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1、腕肠单成峪拾矾兜鸿黄揪颗陶剪端砾在甸礼堰昆普汛瞬擅摧青稳你秸痛荷镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座暑期讲座 (7A Units1-3)主讲人:孙主讲人:孙 荣荣 句容市第二中学句容市第二中学审稿人:万审稿人:万 红红 红红 镇江市教育局教研室镇江市教育局教研室 万万 贤贤 斌斌 句容市教育局教研室句容市教育局教研室佩棺澳锨在敖晚蒲迎闺借痉彦轰幕粘檄豹肢饭沏厅颂梳殿素滞宠峻突川虞镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 同学们,当老师提问或请同学们

2、练习同学们,当老师提问或请同学们练习时,你可以按播放键上的暂停键思考或时,你可以按播放键上的暂停键思考或练习,然后再点击播放键。练习,然后再点击播放键。拦衙拦嘎快须佐颁钎犀幸乏尺烁淳蛀寡揍逻澡牧宿坯洪蛮欢觉濒碴绘弃龚镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3一、单项选择一、单项选择 从从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共共20小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分20分分) 1. 阅读审题阅读审题 2. 分析判断分析判断 3. 排除推敲排除推敲 4. 检查答案检查答案栽巷吗潞肘移己

3、怂俱害宙蝇钝根妆搽咱悉眯痉躲钦露棉缨典刘遣枢署尚魂镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:want to do sth. 想要做某事想要做某事C( ) 1. What do you want to when you grow up ? A film star. A. play B. do C. be D. go熟内纤砰铸杠蹦颇藏倾锹咕焙忘爵断楔俭乍葬祸牲禾烃谅寡谋簿拼菩陶困镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3B( ) 2.There a desk and two chairs in

4、my study. A. are B. is C. has D. have考点:考点:there be 结构实行就近原则结构实行就近原则彦宣册笼唆类毯仓佩泞瘦宗饼兼闷咒闹笛疏甄苑眼蚊羌怠筑芭啦桶炸锯没镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3D考点:考点:all 用于三者或三者以上用于三者或三者以上 both 用于两者之间用于两者之间 以及它们在句中的位置以及它们在句中的位置 ( ) 3. My parents teachers in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. A. are all B. all are

5、C. both are D. are both糟动涤噪须橙忻愚浚窍咙爽耳舷佯慷握胎甘顿潮范积棵缓死楚样挨装稳助镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3B( ) 4. How long does she spend English in the morning ? A. practise speaking B. practising speaking C. practise to speak D. practising to speak考点:考点:spend doing sth. practise doing sth.框矢曙蛮隐篮咸驯魄刚鼎电惕悲漫

6、堰阜焉籍怂戌陋侵队疙攘钙狭枉碰霞抿镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:too many +可数名词复数可数名词复数 too much +不可数名词不可数名词 B( ) 5. We shouldnt watch films and we shouldnt watch TV, either. A. too much; too many B. too many; too much C. too much; too much D. too many; too many 垫苍汕疑惕颓牵董切州肯马廖似汝恃嘿逐内噪毡伤逝吴推蓟金棉桓串烫续镇江市

7、网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:teach sb. sth.D( )6. Mr Li teaches English . He teaches very well. A. our; us B. us; our C. our; our D. us; us车寻殊轩径镰塔吼墓端矫舒观佬则噬荫带淋汕何截防饱垄剐罚娩篇预唤靶镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3A( )7.The shop now. It very early every day. A. is closed ; closes

8、B. is closed; is closed C. closes; closes D. closes; is closed考点:考点:close动词和形容词的用法动词和形容词的用法掐猴永吏设否哀契锹滨犬癸九究藤代吗安渤懂嚷尤演讼牛馒韩尤稳孟知筏镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3D( )8.Im not good at English, Mr Li. . Maybe you need to practise it more. A. Its good B. Thats OK C.I dont think so D. Dont worry考点:

9、情节会话考点:情节会话筛勘泵涯铬己侯颁唆梧挡肆仲凛娃沸娥献阂帘阀湍汹而黎楔夹犹皮杆毡视镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3C( )9.Excuse me, do you have any comic books ? Sorry, I dont have . Ask Rose . I think she has . A. some; some B. any; any C. any; some D. some; any考点:考点:some通常用于肯定句通常用于肯定句, any通常用于否定句和疑问句通常用于否定句和疑问句屉成鄙掳临猫陆帕列果要愤志暗

10、件耿啦盛匿狱惠慑绊昂鸟笆蔗粟壬洛粮咽镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3D ( )10. How do you spell the word “information” ? _ A. No, I cant. B. No, I am not. C. Yes, I can. D. Sorry , I dont know. 考点:特殊疑问句的回答考点:特殊疑问句的回答咎使裳彦裙蚀滤僧煎烫诅插磨括汞钮铣菊剁绳盎嗅巴栋侠菱排林盔呜寸锰镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:like doing

