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1、PART APLICATIONS AND SPECIAL SECNARIOS第三篇 应用与特殊情况13 Complex Negotiation14 Cross-Cultural Negotiation15 Tacit Negotiations and Social Dilemma 16 Negotiating Via Information Technology 1 Overview of IBN1.1 Concepts of Negotiation1.2 Negotiation Motives1.3 Characteristics of Negotiation1.4 Forms of IBN

2、1.5 Criteria1.6 Negotiator 1 商务谈判概述1.1 什么是谈判?1.2 谈判的动因是什么?1.3 谈判的特征是什么?1.4 谈判的类型有哪些?1.5 评价谈判成败的标准是什么?1.6 谈判者的含义? 1.1 Concepts of Negotiation1.1 谈判的概念 1.1.1 谈判现象-初识谈判 1)谈判现象极为普遍 谈判是一个无法回避的事实。 谈判现象无时不在、无处不有。 谈判是社会生活中经常发生的事情 存在于人们生活的各个层面 是我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。 其内容极为广泛 体现于生活和工作中: (1)与家人处理家庭纠纷 (2)与同事(学)、朋友处理日常琐

3、事 (3)与小贩讨价还价购物 (4)与领导讨论个人工作调动 (5)代表企业与他人磋商交易合同 (6)作为外交人员处理国际关系 2)谈判需要认真对待 然而,大多数人的谈判是自发的。 并没有把握谈判的 内容、运行规律、艺术 只是凭经验谈判。 因此,谈判需要认真对待。 Human beings are living in a world full of contradictions, disputes and confrontations. Generally speaking, two approacheshave been applied to conflict settlement: mili

4、tary means and peaceful means. People differ, and they use negotiation to handle their differences. Negotiation is a fact of life. Negotiation is a such common phenomenon. Like it or not, everyone is anegotiator. Negotiation is a basic means of getting what you want from others. Everybody negotiates

5、 all the time, at work, at home, and as a consumer. Negotiation is a basic human activity as well as a process people undertake every day to manage their relationships such as the relationships between a husband and wife, children and parents , and a buyer and seller. 1.1.2 谈判的性质-再识谈判 谈判具有二重性: (1)科学

6、性 (2)艺术性 1)科学性(共性) 规律性、理论性。 具体包含两层: (1)谈判有其内在的规律 是学科体系。 需要理性思维和系统分析。 (2)谈判借鉴许多学科的研究成果 a)经管类科学:管理学,经济学 b)社会科学:社会学,行为学,心理学,逻辑学,语言学,传播学,公共关系学 c)技术科学:信息、控制、博弈论 d)法学类:经济法,公司法 2)艺术性(个性) 灵活性、实践性 谈判是一种复杂的、需要运用多种技能与方法的专项活动,体现了很强的艺术性。 艺术性需要创新。 谈判艺术性体现在以下三方面: (1)谈判人员的艺术性 谈判的核心: a、灵活性 b、变通性 c、创造性 要求谈判人员应具有较高的素质

7、。 包括: a、道德素质 b、专业素质 c、心理素质 等。 (2)谈判沟通的艺术性 沟通有利于 理解 信任 合作 (高手) (3)谈判语言的艺术性 语言质量 语言表达能力。 (牧师案例) 1.1.3 谈判的定义-深入认识谈判 1)专业定义 不同学科从不同专业背景定义。 (1)经济学定义 谈判是通过交涉实现交易利益最大化。 (2)哲学定义 谈判是理性(有理、无理)说服对手的过程。 (3)信息学定义 谈判是通过信息交流,影响对方立场的过程。 2)专家定义 有成就的谈判专家、学者的定义。 (1)美国杰勒德I尼尔伦伯格的定义: 谈判是人们为了协调彼此关系,满足各自需要,通过协商而达到意见一致的行为过程

