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1、Unit OneTEXT I Hit the Nail on the Head(恰到好处;一语中的恰到好处;一语中的) -Alan Warner Teaching objectivesUnderstanding the various aspects related to the usage of words.Cultivating a sense of appropriateness in styleLearning to use analogy as an expository means.I. Preparationv1) Topic “Hit the Nail on the Head”

2、Denotation: original meaning force (the nail) into the right place; make something unmistakably clear. Connotation: implied meaningexactly right in words or action. Advice by the author: vEnglish learners should try to get the words, phrases and sentences completely right for their purposes in writi

3、ng. v Denotative meaning (外延/指示意义) refers to the essential and inextricable part of what language is, is regarded as the central factor in verbal communication. Denotative meaningv+HUMAN +ADULT +MALE-v+HUMAN +ADULT MALE-v+HUMAN ADULT +FEMAL-vBoy -+HUMAN ADULT +MALEvBull -HUMAN +ADULT +MALEmanwomengi

4、rlvConnotative meaning (内涵/隐含意义) refers to the implied or communicative meaning, over or above the words denotative meaning.v e.g. milk-nutritious, healthy v pig-dirty, simplev swallow-alert, auspiciousConnotative meaningConnotative meaningvGrin vBeamvSmilevSmirk v the most common word? v the differ

5、ence on meaning? v the relationship among them?Hyponymy (上下义关系)vsuperordinate (上义词)vhyponyms (下义词)vco-hyponym (共下义词)I. Preparationv2) Authorv3) Source Alan Warner (1912- ), English teacher at Makerere College (麦大), Kampala (坎帕拉), Uganda. Selected from A Short Guide to English Style (Warner, 1960) ,

6、which tells how to write clean English how to see English style todayhow to develop English styleThe Rivals by Richard Brinsley SheridanvOne heroine in the drama is called Mrs. Malaprop who likes to show herself talented in use of words, though having little learning. While things go contrary to her

7、 wishes, her words are unbearably funny and laugh-evoking. On the education of children: v“As she grew up, I would have her instructed in geometry, that she might know something of the contagious countries”, she said.vMrs. Malaprop misused geography as geometry, then further misused contiguous as co

8、ntagious. vThe poor matching derives the term Malapropism resulting from using Homophony.HomophonyvOne semantic relationship between words which sounds alike but are written differently and often have different meanings. ve.g. know-v threw-v bare-v meet-v flower-v sew-v dear-v right-Malapropism vLud

9、icrous misuse of words, esp. for one resembling it. (用词错误、用语错误、飞白,尤指误用发音相似而意义全非的词) e.g.vYou get up at the crank of dawn and dont talk to me, just sitting there being unspeakable.vcrank/crack at the crack of dawn vYou cant tell a book by its lover.vlover / covervMarge and I are insufferable friends.v

10、insufferable / inseparatable MalapropismvDo you want me to strangle a couple of eggs for you?vstrangle / scramblevI ate in a restaurant today, and the food was abdominal.vabdominal / abnormalvAt school, I took a course in domestic silence.vsilence / sciencevHome wasnt built in a day.vHome / RomeChin

11、ese style vs. English stylevGood written Chinese employs well-known set phrases and sayings to connect the piece of writing with the Chinese literary tradition. v“以神传意”vGood written English avoids these and calls them clichs. It uses well-known phrases in a piece of written English so as to be in or

12、der and logic.v“以形达意”vGood written Chinese uses more empty words and repeats words that have the same meaning or purpose to give balance and elegance to its sentences. For example, Chinese uses things like 也也, 但是却, 因为所以.vBut If you do a similar thing in English, you add flab and reduce clarity.vivid

13、 and refinedformalist and inelegantChinglishWetwowhoandwho?咱俩谁跟谁阿Howareyou?howoldareyou?怎么是你,怎么老是你?Youdontbirdme,Idontbirdyou.你不鸟我,我也不鸟你Ifyouwantmoney,Ihaveno;ifyouwantlife,Ihaveone!要钱没有,要命一条 vYouGiveMeStop!你给我站住!knowisknow;noknowisnoknow.知之为知之,不知为不知.WATCHSISTER表妹youmeyoume.彼此彼此 Warm-up questions1.D

