六年级英语下册 Unit 10 Is there a post office near here Section A(1a2d)课件 鲁教版五四制

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1、Unit 10 Is there a post office near here? Section A (1a-2d). 根据句意及图片提示从方框中选择适当的介词填空根据句意及图片提示从方框中选择适当的介词填空 behind, to, between, on, from, front 1. The pay phone is across _ the library. 2. The pay phone is next _ the library.答案:答案:1. from 2. to 3. The pay phone is _ the post office and the library. 4

2、. The pay phone is _ Green Street. 答案:答案: 3. between 4. on 5. The pay phone is in _ of the library. 6. The pay phone is _ the library.答案:答案: 5. front 6. behind. 情景交际情景交际1. _ _ a hospital near here? Yes, there is. _ on Bridge Street. 2. _ the hospital? Its next to the police station. 答案:答案:1. Is ther

3、e;Its 2. Wheres1. Be +there+. . . ?句型?句型Is there a hospital near here? 附近有医院吗?附近有医院吗?Yes,there is. 是的,有。是的,有。Are there any good restaurants near here? 附近有好的餐馆吗?附近有好的餐馆吗?【探究总结探究总结】There be 结构的一般疑问句及答语结构的一般疑问句及答语(1)There be 结构结构“There be. . . ”意意为为“某某处处有有某某物物”,其其中中be随随其其后后的的名名词词的的单单复复数数形形式式而而变变化化,当当句句

4、中中有有两两个个及及以以上上的的名名词词作作并并列列主主语语时时,遵遵循循“就就近近一一致致”的的原原则则,即即be的的形形式式由由最最靠靠近近它它的的名名词词来来决决定。定。(2)There be结构的一般疑问句结构的一般疑问句Be +there+. . . ?意意为为“某某地地/处处有有吗吗?”,是是“There be. . . ”结构的一般疑问句形式。结构的一般疑问句形式。(3)There be 结构的一般疑问句的答语结构的一般疑问句的答语答答语语中中仍仍然然要要用用there,一一般般现现在在时时中中,其其肯肯定定回回答答为为Yes, there is/are. 否定回答为否定回答为N

5、o, there isnt/arent. 【误区警示误区警示】 There be结结构构中中的的谓谓语语动动词词是是be, 而而不不是是have,不不可可以以与与动动词词have(有有)混用。混用。【学以致用学以致用】There _ (be) a bank on Center Street. There _ (be) some books on the desk. Is there a police station near here? _. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, there isC. Yes, it has D. Yes, there are答案:答案:is are 2

6、. across from 在在对面对面The pay phone is across from the library. 付费电话在图书馆对面。付费电话在图书馆对面。There is a park across from the hotel. 旅馆对面有一个公园。旅馆对面有一个公园。 【探究总结探究总结】 across 的用法小结的用法小结(1)构成表示方位的短语构成表示方位的短语across from“在在对面对面”。(2)across与与through用法辨析用法辨析acrossthrough介介词词“横横过过;穿穿过过”,其其含含义义与与on有有关关,指指从从物物体体表表面面的的一一边

7、边到到另另一一边边,过过河河、过过桥桥、过过马马路路等等均均用用across介介词词“穿穿过过;通通过过”,其其含含义义与与in有有关关,指指从从物物体体的的内内部部穿穿过过,穿穿过过洞洞、隧隧道道、森森林林、浓浓雾雾等等均均用用throughrun across the road go through the tunnel【学以致用学以致用】When the traffic lights are green, you can go _ the street. A. cross B. throughC. across D. over3. in front of在在前面前面The pay pho

8、ne is in front of the library. 付费电话在图书馆前面。付费电话在图书馆前面。The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom and having class. 老师正站在教室的前面上课。老师正站在教室的前面上课。【探究总结探究总结】 in front of/in the front of 用法辨析用法辨析 in front of意意为为“在在(外外部部的的)前前面面”;in the front of意意为为“在在(内部的内部的)前面前面”。【图解助记图解助记】in the front of classro

9、omthe classin front of the class【学以致用学以致用】There is a big tree _ the house. A. in front B. in front ofC. in the front D. in the front of. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空post office, restaurant, bank, hospital, library, pay phone1. We can have meals in the _. 2. You can borrow books from the _. 3. We b

10、uy stamps(邮票邮票) and send letters in the _. 答案:答案:1. restaurant 2. library 3. post office4. We can save money(存钱存钱) in the _. 5. The man wants to make a telephone call. Hes looking for the _. 6. If you are not feeling well, you have to go to the _.答案答案: : 4. bank 5. pay phone 6. hospital. 看图完成句子看图完成句子 1. The hospital is _ Meilong Street. 2. The hotel is _ _ the park. 3. The supermarket is _ _ the school. 4. The park is _ the hotel. 5. The hotel is _ the park _ the bank. 答案:答案:1. on 2. next to 3. across from 4. behind 5. between; and



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