residents

74、B. periodB. collectionB. butB. everB. lastingB. unconsciousB. toldB. involvedC. went byC. captainC. beatC. seriousC. fightingC. reliefC. issueC. put upC. thinlyC. happenedC. pulledC. crowdC. whileC. combinationC. orC. evenC. finishingC. unknownC. announcedC. lost14D. went overD. judgeD. breakD. fals

75、eD. attendingD. worryD. topieD. lined upD. gentlyD. hadD. pushedD. teamD. dateD. classificationD. asD. stillD. runningD. unnoticedD. heardD. spread答案答案36-45. CBDABDBDDA46-55. DCACBACBDC(07(07山东山东) )Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we36realize that those challenges are the very things

76、that37us and make us who we are. It is the same with the challenges that come with38.When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two39. We can try to beat it off, or we can decidethat the thing40the challenge isnt worth the41and call it quits. Although there are certainly42when calling it qu

77、its is the right thing to do, in most43all that is needed is44and communication.When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how45or how uncomfortable somethingis, we will always choose to46it and work it through instead of running away from it. Communication ismaking a47for discussio

78、n and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other persondid wrong.48you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt,”49“You hurt my feelings,” you aregoing to be able to solve the problem much faster.In dealing with the many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try

79、to see them for50they are:small hurdles you need to jump or51on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is52to getover, and hurt only53to make us stronger. It is all part of growing up, it54to everyone, and some dayyou will55all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it made me who I am today. A

80、nd that isa good thing.”36. A. seem to37. A. design38. A. confidence39. A. opportunities40. A. demanding41. A. comment42. A. spans43. A. cases44. A. assessment45. A. doubtful46. A. keep47. A. space48. A. If49. A. other than50. A. what51. A. pass by52. A. unnecessary53. A. serves54. A. opens55. A. lo

81、ck down onB. come toB. promoteB. pressureB. expectationsB. deservingB. lossB. timesB. fieldsB. commitmentB. shamefulB. controlB. planB. AsB. rather thanB. whoB. come acrossB. necessaryB. meansB. appealsB. look back onC. hope toC. directC. friendshipC. choicesC. predictingC. troubleC. datesC. partsC.

82、 encouragementC. harmfulC. faceC. topicC. WhileC. or ratherC. whereC. get throughC. impossibleC. aimsC. goesC. look forward toD. try toD. shapeD. difficultyD. aspectsD. presentingD. expenseD. agesD. occasionsD. adjustmentD. painfulD. catchD. roomD. UnlessD. or elseD. whichD. run overD. possibleD. at

83、temptsD. happensD. look up to答案答案36 -45. BDCCDCBABD46-55. CAABACCADB14(07(07安徽安徽) )It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drives Javas young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit long before the moon36. The big noise brought people out37the warm night toenjoy the interesting

84、scene. Everywhere, there were the paper remains of38 fireworks lying on the ground.Little boys39more and covered their ears as they waited40for the explosions.The moon appeared above the horizon (地平线): huge,41ball high above the city, and the42filledwith people, as Java began to enjoy one of the yea

85、r s greatest43: the Night of the Full Moon, a festival (节日) that is especially popular44young people.More and more young Javanese45together and walked slowly through the46.Joking andchatting, they moved towards the mountain47the city. They continued to climb48they reached theold temple (寺庙) at the49

86、of the mountain.After they were50the temple, they drank their water and ate their moon-cakes delicious home-madeones,51of dried fruit and nuts. Outside, on the mountain, young people52cross-legged in circles,chatting and telling each other jokes. And53, in their hundreds, more young people continued

87、 to make theirway up the mountain to54the brightly shining moon.By midnight, the fireworks had stopped shooting up from the55city in the valley below them. Butduring the night, the sound continued to be heard from the distance.36. A. let out37. A. into38. A. burning39. A. lit40. A. patiently41. A. s

88、ilver42. A. mountains43. A. games44. A. for45. A. danced46. A. village47. A. on the edge of48. A. while49. A. tip50. A. inside51. A. fond52. A. jumped53. A. so54. A. follow55. A. cleanB. gave outB. atB. usedB. boughtB. calmlyB. newB. valleysB. meetingsB. toB. gatheredB. sceneB. on the way toB. until

89、B. backB. nearB. littleB. satB. evenB. showB. grayC. came outC. ofC. explodingC. piledC. worriedlyC. colorfulC. streetsC. sportsC. withC. drankC. nightC. in the center ofC. unlessC. topC. offC. fullC. stoodC. yetC. noticeC. peacefulD. set outD. fromD. brokenD. removedD. excitedlyD. goldD. shopsD. ev

90、entsD. inD. shoutedD. groundD. in the direction ofD. thoughD. bottomD. acrossD. freeD. bentD. stillD. admireD. empty答案答案36-45. CABADACDCB46-55. CABCACBDDB14(07(07重庆重庆) )In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my 36, it was thesame score.Later that

