高中英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(第2课时)Grammar课件 外研版必修2

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索Films and TV ProgrammesModule 6第二课时第二课时GrammarModule 6课内合作探究课内合作探究 2基基 础础 巩巩 固固4课后强化作业课后强化作业 5课前自主预习课前自主预习1新课标语法新课标语法 3课前自主预习课前自主预习根据下列句子中的汉语提示,写出作状语的副词或短语。1Martial arts films are _(经常) enjoyable but they are _(很少) great art.2The story takes place _(在19世纪早期)

2、 _(在中国)3His romantic scenes with Yu Xiulian are _(非常) moving.4It has _(偶尔) been done.5Characters leap through the air _(有时)答案:1.often; seldom2.in the early 1800s; in China3.very4.occasionally5.every now and then课内合作探究课内合作探究1.occasionally adv. 有时;偶尔;间或Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.

3、文化交流有助于相互了解。Occasionally Alice would look up from her books.艾丽斯看书时偶尔会抬起头来。She had to take sleeping pills occasionally.她偶尔不得不吃安眠药。拓展occasional adj. 间或发生的;偶尔的即学即用语法填空As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only _ (occasion)答案:occasionally句意:因为他在一个很偏远的地方工作,所以他只是偶尔去看望一下父母。occasionally“偶尔;间或”

4、,符合题意。2argue v. 争论,争吵;论证,争辩Im not going to argue with you tonight.我今晚不想与你争辩。搭配辨析:argue, quarrelPeople generally quarrel because they cannot argue. (Chesterton)人们通常因为不能辩论而争吵。(切斯特顿)知识拓展argument n. C,U争论,争辩,辩论;C论据,论点Wherever they met there was an argument.不管他们在什么地方见面,总是会有争论。We agreed without much furth

5、er argument.我们没怎么进一步争论就达成了一致意见。There are strong arguments for and against capital punishment.对于死刑,赞成与反对者都有强有力的论据。即学即用They argued _ each other _ where to spend the weekend.答案:with;about句意:他们争论去哪里过周末。argue with sb. about/over sth. “就某事与某人争论”,为固定搭配。用argue的相关搭配翻译句子。a他们在为这钱怎么花而争吵。_b乔伊说服我买了一条新裙子。_答案:a.The

6、y were arguing about how to spend the money.bJoy argued me into buying a new dress.3setting n. (小说、戏剧、电影的)背景The setting of the story is a hotel in Paris during the war.故事发生在战时巴黎的一家旅馆里。知识拓展be set in 以为背景The film was set in California in the middle of the 19th century.这部影片以19世纪中叶的加利福尼亚为背景。即学即用完成句子The

7、Chinese film, _(以为背景) the Tang Dynasty, is well received by many foreign viewers.答案:set inDo you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾为看哪个电视节目和家人争吵过吗?which TV programme to watch是“疑问词不定式”结构,在句中作介词about的宾语。Im thinking about which car to buy.我在考虑买哪辆车。知识拓展“疑问句不定式”用法小结:(1)疑问代词w

8、ho, what, which等和疑问副词when, where, how等后面跟不定式可构成不定式短语,这种结构在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语等。Where to go is still a question.到哪儿去还是个问题。(主语)I dont know where to find the boy.我不知道到哪里能找到这个男孩。(宾语)(2)“疑问词不定式”结构常用在tell, show, understand, explain, teach, learn, advise, discuss, find out等词后作宾语。He showed me how to do the

9、work.他教我怎样做这项工作。Youd better find out where to put it.你最好弄清楚要把它放在哪里。(3)“疑问词不定式”结构可以把复合句转换为简单句。I dont know what Ill do next.I dont know what to do next.我不知道接下来该做什么。The doctor told him when he should take the medicine.The doctor told him when to take the medicine.医生告诉了他该何时服用这种药。(4)“疑问词不定式”结构可以构成独立问句。Wh

10、at to do next?下一步怎么办?How to get rid of the trouble?如何摆脱困境?即学即用完成句子_ is not known to us all.下一步干什么我们都不知道。答案:what to do next新课标语法新课标语法表解语法助记种类常用词用法例句时间副词ago, already, before lately, now, recently, yesterday, before,long, since then等表示动作发生的时间,可放在句首或句末The two boys were playing football then.那时那两个男孩在踢球。地

11、点副词abroad, ahead, back, down, away, far,here, nearby, over,upstairs等通常放在句末,也可放在句首, 一般不放在句中。You can find this sentence somewhere in this passage.你可以在这篇文章的某个地方找到这个句子。种类常用词用法例句频率副词always, often, ever, never, sometimes, usually, rarely, seldom, hardly, every now and then等通常放在所修饰的动词之前,若句中有be动词、情态动词、助动词,一

