八年级英语上册 期末考前专题复习 专题六 书面表达课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、期末考前专题复习期末考前专题复习八年级英语上册(浙江地区)专题六 书面表达(一一)假假设设你你是是张张晨晨,寒寒假假即即将将开开始始,请请给给你你的的美美国国笔笔友友Larry写写一一封封email,谈谈你的寒假计划。谈谈你的寒假计划。要要求求:1.可可以以从从休休息息、运运动动、学学习习、陪陪伴伴家家人人、参参加加公公益益活活动动等等方方面面写写并适当阐述自己的理由和观点;并适当阐述自己的理由和观点;2文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;370词左右词左右,开头和结尾已给出开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。One possible version:Dear

2、 Larry,This term is coming to the end and the Winter Holiday is coming.Im planning to have a wonderful holiday.First of all,Im going to have a good rest because Im really very busy and tired these days.Then I will do some sports to keep healthy.I will also spend time with my family.We will have a go

3、od time together.Finally,Im going to do something meaningful,like helping in the old peoples home,cleaning up the parks and helping with the housework.What are your plans?Im looking forward to hearing from you.Please write to me soon.Yours,Zhang Chen(二二)假假如如你你是是Tony,今今年年寒寒假假要要去去美美国国参参加加“绿绿色色之之旅旅”冬冬令

4、令营营(winter camp)活活动动。请请你你根根据据以以下下提提示示“今今后后打打算算”部部分分还还需需自自己己添添加加一一条条,写写一篇在开营仪式上的自我介绍。一篇在开营仪式上的自我介绍。基本信息基本信息1.英文名字叫英文名字叫Tony,来自中来自中国杭州。国杭州。2.爱好画画爱好画画,每周三次上绘画班。每周三次上绘画班。3.有一个好朋友叫有一个好朋友叫Tom,Tom比你高比你高,比你更外向。比你更外向。今后打算今后打算1.想要成为一名老师。想要成为一名老师。2.更努力学习更努力学习,取得更好成绩。取得更好成绩。3.要求:要求:70词左右词左右,开头和结尾已给出开头和结尾已给出,不计入

5、总词数。不计入总词数。One possible version:Im very glad to introduce myself to all of you.Im from China.My English name is Tony.I live in the city of Hangzhou,a very beautiful place.I love painting so much that I go to art lessons three times a week.I have a friend called Tom.Hes taller and more outgoing than

6、me.Im going to be an art teacher when I grow up.For this reason,Im going to work harder and get better grades.Of course I want to improve my English to make lots of friends here.I feel lucky to join you.I hope we can be good friends.Thats all.Thank you for listening.(三三)某某校校刊刊英英文文专专栏栏征征集集有有关关青青少少年年健

7、健康康话话题题的的文文章章,请请根根据据以以下下图图示示,以以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇征文。为题写一篇征文。要求:要求:1.必须包括图示中必须包括图示中13项内容;项内容;2将第将第4点自行补充完整;点自行补充完整;3词数词数70左右左右,开头已给出开头已给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。参考词汇:参考词汇:enough sleep;be good for;need to do;such asOne possible version:How to Keep HealthyEveryone wants to be healthy.Firstly,I think a g

8、ood eating habit is very important.We should eat lots of vegetables and fruit.We shouldnt eat too much junk food.Drinking milk is also good for health.Secondly,we should have enough sleep.Usually we need at least eight hourssleep every night.Thirdly,we need to exercise,such as walking,running and pl

9、aying ball games.Exercise is good for the mind and the body.Of course there are many other ways to keep healthy.But I think having good habits is the most important.(四四)假设你是假设你是Jack,请根据下列表格提示写一篇日记。请根据下列表格提示写一篇日记。要求:要求:1.包含表格中所有的提示信息;包含表格中所有的提示信息;2具体活动必须写两条以上。具体活动必须写两条以上。Where to goPeoples ParkWhen t

10、o go8:00 am.Who to go withfriendsWhat to doride bikes,.How to feel.注意:注意:1.文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;2词数:词数:70词左右词左右,开头已给出开头已给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。One possible version:Friday,March 3rdIt was a fine day.I went to the Peoples Park.It was a beautiful park and many people were there.I went there at 8:00