8、。 (2)英国比尔斯科特的定义 贸易谈判是人们面对面会谈的一种形式。 (3)美国伊沃昂特的定义 谈判是一个合作的过程,能和对手象伙伴一样,共同找到满足双方需要的方案。 (4)中国大陆丁建忠的定义 谈判是为妥善解决某个问题或分歧,并力争达成协议而彼此对话的行为或过程。 (5)台湾刘必荣的定义 谈判不是打仗,它只是解决冲突、维持关系或建立合作架构的一种方式,是一种技巧,也是一种思考方式。谈判是赤裸裸的权力游戏,强者有强者的谈法,弱者有弱者的方式。 3)辞学定义(从语义学角度定义) (1)“谈判” 洽商、判断。 通过彼此对话,对所言事物作出判断。 (2)Negotiation: An art or

9、the action of negotiating Negotiate: to talk with another person or group in order to settle a question or disagreement; try to come to agreement 4) 本课程的定义 (1)谈判 参与各方为解决冲突、达成一项协议、解决一个问题或做出某种安排,而进行沟通的过程。 (2)商务谈判 人们为了各自的经济利益目标,而相互协商的行为过程。 发生在经济领域的谈判。 (3)商务 经济组织的一切有形与无形资产的交换与买卖事宜。 A negotiation is a pr

10、ocess of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements. It is back-and-forth communication designed to reach an agreement when you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that are opposed. 1

11、.1.2 谈判的含义 1)谈判是建立在需要基础上的 (1)谈判是人类有目的的活动 a)直接目的:达成观点一致的协议。 b)最终目的:满足需要,实现利益。 (2)需要(显现和潜在)是谈判的基础 满足需要 、达到目的、实现利益是谈判的前提。 各方的需要能通过对方的行为满足,即双方利益有联系和分歧。 非“聊天”或“闲谈”。 (3)不同类型谈判的目的不完全相同 a)党派和宗教谈判目的:理论观点 b)军事和外交谈判目的:行为方式 c)商务谈判目的:经济利益 2)建立或改善人们的社会关系 (1)人们的一切活动都是以一定的社会关系为背景的。 人需要一个适宜的人际关系或人际氛围,以利于实现某一目的。 通过谈判

12、,可以建立新的关系或改善人们的原有的社会关系。 谈判是人际关系的一种特殊表现。 a)谈判体现的人际关系是由某种利益而结成。具有暂时性和动态性,但范围极广。 b)谈判是合作与竞争关系的统一 利益联系:各方产生合作关系。 利益分歧:各方存在激烈的竞争、冲突。 (2)谈判至少要有两方以上的参与者 谈判是人们的一种交际活动,需要运用交际手段、交际策略。 非“自言自语”,非独断专行。 3)谈判是一种协调行为 任何谈判协议的达成,都是各方交换观点,协调需求、达成共识、取得一致的结果。而且是多次反复不断沟通协商的过程,不是一蹴而就,需要努力。 从一方看: 要求-让步-要求-让步 从双方看: 争论-妥协-争论

13、-妥协 非独断专行,非命令、通知。 4)谈判是一个过程 不仅指双方达成一致意见的那一刻,还包括谈判的准备与双方的履约。 非一个时点,是一个期间。 5)需要选择合适的时间、空间 (1)是区分狭义谈判和广义谈判的依据 狭义谈判:正式场合的谈判。 广义谈判:狭义谈判+非正式场合的谈判 (2)双方根据需要协商确定时间、空间。 1.1.3 谈判的要素 谈判的要素是指构成谈判活动的必要因素。 国内外分类法较多。 1)谈判主体(Parties) 也称为谈判当事人。 指谈判活动中有关各方的所有参与者。 台前(上)谈判人员 台后(下)谈判人员。 谈判主体应具备商务谈判的科学知识和技能,并拥有相应权利。 2)谈判

