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1、中考总复习系列之中考总复习系列之单位:尼二中单位:尼二中 曹艳萍曹艳萍宾语从句宾语从句一一 . 定义定义 简单的说简单的说 , 宾语宾语从句就是一个或是几从句就是一个或是几个从句充当主句中的个从句充当主句中的宾语成分宾语成分。Can you tell me which class you are in ?Do you know what kind of person she is ?She asked me if she could borrow these books .Please tell me which book I should read first .You may ask th

2、e man over there how you can get to the bus stop二二. 宾语从句中应该注意的一些情况宾语从句中应该注意的一些情况 1.引导词引导词 由陈述句变来的宾语从句由陈述句变来的宾语从句,用连词,用连词 that 等引导,等引导,并且在口语中常常省略此词:并且在口语中常常省略此词:e.g He said ( that )he had a new dictionary . I know ( that ) Lucy can play football very well . 但是,如果但是,如果 that 引导引导的是的是几个表示并列关系的宾几个表示并列关系的

3、宾语从句时,最后一个语从句时,最后一个 that 不不能省略。能省略。 e.g I know ( that ) Tom comes from France and that he teaches in a middle school in Guilin now . 由一般疑问句转换而来的宾由一般疑问句转换而来的宾语语从句,用从句,用 whether 或或 if 引导,并且两词可以互用。引导,并且两词可以互用。但是但是 whether 可以和可以和 or not 连用,而连用,而 if 不能。不能。 e.g I want to know whether ( if ) she still live

4、s there . Please tell me whether you can come or not . 由特殊疑问句变来的宾语从由特殊疑问句变来的宾语从句句,由特殊疑问词,由特殊疑问词 who , whom , whose , which , when , where , why , how 等等引导引导 。 e.g I dont know whose book it is . Do you know where our English teacher lives ? The teacher asked what was happening . He wanted to know why

5、 you can play the piano so well .2 . 语句的顺序语句的顺序 无论主句无论主句是陈述句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都是还是疑问句,宾语从句都是运用陈述句运用陈述句的语序,的语序,即是即是“主语在前,谓语在后主语在前,谓语在后”的的顺序。顺序。 e.g Could you tell me how I can get to the Science Museum ? He asked him where he came from . Did you know whats the name of the handsome boy in the classroom ye

6、sterday? Please tell me where I can buy the beautiful flower .3 . 时态的变化时态的变化 . 当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不作当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不作限制,我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何限制,我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。一种时态。 e.g Tom has been to Guilin twice . she will come tomorrow .I hear ( that ) Jim went to work an hour ago . he is interested in En

7、glish .当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相应的过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相互一致。相互一致。 e.g he would go to Xian . he was ill yesterday .He said ( that ) he was reading a book . he had had supper already . 当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态

8、的限制,仍是用一般现在时态。是用一般现在时态。 e.g He said that the sun is much bigger than the moon . The teacher told the students that no news is good news . We should know what he said is only the truth . I know that he is an exellent student . The PE teacher said that doing morning exercise is useful to our health .4

9、 . 标点符号标点符号 宾语从句末尾的标点符号由主句决定,不受从宾语从句末尾的标点符号由主句决定,不受从句的限制。如果主句句的限制。如果主句是陈是陈述句或者是祈使句时用句述句或者是祈使句时用句号;而主句是疑问句号;而主句是疑问句时,句时,句末则用问号。末则用问号。 e.g He asked me if / whether I could help him . Please tell me which colour you like best . Do you know where Li Ping is ? Could you tell me how to go the No.28 Middle

10、 School ? Would you please tell the teacher how old you are ?5 . 宾语从句的否定形式宾语从句的否定形式 一般而言,宾语从句的否定式一般而言,宾语从句的否定式与一与一般句子的否般句子的否定式是一样的。但若主句谓语动定式是一样的。但若主句谓语动词是词是 think , expect , believe , guess , imagine , suppose 等表示等表示“认为,猜想认为,猜想”的词时,的词时,一般一般要把宾语从要把宾语从句中的否定式转移到主句中。句中的否定式转移到主句中。 e.g I dont think its go

