高中英语 Unit 5 Section 1 Warming up, Pre reading, Reading &ampComprehending课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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1、First aidUnit 5Section Warming up, Prereading, Reading &ComprehendingUnit 5课内要点探究课内要点探究 2课堂达标验收课堂达标验收3课课 时时 作作 业业 4课前新知预习课前新知预习1课前新知预习课前新知预习.下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗?1根据词性及汉语写出单词及其拓展形式(1)injury (n.)损伤;伤害_ (vt.)受伤_ (adj.)受伤的(2)bleed (vi. & vi.)流血_ (n.)血(3)_ (n.)毒药;毒害(vt.)毒害;使中毒poisonous (adj.)有毒的(4)vari

2、ety (n.)变化;多样(化);多变(性)_ (adj.)各种各样的injure injuredbloodpoisonvarious (5)liquid (n.)液体_ (n.)固体(6)_ (n.)辐射;射线radiate (vi. & vt.)辐射(7)mild (adj.)轻微的;温和的;温柔的_ (adv.)轻微地;温和地(8)_ (vi. & vt.)(使)膨胀;隆起swollen (adj.)肿胀的(9)unbearable (adj.)难以忍受的;不能容忍的_ (adj.)可容忍的_ (vi. & vt.)忍受solid radiationmildlyswellbearable

3、bear2短语互译(1)first aid _(2)生病 _(3)get injured _(4)各种各样的 _(5)electric shock _(6)榨出;挤出 _(7)反复;多次 _(8)in place _(对伤患者的)急救fall ill受伤a variety of触电;电休克squeeze outover and over again在适当的位置;适当.重点句式1So_you imagine,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.因此,你可以想像到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非常严重。2Remove clothing us

4、ing scissors if necessary_it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服紧贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。答案:1.as2.unless.阅读课文FIRST AID FOR BURNS,回答下列问题。1Whats your bodys largest organ?AThe head. BThe skin.CThe legs. DThe arms.2How many types of burns are there altogether?AOne.BTwo.CThree. DFour.3Burns caused by hot li

5、quids are usually thought to be _.Afirst degree burnsBsecond degree burnsCthird degree burns Dthe most severe burns4What are characteristics of first degree burns?ABlack and white and charred.BRough, red and swollen.CRough, red and dry.DDry, red and mildly swollen.5When someone is burned, what shoul

6、d be done first?ARemove clothing.BDry the burned area gently.CCool burns immediately.DGet the victim to the doctor or hospital.答案:1.B2.C3.B4.D5.A课内要点探究课内要点探究1.aid1)n.(1)U帮助,援助One of the station staff saw he was in difficulty and came to his aid.一位车站工作人员见他有困难,便过来帮忙。(2)U援助;救援物资;救援款项How much overseas/f

7、oreign aid does Britain give?英国在援外方面作出多少贡献?(3)U(完成某工作所需的)帮助、助手、辅助物He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator.他只有靠呼吸机才能呼吸。(4)C辅助设备Photographs make useful teaching aids.照片是有用的教具。2)v.(sb./sth.)(in sth./in doing sth.)|sb.(with sth.)帮助,援助They are determined to aid him in his scientific research.他

8、们决心对于他的科学研究给予援助。They aided me in solving the problem.他们帮助我解决这个问题。Aided by heat and strong winds, the fire quickly spread.借助于高温和大风,火势迅速蔓延。with the aid of sb.with sb.s aid在某人的帮助下in aid of为了帮助come to ones aid来援助某人do/give/offer/perform/carry out first aid进行急救call in ones aid请某人帮忙aid sb. in doing sth.帮助某

9、人做某事aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事aid sb. with sth.帮助某人某事知识拓展活学活用(1)翻译句子老师借助电脑上课。(aid)_ 答案:Teachers often give their lessons with the aid of computers.(2)用恰当介词填空_the aid of Mr Liu,I made great progress in speaking English.答案:With句意:在刘老师的帮助下,我在英语口语方面取得了很大的进步。aid表示“帮助,援助”之意,with the aid of.表示“在的帮助下”。2tempo

10、rary adj. 短暂的,临时的,暂时的A lot of work now is temporary or parttime.现在有很多工作都是临时的或兼职的。The accident caused a temporary disability.事故造成了暂时的残疾。The council have placed us in temporary accommodations.委员会给我们安排了临时的住处。temporariness n. 暂时性,临时性temporarily adv. 暂时地,临时地permanent adj.永久的反知识拓展活学活用用恰当词语填空(1)(2013浙江,2)M

