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1、Chapter three: Unit four (I): You are What You Think *subject vs. topic (theme) 干潘雀戴派阮包莆配榴慰哀旦描嫩索肢育茹衬族存骚滔柄加涉捏劳佳瘟丽英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Analysis IRead the following sentences and their translation. Find the difference between them.There are essential differences between China and the United States in thei

2、r social systems and foreign policies.中中美美两两国国的的社社会会制制度度和和对对外外政政策策有有着着本本质质的的区区别别。Two widely used household electric apparatus are television and refrigerator.电视机和电冰箱电视机和电冰箱是两种常用的家用是两种常用的家用电器电器。掉匿署疾揩痒冒沃妈刁抚炕内酱登肄藉啡董舵矢栗粥伶陈酌淬挺酶弗莫猖英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Analysis IIIn other words, students do not have to pass a

3、 test to be admitted to a two-year institution. 换换句句话话说说,进进两两年年制制大大学学学学习习不不用用考考试试。(original S. omitted)European interest in MBA programs had to wait until the late 1950s.直直到到20世世纪纪50年年代代,欧欧洲洲人人才才开开始始对对MBA 产产生兴趣。生兴趣。Courses were designed to integrate functional skills, and to emphasize international

4、cultural and business learning. 课课程程的的设设置置旨旨在在将将实实用用技技能能融融会会贯贯通通,注注重重国国际性文化背景和商业知识的学习。际性文化背景和商业知识的学习。翰氰至坷扰更晌碱焚撮劳袍艾狰垣怪飞砷尺捂诌襄描馈张阴坠顷庶勿劳牢英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Questions What is the difference between the English and Chinese expressions? What do you think causes the difference? Viewpoint, sentence formingE:

5、Hypotaxis: subject + predicateCh: Parataxis: topic + statementDoes Chinese topic function the same as English subject? What is a subject?遁蔚延脱涯戌遂蹈眺仔嚎趋因传憎轿辜岂撞杜闪操嘛仇倚迪敏癸瘪君儡洒英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Subject vs. topic (theme) (1)English Subject (the traditional explanation in linguistics)It refers to one of the

6、nouns in the nominative case.She loves her father.Grammatically speaking, subject refers to a noun which can establish correspondence with the verb and which can be checked by a tag-question test.He is a teacher. (Isnt he? X Isnt a teacher)He was taught by the teacher. (Wasnt he?)熏惺培掂咆羊梳肤察泛娠舞墩埋虎琵铭姆怎

7、愤偿尝陵匝酉媳峨恰睛湖讣垦英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Subject vs. topic (theme) (2)Semantically, a subject is the doer of the action.The boy kicked the dog.The dog is kicked. (dog is the doee)The books sold well. (book is not the doer)Psychologically, people tend to regard the first major constituent of a sentence as the

8、subject.The moon is rising.Yesterday, I went to the zoo. Can this be used in the analysis of Chinese sentences?崩钠购貉钨遇湖垄虾浩项奥叉协巡注彤努结茸观万翱匹苛樊砍档籍叫颅酥英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Subject vs. topic (theme) (3)Analyze the following sentences北京北京我没到过。我没到过。 我的法语我的法语看报很吃力。看报很吃力。他脸色他脸色不大好。不大好。 这墙这墙没法钉钉子。没法钉钉子。自行车自行车骑走了。骑走了

9、。 家里的事家里的事不用你管。不用你管。In Chinese, topic is what is stated and described. Topic subjectTheme (a new idea, from discourse analysis)Halliday divides a sentence into theme and rheme. Theme is the part appears at the beginning of the sentence. 别夸幅装捎坟捂脚声蛛改锈鞠羽刹领收字莱晋嫩跑叁痕汪交截贿班结铂攀英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Subject vs. t

10、opic (theme) (4) sentence theme rhemeDiscourse Modal cognitiveWell then /surely /he / must have made a lot of money.沈冬晾拴枢栋钞炬惰屯纂稍拙斜惊传毡弓妒颧诗裸饼挡县解赖请冠惮叛椭英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Subject vs. topic (theme) (5)More examples: theme-rhemeWithout computer, it is impossible to solve the problem., it is impossible to s

11、olve the problem.Compare some sentences and their translation in the text: (difference)Do you see the glass as half full rather than half empty?Do you see盛盛有有半半杯杯水水的的杯杯子子,你你是是否否只只考考虑虑它它有有水水的的一一半半,而不管哪没水的一半?而不管哪没水的一半?你你是是否否只只考考虑虑它它有有水水的的一一半半,而而不不管管哪哪没没水水的的一半?一半?衬粘五兹娶毁谐趁垢存寻猫航清肄优倡欧拨摇增司尖杨屈另办洒玉账蹈蛆英汉对比主语与

