高中英语 Unit13 People Lesson4 First Impression(1)课件 北师大版必修5.ppt

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1、Unit 13 Lesson 4 First ImpressionLanguage pointsObjectivesp熟熟记用法用法并能能灵活活运用用4 4个单词confirm, as, stare, glance 3 3个短短语 pick up, cant help doing sth., if anything3 3个句型句型 with 的复合结构的复合结构,同位语从句,虚拟语气同位语从句,虚拟语气p疯狂背狂背诵、大胆、大胆质疑探究、疑探究、构建知建知识树,在在语境中恰境中恰当表表达。p激情投入,挑激情投入,挑战自我。自我。重点短语重点短语glare at 怒目而怒目而视 对比:比:sta

2、re at 盯着看着看 glance at 瞥瞥见pick up捡起;收听;起;收听;习得;抱起;接某人得;抱起;接某人shout at 对某人大喊大叫某人大喊大叫 laugh at 嘲笑某人嘲笑某人apologize for 为而道歉而道歉to be honest说实话sign with relief如如释重重负be willing to do 愿意做愿意做动宾词组: 原原谅某人的缺点某人的缺点 forgive ones shortcomings体会真正的友体会真正的友谊 experience the true friendshipDiscussion 合作探究合作探究 主动质疑主动质疑 3

3、积极参与,做最主动,做最好学的人!积极参与,做最主动,做最好学的人!内容内容自学导引自学导引1-10要求要求1.核对答案核对答案2.小组先一对一小组先一对一, 然后组内合作讨论然后组内合作讨论. 3.组长调控好,确保每层的学生都能组长调控好,确保每层的学生都能最最大限度解决问题,大限度解决问题,保证高效完成。保证高效完成。4.总结记忆用法,展示准确总结记忆用法,展示准确结果结果 1.答案答案 2.单词短语用法总结单词短语用法总结 3.质疑质疑内容内容展示展示点评点评Task 1,2Task 1,2G9G9Task 3,4Task 3,4G8G8Task 5,6Task 5,6G7G7Task

4、7,8Task 7,8G6G6Task 9,10Task 9,10G5G5展示同学展示同学: 认真规范书写,抓紧时间。认真规范书写,抓紧时间。非展示同学非展示同学:背诵导学案例句;背诵导学案例句; 浏览黑板上的内容,准备讨论、质疑。浏览黑板上的内容,准备讨论、质疑。展示组确定统一本组答案后,选展示组确定统一本组答案后,选两两个人展示。个人展示。keys1.confirm v n. confirmation adj. confirmed (1) were confirmed (2) confirmation (3) confirmed 2. as1)像,如同像,如同2)由于由于3) 作为作为4)

5、由于,因为由于,因为1. As she grew older she gained in confidence.2. They did as I had asked.当当时候时候按照按照方式方式注:类似的一些单词还有很多,例如:注:类似的一些单词还有很多,例如:由于:由于:since , for, because 像像: like 3. 看看1)staring at2) glanced at3) glared at 4) Look at 4. pick up 1)Pick up the bag on the floor.2) I will drive to pick you up.3) I p

6、icked up French 4) to pick up the programmes5. cant help doing sth.1)I overheard what you just said.2) feeling, (to) do6. if anything 如果有什么不同的话,相反如果有什么不同的话,相反If anything with +n. + 介词短语介词短语 现在分词现在分词 过去分词过去分词 to do adj adv 7. With的复合结构的复合结构 1)with a smile on his face2)with no cars running 3) with his

7、 hands tied back/ behind4) with the collar open5) with a lot of problems to settle6) with the lights on8.1)The moment I saw her2) the year his father died.9.1)If I were you, I would teach him a lesson.2)If it had been fine yesterday, we would have gone for a picnic.Step 21. with a book in his/her ha

8、nd (with 的复合的复合结构结构)2. glanced at the child (看的相关短语及区别看的相关短语及区别)3. picked up Japanese (pick up的几个意思的几个意思)4. If you had followed the teachers advice (if引导的虚拟语气引导的虚拟语气)5.If necessary (if 的相关短语的相关短语)即时练习1. confirm2. anxiety3. guilty4. glaring5. getting along6. To be honest7. figured out当堂检测1. The old m

9、an was so angry that he _ the young man for a long time.A. glared at B. glanced atC. stared at D. looked at3. While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded2. Sam _ some knowledge of the compute

10、r just by watching others working on it.A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up4. What do you think of their marriage? -_ , if I were Kate, I would not marry him.A.Generally speaking B. I have no idea C. To be honest D. To my surprise5. She doesnt like Mrs. Smith, so she always avoids _ wi

11、th her.A. to leave alone B. being left alone C. to be let alone D. being left behind.7. Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A.while B. that C. when D. as6. I would be very _ if you could give me an early reply.A. pleasant B. grateful C.

12、satisfied D. helpful8. You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much.A. for B. when C. with D. while Summary for today: Summary for today:知识、方法、规律知识、方法、规律 大家投入、小组参与情况大家投入、小组参与情况 confirm as stare glance pick up cant help doing sth. if anything with 复合结构复合结构 同位语从句同位语从句 虚拟语气虚拟语气



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