11、ary worked here as a _(临时的)secretary and ended up getting a fulltime job with the company.答案:temporary考查形容词词义辨析。句意:玛丽在这儿当临时秘书,结果是在这家公司得到了一份全职的工作。temporary“临时的,暂时的”,符合句意。(2)This is a(n) _ arrangement, not a permanent one.答案:temporarypermanent“永久的”;temporary和permanent意思相反,根据not a permanent one可判断应填tem

12、porary。3injury n.(1)U & C(to sb./sth.)(对躯体的)伤害,损伤The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.他们主力队员受伤可能是这场比赛胜负的决定性因素。In the crash he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms.在事故中他头部和双臂受了重伤。There were no injuries (no people injured) in the crash.在这次撞车事故中无人受伤。(2)U (对感情等)

13、伤害、挫伤Damages may be awarded for emotional injury.可能会判处精神伤害赔偿。Most people protect themselves from injury to their selfesteem.大多数人保护自己使自尊心不受伤害。知识拓展(1)add insult to injury 既伤害又侮辱;把关系弄得更糟;雪上加霜Adding insult to injury, she threw my gift into the trash.更糟的是,她把我的礼物丢进了垃圾筒。(2)do sb./oneself an injury 使(某人/自己)

14、受(身体的)伤害If you try and lift that suitcase youll do yourself an injury!如果你要提起那只箱子,你会受伤的! 比较网站injury,wound,hurt,damage,harminjury指平时的大小创伤或伤害,大多造成容颜、机能等的损害wound指战斗中受的刀或枪伤hurt尤指对精神、感情以及肉体的伤害damage指损失、损害(不表示伤痛),主要用于物;多用于自然灾害中的损害harm指物质或精神的极大损害,既可用于具体事物,也可用于抽象事物活学活用运用恰当词语填空(1)The teachers words did an inj

15、ury _ the little boy.答案:todo an injury to为固定短语,意为“对造成伤害”。句意:老师的话伤害了那个小男孩。(2)The bullet _(hurt/wound)the soldier in the head.答案:wounded句意为“子弹击伤了这个战士的头部”。指战斗中受伤通常用wound。(3)Eating a lot and exercising little _ harm to your health.答案:do句意为“吃得多而锻炼少对你的健康有害”。do harm to“对造成伤害”。4bleed v.(1)流血,失血Your arm is b

16、leeding; put a bandage on it.你的手臂在流血,用绷带包扎一下。(2)给(某人)放血Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.医生过去常常为生病的人放血。(3)sb.(for sth.)长期榨取(某人的钱)The blackmailers bled him for every penny he had.勒索者把他的钱榨得一干二净。(4)(为国家、信仰等)流血,牺牲(for)They bled for their country.他们为国流血/牺牲。知识拓展(1)blood n血,血液;血统,血缘;血气,性情常见短语

17、:blood bank血库blood relation血亲blood type血型blood test验血(2)bloody adj.出血的;血染的;伤亡惨重的活学活用(1)翻译句子Blood is thicker than water._ 答案:血浓于水。(2)用恰当形式填空When I look back at the past and think how much time has been wasted in vain, my heart _(blood)答案:bleeds句意:当我回顾过去时,想到自己白白浪费了许多光阴,心里痛苦极了。5choke v.(1)(on sth.)窒息,哽

18、噎The child was almost choked by the heavy smoke.这孩子几乎被浓烟熏得窒息了。(2)(掐住喉咙)使停止呼吸,使窒息An old woman was found choked to death.发现一个老妇人被掐死了。(3)(尤指感情激动而)说不出话来,使哽咽She choked with emotion.她激动得说不出话来。(4)sth.(up)(with sth.)阻塞,塞满(通道或空间等)The drains are choked(up)with dead leaves.下水道被枯叶堵住了。(1)choke back 强忍住,抑制,克制(2)c

19、hoke off打断,停止,终止(3)choke out(因感情激动而)哽咽着说,哽咽地说出某事(4)choke up (因感情激动而)哽咽知识拓展She choked back a sharp reply.她把到了嘴边的一句尖刻的答话咽了下去。The dry spell choked off the supply of water in that area.干旱使那地区断了水。“I hate you!”she chocked out.“我恨你!”她哽咽着说道。She chocked up when she began to talk about her mother.她开始谈起母亲时,哽咽着