14、oes the title strike you as a bit unusual?2.Have you ever heard of the English proverb “Hit the nail on the head”? What does it mean?3.Whose job involves hitting nails? Is the text concerned about the carpenter? Then, whats the major concern of the author?4.What similarities does the author recogniz

15、e in the job of a carpenter and the work of a writer? 2. Have you ever heard of the English proverb “Hit the nail on the head”? What does it mean?vSuggested Answer (SA):vIt means exactly right in words or action.v(The author advises that the English students should try to get the words, phrases and

16、sentences completely right for their purposes in their writing.)3. Whose job involves hitting nails? Is the text concerned about the carpenter? Then, whats the major concern of the author? ( stylistic matter, how to choose the right word from the extensive vocabulary of the English language )4. What

17、 similarities does the author recognize in the job of a carpenter and the work of a writer? (a. The process the writer chooses the right word is similar to the way a carpenter hammers a nail. b. Like the carpenter who needs to drive home every nail if he wants his work properly done, a writer needs

18、to put efforts in choosing the right word if he wants to be accurate and concise.)AnalogyvOne kind of comparison, derives from the Greek word “analogia”, which means “proportion”, or “according to ratio”. vIt compares two things, which are alike in various respects, for the purpose of explaining or

19、clarifying some unfamiliar or complex idea or object by showing how the idea or object is to a familiar one. similarExercisesvChessboard vRules of the game vThe piecesvA new-born babyvCarpentervthe phenomenon of universevthe worldvThe laws of NaturevLiterature creationvThe first balloon flight (inve

20、nted by Benjamin Franklin)AttentionvYou should not take time to mention the difference between the two subjects, because that will blur the focus and distract the reader. vInsteadvSimilarities onlyvDevelop as much as many parallel similarities as you canvDraw a similar conclusion from the othervNoti

21、ce:vAnalogy and simile often overlap, yet simile is more artistic, analogy is done in an extended way to explain a thought process and a line of reasoning.5. Learn more about English proverbs and idioms: (very important because of their specific cultural connotations)hit the nail on the head: exactl

22、y right in words or actions. to play by ear: to play a tune which one has heard, remembered, or invented but not seen written in notes.见机行事见机行事 in hot water: into trouble related to anger or punishment.water off a ducks back: have no effect.to keep an ear to the ground : listen to what will happen a

23、ttentively.注意舆论动向注意舆论动向to bark up the wrong tree : attack to the wrong target.找错对象找错对象 to fly off handle : lose ones temper , fly into a rage.暴跳如雷暴跳如雷 to twist someones arm: force someone to do something.taking candy from a baby: be insatiably avaricious 贪得无厌贪得无厌 to laugh up ones sleeve :laugh secre

24、tlya Black Sheep : en evil member of the herda dark horse: unknown competitor who may wina white lie: harmless lieSection I (paragraphs 1-3)v 1. An analogy between the unskilled use of the hammer and the improper choice of words (Paragraph 1)v2. The significance of finding the right words (Paragraph

25、s 2 - 3)Organization of the TextStep 1: the use of analogy -How does the author introduce the subject?-What expository means is used in the first paragraph?-Can you explain the difference between “comparison” and “analogy”?Step 2: To read the passage on page7 with the following questions in mind: 1.

26、 WHAT is the purpose of drawing an analogy?2. WHEN is it often used?3. HOW is it different from “comparison”?Step 3: to identify the use of comparison and the use of analogy in para. 1 vComparisonvA clumsy man a skillful carpentervA good writer a skillful carpentervAnalogy vA writer choosing the rig

27、ht word vA carpenter hammering a nailStep 4: Sum up the main points: vAnalogy is a special kind of comparison and a more concrete way to explain things. The purpose of analogy is to explain something abstract and remote. With analogy, of the two things being compared, one is usually a familiar subje