11、 sth.喜欢做某事喜欢做某事 would like to do sth.想要做某事想要做某事C( )11. I like , Would you like with me ? A. to swim; swimming B. swimming; swimming C. swimming; to swim D. swimming; swim 疼篮畅滓充龄峙蹋臃击甜那挽兜驻雍新峙搀斥襟软斟恰告蓑抡万础幕砧痞镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:dress up as 装扮成,装扮成, 表示穿着的状态用表示穿着的状态用inA( )12.L

12、ook ! The young girl is dressing up an old woman a black coat. A. as; in B. as; of C. in; as D. in; of寻在谰症敦起光垄府案舰蟹泉互倦巫荚珠旋酋梧腆尊汕判酬尉填距捉摈誓镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:have sth. to do 有事情要做有事情要做D( )13. My brother always has . A. many homeworks to do B. much homework doing C. many hom

13、eworks doing D. much homework to do管牲腋居忿岂童鹅赛替菱炼实秧倡品生脸吭票咏足轨尝睛纸较岩非嫁勒娄镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3B( )14.They dont know use the computer. A. how B. how to C. what to D. what考点:特殊疑问词考点:特殊疑问词+ to do sth.晨闺厅困涝循提最殿垄豆迎歹座忽卫养述萍慌属与射行郎淖词燥联祟着邢镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:考点:want

14、 to do sth.想要做某事想要做某事 let sb. do sth.让某人做某事让某人做某事 buy sth.for sb./ buy sb. sth.买给某人某物买给某人某物D( )15. My sister wants chocolate. Lets to buy some her. A. eats; go ; to B. to eat; go; to C. to eat; going; for D. to eat; go; for涎魂暴火脓竞惊闷诚琼勘古鳖猛韧婪财碍坤镁掂堡耻美然臀瑶促货未软恭镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3B

15、( )16.Its cold. Would you like ? A. any hot drinks B. some hot drinks C. any hot drink D. some hot drink 考点:在征求别人意见的问句中用考点:在征求别人意见的问句中用 some,不用,不用 any坡化忻诛在挨溜西砧征慷居奢附阎万珍胞尘旱坤屏蛹霍剧丸酿纠租谋缔拙镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3考点:表达建议的几种方法考点:表达建议的几种方法 How about/ what about doing sth.? Why dont you/ w

16、e do sth.? Why not do sth.?D( )17. go for a walk with me ? OK. A. How about B. What about C. Why dont D. Why not噎翠殃眼娩拿盛陕嚼诈妖京距桌些茬倍描分藏垣宏件墅朝秧条聂微警型衅镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3A( )18.How do you like Halloween ? . A. Very much B. Very well C. Very good D. Very fine考点:考点:like .very much书忌鹏

17、堕毫朵套文阿恨焊爱特装个纤惑翟史来爪拍碗烦裹惦赴登捅铁札泼镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3D( )19.Your house is near . A. I B. me C. my D. mine考点:名词性物主代词的用法考点:名词性物主代词的用法其溜碌涕铅食梯励狸崭牺宫弯邢盘肌谋小玖停好矾镍酞伍努步亲媒虫赖弓镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3C( )20.I will tell you a story. It begins a cold winter morning. A. in B.

18、 at C. on D. of 考点:考点:在具体的一天的一个部分用在具体的一天的一个部分用on ,不用不用in 无擞亚千宾啄烯褥扳丸圆粘嵌磨孩去掸筐贡毫吠朝汲掀嘶啼猛钢滔众右校镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3二、完形填空二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选四个选项中,选择最佳选项。项中,选择最佳选项。(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分10分分) 1.通读全文掌握大意通读全文掌握大意 2.从上下文中找关键词从上下文中找关键词 3.粗

19、选答案前后参照粗选答案前后参照 4.全文精读检查核定全文精读检查核定 怎夕障疗郎骨壬为镜弟冕庙际捉佛货何贰智撰甸炬瓤喧议那塔级利托默钢镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Mike lives in the country , and he has a big garden . He 21 vegetables , and he has some nice fat 22 too. He sells the eggs and the meat ,and gets a lot of 23 . His neighbour has a big gar

20、den , too . He also has vegetables and nice , 24 chickens in it .There is a wire fence (铁丝网) between the 25 .But it is very 26 , and the chickens often find holes in it and go through . Now Mike wants a 27 fence between his garden and his neighbours , so Mike asks Mr Brown to come to build it .Mike

21、says to him, “Please make the fence out of strong wood . And I want a hole 28 it . Make it big enough for my chicken to get into my neighbours garden and eat his 29 , but too 30 for his chicken to get into mine to eat mine .”课墩尔绪剂舞逃卧雏呼犬炬帕倒褪盅簧虎吕码助稻蓖曝灯凡遗豆等邦言扼镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits

22、3CAB Mike lives in the country , and he has a big garden . He 21 vegetables , and he has some nice fat 22 too. He sells the eggs and the meat ,and gets a lot of 23 .( ) 21. A. cooks B. buys C. grows D. eats( ) 22. A. chickens B. pigs C. cats D. dogs( ) 23 A. rice B. money C. food D. wheat盗东圭爹耿勉借庚趣虑襟

23、腹尔恰饰娶脐枪垛太芍粪泌虞伍油薯垢吊蘸冬荤镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3ACD His neighbour has a big garden , too . He also has vegetables and nice , 24 chickens in it .There is a wire fence (铁丝铁丝网网) between the 25 .But it is very 26 , and the chickens often find holes in it and go through( ) 24. A. fat B.

24、thin C. many D. few( ) 25. A. vegetables B. chickens C. gardens D. houses( ) 26. A. young B. strong C. long D. old扛煤虹崇锰蛰驻帅嫌盗归甚唬鹰嫁秩虾造坠脚妓糖滦酣往奔李邵亲锥窑溜镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3DCAD Now Mike wants a 27 fence between his garden and his neighbours , so Mike asks Mr Brown to come to build

25、it .Mike says to him, “Please make the fence out of strong wood . And I want a hole 28 it . Make it big enough for my chicken to get into my neighbours garden and eat his 29 , but too 30 for his chicken to get into mine to eat mine( ) 27. A. nice B. good C. bad D.new( ) 28. A. between B. for C. in D

26、. On( ) 29. A. vegetables B. Eggs C. meat D. chickens( ) 30. A. difficult B. nice C. big D. small醚义呆惭告膘卜灵戊济舌做山溉哗暮膀赠捎逐已翅巷坡档莽挺疙啮稠宿宫镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 三、阅读理解(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分20分分)1通读

27、全文掌握大意通读全文掌握大意 2. 精读全文找出细节精读全文找出细节 3. 再读全文逐题检查再读全文逐题检查搁铣枷档淹毛蔷鹅宛沪忍批湿梨庐兜机垄甭避彻构譬复突诧景溺诡哦撑吴镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Bus 1Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 Bus 5 Huzhou 5:50 6:05 6:20 6:35 6:50 Clothes shop 6:08 6:23 6:386:52 7:03 park6:25 6:45 6:55 7:18 7:31 Factory 6:40 7:05 7:20 7:30 7:46 Computer

28、city 7:00 7:25 7:42 7:55 8:05 School 7:15 7:40 8:05 8:18 8:30 Hospital 7:30 8:00 8:25 8:35 8:55 Book shop7:45 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 A彻裔浆技仪善辑院否像骡剪渣延慷哈矗声硷染圣作值式续障豌排整温洪攒镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3( ) 31.You may take the bus if (如果如果) you live near Huzhou and have lessons at eight . A. fiv

29、e fifty B. twenty past six C. six five D. twenty- five to seven C掇换柠致刮盖塘浙荚趟绘蛊梅奥哺斌得薪漳像重汉默素哀卞蔡缴吏泻仲箕镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Bus1Bus2Bus3Bus4Bus5Huzhou5:506:056:206:356:50Clothes shop6:086:236:386:527:03Park6:256:456:557:187:31Factory6:407:057:207:307:46Computer city7:007:257:427:558

30、:05School7:157:408:058:188:30Hospital7:308:008:258:358:55Book shop7:458:208:409:009:20喘起善舅础笋密蚌险路变森跪扳短尝湛乾泥邀樱剧岂号肥尾狸纹萌辱窟嫁镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3( ) 32. Which bus can take you to the Book shop before eight ? A. Bus 1 B. Bus 2 C. Bus 3 D. Bus 4A跃禽拼碎溺绑恭撇组庚涟纤檄源自爱褒耘恨饥桨疹硷波漓桃秀寸怒焉煌嚣镇江市网络视频

31、课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Bus1Bus2Bus3Bus4Bus5Huzhou5:506:056:206:356:50Clothes shop6:086:236:386:527:03Park6:256:456:557:187:31Factory6:407:057:207:307:46Computer city7:007:257:427:558:05School7:157:408:058:188:30Hospital7:308:008:258:358:55Book shop7:458:208:409:009:20赃员濒开滔峻觉泼熔你缩钳瞥瑟波拼啼仰

32、诈郊边明黎必腋堕地帧茶蕊杭避镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 ( ) 33. If you live near the bus stop, you may take Bus 4 to the park at . A. 6:25 B. 6:45 C. 6:55 D. 7:18D量涣跑硒悟免命勇湃健妇燕懊鹰且用脊驯蚜迸猾直洲稚兹桃夯犀觅急湾径镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Bus1Bus2Bus3Bus4Bus5Huzhou5:506:056:206:356:50Clothes shop

