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1、Chapter 9 America During and after World War IIWorld War II 1. American attitude and actions before the War 2. the process of the War 3. Conferences during the WarAfter the War 1. the foreign policy 2. the domestic affairs 3. from Eisenhower to Clinton 4. George Walker Bush and Barack ObamaWorld War

2、 II(1939-1945) 1. American attitude and actions before the War P.80-81 1) isolationist policy-Neutrality Acts 2) “catch-and-carry” policy现购自运政策 3) expanding the power of troops in 1940 4) pass the Lend-Lease Act in 1941(租借法租借法) 2. the process of the War to Japan: 1) the sudden attack of the Pearl Ha

3、rbor in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941 2) the battle of Midway in June 1942 to Italy: 1) in Nov. 1942, the US-British force landed in North Africa; 2) In July 1943, they invaded Sicily and the Italian mainland in Sep. to Germany: 1) On June 6, 1944, American and British forces, landed in Normandy 2) by the

4、beginning of 1945 the Allied forces were advancing into Germany itself. 3. the end of the war 1) Italy-in 1943, change the new government 2) Germany-in May, 1945, they surrendered. 3) Japan- on Aug. 144. The Conferences during the War 1) the Atlantic Charter time: in Aug. 1941, place: at sea off New

5、foundland nations: Britain, the US 罗斯福丘吉尔共同宣言罗斯福丘吉尔共同宣言(大西洋宪章大西洋宪章)(节录节录) (1941年年8月月14日日)第一,两国不求领土或其他方面之扩张;第一,两国不求领土或其他方面之扩张; 第二,两国不愿目睹与有关人民自由表达的愿第二,两国不愿目睹与有关人民自由表达的愿望不相符合之领土变更;望不相符合之领土变更; 第五,两国希望促成所有国家间在经济方面之第五,两国希望促成所有国家间在经济方面之最充分的合作,其目的在使所有各国均获得劳动最充分的合作,其目的在使所有各国均获得劳动标准之改善、经济之进步与社会之安全;标准之改善、经济之进步

6、与社会之安全; 第六,在纳粹暴政最后摧毁以后,两国希望目第六,在纳粹暴政最后摧毁以后,两国希望目睹和平将告建立,此种和平将予所有国家在其本睹和平将告建立,此种和平将予所有国家在其本国疆土内安居之道,并将保证全世界人类悉可度国疆土内安居之道,并将保证全世界人类悉可度其终生而免于恐惧与匮乏。其终生而免于恐惧与匮乏。 2) the Cairo Meeting time: on Nov.23, 1943 place: in Cairo (on their way to Teheran) nations: the US, Britain, China (Jiang) content: a. mapped

7、 out plans for the fighting against Japan; b. be stripped of all territories 3) the Conference in Teheran time: on Nov. 28, 1943 place: in Teheran nations: Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill (the first meeting they were all present) content: discussed the second front in detail第二战场第二战场诺曼底登陆第二战场是指二战时期,新开辟除



10、定其开始日期;丘吉尔先是坚持其进军巴尔干的计丘吉尔先是坚持其进军巴尔干的计 划,继而又提出划,继而又提出从巴尔干和西欧两路攻入欧洲的新方案,极力回避发从巴尔干和西欧两路攻入欧洲的新方案,极力回避发起起“霸王霸王”行动的确切日期;罗斯福则居中调和,但行动的确切日期;罗斯福则居中调和,但倾向斯大林的意见,并表示不想推迟倾向斯大林的意见,并表示不想推迟“霸王霸王”行动。行动。经过反复协商,三方终于就对德作战问题达成一致意经过反复协商,三方终于就对德作战问题达成一致意见,签署了秘密作战计划见,签署了秘密作战计划苏美英三国德黑兰总协定苏美英三国德黑兰总协定,规定,规定“霸王霸王”行动和进攻法国南部的战役


12、织。 4) the Conference on Dumbarton Oaks time: the fall of 1944 place: at Dumbarton Oaks near Washington D.C nations: the US, Britain, the Soviet Union and China content: worked out a provisional临时的 charter for a world organization to maintain peace 5) Yalta Conference time: in Feb. 1945 place: at Yal

13、ta nations: Roosevelt, Churchill Stalin content: agreed another conference of all the United Nations in San Francisco in April - developed and adopted the official charter of the UNOAfter the War p83 1. foreign policy 1) the Cold War 2) Truman Doctrine杜鲁门主义杜鲁门主义: (containmentpolicy遏制政策) In 1947, he

14、avoided communist domination in both Greece and Turkey for the economic aid and military supplies. 3) Marshall Plan马歇尔计划马歇尔计划: In 1947, in his speech at Harvard University, he put the massive and systematic American aid to Europe. two aims: 1. keep Communists out of political power in Europe. 2. Sta

15、bilize the international economic order in a way to capitalism. 4) the forming of the military alliance In 1949, - “the North Atlantic Treaty Organization” 2. the Civil Right Movement p84 1) In 1955, Martin Luther King organized a boycott of the bus service in Montgomery, Alabama. 2) In 1963, Martin

16、 led 200,000 people, marched to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. 3) In 1964, he won the Nobel Prize for peace. 4) In 1964 and 1965, Congress passed civil rights laws that made discrimination illegal in jobs, education, voting, and public facilities. If we make the right choice, we will be abl

17、e to transform the jangling discords of our world into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. If we make the right choice, will be able to speed up the day, all over America and all over the world, when justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream. Martin Luther King, Jr.

