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1、1Tips:准备好笔记本上课记好笔记下课拍照打卡4P7T Mr )厂.人彳 厂 : 、i xSelf-IntroductionTwo truths and a lie1.1 can speak 3 languages.2.1 have been teaching Englishhere for over 15 years.3.1 am a gentle teacher.园Our Textbooksand Exams回画画Differences目录StrategiesPreparationsU1Our Textbooks and Exams必 修(12.3)选择性必修(1,2, 3, 4)高一上

2、学期教学内容必修一必修二 Units 1&2共8个单元单元板块2019人教版高中英语必修Opening PageListening and SpeakingPronunciationReading and ThinkingDiscovering UsefulStructuresListening and TalkingReading for WritingAssessing Your Progress*Project*Video TimeTheme主题单元WELCOMEUNITO 1ThemeUNIT 1ThemeUMT1TEENAGELIFECULTURALiHERITAGEUMT 1FES


4、MONEY-*,1Theme A2019PEPBook 3UNfT 1FESTIVALSP.I ANDCELEBRATIONSListeningFestival activitiesUsten for refationshipsA recent festivalexperiencSpeaking ReadingExpressing feelings Why Do We Celebrate Festivds?and emotionsg m fy the main idea of aparagraphMy Amazing NaadamExperienceThe Chinese Spring Fes

5、tivalWritingA narrative essayabout a festivalor celebrationexperiencePronunciationAssimilationStructure ProjectVideo TimeThe -ing form (1) asthe attribute and thepredicativeGive a presentationabout a minorityfestival in ChinaMake a posterabout festival fcxxjrecipesThe LanternFestivalMJPronunciation必

6、修语音部分必修第一册Pronunciation必修第二册Pronunciation必修第三册PronunciationWelcome UnitVowel letters1 Teenage Life“Vowel +consonant*1combinations1 CulturalHeritageConsonant clusters:initial and finalclusters1 Festivals andCelebrationsAssimilation2 TravellingAroundConsonants &consonantcombinations2 WildlifeProtectio

7、nWord stress:polysyllabic words2 Morals andVirtuesThe risingintonation3 Sports andFitnessIntonation3 TheInternetSentence Stress3 DiverseCulturesPauses4 NaturalDisastersVoiceless &voicedconsonants-ed endings4 HistoryandTraditionsLinkage of sounds4 SpaceExplorationStress andrhythm5 LanguagesAround the

8、WorldAmerican EnglishVs British English5 MusicIncomplete plosives5 The Value ofMoneyRhythm andintonation* Video Time UBefore you listen, you canread the questions and thechoices. It w ill help you topredict what you will hear.You can find main ideas byfirst taking a quick look at thetitle, picture(s

9、), key words andphrases, and topic sentences.Learning Across GenerationsMamoreno Oaane is a teaoe gid. SheRves in tho subLibs of SouthAfrtca wtb rier metier, landListening strategyReading strategyVideo time新局考英语试卷结构题量分值时间分配听力203020分钟第二部分阅读理解1537.525分钟阅读七选五512.58分钟第三部分语言应用完型填空151512分 钟 【语法填空10155分钟第四

10、部分应用文11515分钟写作读后续写12535分钟总分150注意:以上表格的答题参考时间,请大家根据自身情况进行微调。02Differences6初中1高中1ft初 高中差异1词汇11680词2. 每个单元的单词、词组只后一二十个1 . 3 500词2 . 每个单元的单词、词组五六十个,高三多达八九十个词汇量成倍增长语法1 . 考查3种从句,8种时态2 . 知迟点少、难度低、无交叉考点1 . 考查16种时态语态、6大类从句、非谓语动词等24个语法难点。2 . 知识点加倍, 侧重语境卜语法的应用和不同语法知识点的区别。由零碎语法知识转向系统语法知识阅读1 . 完成30万词的英语阅读量。2 . 篇

11、幅短, 多考查语言知识,从文中就能找到答案的细节题1 . 完成100万词的英语阅读量。2 . 篇幅长, 体裁多样, 话题广泛, 语言丰富有长难句, 要求概括能力, 推理能力阅读量激增, 阅读材料从纯语言材料转向高层次理解性材料写作1.作 文 数80词左62. 较多描述事件, 根据中文描述的现象, 事件来写1. 作文字数增加,80+150词以上2. 逻辑要求高, 使用英文思维, 体裁广泛,如书信, 记 叙 文 , 演讲稿、通知等写作要求结构更完整,语句更流畅, 逻辑更合 理 , 表达更多样-7-忑= : ; 匕 J V 立- -K 、l L riCr *J I4 |+ 么 1H 记4 4 f L

12、J I |91 l*v-7 | I 4、 kj f 1 I*k-J大纲词汇那么怎记词汇记什么?文章句子那么长结 构 那 么 复 杂 !看不懂啊?阅读读什么?03Strategies词汇量)词汇记什么?词性转换、熟词生义2022年全国卷I 语法填空The GPNPs main goal is to imp.ove connectivity between separate62 (populationland homes of ciant pandas and 63 (eventiial)ichieve a1 : i v I r eventuauv |desired level ot popula