12、主题英汉对比主语与主题Subject vs. topic (theme) (6)In a major study, psychologist Seligman surveyed sales representatives atCo., psychologist Seligman surveyed sales representatives atCo.心心理理学学家家塞塞里里曼曼对对保保险险公公司司的的销销售售人人员员做做过过一次重要的调查。一次重要的调查。More examples on the textbookP110 1-3匹滚拥清哆畜绝蘑粉块稳蹄撬哉嘉女觉二投蛔百沛库澜倡睁蝶协揭忌迹拎英

13、汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Practice 1Their way takes them through quiet streets of old brownstones, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city, then up and over the Brooklyn Bridge with its cathedral arches supporting the weblike drapery of cables, then down into the skyscraper canyons of the financial distr

14、ict.他们他们先是沿着褐色石头铺成的古老而又寂静的街先是沿着褐色石头铺成的古老而又寂静的街道向前道向前走走,经过一个全市最古老的街区,继而跨经过一个全市最古老的街区,继而跨上布鲁克林大桥,穿过支撑着网状钢缆的教堂式上布鲁克林大桥,穿过支撑着网状钢缆的教堂式桥拱,最后径直步入摩天大楼巍然耸立的金融区。桥拱,最后径直步入摩天大楼巍然耸立的金融区。砰注劫帅掺矩贬杆瞎跋略砾瞳豹汝岁袁仙识壁汤梳右慢遇舟苍剥兢憾曝禄英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Practice 2One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly cripp

15、led by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.一百年后,一百年后, 黑人的生活黑人的生活仍然是悲惨的,他们仍然是悲惨的,他们生活在种族隔离的枷锁下和种族歧视额的镣生活在种族隔离的枷锁下和种族歧视额的镣铐之中。铐之中。一百年后的今天,一百年后的今天, 黑人黑人仍悲惨地生活在种族仍悲惨地生活在种族隔离和种族歧视的枷锁之下。隔离和种族歧视的枷锁之下。一百年后,一百年后, 黑人黑人依然在种族隔离的枷锁和种依然在种族隔离的枷锁和种族歧视的镣铐下过着凄惨的生活。族歧视的镣铐下过着凄惨的生活。分索躁险钙潍渔捕搔糕效兔措

16、槽猪杯颐媒言唱慈擂硝蹿抓切鹃矛丫蝎贪惹英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Practice 3 It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.很明显很明显,今天美国已经拖欠了这张期票,至少,今天美国已经拖欠了这张期票,至少就有色人种公民而言。就有色人种公民而言。今天,就今天,就有色人种的公民有色人种的公民而言而言,美国,美国显然显然没有没有将这张期票兑现。将这张期票兑现。哇青问弄橙圭把与脏鞋女莲邢合瘴疹囱呢

17、拈盎部订律新吼众狈伦诽押乏囤英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Practice 41. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the U.S. last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. 2. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the U.

18、S. this year. 3. Like any new product entering the food chain, genetically modified foods must be subjected to rigorous testing.4. And by 2050, the U.N. estimates, it will probably near 9 billion. 萌认敖化室驳卓势琐躬啪象兵捆早础对扦芯钧旗昭犯秋兴枪薛巢社璃拥棍英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Practice 51、A third of the corn and more than half th

19、e soybeans and cotton grown in the U.S. last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. 农业部统计资料显示,农业部统计资料显示,去年美国种植的去年美国种植的1/3玉米及一玉米及一半以上的大豆和棉花半以上的大豆和棉花都是转基因生物技术产品。都是转基因生物技术产品。 2、More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the U

20、.S. this year. 今年,美国将种植今年,美国将种植6500多万公顷多万公顷的转基因作物。基的转基因作物。基因妖怪已经跑出了瓶子。因妖怪已经跑出了瓶子。昆菜哇悄乒佩竟穗街和娥藩氯捆一擦牵串樊巢页陶牧心厕屠昼沃寅拙赣幕英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Practice 6 3、Like any new product entering the food chain, genetically modified foods must be subject to rigorous testing. 比如比如,和和任何一种要进入食物链的新产品任何一种要进入食物链的新产品一样一样,转基因食物也

21、必须经过严格的检验。转基因食物也必须经过严格的检验。And by 2050, the U.N. estimates, it will probably near 9 billion. 联合国估计,联合国估计,到到2050年年,这个数字可能将达,这个数字可能将达到到90亿。亿。烦道墩浅莽塞帝乾龋按奇款灰环惰志巳究肝赶惨音惦练抉筒啪烫锌曹宦变英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Discussion and HomeworklDiscussion on passage 7lParagraph 7: context, “section”, “for six years”lParagraph 8 & 9

22、: connection, “know”lParagraph 10: description: “head lowered, his hands hanging between his knees”lParagraph 11: moodlParagraph 13: “the right thing is usually just what everybody dont do.lParagraph 14: “secretary”, “when he did not come back,”皇沛恬啄搽旧犁涪即柜昌圭绿假粟锦原弯叼顷黔丰靖娱恕苍叙方胳桓拍趟英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Discu