20、说不出话来。活学活用完成句子(1)她不喜欢那些食物,但还是勉强吞咽了下去。She did not like the food but she managed to _ _ _.答案:choke it down注意choke down中down为副词,故it需置于动词与副词之间。(2)水流进他的喉咙,他呼吸开始困难。Water went down his throat and he_ _ _.答案:began to choke6essential adj.(1)最重要的,不可缺少的Hard work is essential to success.要想成功必须努力工作。It is essenti

21、al that you (should) win the voters hearts.赢得选民的心是绝对必要的。(2)本质的,根本的(通常置于名词之前)There is no essential difference between the two drafts.两份草稿没有本质上的不同。(1)be essential for/to.对来说是必要的(2)It is essential (that).做某事是绝对必要的(3)It is essential (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事是绝对必要的知识拓展活学活用完成句子食物是维持生命不可缺少的。Food is _ _ l

22、ife.答案:essential to7poison1) n.(1)C & U毒药,毒物,毒素He tried to kill himself by taking poison.他曾试图服毒自杀。(2)极有害的思想(或心情等),精神毒药Some people say that selfishness is a poison in our society.一些人说自私是我们社会的一害。2) v.(1)sb.(with sth.)毒死,毒害Someone tried to poison our dog.有人想毒杀我们的狗。(2)下毒,在中放毒He feared that someone had p

23、oisoned his food.他害怕有人在他的食物中下了毒。(3)毒化,败坏,使恶化Envy of his friends success poisoned his mind.嫉妒朋友的成功使他产生了邪念。poisoner n投毒杀人者,毒死别人的人poisonous adj.有毒的;恶毒的,恶的;极端讨厌的hate sb. like poison对某人恨之入骨poison ones mind against说坏话使某人认为不好知识拓展活学活用用恰当形式填空When the boy was nine years old,his father_ (poison)by enemies.答案:w

24、as poisoned句意:在小男孩九岁时,父亲被敌人毒害了。poison是及物动词,表示“毒害”之意,此处用一般过去时的被动语态形式was poisoned。8variety n.(1)C(同一事物的)不同种类,各种式样There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.有种类繁多的图案可供选择。Hospitals deal with disease of every variety.医院诊治各种各样的疾病。(2)U变化;多样化;多变性We all need variety in our diet.我们都需要饮食多样化。vary v变化;改变

25、vary in在方面不同vary from. to./vary between. and.从到不等various adj.各种各样的;多姿多彩的variously adv.以各种方式,不同地a (great/wide) variety of多种多样的varieties ofkinds ofsorts of多种多样的知识拓展I have a variety of/varieties of books at home.我家有各种各样的书。The quality of the students work varies considerably.学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。Prices vary ac

26、cording to the type of room you require.价格随所要求的户型而有所变化。This city is known for its various bridges.这个城市因为各种桥梁而著称。活学活用用适当的介词填空(1)Prices vary _ five yuan _ ten yuan.(2)The flowers varied _ colour and size.答案:(1)from;to(2)in9mild adj.(1)温和的,和善的,不严厉的Use a soap that is mild on the skin.使用刺激性不强的肥皂。(2)(天气)温

27、和的,和煦的The weather is mild today;it is neither hot nor cold.今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。(3)(情感)温和的,不强烈的,轻微的He gave a mild answer, in spite of his annoyance.他尽管已恼火,但回答得还是很和蔼。(4)和善的,随和的Hes the mildest man you could wish to meet.他是最温和的人了。(5)不浓的,淡味的I like this brand of wine because its very mild.我喜欢喝这个牌子的酒,因为它的味很淡。活学活

28、用补全句子史密斯先生是这样一位性情温和的人,他从来不发脾气。Mr. Smith is _ _ _ _ _he never loses his temper.答案:such a mild person that或so mild a person that10tissue n.(1)U & C (人,动植物的)组织Human tissue is made up of cells.人体的组织是由细胞构成的。(2)C (尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.她用一张面巾纸擦掉脸

