高中英语 Unit5 The power of nature Section3课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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1、The power of nature Unit 5Section Using Language Unit 5课堂要点探究课堂要点探究2课堂达标验收课堂达标验收4课前新知预习课前新知预习1写作策略探究写作策略探究3课前新知预习课前新知预习.根据词性及汉语写出单词或其拓展形式1_(n.)候选人;候补者2_(adj.)贵重的;珍贵的3novel(n.)小说_(n.)小说家4shoot(vt.)射中;射伤_(n.)射击;枪炮声5_(vi.)摇晃;摇动:颤抖6anxious(adj.)忧虑的;不安的_(n.)担心;焦虑;渴望candidatepreciousnovelistshottrembleanx

2、iety7_(v.& n)惊慌8bathe(vi.)洗澡;游泳_(n.)洗澡;游泳9appreciate(vt.)欣赏;感激_(n.)欣赏;感激;感谢10_(vt.)保证;担保panicbathappreciationguarantee.短语互译1draw up_2take. by surprise _3make ones way _4glance through _5vary from. to. _6_ 是的栖息地7_ 奖赏8_ 生产/生育9_ 有的天赋停下来;起草出乎某人的意料前往匆匆看一遍由到不等be home tobe rewarded withgive birth tohave a

3、gift for.预读理解1Which of the following best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 1?AChangbaishan is in Jilin Province, Northeast China.BChangbaishan is Chinas largest nature reserve.CMany people come to Changbaishan to study the unique plants and animals.DThe most popular attraction in the reserve is

4、the Lake of Heaven.2Why is Changbaishan the home to a great diversity of plants and animals?AMuch of the area is thick forest.BThere are less people living there.CThe height of the land varies greatly. DThe climate is suitable for plants and animals.3Tianchi may get its name from _.Athe crater of a

5、dead volcanoBits depthCits crystal clear watersDits height above sea level4Which is NOT mentioned in this text?AHot springs.BThe waterfalls.CThe sixteen mountain peaks.DThe famous fairytale.5From the passage, we can infer _.Amany visitors drop coins into Tianchi to express their good wishesBthe rare

6、 animals will decrease because of many visitorsCthe waters of Tianchi will not be so clear in the futureDChangbaishan may erupt in the side of the mountain答案:15BCDAA课堂要点探究课堂要点探究1.tremble vi.摇晃,摇动;颤抖Her voice trembled with excitement.她激动得声音颤抖。His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.他的嘴唇

7、开始颤抖,接着哭了起来。知识拓展tremble with/at.因而颤抖tremble for.为而焦虑He trembled with cold.他冷得发抖。比较网站tremble意为“哆嗦,发抖”,多指由于胆怯、寒冷、体弱、生气等而发抖shake意为“颤抖,摇动”,表示各种剧烈而不规则的摇动,常常含有粗鲁或不规则的含义活学活用用tremble或shake的恰当形式填空(1)Her voice _ with anger.(2)His heavy steps _ the room.答案:(1)trembled(2)shook2anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的;渴望的;热切的Helen i

8、s anxious about traveling on her own.海伦对自己一个人出门旅行感到担心。Peggy is anxious to show that she can cope with extra responsibility.佩吉急切地想表明她能承担额外的职责。 They were anxious that aid should be sent there quickly.他们盼望援助物品迅速送到那里。注意:anxious后接that从句时,从句中谓语动词需用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”形式。知识拓展(1)anxiety n担心;焦虑;渴望(2)be anxio

9、us for/about.担心/挂念be anxious for渴望,盼望be anxious to do渴望做be anxious for sb. to do sth.渴望某人做某事He was waiting for his brothers return with anxiety.他焦虑地等待着弟弟的归来。She expressed anxiety for a new dictionary.她渴望得到一本新字典。We are anxious about her safety.我们为她的安全担心。I am anxious to know the result of the final ex

10、am.我急着想知道期末考试成绩。比较网站anxious,eageranxious强调“担心或焦急”,对结果感到不安eager强调积极向上的期望I was anxious about the children when they didnt come back home from school on time.孩子们放学后没有按时回家时,我非常担心他们。She is eager to go to college, but anxious about the Entrance Examination to College.她渴望上大学,但又担心大学入学考试。活学活用补全句子(1)杰克把所有东西装在

11、箱子里,急于离开。Jack packed all the things into a case, _ _ _.(2)布莱克夫人急于离开,因为她渴望见到回国的儿子。Mrs Black was _ _ _ as soon as possible because she was _ _ meet her son, who came from abroad.答案:(1)anxious to leave(2)anxious to leave; eager to3panic vi.&vt.惊慌n惊慌;恐慌The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion.听到

