高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 写作基础 夯实基础6 定语从句-who、whom(作主语及宾语)课件.ppt

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《高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 写作基础 夯实基础6 定语从句-who、whom(作主语及宾语)课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语二轮复习 第一篇 写作基础 夯实基础6 定语从句-who、whom(作主语及宾语)课件.ppt(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(1) 【2006湖北,英湖北,英语阅读调查】However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.(2) 【2011上海,申上海,申请信:扶信:扶贫项目目】Besides, 2,000 RMB as the fund will be given to anyone who successfully applies to be a member of th

2、e project.(3) 【2009上海,申上海,申请信:夏令信:夏令营课程程】But when I set eyes on my mother, who is always buried in endless daily chores, I want to relieve her pressure by helping her cooking.(1) 甚甚至至那那些些过去去不不喜喜欢英英语的的学学生生都都变得得对这个个学学科科感感兴趣了。趣了。【2012辽宁,宁,对教材的看法与建教材的看法与建议】(1) Even the students who used to dislike Engli

3、sh have turned out to be interested in the subject.(2) 我我的的堂堂兄兄弟弟李李华,去去年年离离开开家家去去澳澳大大利利亚深深造造学学习,告告知知我我他他将将会会在在这周周六六早早上上回回来来。【2010山山东,道道歉歉信信:因故不能赴因故不能赴约】(2) My cousin, Li Hua, who left home to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return this Saturday morning.(3) 你你正正是是

4、那那位位在在必必要要的的时候候给予予我我帮帮助助的的人人。你你是是最最贴心心的的人人,准确地知道我需要什么准确地知道我需要什么。【2007湖南,湖南,毕业留言留言】(3) You are the very person who gives me a hand when necessary. You are the most considerate person who knows exactly what I need.(4) 最最近近我我看看了了一一篇篇Susan Beacham写写的的文文章章,她她认为一一个个礼礼物物是是否否合合适适不不是是取取决决于于它它的的价价值而而是是在在于于赠送送

5、者者的的心心意意。【2014重重庆,网帖:最好的礼物网帖:最好的礼物】(4) Recently I have read an article written by Susan Beacham, who thinks whether a gift is suitable lies not in its value but in the givers heart.(5) 我我的的计划划的的第第二二阶段段是是招招募募有有强强烈烈的的帮帮助助贫困困地地区区学学生生的的愿愿望的望的高中生。高中生。【2011上海,申上海,申请扶扶贫项目目】(5) The second stage of my progra

6、m is to recruit high school students who have a strong desire to help pupils in poor areas.(6) 李李老老师一一直直是是他他人人尊尊敬敬和和学学习的的行行为模模范范,她她以以身身作作则,是是她学生在以后的生活中追随的榜她学生在以后的生活中追随的榜样。【我尊敬的老我尊敬的老师】(6) Miss Li is always a role model to look up to and learn from, who sets a wonderful example for her students to follow through the rest of their lives.



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