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1、武汉艳阳天商贸发展有限公司武汉艳阳天商贸发展有限公司服务员在职培训教材服务员在职培训教材餐厅英语口语餐厅英语口语 培训规划中心培训规划中心 二零零六年十月二零零六年十月一、问候语一、问候语 GreetingsGreetingsWelcome to Sunny Sky Welcome to Sunny Sky 欢迎光临艳阳天欢迎光临艳阳天一、问候语一、问候语 GreetingsGreetingsGood morning Good morning 早上好早上好 Good afternoon Good afternoon 下午好下午好Good evening Good evening 晚上好晚上好G

2、ood night Good night 晚晚 安安一、问候语一、问候语 GreetingsGreetingsMarry Christmas Marry Christmas 圣诞快乐圣诞快乐Happy New Year Happy New Year 新年快乐新年快乐Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 生日快乐生日快乐Thank you for your coming Thank you for your coming 谢谢你的光临谢谢你的光临二、点菜用语二、点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders1.Here is the menu.1.Here

3、is the menu.这是菜单。这是菜单。2.Everything is a la carte.2.Everything is a la carte.这里是零点。这里是零点。3. We have buffet.3. We have buffet.我们有自助餐。我们有自助餐。二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders4. What would you like to eat?4. What would you like to eat?您吃点什么?您吃点什么?5. Would you like something to 5. Would you like so

4、mething to drink?drink?您想喝点什么?您想喝点什么?二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders6. Here is the wine list.6. Here is the wine list.这是酒水牌。这是酒水牌。7. May l suggest something?7. May l suggest something?我给您个建议行吗?我给您个建议行吗?8. Why don t you try8. Why don t you try?为什么不试一下为什么不试一下?二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking O

5、rders 9. Wheres the menu?9. Wheres the menu?菜单在哪?菜单在哪?10. Bring me the menu, please.10. Bring me the menu, please.请将菜单拿来。请将菜单拿来。11. May I take your order now?11. May I take your order now?您现在点菜吗?您现在点菜吗?二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders12. What kind of dishes would 12. What kind of dishes would

6、 you like?you like?您喜欢吃什么菜?您喜欢吃什么菜?13. Thirsty 13. Thirsty 口喝口喝14. Hungry 14. Hungry 饿饿二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders15. What vegetable would you like?15. What vegetable would you like?要什么青菜?要什么青菜?16. What would you like to go with 16. What would you like to go with your main course?your ma

7、in course?您的主菜配什么青菜?您的主菜配什么青菜?17. Would you like to change another 17. Would you like to change another dish?dish?您可以换一个菜吗?您可以换一个菜吗?二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders18. Would you like to have some wine 18. Would you like to have some wine with your meal?with your meal?您用餐时喝什么酒?您用餐时喝什么酒?19. The

8、 seafood is sold by weight.19. The seafood is sold by weight.海鲜是按重量计价出售的。海鲜是按重量计价出售的。20. Would you like some soup with 20. Would you like some soup with your meal?your meal?要不要汤呢?要不要汤呢?二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders21. Todays special is21. Todays special is今天的特别介绍是今天的特别介绍是22. May I suggest?

9、 Its very 22. May I suggest? Its very tasty.tasty.我建议您吃我建议您吃,这菜味道很好。,这菜味道很好。23. How about seafood?23. How about seafood?吃海鲜如何?吃海鲜如何?二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders25. Would you like some bread? 25. Would you like some bread? (Rice, Tea, Chicken, Soy, (Rice, Tea, Chicken, Soy, Sauce)Sauce)你喜欢

10、要面包(米饭、茶、鸡肉、酱你喜欢要面包(米饭、茶、鸡肉、酱油、汁等)?油、汁等)?26. Our 26. Our WuCHangWuCHang fish are fresh. fish are fresh.我们的武昌鱼是活的。我们的武昌鱼是活的。二、点菜用语二、点菜用语 Taking Orders Taking Orders OrdersOrders27. Would you like to try something 27. Would you like to try something else?else?您是不是试点别的?您是不是试点别的?28. Im sure youll enjoy

11、it.28. Im sure youll enjoy it.我肯定您会喜欢。我肯定您会喜欢。29. I have its very good.29. I have its very good.我听说这道菜做的不错。我听说这道菜做的不错。二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders30. Famous dish 30. Famous dish 名菜名菜31. Tell one or two special dishes of 31. Tell one or two special dishes of Beijing.Beijing.告诉我一两个北京特色菜。告诉我

