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1、闫子玥2011501287第一页,共38页。ContentsIntroductionOriginForming processDiffrent kind of silkSilk route第二页,共38页。 Introduction of silk Silk is a natural protein fiber蛋白质纤维. The best-known type of silk is obtained from the cocoons蚕茧(cnjin) of the larvae幼体 of the mulberry silkworm桑蚕 China is the first producer

2、of silk in the world. Silk cocoons and bits of silk have been found among the relices from 4700BC. Today, centers of silk production are mainly in southern China, Suzhou and Hangzhou.第三页,共38页。The origin of silkThe cultivation of the silkworm 桑蚕(sn cn)can be traced back ot the 3rd century B.C. It was

3、 said that Leizu 嫘祖, a legendary figure of prehistoric史前 China, started the planting of mulberry trees桑树 and rising of silkworms. It was called sericulture take silk养蚕取丝 At early as the 4th century B.C., local people in Sichuan Province were able to produce a kind of plain silk cloth called bo (帛)an

4、d brocade绸缎 was first produced in Chengdu, Sichuan by weaving on this cloth. 第四页,共38页。Forming process第五页,共38页。spinningcocooning第六页,共38页。cocoon peelingcocoon cookingsilk reeling第七页,共38页。weaveweave and coloration第八页,共38页。The characteristics of silkAdvantagesLight Formfitting Soft Smooth Bright and col

5、orful Comfortable DisadvantagesEasy to wrinkle Love to stick on skin Easy to fade第九页,共38页。Ancient and modern silk products古代古代(gdi)以及现代丝绸以及现代丝绸工艺品工艺品第十页,共38页。silk dragon robenamo gautama buddha clip mani valerian silk南无释迦(sh ji)摩尼佛夹缬绢第十一页,共38页。delicate, elegant, have full-bodied art taste and cultur

6、e, the metope deck, desk, is a noble jewelry gift company in units and individuals, and it is also the upscale gift private collections of noble.manual embroidery 手工(shugng)刺绣第十二页,共38页。silk brocade painting真丝织锦(zhjn)画silk towel box set丝绸丝绸(schu)纸纸巾盒套巾盒套silk purse真丝织钱包(qin bo)第十三页,共38页。THE SILK ROADT

7、HE SILK ROAD第十四页,共38页。IntroductionThe silk road linked Chinese culture with that of India, Greece, Rome and Persian from one century to the other, carried the great Chinese inventions to the west and brought arts and culture into China.Because salesmen took most silk than other goods in this road, i

8、t is called The Silk Road.Extend 4000 miles第十五页,共38页。The Silk Road refers to the ancient trade route connecting Asia Continent and European Continent,usually it can be classified into Northern Silk Road on the land,Southern Silk Road on the land and the Silk Road on the sea. 第十六页,共38页。第十七页,共38页。The

9、Northern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the routes start from Changan(now Xian), travelling west to Wuwei, passing though Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang and go west to Europe.北方丝绸之路通常是指从长安(今西安),向西到武威的路线(lxin),穿越河西走廊到敦煌,西到欧洲。 第十八页,共38页。The Northern Silk Road on the land is the most famous,and We

10、know it very well.北方(bifng)丝绸之路最为有名,广为人知。第十九页,共38页。第二十页,共38页。The Southern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the route starts from Sichuan Province and go south to India and Burma.This road has also played a great role in the war between China and Japan.南方丝绸之路通常(tngchng)是指路线从四川省开始南去印度的路线,这条路在中国

11、和日本之间的战争中发挥了重要的作用。第二十一页,共38页。The Silk Road on the sea mainly started from Guangzhou,Quanzhou,Dengzhou,Yangzhou,Mingzhou ports,it can go east to Corea,Japan,South to East-southern countries and west to Europe and Africa.海上丝绸之路的主要(zhyo)始于广州,泉州,邓州,扬州,明州港,东到韩国,日本,南至东南方国家和西方的欧洲和非洲。 第二十二页,共38页。第二十三页,共38页。

12、BeginningIts very hard to say exactly when the Silk Road started.many incoherent small scale trade routes have existed long long ago,they can be considered as the earliest Silk Road beginning form. 我们可以说丝绸之路很早之前就存在,那些不连贯的小规模的贸易路线(lxin)确实于很早之前就存在,它们可以说是丝绸之路的雏形。第二十四页,共38页。Han DynastyThe Silk Road form