28、ct, which helps to explain the other, which is usually a difficult and abstract subject, something hard to define.v1. Semantic differences between words having the same root (Paragraphs 4 - 7)v(1). Example 1 (human vs. humane) (Paragraph 4)v(2). Example 2 (anxiety vs. eagerness) (Paragraph 5)v(3). E

29、xample 3 (singularity vs. singleness) (Paragraphs 6 7)Section 2 (paragraphs 4 10): The various aspects in word usagev2. Wrong choice of words caused by failure to recognize their connotations (Paragraph 8)vExamples: imprison, contain, sum up, epitomize and distillv3. Stylistic differences between sy

30、nonyms (Paragraph 9)vExamples: in my childhood vs. when I was a child; love to watch vs. love watching; die vs. expire; poor vs. in indigent circum-stancesv4. The abundance of specific words in English for general notions (Paragraph 10)vthe importance of a good control and command over known words (

31、A good writer is not measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skill in finding the word that will hit the nail cleanly on the head. ) Section 3: Conclusion (Paragraph 11): vV. Key Points of the TextvParagraph 1vknock over: hit to fall 捶翻捶翻vdrive something home: force (the nail) into the

32、right place; make something unmistakably clear 把(钉子等)打入;使明确无误把(钉子等)打入;使明确无误vE.g. v(1). He slammed the door and drove the bolt home. 他砰地关上门,把门闩插好。他砰地关上门,把门闩插好。v(2). drive ones point home 讲清楚自己的观点讲清楚自己的观点v(3). a voice that drives home each word 字字字字清清晰的说话声晰的说话声v(4). To drive home his policy, the presi

33、dent wrote his second letter. 为为了了阐阐明明他的政策,总统又写了第二封信。他的政策,总统又写了第二封信。v(5). You must drive it home to John that we dont have enough money. 你你必必须须使使约约翰翰明白我们钱确实不够。明白我们钱确实不够。 vdeft: effortlessly skillful 熟练的熟练的vhit it squarely on the head: hitting it directly on the head. Also hit the (right) nail on the

34、 head: (informal) be exactly right in words or action 正中要害;猜中;说得好,做得好正中要害;猜中;说得好,做得好vE.g. : v(1). Your criticism really hit the nail on the head. 你的批评确是一针见血。你的批评确是一针见血。 v(2). In so saying, you hit the right nail on the head. 你这样说确是击中要害。你这样说确是击中要害。 vsquarely: meaning “directly”, may be used both lite

35、rally and figuratively.vE.g. : v(1). The boxer hit his opponent squarely on the jaw.v(2). We must face the difficulty squarely.va word that is more or less right: a word that is almost right, but not completely right 差不多恰差不多恰当的词语当的词语vclean English: English that is exact (precise) and clearvQuestion

36、1: vWhich phrase in this paragraph marks a contrast between a clumsy man and a skillful carpenter?vSA: On the other hand.vQuestion 2: vWhich sentence in Paragraph 1 establishes the link between the driving of a nail and the choice of a word?vSA: So with language; the good craftsman will choose words

37、 that drive home his point firmly and exactly.vParagraph 2vQuestion 1: vWhat does the word “this” in Sentence 1 refer to?vSA: Getting the word that is completely right for the writers purpose.vscrupulous writers: vwriters who are thorough, exact, and who pay careful attention to details 一丝不苟的作家一丝不苟的

38、作家vscrupulous: correct even in the smallest detail; exact; painstaking; meticulous 严格严格认真的认真的, 审慎的审慎的vunscrupulous: 不择手段的不择手段的, 肆无忌惮的肆无忌惮的, the opposite of scrupulous, seems to be more often used to describe people who do not care about honesty and fairness in getting what they want, or who are comp

39、letely without principles. Also by hook or (by) crook: to win by hook or crookParagraph 2vQuestion 2: Do you agree with the author that there is a great deal of truth in the seemingly stupid question “How can I know what I think till I see what I say”? Why or why not?Paragraph 2vSA: Yes, I do. It so

