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1、现代物流专业英语chapter2Key points: to understand relations between marketing and logisticsDifficult points: to satisfy customersRequirements:By the end of this lesson, you should be able to understand that 4Ps is the important part in marketing management. understand that logistics plays the important role

2、 in building and maintaining competitive edges. describe the importance of managing the marketing and logistics interface on an integrated basis. 2.1 The Marketing and Logistics Interface The mission of logistics management was defined simply in terms of providing the means whereby customers service

3、 requirements are met. In other words the ultimate purpose of any logistics system is to satisfy customers. The Marketing and Logistics Interface 1.Nevertheless it has taken a major recession to focus many organizations attention upon the customer more sharply than was often the case in the past. Se

4、ntence Explanations尽管如此,严重的衰退已经迫使尽管如此,严重的衰退已经迫使很多企业前所未有的把注意很多企业前所未有的把注意力聚焦在顾客上。力聚焦在顾客上。 2. By this is meant that increasingly the power of the brand is diminishing as technologies of competing products converge, thus making product differences difficult to perceive at least to the average buyer. Sen

5、tence Explanations这意味着,随着生产产品技术这意味着,随着生产产品技术趋同性的加剧,趋同性的加剧,“品牌品牌”权力影权力影响正在降低,对于普通购买者响正在降低,对于普通购买者而言,产品差别很难觉察到的。而言,产品差别很难觉察到的。 3. There are so many competing models that in reality are substitutable as far as most would-be purchasers are concerned. Sentence Explanations就买主而言,有那么多相就买主而言,有那么多相似种类、型号的竞争似

6、种类、型号的竞争产品,使购买者不知产品,使购买者不知所措。所措。 4. Faced with a situation such as this the customer may be influenced by price or by image perceptions but overriding these aspects may well be availability- in other words, is the product in stock, can I have it now? Sentence Explanations在这种情况下,顾客也许会受价在这种情况下,顾客也许会受价

7、格、感知形象的影响,但打格、感知形象的影响,但打破僵局的可能是破僵局的可能是“现货现货”,换,换句话说,我现在能把它买回句话说,我现在能把它买回家吗?家吗? 1. What are included in marketing as the management of the 4Ps?2. What is the central concern of logistics management?3. Discuss the factors contributing more than anything else to the growing importance of customer servi

8、ce as a competitive weapon.4. In your opinion, how to understand the importance of managing the marketing and logistics interface on an integrated basis. Questions 2.2 What Is Customer ServiceKey points: customer service; the components of customer service Difficult points: the components of custome

9、r serviceRequirements:By the end of this lesson, you should be able to understand the role of customer service. describe the components of customer service. discuss the important role of logistic in customer services. The role of customer service is to provide time and place utility in the transfer

10、of goods and services between buyer and seller. Put another way, there is no value in the product or service until it is in the hands of the customer or consumer. What Is Customer Service What Is Customer Service Intended Consumer Consumer Decrease Purchase Purchase shops delays in value of expendit

11、ure expenditure elsewhere/ purchase purchased when out- does not alternatives of-stock make purchase occurs100%20%20%54%6%FIGURE 2.2.1 Revenue loss due to an out-of-stock What Is Customer Service Consumer franchiseCustomer franchiseSupply chain efficiencyMarketing effectivenessBrand values Customer

12、service Flexibility Market share Corporate image Partnership Reduced asset base Customer retentionAvailability Quick response Low cost supplier Superior ROI X X =FIGURE 2.2.2 The impact of logistics and customer service on marketing1.A considerable body of evidence exists which supports the view tha

13、t if the product or service is not available at the time the customer requires it and a close substitute is available then the sale will be lost to the competition. Sentence Explanations作为一个重要的事实作为一个重要的事实, 如果在如果在顾客需要的时间内不能提供所顾客需要的时间内不能提供所需的产品或者服务需的产品或者服务,而替代品能而替代品能够作到的话,那么,企业在销够作到的话,那么,企业在销售方面将会丧失竞争

14、力。售方面将会丧失竞争力。 2. Even in markets where brand loyalty is strong a stock-out might be sufficient to trigger off brand switching. . Sentence Explanations即使在品牌忠诚度很高的市场即使在品牌忠诚度很高的市场上,脱销完全可能成为触发品上,脱销完全可能成为触发品牌弱化的转折点。牌弱化的转折点。 3. More often than not today the order-winning criteria are those elements of the