14、议题(Issues) 需要商议并欲解决的具体问题。 是谈判的核心。 谈判议题必须与各方利益相关,为共同关心。 双方认识一致性是其最大特征。 谈判中的议题几乎无任何限制。“一切都可以谈判”。议题类型很多。 3)谈判背景(Environment) 谈判所处的环境,是谈判的客观条件。影响议题的确立、策略的运用和谈判进程。 a、环境背景:政、经等客观环境因素。 b、组织背景:企业组织的相关因素。 c、人员背景:谈判当事人的相关因素。1.2 Negotiation Motives1.2 谈判的动因 谈判的动因(人们为什么要谈判?) Negotiation Motives (Why Do People N

15、egotiate?) 可以从三个方面理解。 1.2.1 冲突(Conflicts) 谈判的直接原因。 人们进行谈判是由于存在冲突。 冲突导致谈判。 更好地理解谈判,首先需要理解冲突。 1)冲突的定义 冲突也称为对抗、争执、异议。 指发生在两个以上既有不同利益又有共同利益的当事人之间的对抗、争执、异议。 冲突削弱了各方获取利益的能力。 Conflicts give rise to negotiation. A conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who

16、 have different and common interests. A conflict can block each others ability to satisfy their interests. 2)冲突的三层含义 (1)当事方相互依赖,利益相关 (2)存在两种利益 共同利益(基础),不同利益(谈判) (3)降低了获利能力,减少实际所得 争取己方最大利益,阻止对方获得利益。 The definition states three points, which can be specified as: First, parties in conflict are interdep

17、endent. Second, both different and common interests coexist. contradictions, sharing of common interests. Third, reduce gain of interests. 3)人们之间的冲突多种多样 (1)政治冲突 (2)经济冲突 (3)社会冲突 (4)宗教冲突 (5)文化冲突 (6)种族冲突 人类就生活在一个充满矛盾、冲突和对抗的世界里。 4)冲突的效应 在讨论冲突对人类发展的影响时 人们的看法大相径庭 褒贬参半 有些人认为冲突只有负效应 有些人认为冲突只有正效应 另一些人采取中立立场。

18、 (1)冲突的负效应 战争、武装冲突造成 生命、财产损失 政治和宗教冲突,造成 国家和人民关系不和 商务冲突(商战)造成 企业倒闭、工人失业 (2)冲突的正效应 各种冲突,会 激发发明创造 促进社会进步 促进人类发展 (3)控制和处理冲突 利用冲突的正效应 抑制冲突的负效应 促进负效应向正效应转化。 处理不同意见 战胜困难 消除紧张局面,缓解压力。 1.2.2 利益得失(Stakes) 人们需要追求利益。 由此产生了矛盾、冲突和对抗。 冲突是由利益得失的对抗引致的。 因此,对冲突和谈判的理解应当建立在对利益的理解之上。 1)利益得失(利益) 指的是通过谈判可以获得的利益或者失去的利益,可以引发

19、的成本或避免的成本。 利益得失的确定取决于谈判者: 所处的现状 选择的方案 以及是否还有其他的选择。 Stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost, and the costs that may be incurred or avoided. Stakes are composed to the status quo, options and alternatives, and are expressed as interests, which can be long term or underlying desire

20、and issues articulated for negotiation. 2)利益得失的四层含义 (1)谈判是与双方利益相关的事件 利益引起谈判的兴趣、谈判的积极性。 (2)要获得利益,就需要付出代价 利益所得与付出紧密相联。 (3)谈判开始时事态的发展状况是各方衡量利益得失的一个标准。 (4)谈判者需要权衡、选择利益 利益有长远和眼前,现实和潜在之分。 3)利益的表现形式 人们有各种各样的利益追求。 “天下熙熙皆为利来,天下攘攘皆为利往。” (1)层次上,马斯洛的五层次论 (2)时间上,长期、短期利益 (3)类型上,个人、组织、国家利益 (4)难易度上,现在利益、潜在利益。 1.2.3

