高考英语一轮复习 第2部分 专题4 介词课件

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1、英语外外 研研 版版精精 准准 高高 考考语法专题复习语法专题复习第二部分专题四介词专题四介词1 1考考点点透透析析2 2真真题题体体验验3 3知知识识清清单单7 7即即学学巩巩固固4 4考考点点警警示示5 5易易错错把把脉脉6 6知知识识积积累累考考 点点 透透 析析介词是语法填空题的必考点之一,通常考查介词的基本意义与用法,以及介词与名词等构成的短语。介词后通常要接宾语,而作宾语的往往是名词、代词或动名词,因此,做题时如果空格后是名词、代词或动名词时,这个空格很可能要填入介词。然后根据语境、介词意义、搭配关系填入适当的介词。例如:Nick replied, “The only reason

2、 a man would sell salt _ a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect _ the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.”at a lower price“以比较低的价格”,是一个常用短语。show respect for sb./sth.是固

3、定搭配,“对表示尊重”。at for 真真 题题 体体 验验1(2016新课标,64)But my connection with pandas goes back_my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,when I was the first.解析:句意:但是我与熊猫之间的联系要追溯到20世纪80年代中期我在一档电视节目的时候,那是我第一次。go back to“追溯到”,是固定短语。2(2016新课标,4)Most of us are more focused_our tasks in the morning than we are later in

4、the day.解析:句意:我们大多数人在早晨时对任务的注意力要比晚些时候的注意力更集中。be focused on意为“集中于”。to on 3(2016新课标,70)Chopsticks are not used everywhere in Asia. In India, for example, most people traditionally eat_their hands.解析:句意:筷子并非被亚洲的所有国家(的人民)使用。例如在印度,大部分的人习惯用手吃饭。with“用”,符合句意。4(2016四川,67)The mother continued to care for the

5、young panda_ more than two years.解析:句意:这位母亲持续照顾熊猫幼崽两年多。“for一段时间”作时间状语,表示“持续了一段时间”。with for 5(2016浙江,16)In this article, you need to back up general statements _ specific examples.解析:句意:在这篇文章中,你需要用具体的例子来支持总的观点。根据句意及结构可知,这里用介词with表示“用”。6(2016天津,8)Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion

6、 but finally she gave voice_her opinion on the subject.解析:句意:在讨论刚开始时,玛丽一言不发,但最后她就这个主题发表了自己的观点。give voice to“表达,吐露,发泄”。with to 7(2016天津,14)I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to carry_a conversation with her.解析:句意:我不喜欢她在我工作时给我打电话我总是太忙,不能和她进行会话。carry on“继续进行,从事”。8(2015新课标,66)Instead,

7、 Id headed straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away_car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.解析:句意:然而,我直接去了阳朔。对于那些飞往桂林的人来说,坐车只需要一个小时的路程乘坐交通工具常用by加可数名词的单数形式,by car“开车”。on by 9(2015新课标,47)When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are

8、now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day: _the same time, they warm up again for the night.解析:句意:天亮,墙壁放热,变冷使房子热天凉爽;同时,夜晚变暖和。at the same time“与此同时”,为固定短语。10(2015福建,22)A common memory they all have_their school days is the school uniform.解析:句意:他们对在校时期的共同记忆是校服。名词memory常与介词of连用,意为“对的记忆”。at o

9、f 知知 识识 清清 单单考考 点点 警警 示示1英语中有部分介词可作副词和连词,考生应根据其在句子中的作用来判定。例如:Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草坪。(介词)She took off her gloves.她摘掉了手套。(副词)Since then,it has developed another bad habit.自那以后,它养成了另一种坏习惯。(介词)It is ten years since we two parted.自从我们两人分别以来已经十年了。(连词)We have been friends ever since.从此我们一直是朋友。(副词)2在平时学习

10、时,应将“介词名词介词”构成的短语介词作为一个整体来记忆。如:at the cost of以为代价in the name of以的名义on behalf of代表with regard to关于for the sake of为了3“动词介词”构成短语动词,其作用相当于一个及物动词。这类短语动词需要在平时的学习中逐一记忆。如:dream of梦想insist on坚持depend on依靠 belong to属于lead to导致apply for申请deal with处理attend to照料argue about争论call on拜访refer to提到learn about了解speak

11、of谈起wait on服侍date from起源于run after追赶consist of由组成come across偶然遇见object to反对send for派人去请易易 错错 把把 脉脉典题精选我来改正常设误点(2015新课标全国卷) Tony saw a toy on a shop window.(2016云南省统一检测)The bridge on the river has a long history.on_on_(1)介词与名词搭配不当介词与名词搭配时用哪一个介词取决于其后的名词,这时要根据名词选择适当的介词。(2014陕西高考)My uncles immediately j

