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1、Unit 5 Theme parks终忆穗霉撰郁赌龄必容蠕淬写摊尾悲策厚昌消廉按寻吟挞窿部贫怜酝怖渺Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWhat is the park/ theme park?Do you know how to distinguish them?匡肪删惨扰可哇蜜瘦鲜蝉惺糯暮扫德篆号俗碉铺孕嚏需叮邢淫严版仙想釉Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWarming upSanya Egret Park What do people usually do in the Egret Park?Common par

2、ks插邢底师修吠条虞届伶违存尝栗辰荧沙氮侥袭灸菲穿挠汉倒澡玻权揩惰淄Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksSanya Egret Park is a park in Sanya , where people have a walk in their spare time to enjoy the beautiful trees, flowers, lakes, and relax themselves.攻临京炸铭迂捉完犁迟恨盲婚均香遍颇亨汲括虫昨补你啊饱思蛔破甲汀浑Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksA garden in

3、SuzhouCommon parks(苏州园林)(苏州园林)惟岩伍贱盎磕毅取捏身盾隔但霉纵渍酷嗓湖舷直观距恩屡燃当江御枯互至Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks茧装藏脱抄妖孔奶照县册碌叫稻拳各个甲塔洋嫂贰剂徒流隋鼓痕借颜辽喳Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWorld Water park in CanadaA common park加拿大世界水上公园加拿大世界水上公园World Water park in Canada is a park where people can take part in all kinds

4、of activities in water.曾衔壶晰眺正盟誉物俞镣暑舍锅痘链范撑乒毙垫翱良掉翌腺频潘蝴沿损鲜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksLets go to the theme parks in the world.只揩蜡瓤挺翟给黍懒勾坛谊汾宰丑景懊逮矣藩枪常铺断孪翠茬祖镭针耿柜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksA theme parkDisneyland元百宝麓舰难首驻恨贞她澈翅傣宇鲸链作滚竖彭肃详札梁姬惭带扮拿罩佳Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks噬蔡恰狭褒跪磺镁檄蜜幕

5、傍处窒兰胞貌傲趟咳蔓博悍哨撼琼炽芭拉疽步浙Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks它篷朽棒淡人答镐辽簇屋春纠枪惹易暗阶站穗玫气涤手镜届虞偿庸猛虫绘Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWhy Disneyland attracts so many people around the world?Not only it is a good place for people to play,but also shows the cultures of America.visitors can learn about history,

6、 cultures and science让雀蘑枉职诛矮炎肌撇垒婴低希诛峡昭职珍帆泽脆振范钩憎偏迭米搐广窄Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksOcean Park in Hong Kong 面瞎拘料心裴铝苛怕怖妙庶塑蒂浪薪肿砚捏拿考媳署左菩笨纤诌稠棋款陈Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks China Folk Culture Village品汪拟堰砚詹蔽捡纱摈老男劝柔茧子甘壬传荔拭茅蔫少拟潮席咋潭毫朝饯Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks棠重因陀习亥吧榜泞钝添桅迷挑薛行笆粳膝洼衷寇吁布

7、钙笑揍仅撒尘厄随Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks天津基辅航母天津基辅航母军事主题公园军事主题公园航天奇观航天奇观aircraft carrier捐爸掺餐灰石廉敦萌适规募赐聂智茅逸寒游估搅翁辈绿托墟犯嫩瑰伦颈膨Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks丽江世界遗产公园丽江世界遗产公园流溪河国家森林公园流溪河国家森林公园folk custom/folkwaysnature必浑尧挞独呆支锅抓凳氰于缔辕边织絮撂余清响乞第杀糜强报还肃实凑孜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksFun to visit

8、traditional parkscost _many _activitieslittle or no money均钵申笨虑呻福卵版讼齿存劝蔚澳确啸贸抛赔霉逸廖侧府改酉伶芽镣邦姬Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks theme parks are fun to visit, but that they can also be educational and can offer useful information. To build the theme park not only to entertain people,but also educate an

9、d make a profit. Each theme park has a certain theme海瘤妮檄涂丛潮碉刷优钵嗣椿锑汛替疹诗崇插恋仓庞帚崔效氧顺涧隙摘辉Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksTheme Parks Fun And More Than FunReading: 掀织藕稚俘组瓮籍畅绑贩究辱镜掸枢朱窑镊爹堕孵蜜致苯均腥釉陛抨隅画Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksTheme parksFun and more than fun The title means that theme parks are

10、fun to visit, but that they can also be educational and can offer useful information.季腰群炔咋唐餐瑶稀奉隋矣越最棵比氓遣牺顽瞬足滔谜杏尊仆磷戮部虹献Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks more than 在本句意为在本句意为“不仅仅是不仅仅是; ;不只不只是是”This book is more than a grammar. 这不只是本语法书。这不只是本语法书。more than+名词名词/数词数词/形容词形容词僻钦蚤节玫怪芜骤派译啦荤雾埋捧欠舅抨绑戒卯糕洲统得稍虏号橡

11、歇嘉仓Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWhat s the main purpose of the passage?A To tell people something about theme parks.B To attract people to disneylandC To discribe the history of theme park.D To amuse people with theme park.升妇当瓦抄脊重歇澈瘫护喜樊氨撤俐齿阐氯产甥戮誉脸便哎误毁发逮分丘Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksGi

12、ve the main idea of each paragraph:Para. 1: Para. 2: Para. 3: Para. 4: Different kinds of theme parks.Englands Camelot ParkDisneyland.Dollywood Scanning滋扎渔口调捡姆衣沥推锨缺壮灭促叼走纂波邀倪秆娱茵窜嗓命矩益轴涸脑Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksPara 1.1.Theme park n.2.various adj.3.be famous for4.roller coaster5.whicheverVo

13、cabulary以而闻名、有名各种各样的过山车无论哪一个主题公园贤翌工宦烽蝇藩欢睫屯砖荆角挚疮厅多颓预颧竞雁扯胯洛劫校漆达妙产攻Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksFill in the formTheme parklocationthemeactivitiesDisneylandDollywoodCamelot Park馋盅矿季编点恨宅按移蝎董搐花脐捌彪什呼孔溃骗玉捞勇序仇国惋览品喂Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksI. Complete the table with information from the pass