21、 资源的稀缺性(Scarcity) 利益得失的对抗源自于资源的稀缺性。 世界上的资源是有限的 但人类的欲望无限 这是一对矛盾,是利益对抗之源。 稀缺性导致人类为争夺资源冲突不断。 人们必须找到解决问题的途径。 人类解决此类问题的办法不外乎两种: 武力方式:战争 和平方式:谈判 规则与程序。 武力方式损失大,和平方式损失小。 The worlds resources are finite. Human beings live in a finite world, but their appetites are oriented to the infinite. As a result , man

22、s unlimited demand has constantly given rise to conflicts between such demand and limited, scarce natural resources. Mans endless need and demand not only produce confrontation against nature but trigger conflicts among themselves. 1.3 Characteristics of Negotiation1.3 谈判的特征 包括三个层次: 1)谈判的一般特征 2)商务谈判

23、的典型特征 3)国际商务谈判的特殊性 1.3.1 谈判的一般特征 (1)谈判是一种交流,核心是说服 谈判至少要有两方以上的参与者,是人们的一种交流。 通过交流,双方不断调整各自的需要,相互接近从而达成一致。 谈判的核心是说服 (1)谈判是信息传递的过程 谈判是一个借助于思维-语言链交换信息的过程,即传递信息、反馈信息。 这个过程伴随着各方的心理活动,体现了各方的价值观和思维模式。 (2)各方通过自己提供的信息资料,找到说服对方的充足理由,说服对方接受自己的观点,达成协议。 2)谈判是“合作的利己主义” 谈判是“合作”与“冲突”的统一。 谈判体现的人际关系是由某种利益而结成。 谈判的合作性(互引

24、性): 通过谈判达成的协议对双方都有利,各方利益的获得互为前提。 利益联系:各方产生合作关系。 谈判的冲突性(排斥性): 谈判各方都希望自己能在谈判中获得尽可能多的利益,为此要进行积极的讨价还价。利益的冲突 利益分歧:各方产生了激烈的竞争。 任一方都不愿做对方希望作出让步的事情。任一方都希望对方按己方意愿行事。 3)谈判有一定的利益界限 (1)谈判者应充分认识到彼此的利益界限,把握利益关系。 (2)谈判中至少要满足各方的最低要求,即不能一味要求对方让步,也不能无止境的退步。通过平等而取得形式上的优势。 (囚徒案例) 总之,要把握好谈判中利益关系的“度”。 4)谈判结果是“互惠”而非“均等”的

25、谈判结果是“互惠”的,双方都能从中得到好处,彼此都能够互相满足需要。 但谈判利益分配是不“平等”的,受谈判各方的经济实力、竞争地位、市场关系和谈判能力的约束,各方得到的好处并不均等。 5)谈判是科学与艺术的统一 谈判的科学性告诉我们如何做。 谈判的艺术性帮助我们如何才能做得更好。 (1)谈判有一定的规律可循。 谈判是科学,具有规律性。 学习研究。 (2)具有与艺术性,是多变的。 谈判无特定的规律可循。 a、“兵无常势,水无常形”。无数的谈判,没有任何两个谈判模式完全一样。 b、很难判断谈判参与者是否胜任。谈判高手:坚定、果敢、自信、有洞察力。 通过实践提升艺术性。 1.3.2 商务谈判的典型特

26、征 1)目的是获取经济利益 The objective of business negotiation is to obtain financial interests. 商务谈判是经济活动,讲求谈判效益。 谈判效益 = 谈判收益/谈判成本。 2)以价格为核心 The core of business negotiation is price. (1)商务谈判涉及因素很多,但核心是价格,价格直接体现了双方经济利益的划分。 (2)一定条件下,价格可与其它利益折算。 3)平等互利原则 Only the principle of equality and mutual benefit can lea

27、d to “win-win” or “multi-win”. 4)条款准确、严格 Items of contract should keep strictly accurate and rigorous. 1.3.3 国际商务谈判的特殊性 1)语言障碍 One of the first obstacles encountered in international business negotiation is language barrier unless your counterpart also speaks your mother tongue and writes in your na

