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1、(1) Through the competition, not only do the students raise the awareness of cooperation, but also they gain the chance to exercise their body. 通通过这次次比比赛,学学生生不不仅提提高高了了合合作作意意识,还获得得了了锻炼身身体体的的机机会会。【举行行篮球球比比赛】(2) Owing to his great work, not only did he win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, but he was also

2、 elected (as) President of South Africa a year later. 因为他的伟大的工作,他他不不仅赢得得了了 1993 年诺贝尔和平奖,他他还在一年后被选举为南非总统。【描述曼德拉】(3) Not until we experience in person do we realize that the world is not as pure and simple as we think. 我我们直直到到亲身经历过才才意意识到到世界不像我们想象中的那么简单。【对“读万卷书,不如行万里路”的体会】(1) 他他不不仅用用心心学学习,而而且且能能帮帮助助老老师

3、和和同同学学。【推推荐荐同学同学】(1) Not only does he put his heart into study but he is also helpful both to teachers and students. (2) 他他不不仅为自自己己工工作作,而而且且为别人人工工作作。【推推荐荐同同学学】(2) Not only does he work for himself but also he works for others. (3) 就就我我而而言言,我我们学学生生不不仅应该在在教教师节对老老师表表达达尊重,尊重,而且而且在其他日子也要尊重他在其他日子也要尊重他们。【教

4、教师节活活动】(3) As far as Im concerned, not only should we students show our respect for our teachers on Teachers Day, but we also should respect them on other days.(4) 直到直到最后一刻他最后一刻他才才告告诉我真相。我真相。【遭人遭人误解的解的经历】(4) Not until the last moment did he tell me the truth.(5) 直直到到失失去去健健康康你你才才会会意意识到到它它的的重重要要性性。【健健

5、康康的的重要性重要性】(5) Not until you lose it will you realize the importance of health.(6) 此此外外,我我们不不仅应该去去积极极参参加加不不同同的的活活动而而且且应该三思而后行。三思而后行。【处理同学关系理同学关系】(6) Furthermore, not only are we supposed to take an active part in various activities but also we should think twice before taking action.(7) 我我喜喜欢寄寄宿宿学学校

6、校,因因为我我不不仅能能通通过自自己己安安排排学学习和和学学校校生生活活来来变得得独独立立,而而且且与与室室友友和和同同伴伴在在一一起起我我也也会更快会更快变得成熟。得成熟。【选择住宿方式住宿方式】(7) I like boarding school because not only can I learn to be independent by arranging my study and campus life on my own, but I will also become mentally mature more quickly by getting along with my roommates and peers.(8)一一个个农民民与与他他的的邻居居分分享享他他最最好好的的谷谷种种,结果果不不仅他他总是是赢得比得比赛,而且他的,而且他的邻居也受益了居也受益了。【分享分享】(8) A farmer shared his best corn seeds with his neighbors and as a result not only did he always win the competition but also his neighbors benefited.



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