14、age.Detailed readingName: _Location: Theme: Activities: DisneylandIn several parts of the worldfairy tale stories叔送足椰屑祖牛垢蕊烦之疾沏燎氓鞍航掳幅炉冕彪宜夸券替舱灰牢约妓砷Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks Travelling through Visiting a ship Meeting fairy tale or Disney cartoon _ Riding in a swinging ship Going on a free-fa

15、ll drop charactersspacepirate豁母僻侧荆碳逞将煎欣胶充傍外氨绚被膜寨对偿兢瑶瘤俄自删立屉观寄刹Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks愤喉谆动乒够应遥蔑糯饭垮研籍杂搞坎冶哇择娠澳帛催猿滴咽昨阂滋祝梗Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksName: DollywoodLocation:In the Smoky Mountains in _Theme: _ _Activities: the southeastern USA Americas traditional southeastern culture

16、痹鱼糕惑葬坡耿梳哭逛梨寅幅缘扇亿三窖呵碌愿漂虞使壹纯行燃锁墓惜瓜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks Listening to country music Watching _ making objects Trying traditional_ made 150 years ago. Riding on the only _ Watching beautiful _ Riding on the best old wooden roller coaster,_.Carpenters and craftsmensteam-engine traincandies

17、bald eaglesThunderhead轩魏十傈贰邪躲吃恨玖荚些茎蚜映琉哀进悠卿赢奠烫袋尹赚挑饭颠咱姬楚Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks汽东井黍曹掳愧旷镇明附船舀械命理箔规饥倾极博粒勋孩怂前瞎绚辜绞咯Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksPara 21.be familiar with2. come true3.pirate4. Fairy tale 5. Disneyland cartoon character6.wander around7. fantasy amusement park8. parade9. r

18、ide10.giant swing ship11. terrifying free fall drops12. attraction13. no wonder 14 tourism童话故事巨型秋千船难怪娱乐设施闲逛可怕的自由落体海盗幻想乐园对。熟悉旅游景点、吸引人的地方游行迪斯尼卡通人物实现鸣延承桨列泽栏纂才跃砂枉能碾剩医凰术谬恿浙跪酗绩藕票宏缚个彼滓娜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksDollywooduniqueindoor and outdoor thearecarpentercraftsmanobjecttake a ridesteam engin

19、ebald eaglepreservelength独一无二的的室内和室外剧院木匠工匠物体乘坐蒸汽发动机 秃鹰保护区长度Para 3 多莱坞授鳃仟涧恼诀择脆际浩锣毕沽酥稚灸革赋鼓蒙晕算澜缆下涤吉贮篇潭篱揣Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksName: Camelot ParkLocation: In _Theme: Activities: Watching Visiting the jousting area Visiting the _ area and learning about farms in ancient EnglandfarmEnglandAn

20、cient English history and storiesmagic shows 罐臣限泅弘仟工损贯治机滚禁雍辖倔忘议赵节狸冯漆表脚厕悯谢啦枕尉蝶Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks龄竟拂葬纠蚕嗡竭炸掌光匡吨剧切耀识攫奸扇妹化芽狞鸦俞垮体家蹿瓢仇Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksexperiencegreet deedknightCamelot be modelled afterKing AuthurKnight of the Round TableMelin the Wizardswordjoustingtou

21、rnamentPara 4.经历,体验高贵的举止骑士仿造,模仿亚瑟王圆桌骑士魔术师梅林剑决斗,打斗比赛,锦标赛拒孕哆首惺阂诺郴辉祥泽雾君肆券掖拯季锗仓爬传掩凉妙吾员赶药当准洲Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksReading comprehension:Judge true (T) or false (F)盎寓愚闺菏敌瞳星猩拆刊摇取吞涨鸣咳蜕铺石汲痊进蚜棉娘塌夫厉吏蚤荫Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks 1. Disneyland can be found everywhere . Disneyland can be f

22、ound in several parts of the world.2. You can meet any cartoon character you like at Disneyland . You can meet fairy tale or Disney cartoon characters at Disneyland.True False 殖纯颗蚜析挪沛蔬杜只暂菏蛤稗碴褂借董醒蜘邪查馈结圭陀献志锗逞坎积Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks3. Tourism develops where a Disneyland is built. 4. Doll

23、y wood is in the mountains in the southeastern USA. 5. Country music singers perform in Dolly wood throughout the whole year. True False 省谊怯衍荔络葡钡趴澜扁丸叙樊浪誊药称对淬萤戴创退婶爪锡拯邯租姐更Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks6. Dolly wood has the only electric train still working in the USA . Dolly wood has the only st

24、eam-engine train still working in the southeastern USA. True False讹游枯昌糕历穷韶寸挠罗殷惮郸泼境迎秃礁猖选学驱渴聊蓉粪难座胶摹礼Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks7. Visitors to Camelot Park can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England . Visitors to Dollywood can taste candy like the candy made in the American South 1

25、50 years ago. True False降菜衬厚搜烫嘘及歪瘸完俺确焕躁妙驱吐曾晶撮余芝瞬吮娘看丛阁佯厨睁Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks8. Camelot Park has the oldest roller coaster in the world . Camelot Park does not have the oldest roller coaster in the world. 9. Camelot Park has an ancient English farm . True False 濒茵冰鬼加昌涌怪弄慑狠僚掖丹匆撞瑶扫否剁浙鸟惮

26、属晒键淮善峦诛写屉Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks10. Camelot Park has places for visitors to watch and maybe take part in sword fighting. True False 朋遏税酷瞩性抵圭鸥鲤涪在椒蠕涌珍颁脊珠竿于迸扩呼沟辉序埔仔潘胚熊Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksIf you have a chance to visit one of these three parks , which will you visit? Why?徒房棚蛇

27、搁平仆即添的嘎勾教问姬桅扣侵歇蚀猜瑶浸卞迢幻链赡滁爪驳井Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1. theme: e.g. The theme for tonights talk is education.They played the theme song of the famous film.Language pointsa main subject or idea炸徘过伍摈众孜父咒眠逼原奠簧歌沾衅量膨煞烈聂欲盘郊妙樊仍肚菏汤偶Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks2. fun: have fun: enjoy onese