28、tive language. 2)文化差异 The differences in culture, customs, religion and belief among countries are greater than those of different areas in a country. 3)国际国内法律均有效 International laws and domestic laws are both in force. 4)考虑国际政治因素 International political factors must be taken account. 5)谈判难度和成本加大 The

29、 difficulty and the cost are greater than that of domestic BN.1.4 Forms of IBN1.4 国际商务谈判的形式 What international business negotiation involves is extensive and complex, which according to the main bodies, objects, forms and procedures involved in the negotiation, can be classified in the following way

30、s: 1.4.1 Classification by Chief Negotiator 1)G2Gs Government-to-governments negotiation Two government negotiate with each other over the issues of mutual concern, to resolve conflicts and reach consensus agreement. This kind of negotiation is usually conducted by the officers from the Ministry of

31、Commerce and the relevant department. This category includes the negotiation between a country and an international trade organization. 2)G2Bs Government-to-Business Negotiation One side of the negotiation is a country, the other side is usually a large leading business enterprise group. This is als

32、o a kind of equal business negotiation. The negotiation between a local government and a foreign company also belongs to this category. 3)P2Ps Producer-to-Producers negotiation This negotiation usually takesplace between the finished or the semi-processed goods manufacturers in one country and the p

33、arts and accessories producers in other nations. A classical example is the cooperative production of the airbus among European countries. 4)P2Ts Producer-to-Traders negotiation Import and export companies or traders are the bridge between two manufacturers or between a manufacturer and a distributo

34、r. 5)R2Ps Retailer-to-Producers negotiation When retailing giant negotiate with foreign manufacturing companies over the purchasing, selling, commission agency, and joint venture, etc, it is usually the company with large size and more strength that has more say in the negotiation. Wal-Mart, Carrefo

35、ur, etc. 6)B2Bs Business-to-Business negotiation This negotiation involves the discussion between importers and exporters, wholesales and retails. Its purpose is to resell the goods to get profits. The two sides typically haggle over the trading items, price, quantity,quality, payment, service and s

36、o on. 7)B2Cs Business-to-Consumers negotiation One side of negotiation is representatives of a manufacturer or a trading company, and the other side is the consumers from another country or other countries. Their negotiation contents are usually concerned about the quality of service and product. 1.

37、4.2 Classification by NegotiationObject 1)Product Trade Negotiation It is also called visible goods trade negotiation, the process in which importers and exporters from different countries confer with each other about the buying and selling of a product, the terms and conditions for thetransaction,

38、including the relewant quality, quantity, packing, price, shipment, insurance, payment terms, claim and arbitration. Import and export trade negotiations account for absolutely large part of international business negotiation, taking on various forms. 2)Technology Trade Negotiation International tec

39、hnology trade negotiation refers to the conferring process in which the technology transferor and the transferee from different countries discuss about the features, price, payment terms and so on of a technology or a set of equipment. A broader definition of technology trade includes the buying and

40、 selling of relevant equipment and the right to use technology patent, while narrowly defined, it only refers to the purchasing of technology and the patent and the right to use it. 3)Service trade negotiation International service trade refers to the cross-border transfer of a service which does no

41、t take the form of a self-contained physical object. Service trade includes labor export, cross-border transportation, international communication, finance and insurance, tourism, advertising, medical care, film, audio-visual records, sports, technological instruction, designing, accounting, auditin

42、g, assessing, legal consultation and services, etc. 4)International Project Negotiation International project negotiationrefers to the process in which governments or enterprises from different countries confer about a joint venture project. It involves a joint venture,cooperation, inter-holding, in

43、viting abid, submitting a bid, leasing, contracting, auction and operation and other activities. It is not uncommon that a big project takes months and even years from the initial phase of intent negotiation to the final phase of signing the agreement. 1.4.3 Classification by Form 1)One-to-one Negot

44、iation One-to-one negotiation refers to the situation in which each buyer or seller, or each party in the proposed cooperation project entrusts only negotiator from each side to confer face-to-face and one-to-one on its behalf. 2)Team Negotiation Team negotiation is the one in which a negotiating te