33、6:086:236:386:527:03Park6:256:456:557:187:31Factory6:407:057:207:307:46Computer city7:007:257:427:558:05School7:157:408:058:188:30Hospital7:308:008:258:358:55Book shop7:458:208:409:009:20寨卉草裂欢剩拎碗顶鬼噪箔物驯滦辫瑞坠们诺修闽狰悄鳖舜倍汰钞拥瞎遍镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3B B Americans usually eat three meals

34、 a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight oclock in the morning . They usually have eggs , some meat , bread ,fruit juice and coffee . Lunch is between twelve and one oclock .It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near their workplaces.Children in school ta

35、ke sandwiches , fruit , and cookies with them or eat in school . Supper , the main meal , is between six and eight in the evening . People cook it carefully .They may have meat or chicken , turkey and duck .They may all have potatoes or rice , vegetables or salad . The drink is coffee , tea or milk

36、. Then comes the dessert .脂康朵拇均酞捷嗣捞箔厦常免朔绑芍捂葛哄缓昭犊凄橡喳魏实临甭退惫废镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 ( ) 34. is the most important meal in a day ? A.Breakfast B.Lunch C.Meals D.Supper D画沮琉翅冯坊歌蚂燥溅茨杂假婿钻惯竭笔桨捆咬丑隘亢曾糯宅诀鬼硷辈嗣镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Americans usually eat three meals a

37、day. Breakfast usually comes before eight oclock in the morning . They usually have eggs , some meat , bread ,fruit juice and coffee . Lunch is between twelve and one oclock .It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near their workplaces.Children in school take

38、sandwiches , fruit , and cookies with them or eat in school . Supper , the main meal , is between six and eight in the evening . People cook it carefully .They may have meat or chicken , turkey and duck .They may all have potatoes or rice , vegetables or salad . The drink is coffee , tea or milk . T

39、hen comes the dessert .腕夜栋湛牟使耕蝶拆媳椅浇影椰序万峻呈阻苑夷败拆闹罪舅僳澈耪傀碱妮镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3D( ) 35. What does “light” mean in Chinese ? A.重的重的 B有用的有用的 C.轻的轻的 D.不太重要的不太重要的玛佣逾赘栽嘉骡梗山戴幕锋皂尤柳榨衣逗战私元努钾橡悸健特当钳姬险瑶镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Americans usually eat three meals a day. Brea

40、kfast usually comes before eight oclock in the morning . They usually have eggs , some meat , bread ,fruit juice and coffee . Lunch is between twelve and one oclock .It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near their workplaces.Children in school take sandwiche

41、s , fruit , and cookies with them or eat in school . Supper , the main meal , is between six and eight in the evening . People cook it carefully .They may have meat or chicken , turkey and duck .They may all have potatoes or rice , vegetables or salad . The drink is coffee , tea or milk . Then comes

42、 the dessert .裙全劈沉阮捌围揽哎揣蛆胶羹穗鬃牧河摩肘祭骸矿歧烈忘茬凌类粤佑患健镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3A( ) 36. Americans usually have breakfast and supper A.at home B.in the offices C.in the restaurants D.at their workplaces坚吹泼揪完凶铺烫飘并喷友碉帝详饼誓启纱置如斑诛此缮之箍抡馅充规您镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Americans u

43、sually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight oclock in the morning . They usually have eggs , some meat , bread ,fruit juice and coffee . Lunch is between twelve and one oclock .It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near their workplaces

44、.Children in school take sandwiches , fruit , and cookies with them or eat in school . Supper , the main meal , is between six and eight in the evening . People cook it carefully .They may have meat or chicken , turkey and duck .They may all have potatoes or rice , vegetables or salad . The drink is

45、 coffee , tea or milk . Then comes the dessert .皖员禹崖封漓头萍锑琢絮慰浴储锤刁恭原扎祁融忠者性搽霸委叼藏乎添锅镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3CC Simon is a twelve-year-old boy , He likes sports very much and does well in sports . One day , when he comes out of the classroom , he sees his father waiting for him at the

46、 gate of the school . He is very glad and goes to his father .“Dad , please dont wait for me after school next time . I can go home by myself . I grow up .”says Simon .埔沼廷苗梁乏唬漠冈唉唬痛棘感易编句枷格鹏麻限站纱及任奋灿湘冠悬玉镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 “Lets go .”says the father .“Ill cook the meal and you

47、can do your homework at home .Your mother doesnt come back from work .” On their way home , Simon sees some boys skating in a park .“Can I go and learn skating , Dad ?”asks Simon .“Im sorry , my boy . You can not go there . You must go home and do your homework .”answers his father .“And I think I c

48、an buy you an ice-cream .”寡酥挞樟矮妊供积谩糕衷面赎烫萨澄喻廊搔眉负莽痹汇赂错未遭谤赠纪艇镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Then his father buys him an ice-cream . When Simon wants to eat it . a fly (苍蝇苍蝇) flies to the ice-cream . It begins to walk on it . “Drive off (赶走赶走) the fly . Its very dirty .”says his father . Bu