12、umped up and shot their arrows on the bird.on_(2)介词与动词搭配不当介词与动词搭配时介词的使用取决于动词,这时要根据动词选择适当的介词。in over at 典题精选我来改正常设误点(2016潍坊市一模)You should eat more fruit and vegetables, which are rich of vitamins.of_(3)介词与形容词搭配不当介词与形容词搭配时介词的使用是由形容词决定的,这时要根据形容词选择适当的介词。(2015四川高考)Please help with me and give me some adv

13、ice.(2015陕西高考)My soccer coach retired in last week.去掉_去掉_(4)介词的多余及物动词后直接跟宾语,无需加介词;last,next后跟名词表时间时前面无需加介词。in with in 典题精选我来改正常设误点(2014四川高考)If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.wait后加_(5)介词的缺失不及物动词后跟宾语时应加相应的介词。(2014浙江高考)If we could show concern t

14、o others on need, the world would be a better place to live in.on_(6)习惯搭配中介词的错用在习惯搭配中介词的使用是相对固定的,不能随意改动。for in 知知 识识 积积 累累介词的常用搭配一览1介词与名词的常用搭配(1)atn.表示状态at a loss不知所措 at peace处于和平中at war在战争中at work在工作(2)其他以at开头的介词短语at the beginning of在的开始at the cost of以的代价at the risk of 冒的危险at the mercy of在支配下;任由摆布(

15、3)onn.表示状态on exhibition/show在展出on fire着火on sale出售,打折on the way在途中on the decrease/increase在减少/在增加on holiday/vacation在度假on duty/guard在值班/站岗(4)其他以on开头的介词短语on account of因为 on behalf of代表on no account/condition决不(5)byn.表示方式by accident偶然by air/plane乘飞机by chance偶然by coincidence碰巧by hand用手工by mistake错误地by t

16、he day按天算 by nature天生地(6)inn.表示方式in cash用现金付款in width在宽度上in depth在深度上 in detail详细地in size在大小上in height在高度上in length在长度上 in English用英语(7)其他以in开头的介词短语in need of需要in no case决不in no time立刻in no way决不in place of代替in possession of拥有,占有in addition to另外 in charge of掌管in response to作为回应in return作为回报in spite

17、of尽管in exchange for作为交换in favor of支持,赞成in case of万一;如果;假如in celebration of为庆祝in control of管理;控制;操纵in honour of为向表示敬意in memory of为了纪念in support of为支持in the charge of在的管理下in the direction of在方向in the face of面对(8)ofn.表示特征(等于相应的形容词)of benefit有益处的of help有帮助的of importance重要的of significance有意义的of use有用的of

18、value有价值的(9)out ofn.表示状态out of balance失去平衡out of breath上气不接下气out of control不受控制out of date过期out of debt不欠债 out of order出故障out of shape走样,不成形out of sight看不到out of the question不可能 out of work失业(10)undern.表示被动under attack遭到袭击under discussion在讨论中under pressure在压力下under treatment在治疗中under control处于控制之中un

19、der construction在建造中(11)withn.表示方式with delight/joy高兴地with difficulty困难地with ease轻而易举地with fear害怕地with pleasure乐意地(12)beyondn.表示“超出,难以”beyond compare无与伦比 beyond reach够不到beyond description难以描述beyond doubt不用怀疑,确实地beyond expression/words难以表达2介词与形容词的常用搭配(1)beadj.aboutbe anxious about忧虑be carious about对好奇

20、be particular about对讲究/挑剔be worried/concerned about 对担心(2)beadj.atbe angry at因生气be good at擅长be astonished at对吃惊be present at出席be disappointed at对失望(3)beadj.inbe absorbed in专注于be active in积极于be dressed in穿着 be engaged in忙于be rich in富含be occupied in忙于be interested in对感兴趣be involved in包括在中,被卷入(4)beadj.

21、forbe eager for渴望 be famous for以著名be fit for适合,胜任be hungry for渴望be ready for准备好be sorry for对感到抱歉be thankful for因而感激be anxious for急切盼望,渴望be prepared for为做好准备(5)beadj.frombe absent from缺席be different from不同于be far from远离be free from不受影响(6)beadj.tobe close to接近be contrary to与相反be devoted to致力于be equal

22、to等于be familiar to对来说熟悉 be friendly to对友好be good to对有好处be grateful to对心存感激be harmful to对有危害be kind to对友好be opposed to反对be similar to与相似be/get used to(变得)习惯于(7)beadj.ofbe aware of意识到be fond of喜欢be full of充满 be proud of因而自豪be short of缺乏be tired of厌烦be ashamed of为感到羞耻(8)beadj.withbe busy with忙于be filled with充满be combined with与结合be content with对满意be covered with被覆盖be familiar with对熟悉be patient with对有耐心be popular with受的欢迎be satisfied with对满意be pleased with对感到满意by angry with(sb.)对(某人)发怒be concerned with与有关;涉及,关心,关注即即 学学 巩巩 固固



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