13、ally started after Zhang Qians visiting as an envoy to Western Region in Western Han Dynasty.He went there twice separatelly in 138 B.C and 119 B.C,He plays an important role in exploring the Silk Road.丝绸之路起源于西汉时期张骞出使西域,他分别于公元前138年和公元前119年两次出使西域。他对于丝绸之路的繁荣发展(fzhn)有着重要的作用 。第二十五页,共38页。From then on, me

14、rchants could travel on the silk route safely, and they began to explore this new route in order to carry silk from China to other parts of the world.第二十六页,共38页。Han DynastyIn 73AD, Ban Chao embarked on a mission to the western region with a 36-man retinue, ensuring the smooth operation of the Silk R

15、oad which had once been blocked by warHis assistant Gan Ying reached Daqin (ancient Rome) and even went to Persian Gulf, deepened the Silk Road. 张骞之后,繁荣的丝绸之路被外部战争阻断,班超(bn cho)带着使命到西部地区,他的助手甘英到达大秦(古罗马),甚至去了波斯湾,加深了丝绸之路。 第二十七页,共38页。Tang DynastyThe Tang Dynasty government paid more attention to the Silk

16、 Road.Unlike the Silk Road in Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty had control over some areas of Western Region and Central Asia along the road, establishing effective and sturdy orders, which cleared obstacles for Chinese businessmen.唐代政府更加注重“丝绸之路”。不同于汉代丝绸之路,唐代控制了丝绸之路沿线的西部地区和中亚的一些(yxi)地区,建立有效的和强大的政府部门,给中国的商人

17、清除了障碍。 第二十八页,共38页。 Xuan ZangThe famous Chinese monk Xuan Zang traveled along the Silk Road during the Tang Dynasty.Xuan Zang journeyed to more than 30 countries including Kashmir克什米尔, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka斯里兰卡(s l ln k) along the Silk Road in 366 and 627Xuan Zangs trip contributed greatly to

18、 the Tang governments friendly relationship with these states.第二十九页,共38页。After An Shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty, the empire fell down. the Tang Government had lost control of the Western Region and the trade on the Silk Road was halted. 唐代安史之乱后,唐朝国力下降(xijing)。唐政府已经失去了控制西域和丝绸之路能力,丝绸之路的贸易大幅下降(xijing)。

19、第三十页,共38页。第三十一页,共38页。第三十二页,共38页。Yuan DynastyThe silk road on the land revived greatly during Yuan Dynasty period. Genghis Khan conquered all the small states, unified China and built a large empire under his rule. 成吉思汗征服了周边所有的小国家,统一了中国,建立了一个庞大帝国(dgu),在他强有力地统治下,陆上丝绸之路开始繁荣兴盛。 第三十三页,共38页。Yuan DynastyTr

20、ade along the Silk Road reached its zenith during this period. The famous traveler Marco Polo traveled along the Silk Road visiting DaDu that is todays Beijing and wrote his famous book The Travels of Marco Polo,which introduced China to western countries systematically.丝绸之路贸易在这一时期达到了顶峰。著名旅行家马可波罗沿着丝

21、绸之路去到大都就是今天的北京,写了他最著名的书马可波罗的游记(yuj),对西方国家介绍了中国国家系统。 第三十四页,共38页。InfluencesThe Silk Road greatly promoted the exchanges of economy,technology and culture among the Asian, the European and the African.it made the whole world colorful.It linked such ancient civilizations as China, India, Greece, Egypt,

22、and Babylonia巴比伦. It was the bridge of the contacts and a dialog between the states and peoples.第三十五页,共38页。第三十六页,共38页。 One Belt and One Road“一带一路”打开(d ki)“筑梦空间” 丝绸之路经济带 在古丝绸之路概念基础上形成的一个新的经济发展区域。包括西北五省区陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆。西南四省区市重庆、四川、云南、广西。丝绸之路经济带战略涵盖东南亚经济整合、涵盖东北亚经济整合,并最终融合在一起(yq)通向欧洲,形成欧亚大陆经济整合的大趋势。 21世纪海上丝绸之路 从海上联通欧亚非三个大陆,最终可以和丝绸之路经济带战略形成一个海上、陆地的闭环。第三十七页,共38页。Thanks for your attention 第三十八页,共38页。



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