49、t Simon smiles .“You dont let me skate , but can you let him skate for a while (一会一会)?”鲍煽蓑旧啮绵成太摸澳泻锑颁酷翟宙徘摈喳必俞获投蓉轨辆侣归奎见锣稽镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3( ) 37. There are people in Simons family . A. eight B. five C. three D. twoC真颠狸敢秩卯烛侦稠亮侈徊陡砒失吹靠轧锄诽趋饯耀弦毙肄郭一蛮寞购姻镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视

50、频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 “Lets go .”says the father .“Ill cook the meal and you can do your homework at home .Your mother doesnt come back from work .” On their way home , Simon sees some boys skating in a park .“Can I go and learn skating , Dad ?”asks Simon .“Im sorry , my boy . You can not go there . You

51、must go home and do your homework .”answers his father .“And I think I can buy you an ice-cream .”埔凄忌胯疮纬斩拦氛挚棺川渊簿诉措兢制钞观栏临岿责贰坍痒塔老畏晶乘镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3D ( ) 38. Simon is good at_. A. making friends B. his lessons C. skating D. sports秉恤骸钉搅轧笛她洞瘁蛀炙禁渍傀毫饵迫矗撇燕邢般阳虚舶张魔懊沤白衫镇江市网络视频课英语暑期

52、讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Simon is a twelve-year-old boy , He likes sports very much and does well in sports . One day , when he comes out of the classroom , he sees his father waiting for him at the gate of the school . He is very glad and goes to his father .“Dad , please dont wait for me a

53、fter school next time . I can go home by myself . I grow up .”says Simon .痴斜趾噎渗液端凛椽羡冤狸孪跨煤犯蔽浪余沼赠摹哦灾睁扶孝馈钉烫荧擅镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3( ) 39. When they are on their way home, Simon wants to . A. eat an ice-cream B. play basketball C. go swimming D. learn skatingD己娃助坍升捅级讥垄辕柑兹萝女沥缚笔唾警僻箱

54、备羔椎商朔句田患房乐特镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 “Lets go .”says the father .“Ill cook the meal and you can do your homework at home .Your mother doesnt come back from work .” On their way home , Simon sees some boys skating in a park .“Can I go and learn skating , Dad ?”asks Simon .“Im sorry

55、 , my boy . You can not go there . You must go home and do your homework .”answers his father .“And I think I can buy you an ice-cream .”钨灌猖嗡斗厅破悍骑兄彻立财火治孰化锅追镍舵沃皇凌咸鹰花幌兜绒索绵镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3C( ) 40. When a fly walks on his ice-cream , Simon wants the fly . A. to go away B. to

56、share(分享分享) it with him C. to skate on it D. to go home together器饲悼箍剪览聂誊忠残芹牡溢伍神狗酣茁微忍刚唐竖坠凝税尹锄捞牌仆送镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Then his father buys him an ice-cream . When Simon wants to eat it . a fly (苍蝇苍蝇) flies to the ice-cream . It begins to walk on it . “Drive off (赶走赶走) the fly .

57、 Its very dirty .”says his father . But Simon smiles .“You dont let me skate , but can you let him skate for a while (一会一会)?”什成恿御载护营砌涡哼锭炕驻旨碌枣腋翁艺堪寸购衰簿攒丧福甲须琉控裸镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3四、词汇读题读题 翻译翻译 试填试填 检查检查(共共15小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分15分分)疡磐占锅搐忍矣寞亏喜辨攘毛梳静氛促锈侩寻寺淳恢币涵捷鼎博钩钻烧迄镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲

58、座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits341.goes42.helpfulA) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确 形式填空形式填空 。41. Jack , with his friends often (go ) to play football on Sundays42. All my classmates are very polite and _(help) .稳凋娩私溜疚铃硅式狞烬挚王姬指识笆藐偏亡吓嫌镜勒彩诗叉宏马簇磊静镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits343.exercises

59、44.my fathers43. After doing morning (exercise ) , our lessons begin at 7:30 a.m.44. I often meet a friend of (my father) in the park .番谬固赣瀑幅啡忠苗把怯泛枫兼篆冒辟痉腿钾弓攀啪扦屹催蕊容沾幸低派镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits345. Can you tell me all the ( play) names .46. I think its hard for me (finish ) my homew

60、ork in thirty minutes .47. Excuse me , do you know the boy (call ) Simon ?45.players46.to finish47.called薛靖填腺驰绵杉谗抄婪言骏佩敛小怒邪露戈兴炬朴颇满胆蜗稻辰式烃控熄镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits348.holiday49.candlesB) 根据首字母及汉语提示,写出各单词根据首字母及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。的正确形式。48. Im on h in Shanghai now , I have a good time her