12、般放在这些动词之后。Sometimes he goes to work on foot.他有时走着去上班。I hardly ever heard him sing.我几乎从未听过他唱歌。方式副词angrily, badly, calmly, carefully, clearly, eagerly, happily, nervously等大多数方式副词是以ly结尾的,位置比较灵活,可放在句首、句中或句末。I wrote my name carefully.我认真地写下了我的名字。They were shouting at each other angrily.他们愤怒地互相吼叫。种类常用词用法例

13、句程度副词almost, absolutely, entirely, greatly, fairly, extremely, much, very, too, rather, quite, really, slightly等用来描述动作或状态的程度,一般放在被修饰的形容词或副词之前、动词(及其宾语)之后。This problem is rather difficult for him.这道题对他来说太难了。Its much worse than I thought.比我原来想的还糟糕。连接副词where, when, how, besides, therefore,however, meant

14、ime等用来引导从句或连接两个句子,通常放在句子或从句的最前面。I dont want to go out. It is very cold; besides it is snowing.我不想出去。太冷了,而且也正下着雪。注意:一个句子出现多个副词时,通常按“状态或程度地点方式频率时间”的顺序排列;多个同类副词同时出现,一般短词在前,长词在后。I will go to Nanjing by train tomorrow.明天我要坐火车去南京。He answered the question angrily and impatiently.他很生气、很不耐烦地回答了这个问题。即学即用语法填空I

15、ve been writing this report _(occasion) for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.答案:occasionally考查副词。句意:前两周以来我只是偶尔写写这份报告,但是明天就得上交了。occasionally“偶尔”,符合题意。 _(thankful), I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.答案:Thankfully考查副词用法。句意:谢天谢地,我最终通过了竞赛,所付出的努力

16、都是值得的。thankfully“感激地”,符合句意。Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be _(equal) respected.答案:equally本题考查副词。句意:任何一个人,不管是政府官员还是汽车司机都应该同样受到尊敬。equally“相等地,同等地;均等;也,同样”,符合句意。 “Perhaps we need to send for Dr. Smith to see what we can do about it,”Father suggested _(tentative) to his neigh

17、bor who had come to discuss the problem.答案:tentatively本题考查副词的用法。句意:父亲试探性地向来讨论这个问题的邻居建议,“可能我们需要派人去请史密斯医生来看看我们怎样处理这一问题”。tentatively“试探性地;暂时地”,由句中的perhaps可知,此处是试探性地说,故用tentatively。We used to see each other _(regular), but I havent heard from him since last year.答案:regularly本题考查副词。句意:我们过去经常见面,但是自从去年以来我就

18、没有收到他的来信。regularly“经常地,有规律地”,符合句意。 The hotel is almost finished, but it _ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests.答案:still本题考查副词。句意:这家旅馆基本上竣工了,但是还需要两三周才能迎接客人。still“仍然”,符合句意。基基 础础 巩巩 固固.单词拼写1_ (偶尔) Alice would look up from her books.2Nowadays _ (广告) can be seen in newspapers, on TV, in the str

19、eets and everywhere else.3They_ (争论) for about an hour and didnt reach an agreement.4Mr. Wang prefers to watch CCTV _ (频道) 9 because all programmes are in English.5This is a(an) _ (有趣的) tale. Most of the children like it very much.6Opera is a combination of all the performing artssongs, instrumental

20、 music, dance and _ (戏剧)7The _ (情节) of the movie is really complicated. Its hard for the audience to follow.8Usually I enjoy listening to light music to _ (放松) myself in my spare time.9A(An) _ (邻居) is one who lives in the house next to yours.10Sometimes they have the same opinions but sometimes they

21、 _ (不一致) with each other.答案:1.Occasionally2.advertisements3.argued4.Channel5.entertaining/interesting6.drama7.plot8.relax9.neighbour10.disagree.根据汉语提示完成句子1My classmates _ (很少) go to the cinema.2We go out for a picnic _ (偶尔)3This idea is _ (普遍) accepted among the students.4My son call me _ (每两周)5He h

22、as _ (从未) chatted with anyone on the Internet.6上面那间房子又大又漂亮。The room _ is large and beautiful.7这儿的同学对我都很好。The _ are all very kind to me.8我在回家的路上遇到一位老朋友。I met an old friend of mine _.9这房间大得足可以容下我们所有人。The room is _.10冬去春来。Winter _ and spring _.答案:1.seldom/rarely2.occasionally3.widely/generally4every two weeks5.never6.above7.classmates here8.on my way home9.large enough to seat all of us10.is out; is in



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