45、am is constructed by each side to participate on behalf of its organization. In international business negotiation, most team negotiation are relatively formal, especially those concerning a large sum of money or a complex content. 3)Multilateral Negotiation It is also dubbed as “multi-angles” negot

46、iation, which refers to the business negotiating situation in which negotiators representing three or more interest groups from different countries confer to reach an agreement. 1.4.4 Classification by Procedure 1)Horizontal Negotiation Horizontal negotiation refers to the conferring process in whic

47、h all the issues concerned are presented first and then discussed one by one, and an issue which can not be settled at once may be skipped and settled late until all the issues can be resolved properly. 2)Vertical Negotiation Vertical negotiation refers to the process in which we list all the issues

48、 to be discussed according to its logic and then settle them one by one in this logical order. It is characterized by the fact that if we have not resolved the previous issues and then we are unable to confer the next one. 1.4.5 Classification by Result It is also called situations. 1)Win-lose Situa

49、tion 输赢状态 冲突多于合作,“皆大欢喜”的策略。 如:少而好的土地,多而差的土地等。 Both parties viewed negotiations either as overwhelming victory or disastrous defeat. Therefore negotiators would make every effort and sometimes even play tricks and use conspiracy for securing their own partys utmost gains. Negotiators guided by win-lo

50、se concept would protect and defend habitually each partys utmost interests by taking firm stance in negotiation, therefore concessions often prove to be very difficult to make, which would inevitably lead negotiations into impasse or failure. 2)Win-win Situation (Multi-win situation) 双赢状态 (多赢状态) 合作

51、多于冲突的谈判。 可采取“谋求一致”的策略。 如:做大蛋糕,各方都能多得。 Some scholars and social workers began advocating a brand new idea, which is win-win concept. The core of their thinking is mutual success and convergence of interests. A win-win negotiation model has become the most widely accepted negotiation principle. 1.4.6

52、Classification by Venue 1)Host Venue Negotiation (Host Court Negotiation) (Host Country Negotiation) Host venue can be one partys own country, own city or own office building or any other places where the party hosts the negotiation. 2)Guest Venue Negotiation (Guest Court Negotiation) (Visiting Coun

53、try) When negotiations take place at counterparts country, city or office building, they are conducted at guest venues. 3)Third Partys Venue (Third-place) (Third Country) A negotiation takes place at a third place. The negotiation is held neither in the host partys places nor in the guest partys loc

54、ality, but rather in the third partys place which is directly or indirectly related with the two parties. 4)Rotation of Guest and Host Venues (Changing-Court Negotiation) Some complex and large scalednegotiation are often held in home country and host country in turns. A complex negotiation covers c

55、omprehensive issues and takes much long time, so the negotiation has to be broken into a few rounds and takes turns in each negotiators location for fair purpose. 1.4.7 Classification by Communication 1)Oral Negotiation In oral negotiation, negotiators from each side talk with each other face to fac

56、e or over the telephone. 2)Written Negotiation Written Negotiation means that participants in the negotiation confer contractual clauses by means of letters, telegraphs, faxes, e-mails and other written forms. 1.4.8 Classification by Issues 1)Formal Negotiation Formal negotiation is also called prep

57、ared negotiation, in which both sides are fully prepared for the issues to be discussed and the central contents of their negotiation are directly related to the interests of both sides. 2)Informal Negotiation Informal negotiation refers to the talk before the formal one in which negotiators of lowe

58、r ranks discuss about the central issues of the negotiation, the size of negotiating team and the negotiating process, etc. 1.5 评价谈判成败的标准 如何评价谈判成败? 标准很多。 最关键的是要看谈判结束后各方面的结果是否对企业目前和未来的发展有利。 具体有三条: 1)需要是否满足(经济利益) 满足需要是首要标准(核心目标)。 2)谈判效益的高低 谈判成本(付给对方的直接利益和风险、谈判费用成本、机会成本)与谈判收益比较。 3)双方的关系是否良好 有助于维持或改善各方之