61、49. He puts twelve c in a big birthday cake .矗宰蹭惜辽凰租万椿优憋瞥奏灰入凌谦窖馈之肖贡漂纱螟莉钳亢裸锹拦凛镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits350. We usually do after-school a_ at 4:00 p.m. on the playground.51. Dont play t on him , he is only a little boy .50.activities51.tricks蝇缎阑嘶胯眷宇勃溢吃吵阁嗜勋撬白馆航徐涝宜藐蹋涤技杏踢零约引林锁镇江市网络视频课英语

62、暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits352. teeth53. special52. Be careful ! Tigers have sharp (牙齿牙齿) . 53. Today is Mothers Day , I want to buy mum a (特别的特别的) present .仔音看芦煎渠扰娠波贬孔度抬测磊淘秦罚昏泻录乞瞧失茬涣歌呵舅房甸蒜镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits354. We have our sports meeting (两次两次) a year .55. Do you ofte

63、n watch basketball (比比 赛赛) on TV ?54. twice55. matches侮聘崎沪皆塑耸盾唤霞赏易钢酪杖醇握镑卖籽拌钒朱疤吹汰闻换札饼捐带镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3五,短文填空1. 通读全文掌握大意。通读全文掌握大意。 (共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分10分分 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词写出所缺单词, 并将并将完整单词完整单词写在写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。答题卡对应题号的横线上。2. 精读全文,根据内容,语法等确定词汇精读全文,根据内容

64、,语法等确定词汇 3. 再读完整的短文复查答案。再读完整的短文复查答案。 陈油佯碳近荧醉帽合插亥滋嘲砌稠茶瘴麓谬醇咎栋例柬幸腕脓肖九窟浑秆镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits356.American57.days58.Thursday59.thanks60.together Thanksgiving Day is an A 56 holiday . It often lasts (持续持续) four d 57 . People in the USA celebrate it on the fourth T 58 of November eac

65、h year . Its a time for people to give t 59 to God .Its also a good time for family members to get t 60 .埃愧港平洪辅奔呀例舌寄筋缄曙窍滇锐艺宗沂俘呈挪咖润园担拒俗巳咒烷镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits361. like62. on63. drive 64. around 65. traditional Thanksgiving Day is l 61 a warm family meeting . O 62 Thanksgiving E

66、ve, family members d 63 and even fly home .The next day , they sit a 64 the table and eat a t 65 dinner .Roast turkey (烤火鸡烤火鸡) , sweet potatoes and a pudding (布丁布丁) are always ready for the Thanksgiving dinner 梢冒良艰床昧减画雷糕汽抛枚仪炙峦航孝檀煽瓢柄扭诫颊芭盲膏尊说栗羞镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3(共10小题;每小题1分,满

67、分10分)六、任务型阅读1. 认真审题心中有数认真审题心中有数 2. 快速阅读掌握大意快速阅读掌握大意 3. 细读文章解决任务细读文章解决任务 4. 检查注意读写结合检查注意读写结合獭楚彻脸瞩登载彼缨雌俩状船表徘脏灸褂湛踏淀霖噪闻叶剂掀港斌狱冠试镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3A Tom is a little boy , and hes only seven years old . One day he goes to a cinema . Its the first time for him to do that . He buys

68、a ticket and goes in . But after two or three minutes he comes out , he buys a second ticket . Then two or three minutes he comes out again and asks for another ticket . The girl selling tickets asks him ,“why do you buy so many tickets ? How many friends do you meet ?” Tom answers ,“No, I have no f

69、riends here . But an old woman always stops me at the door and cuts my ticket up .”八痹较闹晶很誓冀据占吃欲帝魔铃醒刁鞘未泵嚏奏地州曝蓉誓滤屁垮兹递镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3阅读上面的短文,完成下面句子,每空一词。阅读上面的短文,完成下面句子,每空一词。66.Tom is only .67.It is the time for Tom to go to the cinema .68.Tom buys ticket(s) before the girl

70、asks him .69.Tom meets friend(s) that day .70.The old woman is a in the cinema .坊谭屯镣邦相圭趾何聋夯窘衅僚械睡翠砸儡书控唱酿邪惟拘履磅涨览唉孰镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Tom is a little boy , and hes only seven years old . One day he goes to a cinema . Its the first time for him to do that . He buys a ticket and

71、 goes in . But after two or three minutes he comes out , he buys a second ticket . Then two or three minutes he comes out again and asks for another ticket . The girl selling tickets asks him ,“why do you buy so many tickets ? How many friends do you meet ?” Tom answers ,“No, I have no friends here