12、一两个北京特色菜。32. Im afraid that this vegetable 32. Im afraid that this vegetable is not in not in season.抱歉,这种蔬菜过了季节。抱歉,这种蔬菜过了季节。二、二、点菜用语点菜用语 Taking OrdersTaking Orders33. This dish takes quite a while to 33. This dish takes quite a while to prepare , about 30 minutes.prepare , about 30 minute

13、s.这道菜做的时间长,大约这道菜做的时间长,大约3030分钟。分钟。34. Sorry, its sold out.34. Sorry, its sold out.对不起,卖完了。对不起,卖完了。三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service1. Can you use chopsticks?1. Can you use chopsticks?你会用筷子吗?你会用筷子吗?2. Would you need a fork and 2. Would you need a fork and knife?knife?您需要刀叉吗?您需要刀叉吗?3.

14、Would you need a napkin 3. Would you need a napkin paper?paper?您需要餐巾纸吗您需要餐巾纸吗 三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service4. May I take away the plate?4. May I take away the plate?我可以拿走这个碟吗?我可以拿走这个碟吗?5. Excuse me , let me change 5. Excuse me , let me change your ashtray.your ashtray.对有起,让我更换烟灰缸

15、。对有起,让我更换烟灰缸。三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service7. Here is your coffee.7. Here is your coffee.这是您的咖啡。这是您的咖啡。8. The plate is hot , be 8. The plate is hot , be carefullcarefull. .这个碟子烫手,小心点。这个碟子烫手,小心点。9. With or without ice , please sir?9. With or without ice , please sir?请问先生,要不要加冰块?请问先

16、生,要不要加冰块? 三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service10. Ill get some right away.10. Ill get some right away.我马上拿一些来。我马上拿一些来。11. Could you bring me some chili 11. Could you bring me some chili sauce?sauce?能给我一点辣椒酱吗?能给我一点辣椒酱吗?1212How about another one?How about another one?再加一杯,好吗?再加一杯,好吗?三、服务用

17、语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service1313Would you like anything else?Would you like anything else?您还需要别的什么吗?您还需要别的什么吗?14. Please enjoy your meal.14. Please enjoy your meal.请享用您的菜。请享用您的菜。15.Its delicious!15.Its delicious!味道真好!味道真好!三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service16. The kitch

18、en is closed now.16. The kitchen is closed now.厨房已经收工了。厨房已经收工了。17. Wheres the door ?17. Wheres the door ?门在哪儿?门在哪儿?18. Wheres the toilet ?18. Wheres the toilet ?洗手间在哪儿?洗手间在哪儿? 三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service19. Can you tell me the way to ?19. Can you tell me the way to ?请告诉我去请告诉我去怎

19、么走?怎么走?20. Ill show you the way myself.20. Ill show you the way myself.我亲自领你们去。我亲自领你们去。21. Dont forget your package.21. Dont forget your package.不要忘记你的东西。不要忘记你的东西。三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service22. Thats all right22. Thats all right别客气。别客气。23. I beg your pardon.23. I beg your pardo

20、n.请您再说一次。请您再说一次。24. Ill do it.24. Ill do it.我马上办。我马上办。 三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service25. What can I do for you?25. What can I do for you?我能为您做些什么?我能为您做些什么?26. Please dont worry.26. Please dont worry.请别担心。请别担心。27. Have a good time.27. Have a good time.祝你玩得愉快。祝你玩得愉快。28. Were always

21、at your service.28. Were always at your service.我们随时乐意效劳。我们随时乐意效劳。 三、服务用语三、服务用语 Restaurant ServiceRestaurant Service29.Can I take a message?29.Can I take a message?我留个话可以吗?我留个话可以吗?30. Im glad to serve you.30. Im glad to serve you.我很荣幸为您服务。我很荣幸为您服务。 四、结帐用语四、结帐用语 CheckCheck1. Can I have the bill, plea

22、se?1. Can I have the bill, please?请给我结帐?请给我结帐?2. Check, please.2. Check, please.请结帐。请结帐。3. Pay cash.3. Pay cash.付现金。付现金。四、结帐用语四、结帐用语 CheckCheck4. Could you explain it to me?4. Could you explain it to me?你可不可以解释一下这个帐单?你可不可以解释一下这个帐单?5. Keep the change.5. Keep the change.不必找钱。不必找钱。6. No tipping.6. No tipping.不收小费。不收小费。



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