15、 offer that have a clearly identifiable positive impact upon the customers own value-creating process. Sentence Explanations很久以来,赢得订单的标很久以来,赢得订单的标准是企业能够为顾客创造准是企业能够为顾客创造价值的过程提供明确积极价值的过程提供明确积极的影响要素。的影响要素。 4. Traditionally marketing has focused on the end customer - or consumer seeking to promote brand

16、 values and to generate a demand pull on the marketplace for the companys products. Sentence Explanations传统上营销一直聚焦于终端客传统上营销一直聚焦于终端客户户或者想办法提升品牌价或者想办法提升品牌价值并且在消费者市场上对于公值并且在消费者市场上对于公司产品产生司产品产生“拉动需求拉动需求”效应的效应的消费者。消费者。 1. What is the role of customer services?2. How to explain the multivariate nature of

17、customer service?3. How to measure customer service?4. Describe Fig. 2.2.1 revenue loss due to an out-of-stock.5. Describe Fig. 2.2.2 the impact of logistics and customer service on marketing. Questions Key points: customers service needs; customer service objectives Difficult points: OTIF; Pareto L

18、awRequirements:By the end of this lesson, you should be able to devise logistics strategy and system steps. understand the methods identifying customers service needs. understand the methods identifying customers service objectives. 2.3 Service-driven Logistics System Service-driven Logistics System

19、 Identifying customers service needsDefining customer service objectivesDesigning Logistics system1.For example many companies with a strong production-orientation have developed mega-plants which can produce world volumes of product with great economies of scale yet paradoxically this strategy coul

20、d reduce flexibility and lengthen lead times because of greater distance from markets. Sentence Explanations例如,奉行很强生产导向观念的很多例如,奉行很强生产导向观念的很多公司,已经建立了拥有最大规模公司,已经建立了拥有最大规模经济效益的能够生产全世界产量经济效益的能够生产全世界产量的的“大工厂大工厂”, 因为市场的跨因为市场的跨度极大,该战略是一把双刃剑,度极大,该战略是一把双刃剑,在降低战略灵活性的同时却强化在降低战略灵活性的同时却强化了企业在市场中的主导地位。了企业在市场中的主导地

21、位。 2. Hence it would be wrong to launch straight in, as so many companies do, and seek to reengineer an existing logistics system (or design a new one) purely to achieve internal requirements such as cost reduction. Sentence Explanations因此,像许多公司做的那样,仅因此,像许多公司做的那样,仅仅为了实现类似降低成本这仅为了实现类似降低成本这样的企业内部要求而直接

22、对样的企业内部要求而直接对现存物流系统进行再造(或现存物流系统进行再造(或设计一个新系统)将是错误设计一个新系统)将是错误的。的。 3. Whatever our own hard internal measures of service might say our service performance is, perceptions are the reality. Sentence Explanations不管企业采取了怎样不管企业采取了怎样“严格严格”的的服务内部考核以反映服务服务内部考核以反映服务业绩,但感觉是现实的。业绩,但感觉是现实的。 4. Clearly such a def

23、inition is specific to individual customers, but it is usually possible to group customers into segments and then to identify, along the lines described earlier, the key service needs of those segments .Sentence Explanations显然这个想法是针对某个具体顾显然这个想法是针对某个具体顾客的,但是如果我们按照上客的,但是如果我们按照上述的步骤,把顾客分为几个述的步骤,把顾客分为几个

24、细分市场,找出每个细分市细分市场,找出每个细分市场对于关键性服务的需要,场对于关键性服务的需要,上述想法也可能实现。上述想法也可能实现。 5. To calculate the actual service level using the perfect order concept requires performance on each element to be monitored and then the percentage achievement on each element is multiplied together. Sentence Explanations通过使用最佳状态

25、的概念求出服通过使用最佳状态的概念求出服务的真实水平,需要对每个务的真实水平,需要对每个服务要素的绩效进行测评,服务要素的绩效进行测评,然后,把每个要素绩效的百然后,把每个要素绩效的百分比相乘。分比相乘。 1. What is the process of devising logistics strategy and system? 2. How to identify customers service needs?3. How to identify customers service objectives?4. In your opinion, explain Pareto Law. during the time products are warehoused. Questions 谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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