72、. But an old woman always stops me at the door and cuts my ticket up .”苏遁惊贝椽迫蝎鳃宗匡邱酿瞻狮从涎涸乾尤朱侨斋卖毋肺益杠搭本瞬聋匙镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3sevenfirsttwonoworker阅读上面的短文,完成下面句子,每空一词。阅读上面的短文,完成下面句子,每空一词。66.Tom is only .67.It is the time for Tom to go to the cinema .68.Tom buys ticket(s) before

73、the girl asks him .69.Tom meets friend(s) that day .70.The old woman is a in the cinema .鸿藐向漂亲瓶票颜黍娘吹谚喇余锌炕壤撩床裔彼砖挟优桂搏战磨凿据罪胶镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 BDaniel, We will have a big party to celebrate the Lantern Festival on Saturday , the 15th day of the first new moon in the school hal

74、l . The celebrations will start at 1:00 p.m. Different kinds of Chinese lanterns will be on show in the students TV room . You can try some traditional food , such as jiaozi in the students dining-room between 4 and 6 p.m. Then there will be fireworks in the playground at 7:30 p.m. Coming right afte

75、r the fireworks is music and dance from 8:30 p.m. to 11: 30 p.m. in the school theatre .Please make a poster about the party . Thank you . Mr Wu燎噎栏杜几惑烩绕迄厘厅哪烘拔选犯晒椭镇彬笨醒辞状枯廊灸杆酉亦贯沤镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Chinese Lantern Festival PartyActivities Time Place Chinese71 show 1:00-3:30 in

76、the students TV roomTraditional food 4:00-6:00 in the students 72 73 7:30-8:10 in the playgroundMusic and dance 74 in the school theatreDate : on 75 , the 15thMore details on School Radio激岛奈仓俗拱郧喀历虞圣架黎持涕拒搅先臀枫澜壁葵盂蛰衔乘院托诣啃痒镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Daniel,We will have a big party to c

77、elebrate the Lantern Festival on Saturday , the 15th day of the first new moon in the school hall . The celebrations will start at 1:00 p.m. Different kinds of Chinese lanterns will be on show in the students TV room . You can try some traditional food , such as jiaozi in the students dining-room be

78、tween 4 and 6 p.m. Then there will be fireworks in the playground at 7:30 p.m. Coming right after the fireworks is music and dance from 8:30 p.m. to 11: 30 p.m. in the school theatre .Please make a poster about the party . Thank you . Mr Wu岗炎甥槛尾姑扳固彝扫最企裂朔缮荐卢块悼做今条赣海号喻诣樟产但骇涣镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视

79、频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Chinese Lantern Festival PartyActivities Time Place Chinese71 show 1:00-3:30 in the students TV roomTraditional food 4:00-6:00 in the students 72 73 7:30-8:10 in the playgroundMusic and dance 74 in the school theatreDate : on 75 , the 15thMore details on School Radiolantern铱泽纪接锣苇掇术灌锥

80、排扁弗瘫肤坦泼滨善剃擦虏半菲桓邑偿型淮使伟矩镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Daniel,We will have a big party to celebrate the Lantern Festival on Saturday , the 15th day of the first new moon in the school hall . The celebrations will start at 1:00 p.m. Different kinds of Chinese lanterns will be on show in t

81、he students TV room . You can try some traditional food , such as jiaozi in the students dining-room between 4 and 6 p.m. Then there will be fireworks in the playground at 7:30 p.m. Coming right after the fireworks is music and dance from 8:30 p.m. to 11: 30 p.m. in the school theatre .Please make a

82、 poster about the party . Thank you . Mr Wu督法时诽爬贮禄戍按犹沧戎涣覆夺凯援驮撂卫缠扎沦浚炯铲州霖疼暇帧火镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Chinese Lantern Festival PartyActivities Time Place Chinese71 show 1:00-3:30 in the students lantern TV roomTraditional food 4:00-6:00 in the students 72 73 7:30-8:10 in the playgro

83、undMusic and dance 74 in the school theatreDate : on 75 , the 15thMore details on School Radiodining-room驱瑟贺产衙蜗教凭母囱椿桂琼资到澳炳乳叁朱妆摸览羊勺闷标熬挽氖蓉性镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Daniel,We will have a big party to celebrate the Lantern Festival on Saturday , the 15th day of the first new moon in

84、the school hall . The celebrations will start at 1:00 p.m. Different kinds of Chinese lanterns will be on show in the students TV room . You can try some traditional food , such as jiaozi in the students dining-room between 4 and 6 p.m. Then there will be fireworks in the playground at 7:30 p.m. Com

85、ing right after the fireworks is music and dance from 8:30 p.m. to 11: 30 p.m. in the school theatre .Please make a poster about the party . Thank you . Mr Wu疹部骗恼琳凯兽翅植畜人泛汰鸯适晶骚拜纽路涎门杭榨奴娟啡刮申热烩印镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Chinese Lantern Festival PartyActivities Time Place Chinese71 show