40、unds irrational that a person does not know what he himself thinks before he sees what he says, but, as a matter of fact, it is quite true that unless we have found the exact words to verbalize our own thoughts we can never be very sure of what our thoughts are, without words, our thoughts cannot be

41、 defined or stated in a clear and precise manner.vParagraph 3vthat constitutes his limitation: that makes or forms his shortcoming or inability in certain respectsvconcept vs. conception:vA concept is an idea of a category or kind that has been generalized from particular instances. Thus, the concep

42、t of “cat” arises form the many cats we see. Concept also refers to a widely held idea of what something is or should be: The concept of government of many small nations has been influenced by the legislative and judicial institutions of Britain. vThe meaning of conception is much like this second s

43、ense of concept, but differs in that the idea of what a thing is or should be is here held by an individual or small group and is often colored by imagination and feeling: vA childs conception of the universe is formed by his limited experience and his own fancies.vyour conception of the man is clea

44、rer and sharper: vyour idea of the man is clearer and more distinctvsharp: a word that has a variety of meaningsvE.g.: v a sharp (thrill) voice 刺耳的语声刺耳的语声v sharp (harsh) wordsv a sharp (severe) painParagraph 3vQuestion : What is the significance of finding the right words?vSA: Words are many and var

45、ious; they are subtle and delicate in their different shades of meaning. The exact use of language gives us mastery over the material we are dealing with.Paragraph 4vhuman vs. humane: vhuman: relating to or characteristic of humankind or peoplevE.g.: human action: action taken by man 人的行人的行为为v To er

46、r is human; to forgive, divine. 犯错人皆犯错人皆难免;宽恕则属超凡。(犯错是人,宽恕是神)难免;宽恕则属超凡。(犯错是人,宽恕是神)vhuman killer: a person or a machine that kills humans 杀人凶手;杀人机器杀人凶手;杀人机器vhumane: having or showing compassion or benevolence; characterized by kindness, mercy, sympathyvE.g.: humane action: merciful action 人道的人道的行为行为v

47、humane killer: that which kills but causes little pain; instrument for painless slaughter of animals 牲口无痛屠宰机,牲口牲口无痛屠宰机,牲口麻醉屠宰机麻醉屠宰机vParagraph 5vfar afield: far away from home; to or at a great distance; very far away 向远处向远处, 远离远离vParagraph 6vcowardice: lack of courage 怯懦怯懦, 胆小胆小vrife: widespread, co

48、mmon(流行的,普遍的)(流行的,普遍的). Rife is an adjective used with something negative.vE.g.: (1). Crime and violence were rife in this city before liberation.v(2). Typhoid fever (Poultry flu) is rife. 目前伤寒目前伤寒(禽流感)流行。(禽流感)流行。 v(3). Corruption (Unemployment) is still rife in that country. 那个国家依然贪污成风(失业遍地)。那个国家依然

49、贪污成风(失业遍地)。 v(4). The whole city is rife with rumors. 满城谣言满城谣言纷纷。纷纷。v(5). This article is rife with error. 这篇文章错误这篇文章错误百出。百出。 v(6). The country was rife with disease and violence. 那个国家当时疾病和暴力横行。那个国家当时疾病和暴力横行。 v(7). Diseases used to be rife in that country.vsingularity vs. singleness:vsingularity: st

50、rangeness, oddity, peculiarity 奇奇特特, 特性特性, 非凡非凡vE.g.: singularity of mind 思想奇特;标新立异思想奇特;标新立异vsingleness: complete devotion to; holding steadfastly tovE.g.: singleness of mind 思想专一思想专一, , 专心致志专心致志vParagraph 7vmalapropism: van often amusing misuse of a word, such that the word incorrectly used sounds

51、similar to the intended word but means something quite different 词语误用(尤指误用词语误用(尤指误用发音相似而意义全非的词)发音相似而意义全非的词)vhold to: (cause to) follow exactly, keep to (something such as a promise); adhere to坚坚持,遵守,忠于持,遵守,忠于 vE.g.: v(1). Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. v(2). The priest held to

