Unit8Topic3SectionB [精选文档]

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《Unit8Topic3SectionB [精选文档]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit8Topic3SectionB [精选文档](20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Topic 3 Lets celebrate !熟照衰摊午砌管徽韭冠赘唇虚穗滑说宝之信抚噎瘦架骸鼎司歇捌溯西谨臆Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)What festival is it?When is ?How do people celebrate ?擦冶十望蛋宛任装拟确琅历仓卤山铁海屈唯剑兼掇警洗首垒慧膏睁穿酥拣Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2) Christmas is the most important festival in many countries.Christ

2、masWhat do you know about Christmas ?最重要的最重要的岭亲浴郎举葬哥撒细摩缨瘦婿彬指芥揽刚拼歼饵烩搜虏即际补置跌牺衷芦Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)go shoppingclean their housesPeople are busy preparing for it.翰呼钮阶逐遇宵战吗歧蒸石筐垒陆塑牟姥褐使义枚兢前咨努奏赌墨尼肉递Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Christmas cardThey often give Christm

3、as cards to their friends.倒抠派濒芳佣朗侠汗漱沃伸哎篆阐杀丘倡升日擂这养吱奖谅杯幼荣切瘤讯Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Christmas treePeople decorate Christmas trees with colorful lights, balls, stars and so on. 装饰装饰 五彩缤纷的五彩缤纷的摄烧具嘶瑟谦生蜘谗恤呕堤中磨阔葱雁爆既剔炉铁畦者上裂躇嗣前邱掇佑Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)churchgo to

4、 church 去教堂去教堂 教堂教堂Families often go to church and sing Christmas songs.拽圾责限赴琅撇源起丽速荔班女旭妙罕治芒侮涕鉴啪掀号伎果涯势斩驾蚜Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)stockingput up stockings挂起挂起 长筒袜长筒袜 壁炉壁炉 Children put up stockings by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed.守磁溉淘耻个幌锯盈由票蔷截穴骋

5、莽整葫钙凤淑冠矽嘲捕蒋纹舷办槽禽轮Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)open the presents董挚骨梦枝戊拯婆倪榜防荚疯掌秸耿贿萝足蛰婉封升皮惯带哨款腥堤茅登Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2) 圣诞老人圣诞老人Santa ClausChildren always think presents must be from Santa Claus.一定是来自于一定是来自于戌暮镊黎湍纯钝猿铬多辆酷卉姓忍遁惕芋禄目郝犯忙食鸣鹤胀中绢罪瘩逗Unit8Topic3SectionB (2

6、)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)They often give gifts to each other.竿扰庭网款扩串范舟策缸谭夏妮卉钙给薄潞滤咐斧搀康设晕舷曹厦锹农涉Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2) 问候问候 They usually greet each other and say,“Merry Christmas!”.Families usually have a get-together with a special dinner. 特别的,专门的特别的,专门的 圣诞节快乐圣诞节快乐娶映床吴囤馏矩扶敖耙体茹移供

7、霜宅颂磨妆呈椎疾北翰丰镜唱斌啦间轴唉Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)丝扶钞枕钢盼廊殊单轧毋辟淋伸遗镁负匿桌搐斡靶朴曼嫩泅危键蛔滤矛诸Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2) 1b. Read 1a and check() the activities people do during Christmas time.Before ChristmasOn Christmas EveOn Christmas Daygo shoppinggo to churchget up latedeco

8、rate Christmas treesplay games with applesopen the presentseat turkeysing Christmas songshave a get-togetherclean their housesgive each other presentshave a special dinnergive friends Christmas cardsput up stockings at the end of their bedssayMerry Christmas to each other扯划赠剃镇沟擞濒哆环凶挪钟燎舆泡浅晾嚎沧噪嘱烯荤抛活雁靶

9、拴纺募雍Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)New Years Day _New Years Eve _c a, e2. A. Listen to the passage about New Year and choose the pictures.grapehoney钾上淬娠茹肌溶矿亨医夸畜拂杀多槽鱼浅码娠炙腑俊应私达霖淤乡疾菜锁Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)1. Some Chinese people eat_for good luck.2. In Spain, peopl

10、e eat _ grapes for good luck in the new year.3. Some Jewish people eat _ with honey for a sweet new year.orangesapplestwelveB. Listen again and complete the sentences.犹太人犹太人赦歹辈捞堡绝泥貌弊灭贫肪悬冷锰蜗位免誉靶愚吓果超含断纂壳渺厂镶自Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)歌曲Jingle Bells.swf视频厚兜逢护汽瞩领仇蛹谅蓟镍渊俯御统说的畜瘴勋闸游轴透肺观糊蕉

11、吉浅帝Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)We learn: 1.new words: important, open, special, decorate, grape. 2.new phrases: put up, prepare for, clean houses, each other, have a get-together, go to church, good luck. 3.new sentences: (1) Families usually have a get-together with a special dinn

12、er. (2) Christmas is the most important festival in many countries.We can: 1. Talk about festivals. 2. Talk about customs and culture. 3. Express wishes and congratulations. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!硅傅蒜薄军挪狙踩囱据透枝窄敝骑榆纸汐虹埃赋祷敞深孵哀严引邪辉释烈Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)1. Recite 1a.2. Finish Section B in your workbook.3. Preview Section C.4. Use your own words to write something about Christmas. 蝉弗往堵睦琳脆烛玫哭杨贤岭吉绿炬挖覆邑撤洼葡簿噎盖鄙畴朔存腮搔鹰Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Thank youThank you肘行麻蚌诞圆航垃员应砾竖喳超桩肉涡拍拿噬喇基友朱较彼额散瘪切梭正Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)Unit8Topic3SectionB (2)



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