59、间的合作关系。 1.5.1 谈判的基本模式 1)传统自利型谈判模式 各自采取立场- 维护自己的立场- 设法使对方让步- 协议或破裂 不符合谈判的三个评价标准。 淘汰之势。 2)现代互惠型谈判模式 各自认定自身需要- 探寻对方的需要- 设法寻找满足各方需要的途径- 协议或破裂 符合谈判的三个评价标准。 发展趋势。 1.5.2 成功的谈判模式-PRAM 1)制定谈判计划(Plan) 自己目标- 对方目标- 异同- 满足 2)建立关系(Relationship) 谈判之前,与对方建立良好的相互信赖关系。途径: a、促使对方相信自己的信念。 b、表明自己的诚意。 c、最终使对方信任自己的行为。 言必行

60、,行必果。 3)达成双方都接受的协议(Agreement) 这是实质谈判阶段。 核实对方谈判目标- 确认一致的部分- 磋商不一致的部分 4)履约与维持关系(Maintenance) (1)履约比签约更重要 a、对其履约行为适时、良好的情感反应。 b、自己首先要信守协议。 (2)维持与对方的关系 保持与对方(个人)的接触与联络。 1.5.3 PRAM谈判模式实施的前提 PRAM谈判模式提供给我们成功谈判的途径,其设计与实施有一个重要前提:必须树立正确的谈判意识。 谈判意识是整个谈判模式的灵魂。 1)谈判是一种协商活动,而非竞技比赛。 2)谈判双方的利益关系是互助合作关系,而非敌对关系。 3)在谈

61、判中,双方除了利益关系,还有人际关系,后者是实现前者的基础和保障。 4)达谈判者应有战略眼光,既注重每次谈判的眼前利益,更要放眼未来,考虑今后的交往来和长远利益。 5)谈判的重心是避实就虚,要在本质上多下功夫,精力应集中在双方的需求上。 6)谈判的结果是双赢,双方都是胜利者,最后协议应符合双方的利益需求。 1.5.4 谈判是协商,而不是竞技比赛 实质就是区分协商和竞技比赛。 1)目标上的区别 二者目标都是为了满足双方的利益要求。 协商的利益要求是可以调和的,竞技比赛的利益要求是对立的。 2)实现目标的手段和方法的区别 协商是双方充分理解彼此的利益要求,肯定双方利益一致,共同寻找双赢方案。 竞技

62、比赛的双方为了达到各自目标,会想方设法限制对方,剥夺对方利益,置对方于失败地位。 3)最终结果的区别 协商的结果是双方的利益要求都得到满足,双方都是胜利者。 竞技比赛的结果是一方是胜利者,另一方是失败者。 4)当事人双方关系的区别 协商的情况下,双方的利益关系是一种互助合作关系,双方能建立友好的人际关系,并可巩固和加强。这是利益需求得到满足的前提、基础和保障。 竞技比赛的情况下,双方的利益关系是一种对立关系,双方很难建立友好的人际关系。只会竭力拼搏,想方设法打击对方。没有合作。 可见,把谈判看作是友好协商,就容易达到目的。 把谈判看作是竞技比赛,目标就难以实现。 Its important t

63、o realize that success isnt winning everything; its winning enough. The purpose of negotiation is to seek a win-win situation instead of a win-lose one. Negotiating parties should have the same interest and trust each other to some extent. Note that it is the performance of the contract that is significant, not just the negotiation itself.1.6 谈判者的词解(Negotiator) N: needs,发现他的需求。 E: expectation,创造他的期望。 G: guarantee,事实的保证。 O: objection,处理你的异议。 T: trust,建议你的信任。 T: trust,建议你的信任。 I: interaction,积极互动。 A: assume tip close,假设成交。 T: time,掌握你的时间。 O: over,满足他的需求。 R: relationship,维持他的关系。



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