13、tion in the wild. x_)2021年全国卷I 语法填空The hot spring at the foot of the mountain is something you must try afterthe climb. It will (undoubted) nelp you get refreshed. The amazing thing 即 dcjubtedly jabout spring itt7arihuTUtdurtiiu-ternperature gets, t h e ( h o t ) the spring.Strange, isnt it? But tha

14、ts how nature is - always leaving u s ( a s to n is h ) .2020年全国卷I 语法填空_ Landingon the moons far side is% etreniel、 (extreme) ch 疝 ending.The fiir side of the moon is of particular 64 interest(interesting) to scientists because ithas a lot of deep craters ( 环形山) ,that populations are increasing.lead

15、ing to466. belief (believe)2021年新高考I 卷完形This was the sort of work that made me55 jhe dollars you earned and respect those who did the work, he told me.appreciateYou cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.假如你支付现金的话, 我

16、会不胜感激。55. A. withdraw B. donateC. receiveD. appreciate重视Tools/Resources牛津 高 段 J英双双M词 典牛津确险英汉双解词典Oxford Advanced LearnersEnglishhinese Dictionary高中生侬学习词汇用书 历 眩 n 冥出I新 高 中英语同步.词汇笔记I欧 路 词 典CM*9rfBi P f, i 1 *尔-W E段yiMMIMt iubj3 他 uyMm mmlwlMva*x,6 s f n2 1 3M: -A. t fv i 2 6;$4nKM9l eS E K 坦*O L A& a且,

17、 VHtteBVB0S M X 3 i 8 1 , -35-n工 MaHBMe网tssaRKt*A* / w m N cff a0里白t-,s y s &母3M督十1EF_zW 0 2,teaMNNSKVKCMMBrelcr3- m 仔?MHUZ *”钟f*fi善,S M M *Tf it f E M - if *!(s c st“U B tlc w g L r M W Y L9,& -QVRs*xfr39b3Bs s 2s 、M - 1 -r JZ _= i _21毕 兀 日 仅 九 日/ a : / : / 3 : / i: / u : /短元音/A/D/ o / i/ u /I d /

18、a e /,.语音是基础双 柿/ e i/ a i/DI/ io / e a / u a / / a u / / a u /卜辅 音 (28个)1轻辅音/ p / t / k / f / 9 / s /浊辅音/ b / d/ g / v / a / z /国际音标表轻辅音十 二/ h / t s / t r /(48 个)浊辅音/ 3 / r / dz / d,/ dr /鼻音/ m/ n/网、 、7 7 *弋匚羊 儿 日/ j / w /边音/ I /n、o PronunciationQ 1 Listen and repeal. Then add more words to each gro

19、up.淬、语音是基础字母组合发音alaiarearerirororurtalkpaypalmcarebarherbirdhorsewordbumuallstaydallydechrehardprefercircusabsorbworkburreeeaeaearearoaowowOUorekeencleanheadcJeirearn11041shownowoutmorehereagetreadyappearheardcoachglowshowerloudboredO 2 Listen to and repeat the proverbs. Notice the pronunoialion cif

20、the letters in bold.1 ri, early bird eateries wonn.2 Athays for a raany day.3 Actions soeaK louder than words.4 All work and no g y makes Jade a dull boy.5 Otstwice tests a tKXses strwigm, Tirne reveals a( )erwx)1 5 5aHicter.大嘴呕吐音苹果音小嘴微笑音鸡蛋音/e/长 衣 音大 笑 音乌鸦音火车鸣笛音/ui/4Tbols/Resources微信UiUi音标| BBC音标分解教

21、学视频欢迎收藏或转发 B站 Pronunciation with EmmaCorrect pronunciation helps you memorize words more quickly.=Vocabulary Learning重复是关键 The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve 艾宾浩斯记忆曲线记忆的数总( 百分数) 遗忘的规律: 先快后慢 过量学习“原理 1:1.5遗忘= 重复的次数不够多Reading Learning课本中的阅读材料试卷中的阅读材料看英文报刊杂志读简写本小说坚持每天阅读读中不依赖词典读后及时查词积累 句读之不知, 惑之不解”韩 愈 师说Rea

22、ding LearningI CAN READ IT! CAN YOU?冰 表 突 明 ,火宇的序唾并不定一罐卷阅响读,匕 匕 3 当点看安百幻话后,才冷技现里的字全呈却乱的。 ,f i yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnidtoo. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny smoe plepoe can.i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulacltyuesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. Thephaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,aoccdrnig t

