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1、光纤的色散与非线性效应光纤的色散与非线性效应1随着脉冲在光纤中传输随着脉冲在光纤中传输,脉冲的宽度被展宽脉冲的宽度被展宽劣化的程度随数据速率的平方增大劣化的程度随数据速率的平方增大劣化的程度随数据速率的平方增大劣化的程度随数据速率的平方增大 决定了电中继器之间的距离决定了电中继器之间的距离决定了电中继器之间的距离决定了电中继器之间的距离光纤的色散光纤的色散模间色散模间色散模间色散模间色散(Mode Dispersion)(Mode Dispersion)(Mode Dispersion)(Mode Dispersion) 色度色散色度色散色度色散色度色散(Cromatic Dispersion

2、)(Cromatic Dispersion)(Cromatic Dispersion)(Cromatic Dispersion) 偏振色散偏振色散偏振色散偏振色散(Polarization Mode Dispersion)(Polarization Mode Dispersion)(Polarization Mode Dispersion)(Polarization Mode Dispersion)2色散对传输的限制色散对传输的限制34Material (Chromatic) DispersionThis is caused by the fact that the refractive in

3、dex of the glass we are using varies (slightly) with the wavelength. Some wavelengths therefore have higher group velocities and so travel faster than others. Since every pulse consists of a range of wavelengths it will spread out to some degree during its travel.5Group Velocity Dispersion” (GVD)Nor

4、mal Dispersion Regime :the long wavelengths travel faster than the short ones! Thus after travelling on a fibre wavelengths at the red end of the pulse spectrum will arrive first. This is called a positive chirp!Anomalous Dispersion Regime: the short wavelengths (blue end of the spectrum) travel fas

5、ter than the long wavelengths (red end). After travel on a fibre the shorter wavelengths will arrive first. This is considered a negative chirp.6Polarisation Mode Dispersion (PMD)There is usually a very slight difference in RI for each polarisation. It can be a source of dispersion, usually less tha

6、n .5 ps/nm/km.The effect is to cause a circular or elliptical polarisation to form as the signal travels along the fibre. Dispersion resulting from the birefringent properties of fibre is called “Polarisation Mode Dispersion” (PMD).7Waveguide Dispersion The shape (profile) of the fibre has a very si

7、gnificant effect on the group velocity. This is because the amount that the fields overlap between core and cladding depends strongly on the wavelength. The longer the wavelength the further the the electromagnetic wave extends into the cladding.since a greater proportion of the wave at shorter wave

8、lengths is confined within the core, the shorter wavelengths “see” a higher RI than do longer wavelengths. Therefore shorter wavelengths tend to travel more slowly than longer ones.8传输使用的三种不同类型的单模光纤传输使用的三种不同类型的单模光纤G.652G.652单模光纤(单模光纤(NDSFNDSF)G.653G.653单模光纤(单模光纤(DSFDSF)G.655G.655单模光纤(单模光纤(NZ-DSFNZ-D

9、SF)常规常规G.655G.655大有效面积大有效面积G.655G.6559大多数已安装的光纤大多数已安装的光纤大多数已安装的光纤大多数已安装的光纤低损耗低损耗低损耗低损耗 大色散分布大色散分布大色散分布大色散分布 大有效面积大有效面积大有效面积大有效面积色散受限距离短色散受限距离短色散受限距离短色散受限距离短2.5Gb/s2.5Gb/s系统色度色散受限距离约系统色度色散受限距离约系统色度色散受限距离约系统色度色散受限距离约600km600km10Gb/s10Gb/s系统色度色散受限距离约系统色度色散受限距离约系统色度色散受限距离约系统色度色散受限距离约34km34kmG.652+DCFG.6

10、52+DCF方案升级扩容成本高方案升级扩容成本高方案升级扩容成本高方案升级扩容成本高结论结论结论结论: : 不适用于不适用于不适用于不适用于10Gb/s10Gb/s以上速率传输,但可应用于以上速率传输,但可应用于以上速率传输,但可应用于以上速率传输,但可应用于 2.5Gb/s2.5Gb/s以下速率的以下速率的以下速率的以下速率的DWDMDWDM。G.652G.652单模光纤(单模光纤(NDSFNDSF)10低损耗低损耗低损耗低损耗 零色散零色散零色散零色散 小有效面积小有效面积小有效面积小有效面积长距离、单信道超高速长距离、单信道超高速长距离、单信道超高速长距离、单信道超高速EDFAEDFA系