12、爆炸声,人群惊慌起来。The gunfire panicked the baby.枪声使婴儿受到了惊吓。注意:panic后面要加k后再加ed或ing,构成过去式/过去分词或现在分词。Theres no panic; weve got plenty of time.不用着急,我们有充足的时间。知识拓展get into a panic陷入恐慌(动作)in a panic陷入恐慌(状态)in a state of panic惊恐万分panic over对感到恐慌She got into a real panic when she thought shed lost the tickets.当她以为自

13、己把入场券丢了的时候,她十分惊慌。The crowd ran out in panic.人群惊恐地跑散了。The boy is in a state of panic. Try to help him cool down.这个男孩惊恐万分,努力帮他平静下来。The animals panicked over the forest fire.动物们对森林大火感到恐慌。 活学活用补全句子(1)对考试惊慌失措是没有用的。There is no point _ _ _ _ about the exams.(2)(真题改编湖北)“汤米,快跑,房子着火了!”母亲大声喊着,声音中透着明显的惊慌。“Tommy

14、,run!Be quick! The house is on fire!”the mother shouted, with _ clearly in her voice.答案:(1)getting into a panic(2)panic4appreciation n欣赏;感激;感谢She can show much appreciation of good music.她能感到美好音乐的妙处。The crowd cheered in appreciation.人群高声赞叹。To show our appreciation for all your hard work,wed like to

15、give you a bonus.为了对你的辛勤工作表示感谢,我们要给你发奖金。知识拓展(1) have an appreciation of对有欣赏力express ones appreciation for因表示感激in appreciation of作为对的感谢;为感谢(2)appreciate vt.感谢;欣赏appreciate (ones) doing sth. / sth.感激(某人)干某事/某事appreciate (doing) sth.欣赏(干)某事I would appreciate it if.如果,我将不胜感激。Lang Lang has a keen appreci

16、ation of music.郎朗对音乐有敏锐的欣赏力。I appreciate your timely help.我感谢你的及时帮助。I would appreciate it if you can attend my birthday party.如果你来参加我的生日聚会,我将不胜感激。活学活用用appreciate的正确派生词形式填空(1)I think that young children often _ modern pictures better than anyone else.(2)Please accept this gift in _ of all youve done

17、for us.(3)She was deeply _ of your help.(4)She shows little _ of good music.答案:(1)appreciate(2)appreciation(3)appreciative(4)appreciation5guarantee vt. & n. 保证;确保;担保They guaranteed their workers regular employment.他们对工人保证会长期雇用他们。They guaranteed regular employment to their workers.Wealth is not alway

18、s a guarantee of happiness.财富并不总是幸福的保证。知识拓展guarantee to do保证做某事be guaranteed to do sth.肯定会做某事;必定会做某事under guarantee在保修期内I guarantee to pay off his debt.我保证付清他的债务。Dont worry, my new computer is still under guarantee.别着急,我的新电脑还在保修期内。活学活用(1)补全句子如果第一年内坏了的话,我们保证免费维修。Should it break down within the first

19、year, we would _ _ _ _ free of charge.(2)用恰当词语填空My computer broke down. Luckily it was still _ guarantee, so I got it repaired free of charge.答案:(1)guarantee to repair it(2)under1.glance through匆匆看一遍;浏览The students glanced through the answers.学生们匆匆看了一遍答案。He asked if he might glance through my album.

20、他问他是否可以浏览一下我的影集。知识拓展(1)glance at看一下glance over粗略一看;浏览(2)at first glance乍一看;乍看之下give/take a glance at对匆匆一看He fell in love with the beautiful girl at first glance。他第一眼就爱上了这个漂亮的女孩。Lets take a glance at the sports news on the Internet.让我们看一下网上的体育新闻吧。I could see at a glance that it wasnt his own work.我一眼

21、就能看出这不是他本人的作品。活学活用补全句子他经常在吃早餐期间浏览报纸。He often _ _ newspapers during breakfast.答案:glances through2vary from. to.由到不等Teaching methods vary greatly from teacher to teacher.老师之间的教学方法不一样。The weather varies from day to day.天气一天天变化。His health varies from good to rather weak.他的健康状况变化不定。知识拓展(1)vary in sth. 在方

22、面不同,有差异vary with sth. 随变化(2)variety n. 品种,多样化a variety ofvarieties of 各种各样的(3)various adj. 各种各样的,各种不同的Prices of fruit and vegetables often vary with the season.水果和蔬菜的价格常随季节变化。There are varieties of/various flowers in the garden.花园里有各种各样的花。People like to live a life full of variety.人们喜欢过丰富多彩的生活。活学活用(

