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1、2011年6月备考内容写作的评分标准写作步骤写作方法实例练习作文练习一、写作的评分标准四级考试中,作文最难拿分的原因四级考试中,作文最难拿分的原因:一、作文是一项综合考察的项目,既考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握情况,也考察句型、篇章的能力; 二、有的考生过分自信,认为只要写足字数,大体写一写,就能得个八、九分;三、有的考生过于缺乏自信,觉得这个部分太综合了,平时也懒得写,考试时能写到哪儿就写到哪儿,结果造成了“活马当作死马医”,自然是“医死”了。 评分标准评分标准1. 短文写作部分满分为15分。2. 阅卷标准共分五等:14分、11分、8分、5分、及2分。各有参照卷一至二份。3. 阅卷人员根据阅卷标

2、准,对照参照卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分);若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,则可加一分(即9分)或减一分(即7分),但不得加或减半分。四级考试作文四级考试作文 作文题型作文题型纵览历年的作文试题,我们可以发现论说文占绝大多数,但近年应用文有上升的势头(01.6、02.1是书信体,91.6、02.6是图表作文)。就话题而言,主要有三大类:社会热门话题、校园话题和日常生活话题。以下是历年作文题的汇总与统计,建议大家研究一下它的出题规律并写写看。2000年1月CET作文题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty

3、minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education. You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决 2. 哪种途径适合于我(说明理由) How I Finance My College Education2000年6月CET作文题目 Directions:

4、 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The first sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 100 words, and base your competition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是

5、. 2. 也有人持不同意见,. 3. 我的看法和打算 2001年1月CET作文题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 面试在求职过程中的作用 2. 取得面试成功的因素

6、:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是. How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 2001年6月CET作文题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should w

7、rite a t least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese. 1. 表示欢迎 2. 提出对度假安排的建议 3. 提醒应注意的事项 2002年1月CET作文题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You s

8、hould write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼有而有之。 2002年6月CET作文题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Student Use of Compute

9、rs. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below: 1.上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机的时间: 1990年(2 hours)、1995年(4 hours)、2002年(14 hours),请描述其变化; 2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明); 3. 你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。 Student Use of Computers2003年1月CET作文题目 Di

10、rections: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 100 words according to the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象 2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实 It Pays to Be Honest 2003年6月CET作文题目 假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。 见证

11、书须包括以下几点: 1、车祸发生的时间及地点 2、你所见到的车祸情况 3、你对车祸原因的分析 An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident 2004年1月CET作文题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friends inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university. You should write at least 120 wor

12、ds according to the following guidelines: 建议报考的专业及理由报考该专业的基本条件应当如何备考2004年月CET作文题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: Your role: a

13、tour guide Your audience: a group of foreign touristsYour introduction should include: some welcoming words the schedule for the day a description of the place the tourists will be visiting(e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.)You should make the introduction interesting and the arrangement

14、s for the day clear to everybody.2005年1月CET作文题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Campaign Speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: 1

15、. 你认为自己具备是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作? 2. 如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么?2005年6月CET作文题四级作文题:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay in honor of teachers on the occasion of Teachers Day. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1,向老师表达节日祝贺2,从一件小事来回忆老师的教诲和无私的奉献3,我如

16、何回报老师的关爱2006年1月英语四级作文(new)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below : 1名校校园正成为旅游新热点2校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同3我认为2006年6月英语四级作文(new)Directions: F

17、or this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lecturers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline when bellow:1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师2. 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题2007年6月英语四级作文Directions: For this part, you are al

18、lowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join to a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、本社团的主要活动内容 2、参加本社团的好处 3、如何加入本社团2007年12月英语四级作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled What Electives

19、to Choose? You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below :1、各大学为学生开设了各种各样的选修课2、学生出于各种原因选择不同的选修课3、以我自己为例2008年6月英语四级作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Recreational activities. You should write at least 120 words and y

20、ou should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 娱乐活动多种多样2. 娱乐活动可以使人们受益,也可能有危害性3. 作为大学生我们的看法2008年年12月四级作文:月四级作文: 本次四级考试考查的是一次性塑料袋的使用问题。环保问题,是当年的热门话题之一。 此次作文属于问题解决性的作文,相对比较简单, 提出问题-分析问题-解决问题 答题思路:答题思路: 1 一次性塑料袋给人们生活带来便利。 广为使用。 2 由此带来的问题, 举例子。 3 限制使用塑料袋的意义,理论与实际相结合。 2009年年6月四