29、上的汗水。 (3)U (tissue paper)(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸The Christmas presents were wrapped (up) in tissue paper.圣诞礼物都用薄纸裹起来了。活学活用翻译句子我买了一盒纸巾。_ 答案:I bought a box of tissues.11electric1) adj.(1)电的;发电的;用电的,电动的This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.这辆重型运输汽车是由两台电动机驱动的。He bought an electric hairdrier for

30、 Mary.他给玛丽买了一个电吹风。(2)充满刺激的,令人激动的The news had an electric effect.这消息顿时使群情激昂。The presidents speech had an electric effect on the crowd, and the students all cheered him.校长的演说震撼人心,学生们都向他欢呼。2)n. U供电The electric will be off tomorrow.明天将会停电。I havent paid the electric yet.我还未付电费。electric shock 触电,电休克,电震,电击

31、知识拓展活学活用完成句子(1)我认为是电力出了故障。I think there is an _ fault.(2)我被这根电线电击了一下。I got an _ _ from the wire.答案:(1)electrical(2)electric shock12swell1) v.(1)(up)膨胀,肿胀His injured wrist began to swell (up)他受伤的手腕开始肿起来。(2)(sth.)(out)(使)凸出,鼓出The wind swelled(out)the sails.风把船帆刮得鼓起来了。 (3)(sth.)(to sth.)(使)增加,增大,扩大The

32、membership swelled to 200.会员增加到了两百名。 (4)变得更响亮;增强The murmur swelled into a roar.窃窃私语的声音变大形成一片喧哗。(5)(with sth.)充满(激情)His heart swelled with anger.Anger swelled in him/his heart.愤怒在他的心中涌起/他心中燃起怒火。2) n.(1)C, usually sing.海浪的涌动,涌浪The boat was caught in a heavy/strong swell.船遇上了大浪涌。(2)sing.增加,增大;扩大,增强Ther

33、e was a swell in the citys population.该市出现过人口膨胀。swelling n膨胀,肿胀;浮肿处swollen adj.肿胀的;上涨的swell up肿胀swell (sth.) out(使)突出swell sth. to使扩大/增加到swell with pride/joy满腔自豪/喜悦知识拓展提示:swell的过去式、过去分词分别为swelled,swollen。活学活用完成句子他看到女儿领奖时心中充满了自豪感。His heart_ _ _as he watched his daughter collect her prize.答案:swelled w

34、ith pride13squeeze 1) v.(1)挤压;捏He squeezed on the tube until some toothpaste came out.他挤牙膏管直到挤出一些牙膏。(2)sth.(out of/from sth.)|sth.(out)(从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出I squeezed an orange and drank the juice.我把橘子挤出汁喝了。(3)(sb./sth.)into, through, etc. sth.|through, in, past, etc. (使)挤入,挤过,塞入We squeezed into the crowde

35、d room.我们挤进拥挤的房子里。(4)sb.(for sth.)向勒索(或榨取),逼迫给That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother.那家伙做得出勒索他老母亲钱财的事来。(5)给造成财务困难,使财政受限制Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits.上涨的棉花价格减少了纺织厂的利润。图解助记2) n.(1)C, usually sing. 挤压,捏He gave my arm a squeeze.他捏了一下我的胳膊。(2)sing.挤,塞Its a tight sque

36、eze to get five people in that small car.五个人坐在那个小车里真是太挤了。(3)C榨出的液体,少量挤出的汁She put a squeeze of lemon in her drink.她在饮料中放了一点柠檬汁。(4)C, usually sing.(可获得的钱,工作岗位等的)减少,削减,拮据,经济困难Shes just lost her job, so theyre really feeling the squeeze.她刚失了业,这下他们真正感到艰难了。squeeze. out of/from.把从中榨出来squeeze money out of/f

37、rom sb.勒索某人的钱财squeeze into挤进squeeze through挤过,勉强通过知识拓展活学活用(1)翻译句子The government is putting the squeeze on business profits._ 答案:政府正在对商业利润采取严格控制。(2)用恰当词语填空He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water _.答案:out句意:他脱下湿衣服,拧出了水。squeeze表示“挤出;拧干”之意,squeeze the water out表示“拧出水”,符合语境。14vital adj.(1)极其重要

38、的,必不可少的(常与to/for连用)Such measures are vital to national security.这些措施对国家安全是必不可少的。Regular exercise is vital for your health.经常锻炼对健康非常重要。It is vital that you keep accurate records.保持准确的记录非常重要。(2)有生命的,充满活力的He is a strong and vital man.他是一个身强体壮、朝气蓬勃的男子。The drawings were crude but wonderfully vital.这些图画虽然