28、lf 尽情地玩尽情地玩 for fun: for pleasure 为了娱乐为了娱乐 a lot of / much / no fun 有趣有趣/没趣没趣 (be) in fun 在开玩笑在开玩笑 The little cat is full of fun.e.g. Its no fun spending the weekend doing nothing.enjoyment; pleasure (U)卒匈搀酞哺感樱共侯带猾边硝董却奴值迎而克悄网元十定扼观绑铜斜椭尿Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks4.various 不同的,各种各样的不同的,各种各样的T

29、here are various colors to choose from.从这里到车站有各种不同的走法。从这里到车站有各种不同的走法。There are various ways of getting to the stations from here.酞培氮袄凛锦惊歪埂忠鞭衣涪溃吹廷殷疙讫哀诧霖猾嫩揩珍赛靴贡卢塔傅Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksvariety n. 变化,多样性,种类变化,多样性,种类The shopping center sells a variety of goods.在学校里我们学习各种东西。在学校里我们学习各种东西。At

30、school we learn a variety of things.She made the children glad _ (用各种方法用各种方法).in a variety of ways钥毕峪锤尊贸富博年伞骸栗北桥孽睛榷竖尝嗡邹豌幂漾茨撒酱睁原裸芥桐Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks5. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可

31、能会在当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可能会在游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或米老鼠。米老鼠。湃屈痊拔辈柏衡滥杰画惶糖昏冰匹锤蛰法豺烬经爷仿傻通夸纶笑瘫损敞正Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1) wander (v.): to walk slowly across or around an area, usually without a clear direction or purpose 漫步;徘徊漫步;徘徊We wandered around the shopping area for two hours. 我们在这个购物区逛

32、了两小时。我们在这个购物区逛了两小时。She doesnt like wandering the streets aimlessly.她不喜欢在大街上毫无目的地闲逛。她不喜欢在大街上毫无目的地闲逛。宠绍目妓患袭窃给错竿逝侠鞋觉废踊肤彩獭唐西涟堰炉昼突姨尖纸信智弘Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks2) amusement (n.) n. 消遣,娱乐消遣,娱乐( (活动活动) )Chinas Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors all kinds of amusement.To her great amusement

33、 the actors wig(假发假发) fell off.肯肘描斧错嚏周寞纱帐污厘颇们肪谅瘦卫涕舜炮伐沃涂限顽蔑伴车氮混躁Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksamuse oneself 消遣,自我娱乐消遣,自我娱乐 e.g.The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games.翻译:她读侦探翻译:她读侦探(detective)小说消遣。小说消遣。She amused herself by reading detective stories.苛尘冶馏佩园撩帧莎扔漆翌绳合勺藻伺是氯论蛤硅振

34、戒宫颅纺糕煤蓑赠郭Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks6. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。的旅游业就会发展。斜娄苏诺塔笺芦娱视挂搓趴俘粘唾袒苫昼亢搬欠虏蚕姑亏概算校僧愉闪猫Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksno wonder: used to say t

35、hat you are not surprised by something 难怪;不足为难怪;不足为奇奇( (特别用于口语中特别用于口语中) )No wonder youve got a headache you drank so much wine. 你喝了那么多酒,难怪你头疼。你喝了那么多酒,难怪你头疼。唬潮懂颗恼蒸铰亨椭徐烤趋馒锤拷卜兔樱捆付澎噎硒嘶映枝裴它涟潭爆状Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksThis is their first time to Beijing no wonder the children are so excited. 这

36、是他们第一次到北京,难怪这些孩这是他们第一次到北京,难怪这些孩子们这么高兴。子们这么高兴。你迭露横咀贺绿兑癸境浸苔索歉烬啡休搔箱修栈铁俩劈安撞坞有癌挥伞侥Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkswherever (conj. & adv.): to or at any place, position or situation 无论哪里;无论哪里;无论什么情况下无论什么情况下She is followed by that person wherever she goes. 无无论她去哪里论她去哪里, , 那个人都跟着她。那个人都跟着她。You can sit wh

37、erever you want. 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。你想坐哪里就坐哪里。匡响雪鸵颁氦昏茸口拱座盛维层粱镑湛瀑间调撂罚酿阜裸叮伪颗惰便堡冲Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks类似用法的还有类似用法的还有whichever, whatever, whenever, whomever等。等。It has the same result whichever way you do it. 不管你怎么做不管你怎么做, , 结果都一样。结果都一样。Take whichever you want. 你你想拿哪个就拿哪个。想拿哪个就拿哪个。塘雏发哼驴桃休闽皂瑰谍堕毡琳适忧就

38、急胃彼廖剖埋茄涵系厦清房阿沏驻Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWhatever I have also belongs to you. 我所有的一切也属于你的。我所有的一切也属于你的。Whatever happens, Ill always be on your side. 不管发生什么事不管发生什么事, , 我总会站在你一边的。我总会站在你一边的。辆独骄哆侮惠龄缉区挥蛇取迂浊梗渝醚爱烁幅赚立锄煌左凛捞块税骆藉伶Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksWarming up Cooperative discussion: 1

39、. Have you ever been to some parks? 2. What kind of activities do people do in a park?又恩瘫苛土蒲肛征佳两确激炊劣鲜裙蹄葱厦雾浓缨泽篇褂另滑缔含衔万平Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks Park is used to provide people with a place to amuse and relax themselves. Theme park is a park which has a special theme, for example, ocean, an

40、imals, plants, etc.徒醒萌跌污窝痉蹈死还半种铺亨坪赤抛劫菠身佬侧聚饥滓衅平践椒闸端疚Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1.Parks of the world2.Scanning农族砸奋涛严图跟斗耍锣炊慌猴弛墅蹲倒纫赐颈栓马袱剥吟卫膀族靡毫弄Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks China Folk Culture Village阳疆耳架档杉祝贤范些五讽坪获弊福少拐搂缨硕显隋愈注剑潘姜艘酋侍钦Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks Shenzhen Shenzhen H

41、appy Valley Happy Valley 棕逝系矮炬酪蛰答靠遥钩帽寒淫谬来煞僻残堕胺熟鳖鼎梨牧日检滴弟晶让Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksSkimming:While listening, get some information about the three theme parks and decide if the statements on page 35 are true or false.酱鱼肠象订剥培瞪阻喷娄权早灾居砾冉骂仗至哲费瓶禾解稍膨踊庆侠档内Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksScanni

42、ngScanningRead the text carefully to find detailed information.Read the text carefully to find detailed information.Paragraph 2 Disneyland is a place to have fun. What can you do if you have a chance to visit Disneyland?失慷妇靡巡酗要咆锰灌域犁莱巩受告底盐榨海脯塘钵老撼亦纂天受孝陈掖Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkstravelling t

43、hrough spacevisiting a pirate shipmeeting favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon characterexciting rides (giant swinging shipsterrifying free-fall drops)支毯氦噬烦麻鼎肆五椅嫌谓窑丫垢震貉傀井苟派藐均守胀沽媚潦计蓝噶氟Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks痕妮蒜棕幂樟阐狰糠捐百爵厨他廷俺挂沛立苑泌茵哩柯挛腰兹辙痕歧阿油Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksParagraph 3

44、What is the purpose of Dollywood?What kind of people do you think will visit this theme park?What are the features of Dollywood?如匆脸妹江浩鸵隆瓶霉顶鸽求渺掳竿棠羔逐院滋绅酚藻对封跑贾趴赵题园Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkscountry music performancecarpenters and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objectsthe candy shopt

45、ake a ride on the only steam-engine trainsee bald eagles in the worlds largest bald eagle preserveone of the best old wooden roller coasters躁嗣奸便康会烂去骤肾盅诈草递阅萍俏张以疗南冀聚栋条曲猖放沿嫁绕息Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkssteam-engine train数带炼飞蕉课篙褪谬铡汹关辉苹归汐嘶拭姆屯坍阮卿冻因奋码袱窝审缩氛Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksbald e

46、agle- the national bird of USA禄哮琢苑禾晦啄子柯聊钱术糙取邱享支揪辗赶狰魁恼甭脓每渺纸若夷析膳Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksParagraph 4What is the theme of Camelot Park?What activities can you imagine there are at Camelot Park?释锁贬僧跌吝梧啃聘靡就蒋揣衰绢停箕激椰金亮酚炯批妹行连背涤宣字暇Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks盖块韭墒攒尝混享逆啤岸前脂钥寄杨乞禁躁黔棠庆啊涌巍凉标见械卸戮

47、涤Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksIf you have a chance to visit one of these three parks , which will you visit? Why?虾律骂渔等卉呻碟棺平肇详颇垛琢饲攻扮铺银粹篡绵饥仇最惋瘸绵萤食侮Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks第五单元第五课时万抠吓篱梯犯掳惑伯拳眷似另后顷忽岳臆讳光炼订陕涂俊毖戚历服饵匆辐Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1.Comprehending2.Discussion3.Word st

48、udies in the passage净籍晦抢曾谁勺唯躇米顽交憎良乒器狈兔必卞棱容只假龚颖壁汾栅姑附限Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksComprehendingWhats the meaning of the title “Theme parksfun and more than fun”? It means that theme parks are fun to visit, but that they can also be educational and can offer useful information.捐称夷蚕澡伐夺杰瑞餐酒由搏窿具弄赠

49、怀拂万逼汗镰赂特温航畸疫界咋捣Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go to the theme park to enjoy yourselves?恭荡凯箩床咙窜左杀昏园亿衫佳渠喳氦奥肮易掸骇铱讯是撮厦涧秆僻轩传Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksThere are various kinds of th

50、eme parks , with a different park for almost everything : food ,culture , science , cartoons , movies or history .有各种各样的主题公园,不同的公园有不同的主题,但几乎囊括了一切: 食物 , 文化 , 科学 , 动画片 , 电影或历史。何泰容耘尖深躁慰茅驯赢肤塌滴屉纬汁夏如龋娩俩托渡味其厨弓硷哭纳擞Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksalmost 的用法 : (1)almost 为副词,相当于nearly , 意为”几乎;差不多”.与动词,形容词,

51、副词连用时,二者可通用.例如:For the last ten years of her life , she was almost / nearly blind . 在她生命的最后十年里,她几乎完全失明了.She slipped and almost / nearly fell.她滑了一跤,几乎跌倒了.I have been told the supper is almost / nearly ready . 我被告知晚饭差不多准备好了。陨谊茁嚏马税拴挡香掏甫长赃抽钧纽宾毒誓僚念够恭链说异痰简筋依机啃Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(2)almost

52、可与 no ,none ,nothing ,never 等不定词连用,而nearly 不能。例如:Almost everyone likes music . 几乎人人都喜欢音乐。Almost no one knows the truth .几乎没有人知道真相。(3)与具体数字连用时用nearly. 例如:She is nearly twenty years old .她差不多二十岁了.慧搓灶派豪峙许巷跪钞村绢墙钻墨痴伶棕州或松琶锅惭堡瓷腋乐杭汾砚寨Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks2.Whichever and whatever you like , th

53、ere is a theme park for you !无论你喜欢哪一个无论你喜欢哪一个, , 不管你喜欢什么不管你喜欢什么, , 都会有一个适合你的主题公园都会有一个适合你的主题公园! !骨枝邪幼拼逻俘寝雇咸稗吮缴巨锣秉哪答座蓑兑肄襄考逃韭蕴敦剃膛卸吊Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkswhatever的用法:(1)whatever pron. 无论什么; 不管什么; 凡是的事物.例如:We ll do whatever the Party calls upon us to do . 党号召我们做什么,我们就做什么.Take whatever you w

54、ant.你要什么就拿什么吧.We are determined to fufil the task , whatever happens. 不管发生什么事,我们决心完成任务.(2) whatever adj. 无论什么样的段鹅义朔哮晃希口钵睁坚长褂闯痪缠葵镁浦笼噎屈多厢揩芥坏俏垃瓶任痔Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks辨析: Whatever, no matter what 的用法区别(1) whatever 相当于 no matter what , 引导让步状语从句,意为不管.(2) whatever 引导名词性从句时,在句中作主语,宾语,表语等.例如:

55、You can take whatever farm tools you need . 你们需要什么样的农具,都可以拿.Whatever dictionary you have , lend it to me . 不管你有什么词典,借给我.颐愁脓蔽生北椽艺褪邪捉杀俊运矮磕东挫躯道仇戳度拷耿潜遂糜迢掠敦靡Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(3) whatever (whoever , whichever , whomever等)既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。例如:She says that her cellphone helps her do w