23、1)补全句子由于各种原因,他没有被邀请参加春晚。For _ _ _ reasons, he wasnt invited to the Spring Festival Gala.(2)汉译英这些孩子的身高由100厘米到120厘米不等。_答案:(1)a variety of(2)These kids vary in height from 100cm to 120cm.3be home to.是的栖息地;原产地Brooklyn is home to people of many different cultures and backgrounds.布鲁克林区居住着许多不同文化、不同背景的人。Our

24、 earth is home to all the animals.我们的地球是所有动物的家园。知识拓展at home and abroad国内外back home回家/回国be/feel/look at home舒适自在;无拘束We do many things to make her feel at home.我们尽可能让伊莉安娜觉得像在自己家里一样。Tsinghua University enjoys a long history with at home and abroad.清华大学是一所历史悠久,享誉中外的高等学府。活学活用(1)澳大利亚是袋鼠的原产地。Australia _ _

25、_ kangaroos.(2)你必须让客人觉得舒适自在。You must _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:(1)is home to(2)make your guests feel at home 4have a gift for 具有某种禀赋或天分You have a marvelous gift for science.你很有科学方面的天赋。He has a gift for music, though his math is not very good.尽管他数学不太好,在音乐上却很有天分。知识拓展have a talent for sth.有的天赋have a gift for musi

26、c/art有音乐/艺术天赋have a gift for doing有做某事的天赋gifted adj.有天赋的a gifted child有天赋的孩子The gifted young scientist was much in the public eye.那位有才华的青年科学家很为人们所注意。活学活用(1)用恰当介词填空He is named David, who has a gift _ music and hopes to work _ a musician.(2)汉译英非常明显他有艺术天赋。_答案:(1)for; as(2)It is very clear that he has a

27、 gift for art.1.Among the rare animals are cranes, black bears, leopards and tigers.珍稀动物有白鹤、黑熊、豹子和虎。为了使上下文紧密衔接,本句话把表语among the rare animals置于句首,句子的主语和谓语采用了完全倒装结构。在英语中,如果主语较长或句子结构较复杂,担任表语的形容词、分词、不定式、介词短语或副词等可以置于句首,采用完全倒装结构。Gone are the days when he was looked down upon.他被人瞧不起的日子已经一去不复返了。In the armcha

28、ir lay a cat, half asleep.一只猫躺在椅子上,半睡半醒。Standing around the teacher were her students.老师周围站着的都是她的学生。Also discussed were the problems we had met with in our studies.同时还讨论了我们在学习中碰到的问题。First to unfold was the map of the world.首先要打开的是世界地图。温馨提示如果主语是代词,主谓则不倒装。如:Out they rushed.他们冲了出去。活学活用补全句子(1)山脚下有个村庄。At

29、 the foot of the mountain _ _ _.(2)片刻沉寂之后,人们同时高声呐喊起来。For a moment nothing happened. Then _ _ all shouting together.答案:(1)lies a village(2)came voices2When you arrive you are rewarded not only with the sight of its clear waters, but also by the view of the other sixteen mountain peaks that surround T

30、ianchi.你一到达山顶就会得到回报你不仅可以看到天池那清澈如镜的湖水,而且还可以看到天池四周的16座山峰。when引导时间状语从句,that引导定语从句。句中含有not only. but also.结构,该结构意为“不仅而且”。其中also可以省略。该结构用于连接两个并列成分。He not only teaches in a college but also hosts talk shows.他不但在大学教书,还在主持脱口秀节目。知识拓展(1)not only. but also.连接两个分句,并且not only位于句首时,第一个分句要部分倒装。如:Not only did he co

31、mplain about the food, but also he refused to pay for it.他不仅抱怨饭不好,而且拒绝付钱。(2)not only. but also.连接两个名词/代词作主语时,谓语动词要和离其最近的名词/代词在人称和数上保持一致。如:Not only you but also she has to attend the ceremony.不仅是你,她也得参加典礼。(3)not only A but also BB as well as A。前者的强调重点在B,后者的强调重点也在B。如:Franklin was considered not only a

32、n inventor, but also a statesman.Franklin was considered a statesman as well as an inventor.富兰克林不仅被看作是一个发明家,还被看作是一个政治家。活学活用补全句子他们不仅在家里吵,还在办公室里吵。They quarrel with each other _ _ _ _ _ _ in the office.答案:not only at home but also3It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuas

33、ion, is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。该句为主从复合句。It is said that.意为“据说”,其中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,该从句中又含有who引导的定语从句,该定语从句修饰this boy。It is said that.中said还可换为其他动词,如believed, hoped, reported, learned, predicted等。如:It is believed that John will help us with some money.大家都