52、his beliefs in spite of cruel treatment.v(3). He holds to a simple life. 他坚持过着简朴的他坚持过着简朴的生活。生活。v(4). He held to his own counsel. 他按照自己的他按照自己的意见行事。意见行事。 v(5). I hold to my promise. 我格守诺言。我格守诺言。 vdraw aside: (cause to) move to one sidevE.g.: v(1). Drawing the curtain aside, he looked down into the str

53、eet. v(2). The crowd drew aside to let the prisoner pass.vParagraph 8vQuestion: vExplain why the word “imprison” in the example given in this paragraph, though not a malapropism, is still not the right word for the writers purpose.vSA: “Malapropism” means the unintentional misuse of a word by confus

54、ing it with one that resembles it, such as human for humane, singularity for singleness. But the misuse of “imprison” is a different case. It is wrongly chosen because the user has failed to recognize its connotation(内涵)(内涵).vimprison: put into prison or keep in a place or state which one is not fre

55、e to leave 监禁监禁, 关押关押; 限制限制, 束缚束缚vcoercion: pressure, compulsion; government by force 强迫,压制;高压统治强迫,压制;高压统治vE.g.: the coercion of public opinion舆论的压力舆论的压力vcoerce v.t.: 强制;胁迫;迫使强制;胁迫;迫使vE.g.: coerce somebody into doing something 迫使某人做谋事迫使某人做谋事vcoerce uniformity 强求一致强求一致vcoercive adj. = coercionary adj

56、.: serving or intended to coercevE.g.: vcoercive methods (measures) 强制的方法(手段)强制的方法(手段)vcoercible adj.vepitomize: be typical of; serve as the typical example of 代代表表,象象征征,体体现现,写写 的的梗梗概概,作作 的纲要的纲要vE.g.: v(1). He was the man who epitomized black resistance to the colonial government. 他他代代表表着着黑人对殖民地政府的反

57、抗。黑人对殖民地政府的反抗。v(2). His political creed was epitomized in this report. 他的政治信念就概括在这篇报告中。他的政治信念就概括在这篇报告中。vepitome n.: v a thing or person that shows, to a very great degree, a quality or set of qualities (especially in the phrase the epitome of) 典型,象征;缩影典型,象征;缩影v a short account of a book or speech 梗梗

58、概概;缩写,节录缩写,节录vE.g.: v(1). She is the epitome of arrogance. 她她是是傲傲慢慢的典型。的典型。v(2). My cat is the epitome of laziness (= My cat is very lazy.).vhit on: strike on: find by lucky chance or have a good idea about(偶然或忽然)发现;碰上;偶然或忽然)发现;碰上; 找找到;想到到;想到vE.g. v(1). I hit on this interesting book in a small book

59、store. 我我在在一一家家小小书书店店里里偶偶然然发发现现了了这这本本有有趣趣的书。的书。v(2). The plan we hit upon was not logical, perhaps, but it worked. 我我们们想想出出来来的的那那个个计计划划也也许不合逻辑,但它行之有效。许不合逻辑,但它行之有效。v(3). How did you hit on the right answer so quickly?v(4). At last someone hit upon taking the other road through the mountains.vdistill:

60、 take and separate the most important parts of (a book, a subject, etc.) 提炼提炼vE.g.: distill the essence of 提取提取的精华的精华valive: sensitive; alertvParagraph 9vdisprove vs. disapprove: vdisprove: prove to be contrary; refute 反驳,证反驳,证明有误明有误vE.g.: (1). find a charge hard to disprove 发发现现推推翻翻某项罪名有困难某项罪名有困难v(

61、2). He could not disprove the major contention of his opponents. 他他驳驳不不倒倒对对方方的的主主要论点。要论点。vCompare disapprove: have a bad opinion for moral reasons (of) 不不赞赞成成;不不同同意意;不不准准许许;否否决;不赞同;不喜欢决;不赞同;不喜欢(of)vE.g. (1). She disapproved the arrangements for the wedding.v(2). The court disapproved the verdict. 法院