11、in the morning with my friends.After arriving,we began to ride bikes around the lake in the park.It was enjoyable.Then we ate some hamburgers and milk for lunch.In the afternoon,we flew kites on the grass.It was very interesting.At five,we went home by bus.I had a good time today.I felt tired but ha

12、ppy.(五五)中中国国女女孩孩莉莉莉莉新新结结识识了了一一位位英英国国笔笔友友西西蒙蒙,西西蒙蒙对对中中国国学学生生的的校校园园生生活活很很感感兴兴趣趣。假假如如你你是是莉莉莉莉,请请根根据据下下列列提提示示给给西西蒙蒙写写一一封封不不少少于于70词词的的信信,介介绍绍一一下下你你的的校校园园生生活活。要要求求包包含含所所给给要要点点,可可适适当当发发挥挥。短短文文首句仅供选择使用首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。短短文文首首句句:How are you these days?Im glad that you are interested in my school life in

13、 China.One possible version:Dear Simon,How are you these days?Im glad that you are interested in my school life in China.Now let me tell you.On school days,we arrive at school at about 7:20.The first class usually begins at 8:00 and we have four classes in the morning.We have lunch at school.After l

14、unch,we have a rest for about anhour.Then we have afternoon classes.We go home at around 5:00.At school,we have many subjects,such as Chinese,math,English,science and so on.Of all the subjects,I like English best,because English is very useful.My teachers are helpful and my classmates are all very f

15、riendly.We play together and usually have great fun.After classes,we sometimes play basketball or go to different clubs.You see,we are busy on school days,but we enjoy our school life.Yours,Lily(六六)假假如如你你是是Sarah,你你收收到到了了外外国国好好友友Minnie的的一一封封电电子子邮邮件件,她她想想要要在在家家举举办办一一场场聚聚会会,但但不不知知道道如如何何准准备备。现现请请你你根根据据下

16、下面面的的提提示示和和要要求求用用英语回一封邮件英语回一封邮件,告诉她聚会前应该做好哪些准备。告诉她聚会前应该做好哪些准备。提示:提示:1.制作并发放邀请函;制作并发放邀请函;2准备气球准备气球(balloon),鲜花及布置场地;鲜花及布置场地;3备好食物和饮料;备好食物和饮料;4要求:要求:1.语句通顺语句通顺,时态正确时态正确,符合逻辑;符合逻辑;2词数词数70个左右个左右(开头已给出开头已给出,不计入总词数不计入总词数)。One_possible_version:Dear Minnie,I am very happy to hear from you.Id like to tell yo

17、u how to prepare for your party.First,you should make some invitations and send them to your friends.Let them know when and where they can come to the party.Second,you can buy some balloons and flowers to make your home beautiful.Your friends may feel happy to see the beautiful flowers.Third,cook so

18、me nice food and buy some drinks for your friends.Finally,open the door and wait for your friends to come.Wish you a good time!Yours,Sarah(七七)许许多多学学习习、生生活活中中的的烦烦恼恼都都会会使使人人产产生生压压力力,为为了了更更好好地地发发现现及及解解决决同同学学们们中中存存在在的的心心理理压压力力问问题题,你你班班开开展展了了一一次次以以“What do you worry about”的调查的调查,请你根据调查结果请你根据调查结果,写一篇文章向英语

19、报纸写一篇文章向英语报纸Teens投稿投稿。调查结果调查结果70%的学生担心学业的学生担心学业20%的学生担心健康的学生担心健康10%的学生担心与同学的关系的学生担心与同学的关系你的想法和建议你的想法和建议要求:要求:1.文章必须包括表格所提供的信息文章必须包括表格所提供的信息,想法和建议至少写两句话;想法和建议至少写两句话;2语句通顺语句通顺,句意连贯;句意连贯;3词数词数70左右左右(开头和结尾已给出开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数不计入总词数)。One possible version:Recently,we asked our students about their worries.A

20、nd here is the result.70% students feel worried about study.35% students are worried about their health.And 10% students worry about their relationship with classmates.I think teachers and parents care too much about grades,so I hope they will not be so strict with students and can let students have more free time to relax.Students should take more exercise and have good habits to keep healthy.As for classmates relationship, students should have more communication with each other.They also can ask their parents and teachers for help.I hope every student can enjoy their school life.



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