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1、Definition of the literal translation approach vProfessor Liu Zhongde (1994: 172) defines literal translation as follows: “In the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and at the same time takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches gre

2、at importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible.” 1He is said to be a rough diamond. 人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。The rewards for the Chines

3、e people are clear, most visibly in the dynamism and prosperity of Peking and the coastal cities. 中国人民获得的实惠显而易见,北京和沿海城市的勃勃生机和繁荣兴旺就是最明显的见证。For the international community, the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown rapidly to be the worlds sixth largest economy, and is set

4、 to grow further. 对国际社会来说,这些变化带来的最引人注目的结果是中国已跃居为世界第六经济大国,而且今后注定进一步发展。2Examples of literal translation approach(2)Chinas rapid emergence as a major world actor is a tribute to the drive and entrepreneurial spirit of her people, and more particularly to the fundamental economic reforms she has pursued

5、 over the past two decades. 中国迅速崛起,成为世界舞台上表演重要角色的一个国家,这应归功于中国人民的努力和进取精神,尤其应归功于过去20年里中国所推行的根本性的经济改革。I would draw a further conclusion, which I believe is central to assessing Chinas future place in the world economy. 我想进一步得出结论,我认为这个结论对于评估中国今后在世界经济中的地位是至关重要的。Marriage, with peace, is this worlds paradi

6、se; with strife, this lifes purgatory. 和睦的婚姻,是这个世界的乐园;对抗的婚姻,是这个人生的炼狱。3Definition of the liberal translation approach vLiberal translation or free translation means giving up the original image or vehicle and making effort to find an appropriate way to express the intended meaning of the original. vP

7、rofessor Liu Zhongde (1994: 173) defines the liberal translation approach as follows: Liberal translation is supplementary to literal translation. Liberal translation is employed for the purpose of expressing the original meaning instead of reproducing the original sentence structure or rhetorical d

8、evice(s). Only when the literal translation approach is not suitable, can the translator resort to the free translation approach. vMany scholars agree with Prof. Liu on this point. 4Examples of liberal translation approach(1)vAlthough it is used much less frequently, the liberal translation approach

9、 is quite necessary for translating some sentences, especially those that contain rhetorical devices, which are not fit to be handled by means of the literal translation approach. Please look at the following examples.5Examples of liberal translation approach(2)vDo you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是

10、幼稚好欺骗的吗?vDont cross the bridge till you get to it. 不要自寻烦恼。(不要过早担忧。)vThey love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek. ( = They love to brag, though they often do so insincerely or ironically.) 他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管通常只是说说罢了尽管通常只是说说罢了。vIf you are unfair to me, I will certainly hang out all your dirty linen

11、.你要是待我不公平,我就把你那些丑事都抖露出去把你那些丑事都抖露出去。6Examples of liberal translation approach(3)vSimilarly, to talk about a car culture, a throw-away culture, or the generation gap as exclusively American concerns makes little sense today. 同样,如果今天还把以车代步的生以车代步的生活方式、热衷于使用一次性物品的生活习惯活方式、热衷于使用一次性物品的生活习惯,或者代沟问题当作只有美国人才关注的

12、问题来谈论,那就没有什么意义了。vIt is not just Britains breathing in which makes it so international, but also its breathing out.英国之所以成为如此国际化的国家,不仅仅在于她大量地吸纳国外的人力和物力她大量地吸纳国外的人力和物力资源,资源,而且还在于她大量地向国外输出其人力和物力资源她大量地向国外输出其人力和物力资源。7Definition of the literal-plus-liberal translation approach vSome sentences have to be tra

13、nslated both literally and freely because of bilingual differences. Only thus, can they be translated into intelligible versions. The literal-plus-free translation approach is also desirable when reference books like dictionaries are compiled. The following examples are provided to illustrate this e

14、qually important method.8Examples of the literal-plus-liberal translation approach (1)vBlessed by year round good weather, Spain is a magnet for sun-worshippers and holidaymakers 西班牙蒙上帝保佑,一年四季,天气很好,宛如一宛如一块磁铁,吸引着块磁铁,吸引着 酷爱阳光、爱好度假的人们vYou can spread your wings with Open Studies. 开放型大学让你展翅飞翔展翅飞翔。v第一流产品,

15、为足下增光。(红鸟鞋油广告标语)vThis first-rate shoe polish adds luster to your shoes and honor to you, our friends. 9Examples of the literal-plus-liberal translation approach (2)v世界看中国,中国有先科。 As she boasts Advanced Science, China attracts global eyes.vEvery bullet has its billet. 颗颗弹丸都有它的归宿。/ 天命难违。vHope is the po

16、or mans bread. 希望是穷人的面包。/ 穷人靠希望活着。vToday a man, tomorrow a mouse. 今天是一个人,明天是一只鼠./今天得志,明天落魄。 vExperience is the mistress of fools. 经验是愚人的主妇。/ 经验支使愚人。10Function of each of those approachesvThe literal translation approach acts like a mirror, reflecting almost everything of the original in the version.

17、 It helps the translator keep both the original form and content in the version. It is most widely applicable. vThe liberal translation approach is applicable when the literal approach is not suitable. It helps the translator keep the original meaning though the original form is lost. It is absolute

18、ly necessary although it is less often used. vThe literal-plus-liberal translation approach helps bring about better or more idiomatic versions.11The advantages of the literal translation approach vThe literal translation approach exhibits many advantages. vBy adopting this approach, we can preserve

19、 in the version not only the original meaning and form, especially the original figure(s) of speech and figurative meaning, but also the national and local colors and features in the original.v In addition, by employing this method, we can introduce many things foreign into China, such as new ideas,

20、 new fashions, new inventions, new technologies, new foods, and new expressions. Similarly, we can also export many new things in China into foreign countries by using the literal translation approach. That is why the literal translation approach is so commonly employed. That is why many famous prof

21、essors actively advocate the literal translation approach, such as Liu Zhongde, Zhang Peiji, Sun Zhili, etc. Lu Xun, a great thinker as well as a great writer in China, vigorously encouraged the literal translation approach by urging translators to keep the exotic tone and preserve the authentic flavor of the original in the version(罗新璋,1984:301).12



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