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3、p(开始从事)(开始从事)3aCompletethefirsttwoparagraphsaboutresolutionswiththewordsinthebox.takelistenmakeishelplearnareResolutions_ promises to yourself. They may_ to make you a better person and to make your life easier. Im going to _ four resolutions.The first resolution has to do with my own personal impro

4、vement. Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to _ up a new hobby. I think singing _ a great activity so I am going to _ to sing. I think this will make my family happy because they love to _ to music and sing together.arehelpmaketakeislearnlisten3c.Writeaboutyourresolutions:(In each paragraph, wri

5、te what you are going to do and why.)The second resolution is about improving my physical health._ The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. _ The last resolution is about how to do better at school._ Xiamen is a beautiful modern city. Its called Internatio

6、nal“Garden city” (A City in Bloom)What are you going to do to make it more beautiful?PairworkWeregoingtobuildanewhighway.WeregoingtobuildmorebuildingsWeregoingtobuildanewsubway.Wearegoingtoprotecttheanimals.Weregoingtoplantmoretreesandflowers.Wearegoingtobuildanewshoppingmall.Groupwork.Citydesigners

7、.Imagine you work for our city. Its your job to make it better( cleaner, more beautiful, richer, etc.) What are you going to do? Discuss and write your plans.1.表示将来的意愿,决心,许诺,表示将来的意愿,决心,许诺,命令等时常用命令等时常用will,征求对方意见,主语是第,征求对方意见,主语是第一人称时,常用一人称时,常用shall。Iwilldomybesttocatchupwiththem.ShallIopenthedoor?2.w



10、接have。ThereisgoingtobeastampshowattheChildrensPalacenextweek.1.Thereis_withthecomputer.Itdoesntwork.A.nothingwrongB.anythingwrongC.somethingwrongD.wrongsomething【点点拨】选C。在在英英语中中,形形容容词修修饰由由some, any, no, every与与body, thing 或或where等等构构成成的的复复合合不不定定代代词或或副副词时,其其修修饰词常常后后置置。句句意意为:电脑有有问题,它它不不工工作作了了。肯肯定定句句中中用

11、用something, anything用于否定句或一般疑用于否定句或一般疑问句中,故句中,故选C。 How about the young lady? Its hard to say, but her voice _ beautiful. A. sounds like B. sounds C. hears D. listens【点点拨】选B。句句意意:那那位位年年轻的的女女士士怎怎样?很很难说,但但是是她她的的声声音音听听起起来来很很美美。hear“听听见”;listen “听听到到;听听”。sound“听听起起来来”为系系动词,后后常常跟跟形形容容词作作表表语,类似似的的词还有有look,

12、 smell, taste, feel等。等。 sound like/sound(1)sound like意意为“听起来像听起来像”,其后接名,其后接名词或代或代词作介作介词like的的宾语。(2)sound意意为“听起来听起来”,作系,作系动词,后接形容,后接形容词作表作表语。 When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do. 当我当我长大了,我将要做我想做的事。大了,我将要做我想做的事。 what I want to do是是由由what引引导的的宾语从从句句,作作前前一一个个动词do的的宾语,在,在这里不具有疑里不具有疑问概念,注意概念,

13、注意宾语从句要用从句要用陈述述语序。序。10梧州中考梧州中考Do you know _ last night? Some school things. A. what does she buy B. what she buysC. what did she buy D. what she bought【点点拨】选D。此此题考考查宾语从从句句。宾语从从句句除除了了要要注注意意用用陈述述语序序外外,还要要注注意意时态,主主句句是是一一般般现在在时,从从句句可可根根据据相相应时间状状语等等用用相相应时态;主句;主句为一般一般过去去时,从句用,从句用过去的某种去的某种时态。故。故选D。1.10莱莱芜中

14、考中考_ a big party in our school in two weeks. AIt is BIt will be CThere was DThere is going to be【解解析析】选D。由由时间状状语in two weeks “两两周周之之内内”知知用用一一般般将将来来时。句句意意为:两两周周内内学学校校将将举行行一一个个盛盛大大晚晚会会。there be结构构的的将将来来时为“there be going to be”,故,故选D。2. 10滨州中考州中考We learn _ 1, 000 English words now. A. more B. over than

15、 C. more than D. better than 【解解析析】选C。句句意意为:现在在我我们学学了了1 000多多个个英英语单词。more than “超出超出”,相当于,相当于over“超超过;在;在以上以上”。1. 10梧梧州州中中考考English is very important, so I practice _ it very hard. A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. speak【解析解析】选C。practice doing sth. “练习做某事做某事” 是固定用法。是固定用法。 Its not polite _ others

16、waiting for you for a long time. A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to keep 【点点拨】选D。句句意意为:让别人人长时间等等着着你你是是不不礼礼貌貌的的。考考查句句型型结构构Its+ adj. +(for sb. )+to do sth. ,it为形形式式主主语,真真正正的的主主语为后后面面的的动词不定式。故不定式。故选D。句中。句中keep sb. doing sth. 意意为 “使某人一直做某事使某人一直做某事”。用方框中所给词的适当形式填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1.I am going to _a soccer tea

17、m.2. If you want to be strong , you must _healthier food.3.Are you going to_ piano lessons this year?4.I am going to _the piano.5.My New Years resolution is _ _ good grades.6.That _ good.makeeattakeplaytogetsoundssound , make , play , take , get , eatPractice学习疑点一、单项选择。一、单项选择。()1.There_ameetingtomor



20、apresent.5.Itisverycoldthesedays.It(snow)soon.三、句型转换。三、句型转换。1.LiMingistenyearsold.(nextyear)2.Isometimeswritetomymotherintheevening.(tonight)3.Hewenttherebyplane.(somedaynextyear)4.Chinaisamodernandstrongcountry.(intwentyyears)5.Doyoustudyhard?(fromnowon)isgoingtogiveisgoingtosnowLiMingisgoingtobeelevennextyear.Iamgoingtowritetomymothertonight.Heisgoingtheresomedaynextyearbyplane.Chinaisgoingtobeamodernandstrongcountryintwentyyears.Areyougoingtostudyhardfromnowon?HomeworkWrite a passage about how you are going to make your city cleaner.



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