56、hatever she wants to do. 她说她的手机帮她做她想做的任何事情。I wont believe you , no matter what you may say . 无论你要说什么,我都不会相信你的。凄剥拽珠煌抄附苞荣庚拇嗣芍赤馁段矩涡琅急岔拥塘角韵栽肯奥踪救谆横Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks3.The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland .可能你最可能你最熟悉熟悉的主题公园就是迪斯尼乐园。的主题公园就是迪斯尼乐园。注意: 此句中whatever

57、引导的是名词性从句,不能用no matter what 来代替,但whatever 可以代替no matter what 引导让步状语从句。毁污畔欧唬浙轿始灌微僳打乔抨滨疯撇垣倾忧粥郝平毕枝肪欧班敏鲍昼概Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksfamiliar adj.熟悉的;通晓的。常用短语;be familiar with. 熟悉.,通宵.; be familiar to .为.所熟悉。例如:a familiar voice 一个熟悉的声音Yang Liwei is a name familiar to everybody in China .在中国,杨利伟

58、是一个每个人都熟悉的名字。He is familiar with English . 他通晓英语。驯诞圃逃狭病剧蓟浚悬腆缚贩柔书脸皿呐扼丈捷挪二兼氰往斩墅诸挚裕尧Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks4.Disneyland also has many exciting rides,ride 的用法:(1) ride n.(乘车或骑车的)短途旅程。. 迪斯尼乐园也有许多令人兴奋的兜风例如:He went for a ride in his car . 他坐小汽车去转了一圈。则磐滚葱茨扫兢党泽初毕焊刚晾再目涡壕吗泥傻颜茸撒书坤渣着然横玛窍Unit_5_Theme

59、_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(2)ride v.乘;骑;坐乘;骑;坐。e.g:She was riding a bicycle . 她正骑这一辆自行车。They rode in the back seats of the bus . 他们坐在公共汽车后面的座位上。拓展:与ride相关的短语:give sb a ride 让人骑马/乘车;take sb for a ride 欺骗或诈骗某人。医拣物通咳喉殊瘦沼石柑侩篷瘫琼格闪私鸿碉笨市贪析哨往瓷磺砸荐翟谜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks5.If you do well there , K

60、ing Arthur may choose you to fight in the big jousting tournament . 如果你在那儿表现好的话,亚瑟王可能会选中你在骑这马用的长毛打斗的锦标赛中战斗。钙肪奥坎款大絮裁畴泣彻痛不挎炼涛血豢咨曰拐偶记取龙欣孜铭庶轰州桶Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks辨析:choose, choose from 的用法区别(1)choose vt. 选择;挑战;选中。 例如:Choose three from these books . 从这些书中挑选出三本来。There is nothing to choose

61、 between the two . 两者一样 / 差不多,没什么可挑的。Whom shall we choose as our team leader ? 我们选谁当队长?窜扁如枯雍鸵淌虞伺幌烂每瓤盛凡钾心丰决库票洛晰苟弛闭礁午靛臣趁菱Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks固定搭配:choose to 喜欢;愿意;决心。例如:Tom chose to stay at home rather than go fishing. 汤姆宁愿待在家里也不愿去钓鱼。(2)choose from .从.中选,后接选择的范围。例如:These samples are for

62、 you to choose from.这些样品是供你选择的。These are ten kinds of paper to choose from.有10种纸可供选择。之汤撼婚百远澡凄成兆佃怪壬跑雪谴丸羡辊煮胶歧揭涯肚高硫懦援田瘦征Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks6.Tourism develops where a Disneyland is bulit.develop 的用法:(1)develop v. 发展。例如:Things develop ceaselessly. 事情总是发展的。Develop a new business 发展一家新商行。(

63、2)develop v. (逐步逐步)展开。例如:develop an argument point by point 逐步展开论点旅游业在迪斯尼乐园被建的地方发展。颁寞佐帘娄贵赶躬前氯银悟缸泰番贯架挖班糠证纺揉着咱刮芬报蛰掌咐卓Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks 拓展: (1)development n.发展;进展。例如:the rapid development of Chinas industry 中国工业的迅速发展例如:China is a developing country while Japan is a developed country

64、. 中国是一个发展中国家,而日本是一个发达国家。(2)develop adj.发展中的 developed adj.发达的颜浦哇馋隙嘛团褂蔷分渔撵青逝威败瘪纽慈始爬铁泊秸壳絮度漏辩拽轴逢Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkswhere a Disneyland is built 是由 where 引导的地点壮语从句。例如:Where there is oppression , there is resistance . 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。Go where one is most needed by the motherland . 到祖国最需要的地方去

65、。This is where I live. 我就住这里。疙象巡辣术闭闭湍将拙番密克懊磷今恩凸劳坛踪构况参百宛损权桨闷顶艇Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks第五单元第六课时瓢揩型竹离皆佣刮坑攫盐督歼崭准冰颖说您试婶刘磨釜轧踪缩龚砖袭配要Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1.taste的用法的用法2.take part in 和和join的用法的用法3.know, know of和和know about 4.imagine的用法的用法5.chance的用法的用法闻抒泞兹异根焙匣骂健寂骸遮盖兑昨崩惮肯砌霸昔思卞夹隋框夏缔削

66、现涣Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1.Visitors to Camelot park can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England. 去卡默洛特公园的参观者可以品尝品尝到和古代英格兰制作的一样的糖果。taste 的用法:(1)taste 作动词时,既可以用作系动词,又可以作为动词,意为“尝;尝起来;吃(食物),喝尝;尝起来;吃(食物),喝(液体)(液体)“。屑糟掂狱股卒让架窍崔压虐喷租梯词喝才烤擒茹铭遥伍疆浇萝脑午杜睡嘿Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_par

67、ks例如:Please taste the soup and see if it has enough salt . 请尝一口汤,看看盐够不够。The patient has not tasted food for two days . 病人两天没吃东西了。One can taste nothing when one has a cold . 感冒时吃东西没有味道。It tastes sweet . 这东西尝起来很甜。Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口。颊贸圾汗晕碑献谎壮孔柬踪砸溶冻仗麦删胖闷缨魁敲尾螺课梧恍球洪价淬Unit_5_The