11、统系统系统系统四波混频(四波混频(四波混频(四波混频(FWMFWMFWMFWM)是主要的问题,)是主要的问题,)是主要的问题,)是主要的问题,不利于不利于不利于不利于DWDMDWDM技术技术技术技术结论结论结论结论: : 适适适适用用用用于于于于10Gb/s10Gb/s以以以以上上上上速速速速率率率率单单单单信信信信道道道道传传传传输输输输,但但但但不不不不适适适适用于用于用于用于 DWDM DWDM应用,处于被市场淘汰的现状。应用,处于被市场淘汰的现状。应用,处于被市场淘汰的现状。应用,处于被市场淘汰的现状。G.653G.653单模光纤(单模光纤(DSFDSF)11l l在在在在153015

12、3015651565nmnm窗口有较低的损耗窗口有较低的损耗窗口有较低的损耗窗口有较低的损耗l l工作窗口较低的色散,一定的色散抑制了非线性效应工作窗口较低的色散,一定的色散抑制了非线性效应工作窗口较低的色散,一定的色散抑制了非线性效应工作窗口较低的色散,一定的色散抑制了非线性效应(四波混频)的发生。(四波混频)的发生。(四波混频)的发生。(四波混频)的发生。l l 可以有正的或负的色散可以有正的或负的色散可以有正的或负的色散可以有正的或负的色散海底传输系统海底传输系统海底传输系统海底传输系统l l正色散正色散正色散正色散SPMSPM效应压缩脉冲,负色散效应压缩脉冲,负色散效应压缩脉冲,负色散

13、效应压缩脉冲,负色散SPMSPM效应展宽脉冲。效应展宽脉冲。效应展宽脉冲。效应展宽脉冲。l l 为为为为DWDMDWDM系统的应用而设计的系统的应用而设计的系统的应用而设计的系统的应用而设计的G.655G.655单模光纤(单模光纤(NZ-DSFNZ-DSF)结论结论结论结论: : 适用于适用于适用于适用于10Gb/s10Gb/s以上速率以上速率以上速率以上速率DWDMDWDM传输,传输,传输,传输,是未来大容量传输,是未来大容量传输,是未来大容量传输,是未来大容量传输,DWDMDWDM系统用光纤的理想选择。系统用光纤的理想选择。系统用光纤的理想选择。系统用光纤的理想选择。12三种光纤色散情况比

14、较三种光纤色散情况比较正常色散区正常色散区反常色散区反常色散区13Calculating Dispersionin a typical single-mode fibre using a laser with a spectral width of 6 nm over a distance of 10 km : Dispersion = 17ps/nm/km 6 nm 10 km = 1020 psAt 1 Gbps a pulse is 1 ns long. So the system would not work. (20% is a good guideline for the acce

15、ptable limit.) But it would probably work quite well at a data rate of 155 Mbps (a pulse length of 6.5 ns).A narrow spectral width laser might produce only one line with a linewidth of 300 MHz. Modulating it at 1 Gbps will add 2 GHz. 2,300 MHz is just less than .02 nm (at 1500 nm). So now:Dispersion

16、 = 17ps/nm/km .02 nm 10 km = 3.4 psIn this case, dispersion just ceased to be a problem.14色散补偿技术色散补偿技术控制光源线宽色散位移光纤色散补偿光纤中途谱反转啁啾光纤光栅15Control of Spectral WidthSimple FP laser: over 5 nm; External cavity DBR laser: .01 nmModulation adds to the bandwidth of the signal, by twice the highest frequency pr

17、esent in the modulating signal (1 Gbps, .04 nm)!Using more complex signal coding rather than simple OOK.Using WDM(a 2.5 Gbps signal has 1/4 of the problem with dispersion as a 10 Gbps signal).16Dispersion Shifted Fibredispersion shifted fibre is designed with a dispersion zero point at around 1550 n