21、级作文:月四级作文:1、越来越多的博物馆对公众免费开放、越来越多的博物馆对公众免费开放2、有人认为是会造成不利影响、有人认为是会造成不利影响3、我的看法是、我的看法是2009年12月四级作文:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Creating a Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline below in Chinese.1. 绿色校园的重要性,2. 什么样的校园是绿

22、色的?3. 我们应该怎么做。2010年6月Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写,2. 出现这种现象的原因是3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为.2010年12月作文题目:How Should Parents Help Students to Be Independent1、目前不少父母为孩子包办一切2、为了让孩子独立,父母应该 四级考试作文写作常识四级考试作文写作常识一、一、 基本的写作步骤基本的写作步骤: 在四级考试(包括其它水平考试)的写作中,通常进行以下五个步骤:审题、选材、腹稿(包括提纲和正文)、书写、修改

23、。写作的评分依据是:切题、条理、语言和字数。写作的评分依据是:切题、条理、语言和字数。所谓切题就是看你写的作文是否跑题。所谓条所谓切题就是看你写的作文是否跑题。所谓条理是指每一段的议论的正反清楚,说明的几个理是指每一段的议论的正反清楚,说明的几个方面清楚,描述的时间正确。方面清楚,描述的时间正确。一、审题一、审题 我们拿到作文后第一件事要做的就是审题。我们拿到作文后第一件事要做的就是审题。审题的作用在于使你的写作不跑题(如果跑题,审题的作用在于使你的写作不跑题(如果跑题,条理和语言再好,也得不到及格分,甚至条理和语言再好,也得不到及格分,甚至0分。分。)那么审题要审什么呢?)那么审题要审什么呢

24、?1.体裁体裁 (议论文、说明文、描述文)(议论文、说明文、描述文)审题就是要审作文的体裁和题材。因为什么样的体审题就是要审作文的体裁和题材。因为什么样的体裁就会用什么样的题材去写。那么体裁包括哪些呢?就裁就会用什么样的题材去写。那么体裁包括哪些呢?就四、六级考试而言,它包括议论文、说明文和描述文。四、六级考试而言,它包括议论文、说明文和描述文。从近些年来看,四、六级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几从近些年来看,四、六级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的杂合体。例如有一次四级写题是这样出的:种体裁的杂合体。例如有一次四级写题是这样出的:Directions: For this part, your

25、are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Trying to Be A Good University Student. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:(1) 做合格大学生的必要性做合格大学生的必要性(2) 做合格大学生的必备条件(可以德智体等方面谈)做合格大学生的必备条件(可以德智体等方面谈)(3) 我打算这样做我打算这样做

26、很多人说这种类型的作文是议论文。我很多人说这种类型的作文是议论文。我们认为说它是议论文是片面的。因为第们认为说它是议论文是片面的。因为第一段要求写一段要求写 “.必要性必要性”,这说明本,这说明本段体裁是议论文;第二段要求写段体裁是议论文;第二段要求写“.必必备条件备条件”,这说明本段要求写说明文;,这说明本段要求写说明文;而第三段要求写而第三段要求写“.这样做这样做”,说明,说明本段要求写的是描述文。所以我们说在本段要求写的是描述文。所以我们说在大多数情况下,四、六级作文是三种体大多数情况下,四、六级作文是三种体裁的杂合体。裁的杂合体。2根据不同体裁确定写作方法根据不同体裁确定写作方法我们审


28、反两面来论述。 例如上面题目的第一段的写作思路是:做合格大例如上面题目的第一段的写作思路是:做合格大学生,会怎么样(这是从正面论述);不能做倒学生,会怎么样(这是从正面论述);不能做倒合格大学生,会怎么样(从反面论述);所以我合格大学生,会怎么样(从反面论述);所以我们要做合格的大学生(结论)。第二段为说明文:们要做合格的大学生(结论)。第二段为说明文:它的写作特点是从几方面或几条来说明一个问题,它的写作特点是从几方面或几条来说明一个问题,就跟某一机器的说明书一样通过就跟某一机器的说明书一样通过1、2、3说明它说明它的用途。就以上面的作文而言,我们从三个方面的用途。就以上面的作文而言,我们从三