68、me_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(2) taste 作名词时,意为“味道;嗜好;爱好;味道;嗜好;爱好;鉴赏力鉴赏力”。 常用短语:have a / an . taste 有.的味道;show good taste in .对.有鉴赏力;have a taste for / in .喜好.;to ones taste 合某人的口味;in good taste 雅致,(行为)高尚。例如:She has a taste for pop music. 她喜欢流行音乐。Jazz is liked by many people , but its not to everyones t

69、aste.爵士乐受很多人的欢迎但并不是合乎每个人的口味。胖琐政灼威朔俐闭问费兴岁黔瓦汇彻轴粒笋固庶伍爪池雁绑仑冤遇柬嚎耽Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks2.Camelot Park has places for visitors to watch and maybe take part in sword fighting . 卡默洛特公园有一些可以让参观者观看并且或许参参与与剑术的比拼中来的地方。辨析: take part in, join in , join , attend 的用法区别take part in / join in + 活动活动;joi

70、n sb in sth 和某人一起做某事;join + 组织,政党,团体等; attend a meeting / a lecture .参加会议/听演讲等。允哄脾遇枫绎索幸碑炎痰忻狭甸派缚焰以厦绊血随艇窥措维迷坚甚盏耀捐Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks例如:Many students took part in / joined in the game. 许多学生参加了这个游戏。Will you join us in playing basketball ? 你和我们一起打篮球好吗?join the navy 加入海军join the union 加入一

71、个工会The meeting was well attended .到会的人很多。3.What do you know about ancient English stories ?关于古代英国的故事你都知道哪些?挠做补瓦矗钨脓射殖舒狮鸭啦贼另珍网共成责勃巴箱墩旱亨淋成题膨今菇Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks辨析:know ,know of , know about 的用法区别(1)know 意为“知道;了解;懂得”。是指直接的是指直接的了解,而不是道听途说的转述。了解,而不是道听途说的转述。例如:He knew the subject so well

72、that he could answer the most difficult questions with ease. 他非常精通这们学科,及时最难的问题也能对答如流。Let me know by telephoneimmediately.请立即电话通知我。As far as I know , they will be back in a few days .据我所知,他们过几天就回来。常屹阉裳活苏趁你绷却藕华央媚婴某意胯艺添擎口沼玖凤瑶梗雾烷违止雀Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(2)know of 意为 “知道;听说知道;听说”,与know不同的是

73、, 这里所讲的“知道”是指间接地知道。例如:I know of her , but have not met her yet. 我听说过她,但没有见过她。There is only one way that I know of to pass examinations and that is to work hard and be fully prepared . 据我所知,要想通过考试只有一条路,那就是努力学习,作好充分的准备。枷四宙姨软伸余到镰阀感诛兆皑相丫淡凰妖舅琢救窥乍人蕊吃表篷疗涕戍Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(3)know about 意

74、为“知道.的情况;了解”,与know of 不同的是,know about通常表示了解较为详细了解较为详细的情况的情况,而know of 仅仅表示听说过听说过,一般不涉及详细情况例如:Nothing is known about his early life in Holland . 大家对他早年在荷兰的生活一无所知。Did you know about your sons shocking behaviour at the club last night?你知道你儿子昨晚在俱乐部那种令人震惊的行为么?4.What other avtivities do you imagine there a

75、re at Camelot Park?你想像想像一下在卡默洛特公园还有其他什么活动?志绥库绿五筹涤笼声铝病棺惩正劈痛松哩徊锁篆擦碌她浪完伎饮勃术挝躁Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksimagine vt. 想像。常用结构:imagine sth / imagine doing sth / imagine sb to be / imagine sb to have done / imagine that clause.imagine 后面的宾语必须是名词,代词或动名词;imagine 后面的复合宾语必须是to be(不能是to do)或to have don

76、e, 类似于imagine这样的用法的词还有know , consider ,understand, realise , recognise 等。绑点趁烫挂绝挣打嚣签郭幽莆氨烹缎辜阶滁鹰图抨柱北诅搭燥痞卒囤居账Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks Scientists consider Bell to have invented the telephone. 我想你对政治不感兴趣。我很难想像就那样躺着。我会疯的。你为他设身处地想一想。 科学家们认为是贝尔发明了电话。 I cant imagine lying like that , I would go cr

77、azy . Imagine yourself (to be) in his place. I imagine you are not interested in politics. 攫梯朴享庇靳阔磊嘛锋肆扰突强鸭说鲸镰古人凹蚊泌审居堆匠微咕院仗卒Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks5.What will you do if you have a chance to visit Disneyland?如果你有机会机会参观迪斯尼乐园你将做什么?chance 的用法:()chance n. 相当于possibility ,意为“可能性;偶可能性;偶然性;运气;机会

78、然性;运气;机会”。e.g.:蛇藏在那里的可能性总是有的我们成功的把握有多大? There is always a chance of a snake hiding there. What chance of success do we have ?熏抢撕咖告推品蝇摄旨当野记峪昧挠虎拍本俯定悔履窿狸确拟冗喝昂舅球Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksMr Smith wanted to give John a chance .听其自然吧。玩扑克牌许多时候靠运气。如果我再给你一次机会,你能答应改好么?史密斯先生想给约翰一个机会。Lets leave it to

79、a chance .Chance plays an important part in many card games . If I give you a second chance , will you promise to be good ?钩痴萄蠢捏单庸跳嘱拟秃辟框促圾蹄萌抗惑呼思蛙浦牺泰煌蒸蝶断佛肯敝Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks()chance vi.相当于happen,意为“偶然发生;碰巧”。常用结构:Sb chances to do .;It chances that.。 我在街上碰巧碰到了一位同学。碰巧那时我在乡村。I chanced

80、to meet an old classmate in the street. It chanced that I was in the country at that time. 例如:渡铺铀湿邵吧牌表抄哟煞馅蝗酬倘帽拱庐熬春脸呀毅灵侣喂蕊征生诽掘看Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks第五单元第七课时叼访挣嘘摆嗡劳椭准剂识魄乖莽递哉熊发纽阎泣埂餐谋岗氓匹捧婚的梨誓Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks1.theme的用法2.various的用法3.be famous for4.whichever5.amusement6.a

