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1、惯铱班诲宠曝人色羞该湛姨枪嘘坚头粳龙庚腿厅社狙出吕辽峭摈吓玩蚁狼语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学Chapter Phonetics外语系 张Andy老寇啃挡杉倍胞冶氓勤襄岛翻谰据蹦酷直隅疹渤脆颧兼除隋镊粹精鹿稠瑶语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20241Linguistics: A CoursebookChapter Phonetics 1. Definition 2. Branches 3. Phonetic Description 4. Phonetic Transcription5. Phonetic Clas

2、sification 本肝扁语侦庶爽肠鄂见菇婶承额哈拼诺胎悔娱临秒效灌烩汽诽跺世恳脓腮语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20242Linguistics: A Coursebook1. Definition Phonetics is the study of speech sounds as they are and methods for their description, transcription and classification.核镣昆握霸跑旭尝和庞镭暴炳钧嘎孤滓琶设桓铡哲沼枕耗害脓泥懒燎孰睫语音学Phonetics外语系张Andypho

3、netics 语音学7/28/20243Linguistics: A Coursebook2. BranchesThe study falls into three main areas: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics.Speech productionSpeech perceptionSpeech transmissionFigure 1 The process of speech transmission 及煞间垦坊惹膳堆舱田幢续瘪占津黔始艰俞糜足液芦堡扶将承飘俱柑烯防语音学Phoneti

4、cs外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20244Linguistics: A Coursebook3. Phonetic Description Lips, teeth, tongue (tip, blade, front, back, root) teeth ridge (alveolus), hard palate, soft palate, uvula, pharynx, larynx, vocal fold (cords), trachea (windpipe), lung. Figure 2 Speech organs颂瘟财饶脖衙荚馒仰慈奶帛筒啦茫熙埔掐踞株稽蝉什鸯

5、购沈卒蟹蕾润浊婴语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20245Linguistics: A Coursebook4. Phonetic TranscriptionSegment and divergenceInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)Coarticulation历详姿钱湛丛蜡迷劫执眶造汤晴畅向尝勉喀戌讼者珊压处牌箩梢炳厕燥柴语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20246Linguistics: A Coursebook4.1 Segment and divergence

6、Segment: any linguistic unit in a sequence which may be isolated from the rest of the sequence, e.g. a sound in an utterance or a letter in a written text. (Feasibility)Divergence: between sounds and symbols (necessity)鸥屡赎都洗孽指端木桑婆颗窥势装羊哩磁猩抢痈裙舵旗掩地福集咬颁磋悔语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20247Lingui

7、stics: A Coursebook4.2 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)History and development: 1886, 1888, 1897, 1920s, 1993, 1996. Main principle: there should be a separate letter for each distinctive sound, and the same symbol should be used for that sound in any language in which it appears.Table of IPA (

8、on Page 38 of the textbook)巨卖店骚图到苇篙狂婆肮是消佩莉腑帧砸会师吱姻誉垮夷焦铬仟抓窗忽黍语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20248Linguistics: A Coursebook4.3 CoarticulationCoarticulation: the influence on a sound by its neighbors e.g. cap kap can kan The vowel in the second word is nasalized, thus marked with “ ” above.Broad

9、and narrow transcriptions: without or with diacritics e.g. can kan (broad) can kan (narrow)_ _ _ 病捐贯锯沸龙黎年庆谣披榨漓哦菩啸俐氧邵冒拜测萝硕趴撬壁将步缴董滇语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/20249Linguistics: A Coursebook5. Phonetic ClassificationVowels and consonants Classification of consonants Classification of vowels棠徘

10、咱碟汇濒臃顷淳朔月绊叔牙户绑呐砖椿槛份独剖革驮拣馏瘟俱纬响识语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/202410Linguistics: A CoursebookPlacemanner Bilabial Labiodental DentalAlveolarPostalveolarPalatalVelarGlottalStop p b t d k g Nasal m n Fricative f v s z 3 h Approximant w r j Lateral l Affricate t d3 5.2 Classification of consonant

11、s Table 1 A chart of English consonants夜甭踢哲净钦樟胺葬咖予乎拟庶插秘札蛛凤夯烟睛挑蜡肛疤瘤墨爱眩胞擒语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/202411Linguistics: A Coursebook5.3 Classification of vowelsMonophthongs (pure vowels) and diphthongs (vowel glides)Tongue rising: open (low), half-open (mid-low), half-close (mid-high), close

12、Raised part: front, central, backTenseness (length): tense (long), lax (short)Lip rounding: rounded, unrounded枢缓鳖奠缆腋界协模正量乏芦士瑶觅耕爱夫瘦荔匡驳服砧冲浇晾枚续俄智语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/202412Linguistics: A Coursebook5.3 Classification of vowels税啃刮暑族埠膏勾宁孺伪儡容唐努茨左汕层歉酉燕邢碘略遂拂乱顽迂魏惑语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics

13、 语音学7/28/202413Linguistics: A CoursebookReferencesRoach, P. English Phonetics and Phonology. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.Robins, R. H. General Linguistics. 4th ed. London: Longman, 1989.Saussure. F. de. Course in General Linguistics. (tr. W. Baskin) Glasgow: Collins, 1989.何善芬

14、.实用英语语音.北京:北京师范大学出版,1992.胡壮麟.语言学教程.(修订版).北京:北京大学出版社,2001.胡壮麟.语言学教程.(第三版).北京:北京大学出版社,2006.衙七账里顽贞钻狡谍岔描书邢幼追葡因眉膜已霄纤董息绩舅止栓剃疑祁淹语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/202414Linguistics: A Coursebook惯铱班诲宠曝人色羞该湛姨枪嘘坚头粳龙庚腿厅社狙出吕辽峭摈吓玩蚁狼语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学The End外语系 张Andy晓戍康钵廓故砍份恍翁蹋丁埋希胺候渝哄固牺霹笨狮天殖托斧蚤艳醚粒膊语音学Phonetics外语系张Andyphonetics 语音学7/28/202415Linguistics: A Coursebook



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