39、粗糙,但充满活力。(3)(仅用于名词前)维持生命所必需的the bodys vital processes 基本的生命活力vitally adv. 极大地,极必要地vitality n. 生命力,生气;活力知识拓展Its vitally important that you all attend the meeting.你们都要参加会议,这极为重要。Despite his eighty years Tom was full of vitality.尽管已经80岁了,汤姆仍然精力旺盛。提示:在It is vital that.句型中,that从句的谓语常用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”

40、。Consideration for other people is vital to all of us.对我们所有人而言体谅别人是极其重要的。活学活用(1)补全句子兴趣对学习与理解能力对学习一样重要,甚至更重要。Interest is as _ _ _ _ the ability to understand, even more so.答案:vital to learning as(2)If you are going hiking in the mountains, a pair of strong boots is _(至关重要的)答案:vital15pour v.(1)使(液体)流出

41、,倾倒Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some.尽管我倒这东西时很小心,但还是洒了一些。He poured some water into a glass.他往一只玻璃杯里倒了些水。(2)倒,斟(饮料)Ive poured you a cup of coffee.我给你倒了杯咖啡。I was in the kitchen, pouring out drinks.我在厨房里倒饮料。(3)(液体、烟、光等)倾泻,喷发Tears poured down his cheeks.眼泪顺着他的面颊簌簌地落下。Thick bl

42、ack smoke was pouring out of the roof.黑色浓烟从屋顶滚滚冒出。(4)涌进(出),多强调比喻含意The men poured into the hall for the meeting.男人们涌进大厅开会。(5)(雨)倾盆而下The rain poured down endlessly.倾盆大雨下个不停。pour into涌入pour out倾诉;倾吐知识拓展活学活用补全句子当我们单独在一起的时候,她向我诉说了她婚姻破裂的情况。When we were alone,she_ _ _ _ _ _about her broken marriage.答案:pour

43、ed out her heart to me16damp(1)adj. 潮湿的,微湿的,湿气重的Dont sleep between damp sheets.睡觉时不要用潮湿的被褥。The cottage was cold and damp.这间小屋又冷又湿。(2)n. U潮湿,湿气,湿块儿Air the clothes to get the damp out.晾晾衣服以驱潮气。Dont stay outside in the damp.外面潮湿,不要待在外面。(3)v. 弄湿,使潮湿;抑制,减弱(感情等)She damped a towel and wrapped it round his

44、leg.她弄湿手巾,把它裹在他的腿上。Nothing could damp his spirits.任何事都不能败他的兴。(1)a damp squib 令人失望的事;令人扫兴的事(2)damp down sth. 抑制、控制(情绪、感情等)知识拓展活学活用完成句子雨季的时候恐怕什么东西都会变潮湿的。In the rainy season Im afraid everything_.答案:gets damp17symptom n症状,征兆First the doctor asked me to describe my symptoms.首先,医生要我描述我的症状。Bad behavior is

45、 often a symptom of unhappiness.不良的行为通常是苦闷的表现。It is said that cancer doesnt show a symptom in its early stage.据说癌症在初期看不出症状。活学活用完成句子医生研究病人的症状后作出诊断。The doctor made his diagnosis after studying _ _ _.答案:the patients symptoms1.fall ill 生病She has to stay home because her son falls ill.因为儿子生病所以她得待在家里。He h

46、ad the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination.他很倒霉,在考试当天生病了。fall silent沉默下来fall asleep睡着;入睡fall in with同意,赞成fall for信以为真fall through落空,失败fall back on求助于,转而依靠fall off数量减少;质量下降fall out解散;争吵,闹翻;脱落fall to (doing)开始(做某事);(职责等)落在身上知识拓展比较网站fall ill, be ill两者都含有“生病”之意。(1)fall ill瞬间性动词短语,在肯定句中不

47、能与表示“时间段”的状语连用。如表示“因而病倒;患疾病”,常和介词with搭配。She fell ill with fever.她发高烧病倒了。(2)be ill“患病”,延续性动词词组,可以和表示“时间段”的状语连用。His mother has been ill for a month.他妈妈已经病了一个月了。注意:“falladj.”这一结构强调的是从一种状态进入到另一状态的变化情况,一般没有动作延续这种情况,也不用于被动结构。活学活用(1)翻译句子因为这个坏消息他病倒了。_ 答案:He fell ill because of the bad news.(2)用恰当形式填空Because

48、 of bad weather, my mother _ and lay in bed. She _ for a week.(ill)答案:fell ill; has been ill句意:因为天气很糟糕,所以我妈妈病倒了,卧床不起。她已经病了一周了。fall ill意为“生病”,是非延续性动词短语,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;be ill表示状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,故第二个空用完成时态。2stick to 粘贴在上;坚持Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage that will not stick to the skin.