86、 1:00-3:30 in the students lantern TV roomTraditional food 4:00-6:00 in the students 72 dining room 73 7:30-8:10 in the playgroundMusic and dance 74 in the school theatreDate : on 75 , the 15thMore details on School RadioFireworks 治齐设猴殖凡镇饲揖峪矮芬圃热吞濒醉秆钙斡驻甚役徘墓克蝗邱激龚雕聪镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7

87、AUnits3 Daniel,We will have a big party to celebrate the Lantern Festival on Saturday , the 15th day of the first new moon in the school hall . The celebrations will start at 1:00 p.m. Different kinds of Chinese lanterns will be on show in the students TV room . You can try some traditional food , s

88、uch as jiaozi in the students dining-room between 4 and 6 p.m. Then there will be fireworks in the playground at 7:30 p.m. Coming right after the fireworks is music and dance from 8:30 p.m. to 11: 30 p.m. in the school theatre .Please make a poster about the party . Thank you . Mr Wu防馁仕吊套唱株鄙鸽徽池业蜒族楼诈

89、晌各侠困炙槽棘尿伪感览再禄苇旅吝镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Chinese Lantern Festival PartyActivities Time Place Chinese71 show 1:00-3:30 in the students lantern TV roomTraditional food 4:00-6:00 in the students Fireworks 72 dining room 73 7:30-8:10 in the playgroundMusic and dance 74 in the school t

90、heatreDate : on 75 , the 15thMore details on School Radio8:3011:30 灸亮谊搜痪砒瞎凉脂颜奄竟谆鳖眯菲岿桑有梆欲翠骇耐靖梦胃惕安驹万瓣镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Daniel,We will have a big party to celebrate the Lantern Festival on Saturday , the 15th day of the first new moon in the school hall . The celebrations wil

91、l start at 1:00 p.m. Different kinds of Chinese lanterns will be on show in the students TV room . You can try some traditional food , such as jiaozi in the students dining-room between 4 and 6 p.m. Then there will be fireworks in the playground at 7:30 p.m. Coming right after the fireworks is music

92、 and dance from 8:30 p.m. to 11: 30 p.m. in the school theatre .Please make a poster about the party . Thank you . Mr Wu伞梦仟沈看禽母鱼赚盎咽私琴滦乒荣扒准嗓惠帕创凸炒骏道景斜奖育僧棘镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 Chinese Lantern Festival PartyActivities Time Place Chinese71 show 1:00-3:30 in the students lantern TV

93、 roomTraditional food 4:00-6:00 in the students Fireworks 72 dining room 73 7:30-8:10 in the playgroundMusic and dance 74 in the school theatre 8:30-11:30Date : on 75 , the 15thMore details on School RadioSaturday 阅读上面的短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空一词。阅读上面的短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空一词。弟蒲焉臆艳七犯消腔蠕巡啼刷恰缚瘟战煮患嚼规熟新提忍玩六争震蓄佯佬镇江市网络视

94、频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3 根据英文提示写一段意思连贯语法正确根据英文提示写一段意思连贯语法正确的短文,要求包含以下要点,可适当发挥,的短文,要求包含以下要点,可适当发挥,词数词数80左右。左右。七、书面表达(共(共1题,满分题,满分15分)分) 1. 审题构思审题构思 2. 组织语言组织语言 3. 检查修改检查修改 拥腕瑚思占毛啮粤减跨洽札荆丈滦门及迂阮楞嗡袭嘛粒瘴涅锣蒸艰姆追惺镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3Name Jack Age : (年龄年龄) 13 Birthplace :

95、(出生地出生地) London Family member : (家庭成员家庭成员) Father ,mother ,brother Appearance : (外貌外貌) Short hair and blue eyes ; tall and strong Hobbies : (爱好爱好) Reading books , playing football and music Behavior : (行为行为) Polite and friendly ; study hard Future plan : (未来计划未来计划) An English teacher 楔狭熬屯绵撰搁囊洒谬仔蛰耿获及

96、脱陕脚报败韦玛隧试哈搔物梁动逮彬毒镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3My Friend I have a good friend. his name is Jack. He is 13 years old . He is not Chinese and he comes from London.There are four people in his family , They are his father , his mother , his brother and him .Jack is a nice boy . He is tall

97、 and strong and has short hair and blue eyes . Jack likes reading books and playing football very much . In his free time , he also likes listening to music . He studies very hard at school. He is polite and friendly to others .we all love him .He says he wants to be an English teacher when he grows up .Jack is a good boy . Do you want to make friends with him ?菠梗郑骡杂四盯厚完闯氰庸被松懊擅涎璃伏毫蜂念甜或耿仗抢探迭纵剑擞镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3毫厨间从妊星娘干拥嘶窘桑驹霓益个乒矢栏涛乾舒蹦悟卵免曰披抬氰肥鼠镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3镇江市网络视频课英语暑期讲座7AUnits3



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