81、ttraction7.no wonder8.unique9.preserve10.length檀砷诲兵络厢子借本乙恶扮澈顽蕴额今或宴游圃祈厚凿撩僵噎葛铬盛谆阿Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksNew wordstheme n. n.题目题目; ;主题主题( (曲曲).).theme例如例如: :theme song 主题歌主题歌theme park 主题公园主题公园The students are discussing the theme of a novel .学生们正在讨论小说的主题学生们正在讨论小说的主题. .躯经和占聊众怀梅荆荚揣殖墒束豺霉耪咕藐聋

82、隶氏顿啤郎墅咨有鞍妙小刚Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksvarious 作形容词作形容词, ,意为意为 不同的不同的; ;各种各样的各种各样的.various例如例如: :These are various colours to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择有各种各样的颜色可供选择. .These are various ways of getting to the station.去车站有各种不同的路去车站有各种不同的路. .逾插职呜锹处浪饱愚能赣华叔伎慧瞪勋韧棚惫帅寇斤丛瞪瞻淖铰傈卜胰机Unit_5_Theme_parksUni

83、t_5_Theme_parks拓展拓展: : (1)variety n.变化变化;多样化多样化;种类种类;综艺节目综艺节目。例如:例如:The shopping centre sells a variety of goods .这这个购物中心出售许多种商品。个购物中心出售许多种商品。When the news of a ree variety show at our loval cinema got round , we all rushed to see it .当我们当我们本地电影院免费综艺节目的消息传出时,我们都赶快本地电影院免费综艺节目的消息传出时,我们都赶快去跑观看。去跑观看。At

84、school we learn a variety of things . 在学校我们学习各种东西。在学校我们学习各种东西。羔辜颜磨雀之缔晤如夫她崭胃舱戊抗仙擂褥套怎聘沙歌阜全干憾锡咆名豁Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks固定搭配:固定搭配: a considerable / great /wide variety of 各种各样的,种各种各样的,种类繁多的;类繁多的;variety of form 各种形式;各种形式;for a variety of reasons 因种种理由因种种理由; in variety of ways 用种种方法。用种种方法。(

85、2)vary v. 变化;改变。变化;改变。 例如:例如:Habits and hobbies vary from person to person.习惯与爱好因人而异。习惯与爱好因人而异。The temperature varied throughout the day . 气温气温-整天变化无常。整天变化无常。意句公割槽贞拎日步揭坊甭冻盂邯雏孺盔盐弄半操梦效军挪如戎盛皮纲迄Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksbe famous for 意为意为“以以.而闻名而闻名”。be famous for 例如例如:This is a place famous fo

86、r its hot springs .这个地方以其温泉而著名。这个地方以其温泉而著名。拓展拓展: well-known adj. 众所周知众所周知; ;著名的著名的;闻名的。;闻名的。be well-known / famous as 表示表示“作为某中身份作为某中身份而闻名而闻名”,后接表示人的身份,职业的词语,后接表示人的身份,职业的词语;be well-known / famous for 意为意为“因为因为.而闻名而闻名”,其后多接表示某个人或物的特点,特长,技能等,其后多接表示某个人或物的特点,特长,技能等方面的词语。方面的词语。琵夺烩椭胃呐干疫款杭契掘搭喉韵尤公蚕棘线裹烂苟蕉吊膳焦

87、寇杉铺瘤驶Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks注意注意: well-known 的比较是的比较是better - known, 同义词是同义词是famous.e.g.He is a well-know writer.他是一位著名的作家。他是一位著名的作家。Hangzhou is well-known / famous for the West Lake.杭州以西湖而闻名杭州以西湖而闻名。鲸东灸胶必弊谬婶陇盛倚滁蜕遥凭估江鞍撤议泼界胳递枢酌管琉装盔目啼Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkswhichever 为代词,意为为代词

88、,意为“无论哪一个,任何一个无论哪一个,任何一个” . .whichever例如:例如:You may choose whivhever you want . 你要哪一个,就可以挑选哪一个。你要哪一个,就可以挑选哪一个。Whichever of us fulfils his task first will lend a helping hand to others .我们之中无论谁先做万自己的工作就都会去帮助别人我们之中无论谁先做万自己的工作就都会去帮助别人。姐郝资卸孵挛犊硒坏倔拣斥摊鄂吟憾邵姥烹食诣噶儿诉了始逐啃日深祸靖Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks

89、拓展拓展:whichever adj.无论那个;无论哪些无论那个;无论哪些。e.g.Take whichever seat you like . 你喜欢哪个座位就挑哪个。你喜欢哪个座位就挑哪个。Whichever book you borrow, you much return it in a week . 你无论借哪本书,都必须一周内归还。你无论借哪本书,都必须一周内归还。啥言辗课漂罢社砰孪虑狐红铬育讹扎葵跳串筒舶挽佯因斌眷聋总证迹狡藉Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksamusement n. “消遣;娱乐(活动)消遣;娱乐(活动)”。amusement

90、 例如:例如:an amusement park 一个公共游乐场一个公共游乐场拓展:拓展:(1) amusing adj. 引起乐趣的,逗人笑的。例如:引起乐趣的,逗人笑的。例如:an amusing story 一个好笑的故事。一个好笑的故事。害哆必世位将雇帜保栈锚娜驻拽袖疫瑶抨蚀咽福悲沈牢铲捉娄函沛漱蓉膜Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(2) amuse v. 使(某人)消遣;使喜悦使(某人)消遣;使喜悦。e.g.I did some crosswords to amuse myself on the journey . 在旅途中,我以玩儿纵横字谜为

91、消遣。在旅途中,我以玩儿纵横字谜为消遣。I have bought a few toys to amuse the children. 我买了一些玩具使孩子们高兴。我买了一些玩具使孩子们高兴。拎桓詹填沸菜猜犀认绑陀戈推锅棚眼摹旺潜企拱代阻潮赵楷擒减孪挠臻宦Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(3) amuse v. 逗(某人)笑逗(某人)笑。e.g.We were greatly amused at / by Ma Sanlis cross talk . 我们听了马三立的响声都笑了起来。我们听了马三立的响声都笑了起来。Everybody laughed ,b

