七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Travel课件 牛津广州版

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1、TravelUnit 1 P107:defeat 击败击败 judo 柔道柔道champagne 香槟酒香槟酒 sake 日本清酒日本清酒mineral water 矿泉水矿泉水P108:coast 海岸海岸 English Channel 英吉利海峡英吉利海峡Mediterranean Sea 地中海地中海region 地区地区 agricultural 农业的农业的grapevine 葡萄树葡萄树 scenic 景色优美的景色优美的castle 城堡城堡 destination 目的地目的地Words and expressions:landmark 地标地标 attraction 吸引吸

2、引nickname 外号外号 enable 使能够使能够brandy 白兰地白兰地 designer设计师设计师perfume 香水香水 jewellery珠宝珠宝further 增进增进 exhibition展览展览concert 音乐会音乐会 organize组织组织Free talk1.Do you like traveling?2. Where have you traveled ?3.What did you do there?4.Who did you go there with?5.Did you have a good time there?6.Have you been ab

3、road before?7.What country would you like to go?8.What would you like to do there?Lets get to know some famous placesand some of its landmarks. London Tower Bridge Great Britain Rome ColosseumRome ItalyFuji MountainJapanTokyoTAJ MAHAL INDIAPisa Leaning TowerItalyPyramid Cairo Egypt White HouseWashin

4、gtonthe USAFrance is callingArc of TriumphThe LouvreEiffel TowerLoire ValleyTrue or False?1.France is a small country. ( )2.France has many good mountain areas for skiing. ( )3. There are probably many farmers in France. ( )4. EuroDisney is very far away from Paris.( )5. You can only fly from Paris

5、to London.( )6. France is also well known for its food. ( )7. Dior and Chanel are names of places ( )8. You can enjoy art and culture in Paris. ( )FFFFTTTTCollecting information* Attractions of France:Many beaches; mountain regions for _;Loire Valley: old _ for kings and queens to live in;_: Eiffel

6、Tower and Arc De Triomphe;* Easy to visit Britain by using _;* Famous for : _ such as bread and cheese _ such as Cartier and Dior* Students go to France to _ their studies;* _, _ and _ are organized to help you understand France.skiingcastleslandmarksThe Channel Tunnelfooddesigner namesfurtherFrench

7、 film festivalsexhibitionsconcertsMaking a travel planThe winter holiday is coming and you want to travel to an interesting place. Ask your partner for advice on destinations, cost and transportation, etc. You may begin like this:S1: I want to have a wonderful trip in the winter holiday, but I reall

8、y dont know where to go. Could you give me some advice? S2: Well, how about It hasYou can also enjoyS1: It sounds good butS2: What about then? You can seeDescribing a place* Location and population* Climate and weather* Attractions, scenic areas and landmarks* Other amusements* Food and other produc

9、ts* People and culture Beijing is the capital of China with a whole area of 16808 square km. Its cold and dry in winter while hotin summer. Beijing is a city with a long history. Its the centre of culture. There are a lot of famous attractions and scenic areas such as the Great wall, The Forbidden C

10、ity, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square. Beijing is also famous for its food like Peking Duck, candied fruit and other snacks. You can also enjoy the traditional Peking Opera and visit Beijing Hutong. Beijing is also a modern city. There are many big hotels, restaurants and shopping centres. There arealso many well-known universities such as PekingUniversity and Qinghua University. The 2008 Olympicswill be held in Beijing. Many modern sports centresand stadiums are being built there. People in Beijing are very friendly and helpful. Youare sure to have a wonderful trip! Welcome to Beijing!



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