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1、备考2025广东省汕头市潮南区中学教师公开招聘题库综合试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、唐朝僧人玄奘曾游学天竺,并以亲身见闻写成的一部重要书籍是( )。A.马可波罗行纪B.金刚经C.大唐西域记D.西游记【答案】 C2、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my

2、 own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.forgottenB.leftC.keptD.regretted【答案】 B3、个体品德中不包含以下哪种结构成分?()A.道德情感B.道德认识C.道德行为D

3、.道德意志【答案】 D4、态度不包含以下哪种结构成分?()A.认知成分B.情感成分C.意志成分D.行为成分【答案】 C5、关于中学生心理辅导中的.,表达正确的观点是( )A.学生有自杀行为打算或者所说内容触犯法律,咨询师可以告知第三方。B.班主任可以查阅咨询档案。C.必须时刻保守来访学生的秘密。D.来访学生的所有情况均在保密之列。【答案】 A6、丝绸是中国的名片,北宋时有“号为冠天下”美誉的丝绸产于( )。A.江浙B.海南岛C.长安D.蜀地【答案】 D7、异常心理的划分标准不包括( )。A.经验标准B.价值标准C.临床诊断标准D.统计学标准【答案】 B8、西泠印社的首任社长是( )。A.丁仁B

4、.吴隐C.吴昌硕D.丁敬【答案】 C9、歌曲开始的第一个音起于小节的弱拍叫()。A.休止符号B.弱起小节C.切分音D.反复小节【答案】 B10、根据以下材料,回答A.The coffee cup in the office must be putin the microwave to cleanB.Its easy to get infected if you oftenuse the same unwashed cupC.The coffee cup shouldnt be shared inthe officeD.It s good way to grow bacteria in anun

5、washed cup【答案】 C11、托马斯卡伦德写道:“在历史的某个时刻在欧洲郇窄的一隅,生活着近五百万陆地和海岛居民,他们所拥有的自然资源极其匮乏,却创造出了最原创、最绚丽的文化、商业、社会秩序和政治闻名遐迩。”材料反映的是( )。A.古希腊文明B.古罗马文明C.不列颠文明D.阿拉伯文明【答案】 A12、我国瓷器发展的两个高峰是( )。A.元代、清代B.宋代、清代C.宋代、元代D.唐代、明代【答案】 B13、设计在社会生活中具有多重属性科学性、艺术性和( )。A.市场性B.合理性C.实用性D.生态性【答案】 D14、A persons calorie requirements vary_

6、his life.A.acrossB.throughoutC.overD.within【答案】 B15、我国历史上第一个统一的多民族的封建王朝是( )。A.夏B.商C.秦D.汉【答案】 C16、成人的头部似蛋形,若画头时,5等分的平行线即( )的水平位置。A.眉毛B.嘴巴C.鼻子D.眼睛【答案】 D17、通过集体讨论,使思维相互撞击,迸发火花,达到集思广益的效果的思维训练方法称为()。A.自我设计训练B.头脑风暴法C.谈话法D.假设法【答案】 B18、全球主要温室气体有二氧化碳、甲烷、氟氟烃、一氧化二氮等,它们在大气中的含量自工业革命以来呈上升趋势。据此完成题。 A.能强烈吸收太阳辐射中的可见

7、光B.能强烈吸收地面辐射中的紫外线C.能强烈吸收太阳辐射中的紫外线D.能强烈吸收地面辐射中的红外线【答案】 D19、根据以下材料,回答A.touchB.exposureC.contactD.approach【答案】 B20、2016年11月14日晚,中国多地迎来“超级月亮”,这是进入21世纪以来,月亮距离地球最近的一次满月。我国国家天文台提前十二天准确预测了这一天文奇观。这进一步佐证了()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C21、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing can be temporarily reversed using a harmle

8、ss form of electrical brain stimulation, scientists have found. The study focused on a part of cognition called working memory, the brain system that holds information for short periods while we are making decisions or performing calculations. Working memory is crucial for a wide variety of tasks, s

9、uch as recognising faces, doing arithmetic and navigating a new environment. Working memory is known to steadily decline with age. One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection between two brain networks. In the study, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, 42 people aged 20-29

10、and 42 people aged 60-76 were assessed in a working memory task. The older group were slower and less accurate on the tests. The scientists then subjected them all to 25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation. This aimed to make the two target brain regions work together by passing gentle pulses

11、of electricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain. After the treatment, working memory in the older adults improved to match the younger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes after the stimulation. Those who had scored worst to start with showed the largest improvements. While th

12、ese results were exciting and promising. Dardo Tomasi, a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, who was not involved in the work said that larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings and assess how they might be applied clinically. D. James Picket

13、 e head of research at the Alzheimers Society, said, “We cant cure, prevent or even slow down dementia (痴呆 ),so it vital we explore all possible areas for treatments. Altering and correcting the circuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue of research for dementia. Deep-brain simu

14、lation a surgical procedure used in Parkinsons, is proof of principle that this approach may one day be fruiA.Promoting connections of the target brain regionsB.Improving their working memory permanentlyC.Passing gentle pulses of electricity into the scalpD.Working out their speed and accuracy on the tests【答案】 A22、在20世纪60年代,我国外交政策的中心是()。A.“一边倒”B.“另起炉灶”



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