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2、畅,语言错误较多,但句子基本可读。能传达部分信息,表达不够流畅,语言错误较多,但句子基本可读。 第四档(第四档(4-6分)分)只能传达少量信息,表达不流畅,语言错误多,只有少量句子可读。只能传达少量信息,表达不流畅,语言错误多,只有少量句子可读。 第五档(第五档(1-3分)分)只能传达个别信息,表达不清楚,只有个别句子可读。只能传达个别信息,表达不清楚,只有个别句子可读。 影响作文分数的因素:影响作文分数的因素:影响作文分数的因素:影响作文分数的因素:1 题目要求、内容要点;题目要求、内容要点;2 句子准确、通顺;句子准确、通顺;3 层次结构清晰;层次结构清晰;4 拼写、语法等错误;拼写、语法

3、等错误;5 卷面整洁度;卷面整洁度;作文话题计划安排型作文计划安排型作文(记叙文类)(记叙文类)图图表、数字比例型表、数字比例型说明利弊型说明利弊型不同观点型不同观点型解决问题型解决问题型几种文体的结合,是近几年来的一种趋势,几种文体的结合,是近几年来的一种趋势,要特别注意要特别注意做题步骤:做题步骤:1 审题:审清作文体裁(类型)时态、人称等细节;2 列提纲(文章结构框架):分几段,以及每段大体内容;3 串连: 恰当运用关联词句,使得文章层次清晰,各个部分衔接自然。4 写作:在提纲的基础上补充要点;5 复查:2遍-1遍看查拼写、语法、标点等问题;2遍不出声读查,检查语句是否通顺、连贯等;6

4、誊抄:不允许做任何的更改。计划安排型作文计划安排型作文谈假期安排谈假期安排 1: (综述)(graduate from, )holiday is coming, plan for this holiday. 2: (正文)Firstly, study comes first. make preparations for the first senior year; Secondly, visit tourist attractions; Last but not least, do sports to build up my body. 3: I am sure Ill have a mean

5、ingful holiday. /Im looking forward to the coming holiday./I cant wait to enjoy my summer vacation. 暑假将至,同学们就自己暑假生活安排进行了交流。请你用英语介绍有关情况以及自己的暑期计划。内容应包括以下要点:1.有的同学打算外出旅游,放松一下。2.有的同学计划在家中多读书,为将来的学习做准备。3.有的同学准备参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康。 4.谈谈自己的暑期安排。Summer vacation is coming. We have different plans for it. While som

6、e of my classmates are going to visit some places of interest,some are not going out, instead, they are going to do more reading and prepare for the future studies.At the same time,some want to do more sports to keep fit. I plan to go to Beijing to see the Olympic Games. Because its a good chance to

7、 make more friends and know more about the Olympic Games. I am sure well have a meaningful holiday.叙事文常用的句子间连接词: At first/at last/in the end then/next/after that when/while/as soon as/not until To ones surprise/joy in a word/in all at the same time/at times/once in a while/so that luckily/fortunatel

8、y/unluckily/unfortunately常见的作文类型模板:常见的作文类型模板:1 书信书信 (经常和其他类型一起使用经常和其他类型一起使用) Dear ., , Im glad to receive your letter - Best wishes! Yours, Lucy a 书信开头常用语书信开头常用语 I am very glad to receive your letter (hear from you). Hello, Jane. Is everything going (on) well? /How is everything going (on)? Im writi

9、ng to you for some advice on how to /Im writing to ask if you can . How time flies! It has been months/years since we last met. Thank you for inviting me to . b 书信结尾常用语书信结尾常用语 Best wishes (to/for you). Wish you good luck. (I am) looking forward to hearing from you.2 图表、数字比例型图表、数字比例型 (提出讨论或调查的事实)Last

10、 week, our class had a class meeting on (how to) Here are the results. (表达出不同看法或观点)Most students think While 20% of them choose to. Another 15 believe There are also some saying that (表达个人看法) As a student, I agree toOur school has made a survey about how long middle school students can fix their att

11、ention in class. The result shows that only 40% of the students can draw their attention to their class, while the rest of them can not concentrate on the lesson.30% think the problem is caused by all kinds of noises in the classroom. The other part of the student consider lack of sleep and tirednes

12、s as the major reasons. Therefore, we advise that the classroom should be bright and the air inside should keep fresh.tAs for students, they should try their best to be active in class in order not to be disturbed by others. During the breaks, they can take some exercise or have a little rest in the