49、用干燥、清洁又不沾皮肤的绷带缠住烧伤面。If you stick to the truth, you have nothing to fear.坚持真理,你就无所畏惧。stick out 伸出,突出;醒目stick by 忠于,维护stick with 缠住,萦绕stick up 竖起,直立be stuck in 被困在里面知识拓展比较网站insist on, stick toinsist on坚持;多用于“坚持意见、看法、主张”,后接名词、动名词。另外,insist后可接that从句,表示“坚持要求应该做某事”时,that从句中使用“(should)动词原形”虚拟语气;如表示“坚持认为某事”

50、时用陈述语气。stick to“坚持;坚守(多指原则、计划、决定、诺言、意见等)”,后面常只接名词。活学活用补全句子他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。He promised to help us and_ _ _ _ _.答案:he stuck to his word3take off(1)脱掉(衣服),摘掉Take off your clothes; theyre very wet.脱掉你的衣服,衣服湿透了。(2)休假,休息Ive decided to take a few days off next week.我决定下星期休息几天。(3)取消,停演The show was taken off

51、because of a poor audience figure.该剧目因不卖座而停演了。(4)(飞机)起飞The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch planes take off or land.幼儿园教师经常带领孩子们去看飞机起飞或降落。(5)匆匆离去,匆忙离开When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction.他见我走过来便赶快转身走了。(6)突然大受欢迎,迅速流行Her singing career took off after her TV appe

52、arance.她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业便迅速走红。take apart拆开take back 收回take in 理解;上当take on 呈现take over 接管take to 喜欢上take up 占用知识拓展活学活用用take短语填空(1)Rod loves _ clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.答案:taking apart考查动词短语辨析。句意:罗德喜欢拆钟表,然而他从来不能把它们再组装起来。take apart“拆开,分开”。(2)Ted doesnt know what to _ at t

53、he university; he cant make up his mind about his future.答案:take up4over and over again 一次又一次,反复My headteacher has told me over and over again not to get addicted to computer games.我的班主任已多次告诉我不要沉迷于电脑游戏。The teacher made us pronounce the same word over and over again.老师让我们反复念同一个词。与over and over again同

54、义的短语:time and(time)again 一再,屡次again and again 多次,再三time after time 多次,不断地知识拓展活学活用补全句子他喋喋不休地讲着,反复对我讲那个故事。He kept talking on and on,telling me the same story _ _ _ _.答案:over and over again5in place/into place(1)在正确位置,准备妥当She likes to have everything in place.她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。The receiver had already click

55、ed into place.听筒咔的一声放回了原位。(2)安排就绪,准备就绪All the arrangements are now in place for their visit.为他们来访所准备的一切都安排就绪了。With everything in place, she started the slide show.一切就绪后,她开始放幻灯片。in place of代替out of place不合适的take place发生take the place of取代,代替take ones place就座知识拓展You can use a pencil in place of a pen.

56、你可以用铅笔代替钢笔。Her remarks were out of place.她出言不当。She couldnt attend the meeting, so her assistant took her place.她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。Take your places for dinner.请各位入席。活学活用用恰当形式填空You should behave yourself.It is_(place)to have such manners on this occasion.答案:out of place句意:守规矩点儿。在这种场合下有这种举动是不合适的。out of

57、 place表示“不合适的,不恰当的”之意,符合语境。6sit up(1)坐起;端坐The patient is well enough to sit up in bed now.病人现在已经能从床上坐起来了。(2)熬夜(尤指为等候某人)I shall get back late, so dont sit up.我要晚些回来,别(为等我)晚睡。The nurse sat up with the patient all night.那护士整夜没睡守护着病人。(3)突然注意起发生的事情或说的话The news made us all sit up and take notice.这消息立即引起了我