29、个方面(德智体)来说明做合格大学生的必要性。第三(德智体)来说明做合格大学生的必要性。第三段为描述文:以段为描述文:以“人人”为中心描述一个为中心描述一个“做做”的的过程。跟上两段相比,本段的主语多为人称代词。过程。跟上两段相比,本段的主语多为人称代词。它要与第二段相呼应进行描述。它要与第二段相呼应进行描述。二、主题句二、主题句通过审题,我们知道了写作的思路。下边我们就谈怎么样写。第一步就是要写主题句。主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才有可能得及格分。写主题句最保险的方法就是把各要求句译成英语。例如上述作文的三段主题句分别为: It is very necessary to be a go

30、od university student.(议论体主题句) There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student.(说明体的主题句) What I will do in the future is the following.(描述题的主题句)如果要求句是英语就可以把它扩充成主题句,例如这样的一篇做文:Good Health(1) Importance of good health(2) Ways to keep fit(3) My own practice 这样的作文的要求句就可以扩展成主题句。扩

31、展后三段的主题句分别为: It is very important to have good health. (将名importance变成形容词important) There are four ways to keep fit for me.(用there be句型) My own practices are the following.(采用原词)三、条理保证不跑题是写作当中第一重要任务,第二个重要任务就是条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚。对于说明文来说,1、2、3条要清楚,对于描述文要来,谁干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good Health来说,第一段保持正反面要清楚就应这样写:主题句

32、(It is very important to have good health.,正面(With good health, we can.),反面(Without good health, we can do nothing. We cant do.)第二段应当这样写:主题句(There are four ways to keep fit.) 从几方面说明: Firstly, we should have our breakfast in the morning. Second, we should have a nap at noon. Third, sports exercises a

33、re necessary in the afternoon. And fourth, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to the music.)为了使文章更具关于条理性,我们可以用first(ly),second(ly),third(ly)等副词,他们可以使文章的条理性十分突出。作文是主观性题,要想得高分我们必须把评卷老师考虑进去。评卷老师的时间很短(每份卷子的作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),所以我们在列条条时最好不用:To begin with, . After that,. And then,. The

34、 next,. The following,. At last .。因为用这样的词语不利于阅卷老师看出你作文的条理性。第三段应当这样写:主题句(My own practices are the following.)具体情况(主语为第一人称代词I,与第二段呼应) In the morning, I have my breakfast . At noon, I have a nap. And in the afternoon, I always play football. In the evening, I usually listen to the classic music.综上所述,如果


36、0-150字。同时,我们也提醒大家,不能写得太字。同时,我们也提醒大家,不能写得太多,写得多容易跑题。在写作时,我们要横向多,写得多容易跑题。在写作时,我们要横向写作,即写某一问题的横段面。例如,上面讲写作,即写某一问题的横段面。例如,上面讲到健康的重要性时,我们只写四句就可以了。到健康的重要性时,我们只写四句就可以了。12句作文法句作文法第一句主题句,第二句从正面论述,第三句从反面论述,第四句为结论句。但有的同学在写的时候说“健康非常重要,”然后就写“吃波莱非常重要”,因为波菜含有丰富的铁,铁对人是非常重要的,因为.。这样的作文的基本模式是A-B B-C C-D D-E以此类推。这就叫流水账

37、,没有中心。我们写作时要根据横段面去写,而不要写成流水账。避免写成流水账的方法是不要就前一句中的一个非重点词再进行描述。而要对主题句从横段面去写,写完一个横段面就不要再对这一横段面进行阐述了,应当去写别一个横段面。 如果我们感觉字数不够,就在每一句或某些句子如果我们感觉字数不够,就在每一句或某些句子上添加些词词就行了。例如我们感觉上边第二段上添加些词词就行了。例如我们感觉上边第二段不够长,就可以这样来加词:不够长,就可以这样来加词:主题句There are four ways to keep fit.- There are four or more ways to keep fit for e

38、veryone of us. 从几方面说明: Firstly, we should have our breakfast in the morning.- Firstly, we should have our breakfast, such as milk, eggs, bread and so on, in the morning. Second, we should have a nap at noon.- Secondly, we should have a short nap, even 30 minutes, at noon. Third, sports exercises are

39、 necessary in the afternoon. - Thirdly, sports exercises are necessary for everyone and we can do some sports exercises in the afternoon. And fourth, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to music. - And fourthly, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to