91、evening, I37told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agree that weknew our38much better than an IQ ( 智商) test. We39that Michaels score must have been a40and we should treat him41as usual.We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same ye

92、ar. He got42grades in the school, especially43biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort.Michael44Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student. Soon afterwards, his teacher permittedhim to take more courses than45. In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University.On g

93、raduation day in 1972, Frank and I46the ceremony (典礼) at Yale. After the ceremony,we toldMichael about the47IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at usand say48, “My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldnt be a doctor, not until after I graduated frommed

94、ical school!” It is his special way of thankingus for the49we had in him.Interestingly, Michael then50another IQ test. We went to the same clinic where he had51the testeighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be52.Children ofte

95、n do as53as what adults, particularly parents and teachers,54of them. That is, tell achild he is “55,” and he may play the role of a foolish child.36. A. joyB. surpriseB. fearfullyB. sonB. realizedB. mistakeB. strictlyB. goodB. aboutB. choseB. heldB. sameC. dislikeC. cheerfullyC. friendC. decidedC.

96、warningC. naturallyC. averageC. ofC. passedC. requiredC. delayedC. lowC. prideC. calmlyD. disappointmentD. hopefullyD. doctorD. understoodD wonderD. carefullyD. standardD. forD. enteredD. offeredD. attendedD. differentD. jokinglyD. delightD. prepared forD. discussedD. unsatisfactoryD. bravelyD. spea

97、kD. stupid37. A. tearfully38. A. student39. A. argued40. A. joke42. A. poor43. A. in41. A. specially44. A. visited45. A. allowed46. A. missed47. A. high49. A. faith48. A. curiouslyB. describedB. eagerlyB. interestB. acceptedB. impossibleB. muchB. learnB. rude50. A. looked forB. asked for51. A. recei

98、ved52. A. imperfect53. A. honestly54. A. hear55. A. wiseC. waited forC. organizedC. uncertainC. wellC. expectC. shy答案答案36-45. DABCBCBADC46-55. DCDABABCCD14(07(07四川四川) )Its fourteen years since I left the Philippines to live with my family in the USA. A month ago, while onsummer vacation back in my m

99、otherland, I learned a lesson from mosquito (蚊子) bites. Right before36Kennedy Airport in New York, my grandma37me of the behavior of the native mosquitoes around the38like me. She said, “Theres an old saying the39you stay away from the motherland, the sweeter yourblood40to the mosquitoes.” Not41it,

100、I replied, “Grandmaaaa, thats just an old wives tale!”Well, less than a week42my arrival in Manila, I was already carpeted with a43of mosquito bites.I took many measures to keep myself from being44, but they all proved useless.Late one45in my cousins home, I couldnt bear the46of the bites. Hoping to

101、 find some comfort,I47my cousin, who was sleeping peacefully in the bed next to mine. Unhappy for being48, she said,“There is nothing you can do. Go back to sleep.” With a few turns, she slept again. Enviously (妒嫉地)49her sleep, I hoped a big mosquito would50on her face. However, the mosquitoes would

102、 just lightly dancearound her forehead and fly away quickly, never biting her. Amazed (惊奇的), I ran to others51, only to findthey were all sleeping52as the same thing occurred again and again.From those bites, I came to53my grandmas silly tale. From then on, Ive always tried to keep a(n)54mind about

103、those strange old wives tales55they do have some truth to them.36. A. leaving37. A. persuaded38. A. students39. A. earlier40. A. grows41. A. expecting42. A. after43. A. shade44. A. touched45. A. morning46. A. noise47. A. woke up48. A. blamed49. A. having50. A. land51. A. houses52. A. joyfully53. A.

104、tell54. A. open55. A. andB. passingB. remindedB. foreignersB. longerB. goesB. understandingB. beforeB. pileB. bittenB. afternoonB. hitB. shouted atB. interruptedB. watchingB. flyB. flatsB. anxiouslyB. knowB. activeB. soC. visitingC. warnedC. passengersC. soonerC. flowsC. recognizingC. whenC. cloudC.

105、 defeatedC. eveningC. painC. looked forC. movedC. makingC. fallC. roomsC. soundlesslyC. rememberC. clearC. because14D. findingD. informedD. visitorsD. laterD. remainsD. believingD. asD. blanketD. discoveredD. nightD. effectD. dropped onD. frightenedD. helpingD. waitD. homesD. worriedlyD. acceptD. ho

106、nestD. until答案答案36-45. ACDBADADBD46-55. CABBACCDAC答案答案0101 答案答案41-50. CABACDCDBA51-60. DACBCBADDB0202 答案答案41-50. CABDADCBBC51-60. DABCDDACAB0303 答案答案41-50. BACBDCADBA51-60. BDCDCABACD0404 答案答案41-50. CDCBABDADC51-60. BBADCABDCA0505 答案答案41-50. BDDABCADCB51-60. ACCABDCADB0606 答案答案41-50. ABCCDDBCAA51-60. BCDADBCCAB14



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