23、ssion 1l“We borrow the money for six years. Well, with the money we buy a half-section from Linstrum and a half from Crow, and a quarter from Struble, maybe. That will give us upwards of fourteen hundred acres, wont it? l“我们我们借借6年的钱年的钱。那么,用这笔钱我们从林斯特伦姆家。那么,用这笔钱我们从林斯特伦姆家买买半块地半块地,克罗家买,克罗家买半块地半块地,从斯特鲁布尔

24、那买,从斯特鲁布尔那买四分之一四分之一快地快地,也许。这会给我们总共,也许。这会给我们总共1400多英亩多英亩地。是不是?地。是不是? l“我们我们贷款以贷款以6年为期年为期。那么,用这笔钱我们可以买下林。那么,用这笔钱我们可以买下林斯特伦姆家斯特伦姆家320英亩英亩和克罗家和克罗家320英亩英亩两块宅地,说不定两块宅地,说不定还能把斯特鲁布尔那还能把斯特鲁布尔那160英亩英亩也买过来。这样我们就将有也买过来。这样我们就将有1400多英亩多英亩地。不是吗?地。不是吗? l“我们我们贷款贷款6年年。那么,用这笔钱我们可以从林斯特伦姆。那么,用这笔钱我们可以从林斯特伦姆家和克罗家家和克罗家各买各买

25、320英亩英亩地,说不定还能从斯特鲁布尔那地,说不定还能从斯特鲁布尔那买买160英亩英亩地。这样我们就会有地。这样我们就会有1400多英多英亩地。不是吗?亩地。不是吗? 镣幕跋彝忍瑚性看朴葬齐厂质睦评勾龄辊挖未底岳乒棉括恕垄愚渴秸仔曰英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Discussion 2lYou wont have to pay off your mortgages for six years. By that time, any of this land will be worth thirty dollars an acreit will be worth fifty, but we

26、ll say thirty; then you can sell a garden patch anywhere, and pay off a debt of sixteen hundred dollars. l你们用不着非你们用不着非用六年的时间用六年的时间偿还抵押。偿还抵押。到时候到时候这儿的每这儿的每块地都值块地都值30美元一英亩!美元一英亩!其实是其实是50美元。我们就说美元。我们就说是是30美元。然后你可以卖掉一块花园来偿还美元。然后你可以卖掉一块花园来偿还1600元的债元的债款款.l在在6年之内你用不着年之内你用不着偿还贷款。等偿还贷款。等6年年期限到时期限到时,(6年内年内你用不

27、着你用不着还款。还款。六年后六年后,) 这里的任何一块土地都会值这里的任何一块土地都会值30美元美元1英亩英亩 很可能会值很可能会值50美元,但我们姑且按美元,但我们姑且按30算。算。那时候随便卖一块那时候随便卖一块(花园大小的花园大小的)地就可以还清地就可以还清1600元欠元欠债。债。l你们的贷款你们的贷款不用还六年不用还六年。到那时到那时,这里的任何一块土地,这里的任何一块土地都会值都会值30美元美元1英亩英亩很可能会值很可能会值50美元,但我们按美元,但我们按30算。那么你可以卖掉任何一块地来还清算。那么你可以卖掉任何一块地来还清1600元欠债。元欠债。功猫嘉满毋讫隅勉竹晕史颓沿募淮肛瘦

28、囱吻靳蠕归脉污折痊壬叁绩哄直收英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题Discussion 3lHe says the right thing is usually just what everybody dont do. l他说正确的事往往恰好是人人都不做的事。他说正确的事往往恰好是人人都不做的事。/(他说真理往(他说真理往往掌握在少数人手中。)往掌握在少数人手中。)lWhen they came back Lou played on his dragharmonika and Oscar sat figuring at his fathers secretary all evening. l回

29、屋之后,卢开始拉他的六角手风琴,奥斯卡则整晚坐在父回屋之后,卢开始拉他的六角手风琴,奥斯卡则整晚坐在父亲那张亲那张书桌书桌前盘算。前盘算。lWhen he did not come back, Alexandra threw a shawl over her head and ran down the path to the windmill. l发现发现他久久未归,亚历山德拉他久久未归,亚历山德拉便便披上一块头巾循路去了风车披上一块头巾循路去了风车房。房。l看到看到他没回来,亚历山德拉披上一块头巾,循路去了风车房。他没回来,亚历山德拉披上一块头巾,循路去了风车房。 l当当他没回来时,亚历山德

30、拉披上一块头巾,跑向去风车房的他没回来时,亚历山德拉披上一块头巾,跑向去风车房的路。路。lOther points名挤升沼狞峪胞主絮竭醛椎艾丰囤浊策幌怯做帅容漆桌蠢驭选峙砖秆细旷英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题HomeworkRead the text and its translation of this unit. Pay attention to the sentence patterns.Study the translation of passage 7.Read from P109 to P112.No written work恋取盒幼呛民横涧角幢榴坝惹乓穆撩表缔脏右秸妨惧藉椒藤群守阀框桌捕英汉对比主语与主题英汉对比主语与主题



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