34、相信约翰会给我们一些金钱上的帮助。It is hoped that it wont rain on our camping day.大家都希望露营那天别下雨。知识拓展It is thought that.大家认为It is believed that.人们相信It is hoped that.人们希望It is reported that.据报道It is well known that.众所周知It is generally considered that.大家认为It is supposed that.据推测注意:此结构可转换为:sb. is/are过去分词to do sth.,但是hop

35、e,suggest不可用于此结构。It is said that he has gone abroad.He is said to have gone abroad.据说他出国了。活学活用补全句子(1)He is said _ _ _(学习) abroad, but I dont know which country he studied in.(study)(2)_ _ _(规定) in the school rules that all the students should wear school uniform every Monday morning. (require)答案:(1)

36、to have studied(2)It is required写作策略探究写作策略探究如何描述旅游景点旅游景点介绍实质上是说明文的一种,所以它首先要具备说明文的特点,即要按照一定的结构顺序(时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序等)和模式(先总后分、由整体到局部、由概述到细节)来展开描写。其次,要重点突出,详略得当。写作时不一定要面面俱到,要重点描写该旅游景点的特别之处,突出其特色(如其独特的风景特色、历史典故、地理风貌、风土人情、传说故事、民族习俗或名胜古迹等),这样才能给读者留下深刻的印象。最后,语言要生动,富有感染力,使读者有身临其境之感且产生强烈的旅游欲望。常用句式:. is located/

37、situated in. stands/lies in the east. covers an area of. is surrounded by. has a population of. is a. with a population of. has a history of. is rich in. is famous for. is home to.现在,越来越多的大陆游客可以赴台旅游,而日月潭作为台湾的主要景点,很多人并不真正了解,请按照以下要点提示,写一篇介绍日月潭(Sun Moon Lake)的英语短文。1日月潭位于台湾的南投县,是台湾最著名的风景区,也是台湾最大的天然湖泊。2日

38、月潭处在山地与西部平原之间,受3000万年前喜马拉雅(the Himalayas)造山运动的影响,由玉山(Mt.Yu)和阿里山(Mt.Ali)之间的断裂(ruptured)盆地积水而成。3湖中央有一岛屿把湖分成两部分,湖的东北部分圆圆的像太阳,而湖的西南部分弯弯的像月牙,故为日月潭。参考范文Sun Moon LakeSun Moon Lake is located in Nantou County, Taiwan Province. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake as well as the most wellknown scenic sp

39、ot in Taiwan.Do you know how its name came into being? In the middle of the lake(between the “sun” and the “moon”)is an island, which divides the lake into two parts. The northeastern part of the lake is round like the sun,while the southwestern part is shaped like the moon. So it is called “Sun Moo

40、n Lake”Between the mountainous region and the western plain lies Sun Moon Lake, which was greatly affected by the mountainmaking movement of the Himalayas 30,000,000 years ago. Besides,the constant water, which was caused by the ruptured basins between Mt. Ali and Mt. Yu, created present Sun Moon La

41、ke.It is such a wonderful place. Why not try a visit?名师点评亮点一:题目简洁明了,直奔主题,让读者一看就知道要介绍什么地方。亮点二:句使用了非限制性定语从句,而且句使用了全部倒装,显示了作者对语言的超强驾驭能力。亮点三:最后的“It is such a wonderful place. Why not try a visit?”很有鼓动性。课堂达标验收课堂达标验收.单词拼写1Opinions _(不同) from individual to individual.2There is a _(多样性) of choice in educati

42、on.3My time is p_. I can only spare you a few minutes.4The badlywounded soldier was u_ from his loss of too much blood.5I used to be a_ about my child when it was time for him to come back home but he didnt.6In order to make their shops popular, many shopkeepers g_ satisfaction to customers.7We dont

43、 know a_ that the project will succeed,but we can do our best.8The protests became more violent and many people were p_ into leaving the country.9The chairman asked me to express our a_ of all your help.10It can be difficult to e_ the effectiveness of different treatments.答案:1.vary2.diversity3.preci

44、ous4.unconscious5anxious6.guarantee7.absolutely8.panicked9.appreciation10.evaluate.用适当的介词或副词填空1The heights of the plants vary _ 8 cm to 20 cm.2The Rockies are home _ bears and mountain lions.3It was the study of history that gave birth _ the social sciences.4He was a kind man, with a gift _ forming

45、lasting friendships.5He picked his cap _ from the floor and stuck it back on his head.6The team have worked hard and their efforts have been rewarded _ success.7Could you glance _ this letter and see if its all right?8The beach is bathed _ sunshine.9The nature reserve is still kept _ its natural state.10The lake is 2,194 metres _ sea level.答案:1.from2.to3.to4.for5.up6.with7.through8.in9.in10.above



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