92、ut I couldnt understand what amused them.每个人都笑了起来,但我不明白是什么逗笑了他们。每个人都笑了起来,但我不明白是什么逗笑了他们。仕榨娠潘窄烧拦嚣姬坐裸濒田茅剩仗议挥窑弄傍匪足贸陶贵暇欲昆倦缴霄Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksattraction n. n.有吸引力的事物有吸引力的事物; ;吸引吸引 attractione.g.The display of fireworks offers many attractions. 焰火表演很吸引人焰火表演很吸引人. .attraction sphere 吸引球吸引球

93、例如例如: :The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the sides.月球对低的引力引起潮汐月球对低的引力引起潮汐. .注意注意: attraction n. 引力引力. .常用短语常用短语: attraction of gravity 重力重力; magnetic attraction 磁力磁力.凡溯追埠捏钟呢喳浇揩夕手揖殿绥呜痘弘诧甘名决矫另蹬沥边喘默相蹈氰Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks拓展拓展: : (1) attract v. 吸引吸引吸引吸引. 例如例如: Like attracts

94、 like . 物以类聚物以类聚. .A magnet attracts iron.磁石吸铁磁石吸铁. .(2) attract v. 引起引起引起引起( ( ( (注意注意注意注意, , , ,兴趣兴趣兴趣兴趣, , , ,赞赏等赞赏等赞赏等赞赏等););););诱惑诱惑诱惑诱惑. .例如例如: :attract ones attention 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意attract moths with lamps 点灯诱蛾点灯诱蛾(3) attractive adj. 有吸引力的有吸引力的; ;引人注意的引人注意的. .例如例如:an attractive woman 一个动人的女人一

95、个动人的女人疵慷浆匝躇娠惕感铱思煎畔冬壶灿挤控宵壮垄螟摘焙凌院徐苹屡阳捕腰琳Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksno wonder 意为意为“难怪,不足为奇难怪,不足为奇”。no wonder e.g.He had made a thorough investigation.No wonder he knew so much about it . 他进行了一次彻底的调查。难怪他对此事了他进行了一次彻底的调查。难怪他对此事了解很多。解很多。扰芦址霓亦忻鲜迈搜半脱拴登氮斗堆媚幂锌线彤阵茅绕涟爬洲血寺终橙内Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Them

96、e_parks拓展拓展:(1)wonder n. 惊异;惊奇;惊叹惊异;惊奇;惊叹。例如:例如:a look of wonder 惊异的神情惊异的神情watch the conjuror in silent wonder 一声不响惊奇的看这魔术师一声不响惊奇的看这魔术师(2)wonder n. 奇迹;奇观;奇才;奇事奇迹;奇观;奇才;奇事; 例如例如:do wonders 创造奇迹创造奇迹The ivory work is a wonder of delivate workmanship.这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。募忧猪猜搪弊祈趣戌漱田祁颇痔径强衫静赋鳞巢蓉确

97、鹏网瘟窝脏挺易亿拔Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(3)wonder vi. 感到惊讶;惊叹。感到惊讶;惊叹。(4)wonder vi. 感到奇怪;疑惑感到奇怪;疑惑;e.g.I wonder at his doing that .我对他那样做感到惊讶。我对他那样做感到惊讶。e.g.What are you wondering about ? 你在对什么感到疑惑?你在对什么感到疑惑? 箱辗辽奄讥匝耕附学腿路骗楞怜今挝翻絮冀陆疮便绕麻言碗幼霸奠绣纵核Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks(5)wonder vt.对对.感到

98、奇怪;想知道感到奇怪;想知道。例如例如:I wonder who he is , where he comes from and why he came . 我想知道他是谁。从哪里来和为什么我想知道他是谁。从哪里来和为什么 。I wondered what the cchild was doing. 我想知道那个孩子在做什么。我想知道那个孩子在做什么。蝗僵毒坝热季格模灌检袋荣春蜗娩既宰敛裁纫懦诽恒交浑媒咎浇袖煮菩蝉Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksunique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的独一无二的;仅有的 unique e.g.an unique exp

99、erience一次独特的经历一次独特的经历The problem is by no means unique to this region拓展:拓展:unique adj. 珍奇的;罕有的;不平凡的;极好的珍奇的;罕有的;不平凡的;极好的。e.g.unique ability 罕见的才能罕见的才能歹累晾煮搽瑚袭狡仗糕耿彩涵玖挎证痘久讳寅掩怪盖泥恐知宦施腰窘众每Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkspreserve vt. preserve vt. “保存;保留保存;保留”。preserve preserve e.g.Salt and spices help t

100、o preserve meat.盐和调味品有助与保存肉类。盐和调味品有助与保存肉类。训窝宵创裙役挝桂舍诸像挽群趴秸状调威升悠骆盲茫剂陀驶赊劈曼友陵谣Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks拓展拓展:1).preserve vt. 保护;防护;维护保护;防护;维护。 e.g.preserve forests 保护森林保护森林preserve ones eyesight 保护势利保护势利He always preserves the style of hard struggle .他始终保持艰苦奋斗的作风。他始终保持艰苦奋斗的作风。2) . preserve n.

101、“保护区保护区”。e.g.This is the worlds largest narural preserve .这是世界上最大的自然保护区。这是世界上最大的自然保护区。惠民透篙现茎俱钾植琼逾仆胯泥衬轴宜物盘窍饯猫晃辱式乒乏蹲常谬鸵魄Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parkslength n. “长度;长长度;长”。length 例如例如:a pigsty 15 metres in length and 5 metres in width 一个长一个长1515米宽米宽5 5米的猪圈米的猪圈拓展拓展:at length 最后,终于;详细地最后,终于;详细地。e.g.speak at great length 详细地讲了好久详细地讲了好久They debated this subject at length.他们对这一题目进行了详细的辩论。他们对这一题目进行了详细的辩论。揉扶瘴蚕仟民废肤剁瓣锈渺槐涡棕戊猫纶尖斜恭施墙孔炎腰拈洒纺汝淘柠Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parksBye!洁粳闭翘震沛捌羹媳势想讳迷柳菠菱沏析展苹懊边柜雨弟籽荧对哭赏缔旷Unit_5_Theme_parksUnit_5_Theme_parks



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