13、 classroom.3 说明利弊型说明利弊型 Nowadays is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages . First, 优点1 Besides, 优点2 However, every coin has two sides. It also brings us bad influences. On the one hand, 缺点1 On the other hand, 缺点2 In my opinion,个人观点 随着经济(economy)的发展,越来越多的人购买了手机,现在不少初中生也开始使用手机。手机在带来便利



16、cellphonesaslittleaspossibleandturnthemoffwhentheyarehavingclasses.4 不同观点型不同观点型 We made a survey about whether we should 提出矛盾问题. Different people hold different ideas. Some believe 正方观点. First, 原因1 Besides, 原因2 While others dont agree. They think反方观点. On the one hand, 原因1 On the other hand, 原因2 As f

17、or me,个人观点 上上周,你们班就初中生能否骑电动自行车上学进行了一次讨周,你们班就初中生能否骑电动自行车上学进行了一次讨论。现在,请你根据下表用英语写一篇介绍讨论情况的短文。论。现在,请你根据下表用英语写一篇介绍讨论情况的短文。注意:注意:1短文须包括写作提示和表格中所列的全部内容;短文须包括写作提示和表格中所列的全部内容; 2时态运用正确,书写工整规范时态运用正确,书写工整规范;3词数词数80-100个左右。个左右。 讨论结果讨论结果:25人表示同意人表示同意 理由理由:1.这样很方便这样很方便2.能节约上学途能节约上学途中的时间中的时间 35人表示不同人表示不同意意1.年龄太小,骑电

18、动自行车不安全年龄太小,骑电动自行车不安全2.早上交通拥挤,骑电动自行车也快不起来早上交通拥挤,骑电动自行车也快不起来生词提示:生词提示: electric adj. 电动的电动的 whether conj 能否能否参考作文:Lastweek,ourschoolhadadiscussionaboutwhetherjuniorstudentscouldrideelectricbicyclestogotoschool.Differentpeopleholddifferentideas.25studentsofourclassagreedwithit.First,theysayitwasconven

19、ientforthem.Besidesitcouldtakelesstimetogotoschool.While theother35studentsdidntagreewiththem.Theysaiditwasnotsafeforthejuniorstudentstogettoschoolbyelectricbicycles.Ontheonehand,theyweretooyoung.Ontheotherhand,inthemorningthetrafficwasverybusyandthestudentscouldntrideelectricbicyclesquickly.Asforme

20、,studentshadbetternotrideelectricbiycyclestogotoschool.5 解决问题型解决问题型 Recently, the problem has been more and more serious. should do something to solve it. Firstly, 方法1 Secondly, 方法2 Finally, 方法3 I am sure if everyone can make a contribution to , the will become better and better. 今天环境变得越来越糟糕,环境问题成为人

21、们最为头疼的问题之一,保护环境,刻不容缓。请以“Howtoprotect/saveourenvironment/world?”为题写一篇短文根据提示进行适当发挥,并谈谈自己的看法。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重2.砍伐森林严重3.大气污染严重4.白色垃圾等。 How to save our environment?The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Not only does the polution affect our lives and health it also has a great affection

22、in the future. In order to live a better life we need protect our world. Firstly,we shouldnt throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things .Secondly,dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Then,use things for as long as possible. We dont use plastic bags .Fi

23、nally We mus plant more trees and stop the people cutting them . I am sure if everyone can make a contribution to reduce the polution, our world is more and more beautiful.议论文常用连接词议论文常用连接词表示总结的:in all/short; in a word; in brief/ total; last but not least; last; 表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful

24、to sb.; do harm to sb.; have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb benefit from sth.; affect; have an effect on sb.; 表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy; be fond of; be interested in; show great interest in; lose oneself in; put ones heart into; be good at; be poor at; be weak in;表达个人想法的:I think/belie

25、ve; (as) for me; in my opinion/view; as a student; from the bottom of my heart; personally; 其他:in general; generally speaking; to be short; to be honest; to tell the truth; as we know; make up ones mind to do; in a way; 议论文常用连接词议论文常用连接词表示并列:eitheror;neithernor;bothand;not onlybut also; 表示递进的:besides

26、;whats more;whats worse;moreover; 表示结果的:so;as a result;sothat;therefore; 表示转折的:however; but; 表示目的的:so that;in order that;(in order) to;for; 表示对比的:while;on the one hand + on the other hand; Each coin has two sides.; preferto;would rather dothan do;表示举例的:for example;for instance; such as;like;that is to say表示原因的:because;for;because of;thanks to;(for the reason that);



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