18、m.However, it is not always possible or indeed desirable:In many cases we cant have DSF because the fibre we must use is already installed.four-wave mixing effectively prohibit the use of DSF.17Dispersion Compensating Fibre18Balancing Dispersion on a Link19DCF存在的问题存在的问题高损耗(0.5dB/km)小截面积(DCF:20mm2G-6

19、52:80mm2),比标准光纤的非线性系数高2-4个数量级非线性阈值低3-6dB较大的色散斜率(DCF:-15-20ps/nm2/km;G-652:0.09ps/nm2/km).短波长过补偿,长波长欠补偿。20Mid-Span Spectral InversionThe concept here is to use a device in the middle of the link to invert the spectrum. This process changes the short wavelengths to long ones and the long wavelengths t

20、o short ones. When the pulse arrives it has been re-built exactly - compensated for by the second half of the fibre.21PrincipleThis spectral inversion is performed by a process called “optical phase conjugation”. Devices that change the wavelength using either 4-Wave Mixing or Difference requency Ge

21、neration invert the spectrum as a biproduct of their wavelength conversion function. These can be used as spectral inverters if we can tolerate the wavelength shift involved.22Chirped Fibre Bragg GratingsChirped Bragg gratingllonglshortTo compensate for 100 km of standard (17 ps/nm/km) fibre the chi

22、rped grating needs to be 17 cm long for every nm of signal bandwidth! In this instance a WDM system with channels spread over (say) 20 nm would need a chirped FBG (20 x 17) 340 cm long!23啁啾光栅用作色散补偿啁啾光栅用作色散补偿啁啾光栅的色散:(2neffL/c)(1/Dlc)neff:有效折射率;c:光速Dlc光栅两边缘反射波长之差.5cm长的线性啁啾光栅可以补偿300km的10Gb/(光谱宽度0.1nm)传

23、输线的色散(5100ps/nm)24 单信道单信道 多信道多信道 折射率效应折射率效应光强度波动引光强度波动引光强度波动引光强度波动引起的折射率的起的折射率的起的折射率的起的折射率的调制调制调制调制 自相位调制自相位调制 (SPM) 交叉相位调制交叉相位调制 (XPM) 四波混频四波混频 (FWM) 散射效应散射效应 受激布里渊散射受激布里渊散射 (SBS) 受激拉曼散射受激拉曼散射 (SRS) 光纤的非线性效应光纤的非线性效应25What happenIncrease in significance exponentially with the level of optical power

24、in the fibre. “Elastic” effects: no energy exchange between the optical wave and the matter (four-wave mixing).“Inelastic Scattering”: there is an energy transfer between the matter involved and the optical wave.26光纤非线性的形成光纤非线性的形成单信道系统,功率水平10mw,速率不超过2.5Gb/s时,光纤可以作为线性介质处理,即:光纤的损耗和折射率都与信号功率无关WDM系统中,即使

25、在中等功率水平和比特率下,非线性效应也很显著。非线性效应的产生的原因是:光纤传输损耗(增益)和折射率以及光功率相关。非线性相互作用取决于传输距离和光纤的横截面积。27折射率非线性变化折射率非线性变化光纤折射率随光功率变化:n=n0+n2P/Ae其中P是光功率,Ae是光纤有效截面积折射率变化引起光波相位变化,导致光脉冲展宽,形成SPM,XPMandFWM在负色散区导致色散代价;在正色散区,导致色散补偿28Carrier-Induced Phase ModulationThe presence of light in a fibre causes a (tiny) change in the re

26、fractive index of the fibre. This is because the electromagnetic field that constitutes the light acts on the atoms and molecules that make up the glass. This is called the “Kerr Effect”.At low intensities the effect is linear; that is, the amount of RI change varies linearly with the intensity of t

27、he light. At high intensities the effect is highly non-linear. This is called the “Nonlinear Kerr Effect”.29How it worksAt very high powers Kerr nonlinearities can be used to balance the effects of chromatic dispersion in the fibre and a “soliton” is formed. At medium power levels (below the level n