23、o a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervt isy,汁 dseno 十 mtae十r in wah+ oerdrthe 什teres in a wrod are,十he olny iproam十n十十ihng is 十ah十十he frsi十 and Isa十-teer be inthe rghi十 pclae. The rse十 can be a taotl msesand you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mniddeos not raedervey Iteter b

24、y istlefz but the wrod as awlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyasU4Preparations寸,三衔接习惯衔接心理衔接卜 语音关:发音、字母组合发音规律an Elementary Course for English Pronunciation 句型关:8大成分和8种基本句型Welcome Unit语法关:长难句分析Discovering Useful StructuresJ句子成分及A种基本句型Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.1 . 利用资源的习惯-English around u

25、s.学习习惯的衔接 Passive learning - Active learning-Reference books.Dictionary.-Internet.学习习惯的衔接2.大声读背的习惯3.认真书写的习惯4.课前预习的习惯5 . 勤记笔记的习惯6 . 及时复习的习惯7 . 阅读积累的习惯听 力 :7:408 :0 0听完对材料做改错积累会有dictation限时训练:20分钟完成,10分钟查词积累练 字 : 每个字母工0遍 , 抄作文练字5行润饱满紧凑流畅微向右倾整齐一致HandwritingIhar in.Knouj/ng that you re desired to Learn

26、ajhat changes haue token place since mycountry axis built up, Im more than delighted ro p/pp/ote (cu/i)you tvfth a brief _ iintroduction toetfjer u)tU)my personal feelings. Listed beLotu are the details.The Last seventy years witnessed a 力 空 transfbrmat/Dn ofChen Chinese peopleslife , especially abo

27、ut 缈e life styles. Gone are the days uuhen people are ajorrfed about their baste needs including food, and clothing an the. day. /Vbwactoys - iv/th thedevelopment of the China people are capable of buying, everything they 30nt on theInternet. (JUhats more , awhile going shoppmg , there 心 no need for

28、 Chinese to br/ncash due to the uuidease of the scanned code. And the gwcR hfghuMy and the shared bikes are also becoming the top choices fbr peopled going our. These changescreate enormous convenience to Chinese life ,aUou)ing The/n to pursue the Life ofhigh guWty. Onty when you experience it: in p

29、erson con you(bajue) get an insight into it.Honesty speaking ,1m ouerujfyeinied tvith pride seeing rrnj countrys progress.And its my dream ro contribute to fidfiUing the Chinese Dream”y.IJHua紧凑流畅微向右倾整齐一致Handwritingfjords fail to express my exdtement on hearing that you hove a burningcuriosity for ch

30、anges in peoples way of living after the foundation of China.Therefore, Im more than delighted to provide you with some extensive informati.First of HL aiming a t creating a healthy and comfortable environment to livein. there are an increasing number of people who contribute tv leading an eco-fHend

31、ly life , making the Qir cleaner. Furthermore, w hat deserves layingemphasize on is th a t wtth the modern life pacing up, Chino has witnessedgreat transformation brought bq technology. People use /Mipay. lA/eChat. aswell as ofo bihes to promote their living standards, putting them a t an advantage.

32、 As fa r as Im concerned, these changes imply the fa Q dev dopingChina, together with Chinese people managing to Keep up with the pace o fthe times, posse疝ng its symbolic significance.Lost but not /east, i t can t be better i f you feel liking visiting China andhaving a glimpse o f it. Looking forwa

33、rd tv your reply fvntirs.Dear Roy.Fm sorry to. hearhat you are having some problems in. getting onhere in China. But take i teasy. I believe with your sincerity andfriendliness, you will make more, friends,Here are my suggestions. First, overcome your_shyness. Be braveand open to others. Keep remind

34、ing yourself to weotLo smile whenmeeting people, which can help you become more popular and buildyour confidence. Besidesjoin in more activities wherebyou may meet_people who share common interests. Lost but not least, let your_friendship grow-It5 a good thing to st叫 in touch with youn friendsoften.

35、 After all, the best friendship is the one that grows naturally.Im looking forward to hearing some stories about your new friends.Yours,_ Li Hua26个 字 母 的 书 写 顺 序 :A呼 售O f F G脚j T艇IL帆N O P Q R 5 T U V W X Y ZJT JT SB 图 .L创 优 质 鼠 名 我 VQ 6 c d e f g h ii j k I mn o p q s ip n v w x y z衡木体28字要诀高度一致斜度一致大

36、小一致字体圆润间距适中下笔要准收笔要忍T heaquicka brownafox a jumpsaoveraoalazyadog,III UII mi II n iiLoveoy learning it.Attitude is everything态度决定一切new schoolnew lifenew friendsActiveStrictConfidentnew dream| PuzzleWhich letter is a vegetable?I温 馨 提 示 : :,上课笔记:请将本节课的笔记拍照上传到智学网打卡,8月25日作业:三篇阅读,做完后答题填到智学网作业答题卡上对完答案后反思错题,并整理生词和短语。/ 视 频 :晚上看一看练字的视频,跟读语音视频



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