62、否法院否定了陪审团的裁决。定了陪审团的裁决。v(3). Jims father disapproved of his marriage to Mary. Jim的父亲不赞成他与的父亲不赞成他与Mary的婚事。的婚事。v(4). He disapproved of her. 他讨厌她。他讨厌她。v expire: vdie; pass away; come to an end 死亡;过期死亡;过期vindigent: vpoor; lacking money and goods; poverty-stricken; penniless 贫困的,贫穷的贫困的,贫穷的vParagraph 10vma

63、rch: walk with firm regular steps like a soldier 齐步前进齐步前进, 行军行军vpace: walk with slow, steady steps, especially backwards and forwards 踱方步踱方步 vpatrol: go at regular times round (an area, building, etc.) to see that there is no trouble, that no one is trying to get in or out illegally, etc. 巡逻,巡查巡逻,巡查

64、vstalk: walk stiffly, proudly, or with long steps 高高视阔步地走视阔步地走vstride: walk with long steps or cross with one long step 大踏步地走,跨大踏步地走,跨vtread: step on 踩踩, 践踏践踏vtramp: walk (through or over) with firm heavy steps 用沉重的脚步行走用沉重的脚步行走vstep out: (AmE) go outside or go somewhere (美口美口) 暂时走开暂时走开vprance: move

65、quickly, happily or proudly with a springing or dancing step 欢跃地走欢跃地走vstrut: walk proudly or stiffly, especially with the chest pushed forward and trying to look important 趾高气扬地走,大摇大摆地走趾高气扬地走,大摇大摆地走vprowl: (of an animal looking for food, or of a thief) move about (an area) quietly, trying not to be

66、seen or heard 潜行,暗中徘徊潜行,暗中徘徊vE.g.: vbeasts prowling after their prey 四处觅食的野兽四处觅食的野兽vplod: (especially along, on) walk slowly, especially with difficulty and great effort; trudge 沉重缓慢地走,步履艰难沉重缓慢地走,步履艰难vE.g.: The old man plods along, hardly able to lift each foot. vstroll: walk a short distance slowly

67、 or lazily, especially for pleasure 散步;闲逛;溜达散步;闲逛;溜达vshuffle: walk by dragging ones feet slowly along 曳足而行,拖着步子走曳足而行,拖着步子走vstagger: walk or move unsteadily and with great difficulty, almost falling 蹒跚,摇晃,踉跄蹒跚,摇晃,踉跄vE.g.: He was staggering along as if drunk.vsidle: (up) walk as if ready to turn and g

68、o the other way, especially secretively or nervously(尤指鬼鬼祟祟地或胆怯地)悄悄地走(尤指鬼鬼祟祟地或胆怯地)悄悄地走vE.g.: vHe sidled up to the stranger in the street and tried to sell him the stolen ring. vtrudge: walk with heavy steps, slowly and with effort (plod) 步履艰难地走步履艰难地走, 跋涉跋涉vE.g.: He had to trudge (for) 20 miles to ge

69、t home.vtoddle: walk with short unsteady steps, as a small child does 蹒跚行步,东倒西歪地走蹒跚行步,东倒西歪地走vramble: (about, through, among) go on a long walk with no particular plan 漫游;漫步漫游;漫步vE.g.: v1)They rambled through the woods. v2)We rambled about for hours in the old city. vroam: (through, around, about) wa

70、nder without a very clear purpose 漫步;闲荡;漫游漫步;闲荡;漫游vE.g.: At this height hyenas roamed about. vsaunter: walk in an unhurried way, and especially in a confident manner (lounge) 闲逛;漫步闲逛;漫步vE.g.: I sauntered along the street with nothing to do.vmeander: v(of people) wander in a slow easy way 漫步漫步, , 散步散

71、步 (of rivers and streams) flow slowly, turning here and there(指河川)蜿蜒而流;迂(指河川)蜿蜒而流;迂回曲折地前进回曲折地前进vlounge: (especially about, around) move in a lazy, relaxed way, move in leisurely, indolent manner (saunter) 闲逛闲逛vE.g.: vHe lounged about the house, doing nothing but getting in our way while we were work