58、们的注意。活学活用补全句子有这么多工作要做,我们不得不彻夜不眠。With so much work to do, we had to _ _ _ _ _.答案:sit up through the night1.So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.因此,你可以想象到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,就可能非常严重。在句中as引导非限制性定语从句,as在从句中作宾语,指代的是if your skin gets burned it can be very serious。as在非限制性定语从句中,可以代替

59、整个句子或者一件事,在从句中作主语、宾语或者表语,意为“正如;就像”,可位于主句之前或之后,一般用逗号与主句隔开。The football team won the game, as we had expected.正如我们所预料的一样,这支足球队赢了。The Pacific is the largest ocean, as we all know.太平洋是最大的洋,这一点我们都知道(正如我们所知道的,太平洋是最大的洋)。活学活用用恰当词语填空(1)(2013山东,31)There is no simple answer,_ is often the case in science.答案:as

60、考查非限制性定语从句。句意:没有简单的答案,这在科学方面是常有的事。分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,缺少主语,故填as。“as is often the case”可以看成是固定表达,意为“这是常有的事”。(2)The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.答案:as考查as引导的定语从句。当as引导定语从句,修饰整个主语或主句时,可以放在句首、句中或者句尾。as表示“正如,就像”。2Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unle

61、ss it is stuck to the burn.除非衣服紧贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。unless为从属连词,引导条件状语从句。其用法总结如下:(1)除非,除非在情况下You wont get paid for time off unless you have a doctors note.除非你有医生证明,否则你不上班就拿不到工资。Unless Im mistaken, she was back at work yesterday.除非是我记错了,她是昨天回来上班的。(2)若非,如果不I sleep with the window open unles

62、s its really cold.天气若不是很冷,我总是开着窗户睡觉。Unless something unexpected happens, Ill see you tomorrow.如果不出意外,我明天去看你。知识拓展(1)unless和if.not的用法常常是相同的。Follow the green signs unless you have goods to declare/if you havent any goods to declare.未携带须申报货物者,沿绿色标记通行。(2)unless不可用以指尚未发生的事情之结果,因而不可用于“假想的”条件句中。We would hav

63、e had a lovely holiday if it hadnt rained every day.要不是天天下雨的话,我们的假日就过得痛快了。(本句中不可用unless it had rained)(3)unless(并非if.not)常用以引导出补充前言的话,即:对刚说过的话要加些补充。She hasnt gotten any hobbies unless you call watching TV a hobby.她没有任何嗜好除非把看电视也算作嗜好的话。(4)指将来可能发生或可能真实的情况用unless。Have a cup of teaunless youd prefer a co

64、ld drink.喝一杯茶吧除非你想喝冷饮。活学活用用恰当词语填空(1)(2013江西,28)She says that shell have to close the shop _ business improves.答案:unless考查连词的用法。句意:她说她将不得不关闭商店除非生意有所好转。unless“除非”符合题意。(2)(2014湖南,26)You will never gain success _ you are fully devoted to your work.答案:unless考查状语从句。句意:除非你全身心地投入到你的工作中,否则你就不会获得成功。所填词引导条件状语从

65、句,意思是“除非,如果不”,故填unless。(3)A small car is big enough for a family of three_you need more space for baggage.答案:unless考查连词。unless“除非,如果不”。句意为“对于三口之家来说小汽车是足够大了,除非你需要更多的空间存放行李。”课堂达标验收课堂达标验收.单词拼写1The granny suddenly fell i_.2During her i_, Alice stayed indoors.3He suffered i_to his head.4What has h_to the

66、se people?5Have you been in any of these s_?6The skin is your bodys large o_.7First aid is a very important first step in the t_of burns.8The suns r_are bad for your health.9These affect all three layers of the skin and any t_and organs under the skin.10Cover the burned area with a dry clean b_.答案:1

67、.ill2.illness3.injury4.happened5.situations6organ7.treatment8.rays 9.tissue10.bandage.补全句子1_clothing_(移开;拿走)the burned area.2Hold the bandage _(在适当的位置)with tape.3Place them on the burned area _(反复;再三)4_(如果可能的话),keep them higher than the heart.5Get the victim to the doctor or hospital _(立刻)答案:1.Take,off2.in place3.over and over again4.If possible5.at once答案:1.is close to2.sticking to3.act as4.prevent;from



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