11、ing to rain . I dont believe she will lend you the money . .6 . 宾语从句中的特殊情形宾语从句中的特殊情形 在把简单句变为复合句的练习中,千在把简单句变为复合句的练习中,千万要万要注意:注意: 句式的转变:若原句是祈使句,不能用宾语从句式的转变:若原句是祈使句,不能用宾语从句改写,而应该用句改写,而应该用 “ ask sb. to do sth. ” 的句式。的句式。 e.g Dont open the door . (用(用 they 作主语变作主语变为宾语从句)为宾语从句) They ask not to open the do

12、or . 代词的变化:如果将某人代词的变化:如果将某人的原话变为的原话变为宾语从句宾语从句时,我们就应该考虑代词的时,我们就应该考虑代词的变化。变化。 e.g “ I come from Canada ” , Lucy says . Lucy says that she comes from Canada . 若由一般疑问句或特殊疑问句变为宾语从句,若由一般疑问句或特殊疑问句变为宾语从句,应该用陈述句语序。具体如下:当助动词是应该用陈述句语序。具体如下:当助动词是 does 或或 did 时,要去掉助动词,并把动词恢复为时,要去掉助动词,并把动词恢复为第三人称单第三人称单数形式或过去式;当是其

13、它的助动词时,数形式或过去式;当是其它的助动词时,则要把这些则要把这些助动词放在主语的后面。助动词放在主语的后面。 e.g I asked Tom , “ What do you like best ? ” I asked Tom what he liked best . The teacher asked me : “ Have you read the book ? ” The teacher asked me if I have read the book . He asked , “ Who can carry the box ? ” He asked who could carry

14、the box . 三、宾语从句转化为简单句三、宾语从句转化为简单句l1.当主从句的主语一致时:当主从句的主语一致时:l1) I dont know what I shall do next.l I dont know what to do next.l2)John didnt decide which shirt he would buy.l John didnt decide which shirt to buy.2.当主句的谓语含有双宾语时,如果间当主句的谓语含有双宾语时,如果间宾与从句(直宾)中的主语一致时:宾与从句(直宾)中的主语一致时: 1)Can you tell me how

15、I can get to the police station? Can you tell me how to get to the police station? 2)Please show me how I should start the recorder. Please show me how to start the recorder.四四 . 专项练习专项练习 1、Do you know how much hot water? AMum is neededBdoes Mum need CMum needsDdid Mum need 2、Can you tell me? Awhere

16、 he is Bwhere is he Che is whereDwhat is he 3、I didnt know how to London? Awould they goBare they going Cthey would goDthey are going 4、I want to know how long Ahas he been backBhas he come back Che has been backDhe has come back 5、Do you know? Awhat the news areBwhat is the news Cwhat the news is D

17、what are the newsCACCC 6.- is true that she may fall behind the others. A.There B.This C.That D.It 7.The foreign friends think - the Chinese people are very friendly. A.that B.if C.since D.because 8.Id like to know - Chinese. A.when he began to learn B.when did he begin to learn C.when did he begin

18、learning D.for how long he began to learn 9.The teacher asked us - the classroom after school. A.cleaned B.clean C.to clean D.cleans DAAC二、将下列句子改为同义句,每空一词。二、将下列句子改为同义句,每空一词。10.Could you tell me how to get to the shop ? Could you tell me get to the shop 11. Can you tell me when I should water the flo

19、wers? Can you tell me water the flowers?12. I decided that I would visit Mr Black. I decided Mr Black. 13. He said ,“Did you see him last night?”He asked me him last night.14. He asked me, “where do you come from?”He asked me where from. 15. I asked her, “what have you done with the milk?”I asked her what done with the milk. how I canwhen to to visit If/whether I sawI came she had



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