28、eeded to form solitons) Kerr effect has been used to construct devices that compress and re-form pulses and hence “undo” the effects of chromatic dispersion.At low power levels the results of Kerr effect are “self-phase modulation” and “cross-phase modulation”.30自相位调制自相位调制(SPM)自相位调制(SPM)的产生是由于本信道光功率


30、E1=E2则XPM的效果将是SPM的两倍。因此XPM将加剧WDM系统中SPM的啁啾及相应的脉冲展宽效应。增加信道间隔可以抑制XPMDSF高速(10Gb/s)WDM系统中,XPM将成为一个显著的问题。33四波混频四波混频(FWM)折射率对于光强的相关性,不仅引起信道中的相移,而且产生新频率分量的信号,这种现象称为四波混频(FWM)三光子混频: w4=w1+w2+w3两光子混频: w4+w3=w1+w2单光子混频: w4+w3=2wp (wp=w1=w2)两束光产生混频两个边带:斯托克斯频率:wS=2w1- w2反斯托克斯频率:wA=2w2- w134Four Wave Mixing Effect



33、与反斯托克斯波。SBS产生频移,只发生在很窄的线宽内,在1.55mm处,WB=11.1GHZ。斯托克斯波和泵浦波沿反方向传播。只要波长间隔比20MHZ大得多(这是典型的情况),SBS不引起不同波长之间的相互作用。SBS在朝向光源的方向上产生增益,会引起光源不稳定SBS阈值功率低(单波长信道:9dBm).增加光源线宽能够提高SBS阈值功率(100MHz光源:16dBm)SBS的增益系数gB约为410-11m/W,且与波长无关。38SBS Threshold Variation with Wavelength39Major problem with SBSIn long distance syst

34、ems where the span between amplifiers is great and the bit rate low (below about 2.5 Gbps).In WDM systems (up to about 10 Gbps) where the spectral width of the signal is very narrow.In remote pumping of an erbium doped fibre amplifier (EDFA) through a separate fibre. EDFA pumps typically put out abo

35、ut four lines of around only 80 MHz wide. Each of these lines is limited by SBS in the amount of powerthat can be used.40降低降低SBS的措施的措施使单信道功率保持在SBS阈值以下。增 加 光 源 的 线 宽 ,大 于100MHz(0.1nm)。采用相位调制。41受激喇曼散射受激喇曼散射(SRS)SRS是光子受到振动分子散射所产生的。SRS同时存在于在光传输方向或者与之相反的方向阈值比SBS高3个数量级,具有100nm频移间隔SRS引起DWDM不同信道之间发生耦合,导致串扰。

36、长波长信号被短波长信号放大,引起信道功率不平衡仅当两个波长信号都处于高电平状态才会发生SRS.色散可以减小SRS。因为这时不同信道的信号以不同的速度传播,从而减小了不同波长的脉冲在光纤中任一点处都重合的概率波长间隔大容易产生SRS42Stimulated Raman Scattering43降低降低SRS的措施的措施使信道间隔减小传输功率保持在SRS阈值以下。引入一定的色散44Raman Effect AmplifiersThe signal to be amplified must be longer in wavelength than the pump.Optimal amplifica

37、tion occurs when the difference in wavelengths is around 13.2 THz.At very high power it is possible for all of the signal power to be transferred to the Stokes Wave.In regular Ge-doped fibre the effect is very small and it takes a relatively long length of (about 1 km). 45Wavelength Changing with SR

38、S46A 1310 nm Band SRASignal light and pump light enter the device together through a wavelength selective coupler.The pump light at 1064 nm is shifted to 1117 nm and then in stages to 1240 nm.The 1240 nm light then pumps the 1310 band signal and amplification is obtained.A high level of Ge dopant is used (around 20%) to increase the SRS effect.47SRFAWDMOutputGainFlatteningFilterPumpSourcePUMPSIGNAL48Comparison of the OAs49宽带光放大宽带光放大(C+L)波段EDFAC波段EDFA+SRFATDFA( Thulium-dopedfluoridefiberamplifier)+SRFA多波长SRFASOA50



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