72、ing. vloiter: move on or move about, stopping often 走走停停;徘徊;闲逛走走停停;徘徊;闲逛vE.g.: vThe policemen saw someone loitering near the shop. vcreep: move slowly and quietly with the body close to the ground 匍匐前进,爬行;匍匐前进,爬行; 蹑手蹑脚蹑手蹑脚地走地走vE.g.: v1)The cat crept silently towards the mouse. v 2)The policeman crep

73、t up on the criminal and seized him from behind. vParagraph 11vtake courage: feel hopeful and confident about somethingvE.g.: vIt is a challenging job; but take courage and work hard at it, and youll be rewarded.vQuestion 1: vWhat conclusion is drawn by the author in this paragraph?vSA: A good write

74、r is not measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skill in finding the “mot juste”, the word that will hit the nail cleanly on the head.vQuestion 2: vThe writer begins his article with an analogy between the unskilled use of the hammer and the improper choice of words. Identify the place

75、s where the analogy is referred to in the rest of the article.v1)“We dont have to look far afield to find evidence of bad carpentry in language.” (Paragraph 5)v2)“It is perhaps easier to be a good craftsman with wood and nails than a good craftsman with words.” (Paragraph 9)v3)“A good carpenter is n

76、ot distinguished by the number of his tools, but by the craftsmanship with which he uses them. So a good writer is not measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skill in finding the mot juste, the word that will hit the nail cleanly on the head.” (Paragraph 11)VI. SA to Ex. I, P. 1, Workb

77、ookv1. So with language; the good craftsman will choose words that drive home his point firmly and exactly.v2. Getting the word that is completely right for the writers purpose.VI. SA to Ex. I, P. 1, Workbookv3. Yes, I do. It sounds irrational that a person does not know what he himself thinks befor

78、e he sees what he says, but, as a matter of fact, it is quite true that unless we have found the exact words to verbalize our own thoughts we can never be very sure of what our thoughts are, without words, our thoughts cannot be defined or stated in a clear and precise manner.VI. SA to Ex. I, P. 1,

79、Workbookv4. “Malapropism” means the unintentional misuse of a word by confusing it with one that resembles it, such as human for humane, singularity for singleness. But the misuse of “imprison” is a different case. It is wrongly chosen because the user has failed to recognize its connotation. VI. SA

80、 to Ex. I, P. 1, Workbookv5. human = characterizing of, or relating to manvhumane = characterized by kindness, mercy, sympathy; thus: vhuman action = action taken by manvhumane action = merciful actionvhuman killer = person that kills humansvhumane killer = that which kills but causes little painVI.

81、 SA to Ex. I, P. 1, Workbookv6. Sensitive; alertv7. “We dont have to look far afield to find evidence of bad carpentry in language.” (Paragraph 5)v“It is perhaps easier to be a good craftsman with wood and nails than a good craftsman with words.” (Paragraph 9)VI. SA to Ex. I, P. 1, Workbookv“A good

82、carpenter is not distinguished by the number of his tools, but by the craftsmanship with which he uses them. So a good writer is not measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skill in finding the mot juste, the word that will hit the nail cleanly on the head.” (Paragraph 11)VII. SA to Ex.

83、 II, P. 2, Workbookv1. A writer who is particular about the exactness of an expression in English will never feel happy with a word which fails to express an idea accurately.VII. SA to Ex. II, P. 2, Workbookv2. To a certain extent, the process of finding the right words to use is a process of perfec

84、tion where you try to search for words that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and words that may most effectively make your listeners and readers understand your thoughts and feelings.VII. SA to Ex. II, P. 2, Workbookv3. Finding the most suitable word to use is in no sense easy

85、. But there is nothing like the delight we shall experience when such a word is located.v4. Once we are able to use language accurately, we are in a position to fully understand our subject matter.VIII. SA to Ex. III, P. 3, Workbookv1. After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figur

86、es, he finally drove home his point.v2. It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.v3. What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.v4. His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.VIII. SA to Ex. III, P. 3, Workbookv5.

87、 The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.v6. It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in ones childhood or otherwise.v7. Never loose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely. v8. Rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet.



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