必修二 3.2unit3 computerPeriod 1 Warming uplistening

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《必修二 3.2unit3 computerPeriod 1 Warming uplistening》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修二 3.2unit3 computerPeriod 1 Warming uplistening(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新课标人教版课件系列高中英语必修必修2-2-3.6A toy?A handbag?Riddles(谜语谜语): I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they dont like me now. Do you know who I am?Do you know who I am?abacusRiddles(谜语谜语):Iamverysmall.Icanbeusedforcalculatin

2、g.InChina,alotofstudentsusemewhensolvingmathematical problems.Do you know who I am?Do you know who I am?calculatorRiddles(谜语谜语): I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching DVD, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because Im smal

3、l enough for you to take me with you.notebook computerDo you know who I am?Do you know who I am?Riddles(谜语谜语):A huge computerA PCPalmtop Howmuchdoyouknowaboutacomputer?GivetheEnglishnameofthefollowingpicturesofthecomputercomponents(组件组件)WhatisitinEnglish?Mainboard(主板主板)WhatisitinEnglish?CPU(centralp

4、rocessingUnit)中央处理器中央处理器WhatisitinEnglish?harddiscWhatisitinEnglish?Keyboard(键盘键盘)WhatisitinEnglish?monitorscreenWhatisitinEnglish?mouse鼠标鼠标DVDROMmonitorscreen mouse keyboard hard diskDVD-ROM(1) the part of the computer that looks like a television.(2) the part of the monitor that you look at.(3) so

5、mething you use to click on things (files, etc.)(4) the part of the computer that you type on.(5) the part of a computer that stores information.(6) The part of computer that we can put a CD in.Work out the names Work out the names 1.Besides computer, what else can we get information from?2.Which is

6、 more useful, a TV or a radio? why?3.What can we do with a computer?Computer and Internet typemyhomeworkdrawpicturesplaygamescommunicatewithmyfriends.gatherinformationformylessonslistentomusicwatchmoviesListen to the tape and answer the following questions.1.What kinds of IT are mentioned in the pas

7、sage?Computers, books, radios and TVs.2.Which kind of IT is the best one.Computer Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart:Type of ITAdvantagesDisadvantagesBookRadioTVWebYoucanbothlistenand_.Youcantwritetofriends.Watcha_,writeto_,and_whatisgoingonintheworld.Very_andtoobigto_everywhere.Theinfor

8、mationissometimesnot_.listento_.Youcantwatchafilm.A_waytoget_,cheapand_totake.Sometimesitis_out of date.Englishwatchfilmfind outfriendswonderfulinformationeasycarrycorrectexpensive Do you think the computer Do you think the computer really helps to your study? Why?really helps to your study? Why?Ith

9、inkthatInmyopinionIbelievethatI agree becauseI disagree becauseGiving an opinion:Makegooduseofitbutnevergettrappedbyit.words and expressionMathematicalCalculator (n.)ITPCIn my opinionVt. CalculateInformationTechnologyPersonal ComputerTIPSTIPSSomewordsontheInternet:netizen网民网民Netsurf网络漫游网络漫游computerv

10、irus计算机病毒计算机病毒cyber计算机的,网络的计算机的,网络的browse浏览浏览cyberspace网络空间网络空间scroll滚动显屏滚动显屏accesscharge接入费接入费cursor光标光标BBS公告板服务公告板服务backer黑客黑客chatroom聊天室聊天室click点击点击Homework1.预习预习unit3的的reading部分部分(写在预习本上写在预习本上)2.书书P56的的EX1和和P57的的EX2(上上)3.阅读导与测阅读导与测p184.复习第一二单元复习第一二单元.Computers can be used Computers can be used a

11、sas.typewriterprojectorvideogameplayerdrawingboard I think that In my opinion, I believe that I agree because I disagree becauseGiving an Giving an opinionopinionReasoningReasoning Discussion: Is it very important to learn computer skills for us? Why or why not?DiscussionDiscussionIsitveryimportantt

12、olearncomputerskillsforus?Whyorwhynot?Usethefollowingexpressioninyourdiscussion.IthinkthatInmyopinionIbelievethatWhatsyourreason?Whydoyouthinkso?You are given a chance to design a computer for yourself.Draw a picture about it and describe(描述描述) what functions it has.You will be asked to introduce(介绍介绍) your computer. (appearance &functions)



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