18、,BeyondVietnam, 4 April 1967 3. From Eisenhower to Clinton 1) Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson In 1960s and 1970, American involved into the Vietnam War; 2) Nixon(19721976) a. planned to end the Vietnam War b. opened the door to China; c. the disclosure of the Watergate scandal水门事件(Watergatescandal)或

19、译水门丑闻,是美国历史上最不光彩的政治丑闻事件之一,其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响,在1972年的总统大选中,为了取得民主党内部竞选策略的情报,1972年6月17日,以美国共和党尼克松竞选班子的首席安全问题顾问詹姆斯麦科德(JamesW.McCord,Jr.)为首的5人闯入位于华盛顿水门大厦的民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器并偷拍有关文件时,当场被捕。由于此事,尼克松于1974年8月8日宣布将于次日辞职,从而成为美国历史上首位辞职的总统。 3) Cater(19761980): p86 a. On the economy- b. In foreign affairs-

20、Panama Canal China Israel and Egypt c. his failure-the American hostage in Teheran伊朗人质危机是伊朗伊斯兰革命后,美国大使馆被占领,66名美国外交官和平民被扣留为人质的一次危机。这场人质危机始于1979年11月4日,一直持续到1981年的1月20日,长达444天。很多人至今仍认为,这场人质危机导致了当时的美国总统吉米卡特连选失败。 4) Ronald Reagan(19801988) a. He planed to cut taxes and social spending while vastly increa

21、sing the defense budget国防预算国防预算. b. “Star Wars” program in 1983, “Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)”战略防御计划 5) George Bush (19881992) a. the major initiatives arms control proposals two summit meetings with Soviet leader Gorbachev b. In 1990, Bush ordered Operation Desert Storm to punish Iraq (P87)

22、c. In 1991, he and Gorbachev declared an end to the arms race by signing the first nuclear arms reduction pact.沙漠风暴行动伊拉克入侵科威特不可避免地同在海湾存在巨大战略利益、而且谋求建立“国际新秩序”的美国产生不可调和的矛盾。加上海湾地区一直是美国和西方的生命线(美国进口石油的20%、西欧的35%、日本的70%都来自海湾),为了控制海湾的石油资源,从经济和军事上打垮伊拉克,维持中东地区的稳定和势力均衡,并显示美国在世界上的领导作用,重新确立美国在全球的支配地位,美国便打着“维护正义”

23、和“解放科威特”的旗号,迅速出兵。 6) Clinton (19922000) p87-88 a. the emergence of “new economy” b. in foreign affairs-interventionism assuring the stability of Russias government in the Middle East in the Kosovo crisis his love affair 7) George W. Bush(2001-2009) A series terrorist attacks911 attack launched war w

24、ith Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. During his second term, he received heated criticism-Hurricane Katrina in 2005 2007, US entered the longest post-war recession.卡特里娜飓风即卡特里娜(2005年五级飓风)。飓风卡特里娜于八月中在巴哈马群岛附近生成。它于8月24日增强为飓风后,于佛罗里达州以小型飓风强度登陆。随后数小时,该风暴进入了墨西哥湾,在8月28日横过该区套流时迅速增强为5级飓风。卡特里娜于8月29日在密西西比河口

25、登陆时,为极大的3级飓风。风暴潮为路易斯安那州、密西西比州及阿拉巴马州造成灾难性的破坏。用来分隔庞恰特雷恩湖(LakePontchartrain)和路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的防洪提因风暴潮而缺堤,该市八成地方遭洪水淹没。强风吹及内陆地区,阻碍了救援工作。估计卡特里娜造成最少750亿美元的经济损失,成为美国史上破坏最大的飓风。这也是自1928年奥奇丘比(Okeechobee)飓风以来,死亡人数最多的美国飓风,至少有1,836人丧生。8) Barack Obama(2008-present) the first African-American President Nobel Peace Prize

26、 Laureate in 2009 foreign policies:Promote the international relation with Russia and European countriesImprove the relations with Islamic countriesWithdraw American troops in Iraq奥巴马医改计划是现任美国总统奥巴马选举时提出的政纲三大议题之一,在2010年3月获国会通过。该医疗改革是为没有医疗保险的美国公民提出医疗保障。法案初稿建设议成立公营医疗保险,管制私人市场转保,由私人健保转到公营健保。现时法案建议限制美国全民买健保,关不容许保险公司因疾病等借口对受保人拒保,或擅自增加保费。建立全民医疗保障体系,一直以来是美国人的一个梦,尤其是美国民主党近一个世纪以来的梦想,也是美国很多经济学家和卫生学家所致力推动的。奥巴马的上台以及当前所面临的严峻的经济危机,似乎给了美国一个极好的改革机会,于是奥巴马推出了他的医改方案,其宏伟目标主要是两个“广覆盖”和“低成本”,最终目的是为美国全民提供“可以负担得起”的医疗保险。但是无论在通过医改方案的过程中还是在推行的过程中都遇到了不可忽视的阻力,奥巴马的医改计划能否顺利进行,能否真正能带给美国人福利,将试目以待。



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