40、 both popular and classic music. 作业练习(一):作业练习(一):社会问社会问题类作文题类作文题目:题目:Jobs for Graduates 提纲:提纲:1.大学生难找工作大学生难找工作2.原因很多原因很多3.解决的办法解决的办法构思时间:构思时间:5-7分钟分钟写作时间:写作时间:20-22分钟分钟检查时间:检查时间:2-3分钟分钟社会问题类作文做题思路总结社会问题类作文做题思路总结第1段不要写太多,千万不可扯到后面一段去,少说几句,描述现象,或把现象作为问题提出。如果是后者,写两句话足够。第2段写理由(几个)要有主题句,有种种理由,然后第1、第2、第3;理

41、由可以发挥也可不发挥。篇幅要控制住,不要写得太多,该段写100多字不合适。第3段写解决的方法,上面提到什么,下面展开什么(比如:我如何资助我上大学)。Jobs for Graduates1.Job hunting has always been a headache for college graduates. 2.Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not. 3.Most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go working e

42、ven a long time after graduation.4.On the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities enrolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on that the number of graduates was greater than the need in the market. 5.On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in

43、 large cities without suitable jobs to do than go to the country. 6.I think the problem can be solved if both colleges and students take measures. 7.The reasons for this phenomenon are various. 8. First, they should research the market and develop special skills to suit its needs. 9. Second, student

44、s attitude towards employment should be changed. 10. They should go to some small cities and the countryside. 11. There they can also give full play to their professional knowledge. 12. In a word, if we pay much attention, the problem can be solved.不同类型作文的写作方法不同类型作文的写作方法 共同原则共同原则: 1. 中心第一中心第一;2. 注意分

45、段注意分段; 3. 注意比例注意比例. 大学英语四级作文练习大学英语四级作文练习1Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My opinion on Campus Love. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese:1. Some people are strongly against campus love.2. Some

46、 people accept it.3. My view.My opinion on Campus LovePara 11.Campus love isnt a newly-born phenomenon. 2.Some people are strongly against it while some others think its natural. 3.I dont advocate it. Para 24.The reasons are as follows:5.First of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically

47、 mature nor able to assume the responsibility, especially freshmen and sophomores. 6.Second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isnt rare. 7.Third, some just take advantage of it to kill time, avoid boredom with much time at their own disposals, have someone keep company, etc

48、.8.Whats more, some change dating partners frequently, holding a paradox opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulate experience, but more often than not, they would leave a bad impression, such as lacking the sense of responsibility, on others, especially their former sweethearts. 9.L

49、ast, the proportion of successful couples is too low. 10.The overwhelming majority reach the same end-parting just before graduation, forced by reality, etc.Para 311.So, look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation. 大学英语四级作文预测大学英语四级作文预测1Directions: For this pa

50、rt, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: What does friendship mean? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.友谊是人生永恒的主题。2.友谊到底意味着什么。3.友谊的重要性。大学英语四级作文预测大学英语四级作文预测2For this part, you are allowed 30 min

51、utes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做大学英语四级作文预测大学英语四级作文预测3For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition o

52、n the topic: Students Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍2. 人们对其持不同态度3. 我的看法大学英语四级作文预测大学英语四级作文预测4For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Living alone or Living with Roommates?

53、You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 有人认为大学生应独自生活 2. 另一些人认为大学生应与别人同住 3. 你的看法大学英语四级作文预测大学英语四级作文预测5Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Blog. You should write at least 120 words based on the chart and outl

54、ine given below:下图是2007年1-10月中国博客服务人均月度有效浏览时间及增长率,描述变化,说明原因。BlogThis histogram shows the number of people using blog services from January to October in 2007. From it we can see that the number of users increased monthly from January to August, except February. After two peak months, July and August

55、, the number dropped slightly in September, while in October it picked up again. Possible reasons for these changes are first, in February Chinese people celebrated the most important festivalChinese New Year. This means more people spent more time with their families and friends, and therefore they

56、 didnt have as much time for surfing online. Secondly, college students are the main users of blog services. While in July and August,they had summer holidays, which enabled them to have more spare time reading and writing blogs. Thirdly, with improvements of blog services and the influence of some

57、“star bloggers”, most of whom are celebrities, blogs are becoming an important way for people to express themselves and communicate with others. So more and more people are starting to use these services, which help explain the overall increase shown here.点评:这是一篇图表题。 可以看出,整体呈增长趋势。但是,二月和九月有所下降。所以,分析的时候要照顾各个方面。



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