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1、Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and FadsWarm-up Questions: 1 Can you suggest something fashionable (时尚的时尚的) among young people? On line chatInternet communication tool such as QQ and WeChat On line chat most popular domestic (国内的国内的)film or TV program and those from USA, Japan and South Korea, e.g. Y

2、ou Who Came from the Star (来自星星的你来自星星的你) Online shopping or trading branded mobilephone branded clothes Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads branded shoes and make-up fasionable hairdo body building travel sportWarm-up Questions: 2) Why do people like to follow fashion?Firstly, they want to show

3、that they are part of sth new and creative (创新性的事物创新性的事物) and dont want to be considered out-of-date.Secondly, they have a strong desire to show that they are different from others and have better life taste (品味品味) than others. In additon, some people just want to show that they are fashionable and

4、want to be admired by others. Last but not the least, they are curious (好奇的好奇的) about and interested in anything that is new.Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and FadsDid you preview? Please complete each following sentence using words given.desireappear economy createfoolishadditional furniture advert

5、isement1 Im going to sell the house, together with the _.2 You had a car accident, so youll have to _ in the court(法庭法庭). 3 There is an _ for our new product in the local newspaper. furnitureappearadvertisementOur Changing Lifestyle: Trends and FadsDid you preview? Please complete each following sen

6、tence using words given.desireappear economy createfoolishadditional furniture advertisement4 I _ nothing other than (除了除了) to be left in peace (安静安静). So just go away. 5 its _ to spend money on something you dont use. 6 We should try hard to develop tourism (旅游业旅游业). Tourism _ jobs for local people

7、. desirefoolishcreateOur Changing Lifestyle: Trends and FadsDid you preview? Please complete each following sentence using words given.desireappear economy createfoolishadditional furniture advertisement7 The development of the worlds _ will bring about many new problems. 8 Mother will need _ help t

8、o do the work since she is not in good health. economyadditional 语法语法 爆破音爆破音word studyTake students to read aloud the whole new words! 语法语法 word studytendency: a tendency is a part of your character that makes you behave in a certain way (人的人的)性格倾向性格倾向. 【 usage 】 +to do. e.g.物价呈上升趋势。物价呈上升趋势。【 记忆策略记忆

9、策略-词缀法词缀法】tend: vi. 倾向倾向 【 usage 】 +to do. Prices have a tendency to rise. 中国经济趋于转好。中国经济趋于转好。 Chinas economy has a tendency to pick up. 语法语法 word studypolitician【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】 politicspolitical advertise: if you advertise a product or a job, you tell people about in in newspapers, on television

10、or posters to encourage people to buy it or apply for it. 为为.做广告做广告 Tobacco advertising is banned. 香烟被禁止做广告。香烟被禁止做广告。 她昨天登广告出售她的房子,售价她昨天登广告出售她的房子,售价100万。万。 She advertised her house for sale at 1,000,000Yuan 。 语法语法 word study【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】advertisement n. advertise: if you advertise for someone o

11、r sth, you announce it e.g. in a newspaper 登广告登广告 e.g. The company advertised in local newspapers for staff. 该公司在当地报纸刊登招聘广告。该公司在当地报纸刊登招聘广告。 语法语法 word study【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】complaint n. make/have complaint about. make/have complaint that. complain: e.g. if you complain about a situation, you say tha

12、t you are not satisfied with it. 抱怨;发牢骚抱怨;发牢骚【 usage 】 (to sb) about sth (向某人向某人)抱怨某件事情抱怨某件事情 (to sb) that (向某人向某人)抱怨某件事情抱怨某件事情 Workers have complained bitterly (痛苦地痛苦地) that the government did not keep their promises. 工人们愤愤不平地抱怨政府没有信守诺言。工人们愤愤不平地抱怨政府没有信守诺言。 如今老百姓抱怨物价持续上涨而收入却没有增加。如今老百姓抱怨物价持续上涨而收入却没有增

13、加。 Nowadays common people complain that the price keeps rising/is on rise while income remains the same/hasnt been raised. 语法语法 word studydesire: a desire is a strong wish to do or have something 渴渴望;欲望;热望望;欲望;热望 【 usage 】 for. 渴望得到渴望得到 to do. 渴望做渴望做. e.g. When he was young, he was helped and financ

14、ed by others. So he has a strong desire to help and take care of others. 【 记忆策略记忆策略-词类转化法词类转化法】desire vt. 渴望;渴望;【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】desirous adj. 渴望的渴望的 【 usage 】 of. 他小时候得到过别人的帮忙和资助,所以他现在非常渴望能够帮助他小时候得到过别人的帮忙和资助,所以他现在非常渴望能够帮助和照顾他人和照顾他人 。 语法语法 word studyvain: adj. A vain attempt (试图;企图试图;企图) or action

15、is one that fails to achieve what was intended. 徒劳的;无效的徒劳的;无效的 【 拓展拓展 】In vain: 徒劳徒劳他试图使自己平静下来,但是徒劳徒劳的尝试徒劳的尝试 a vain try/attempt徒劳的搜索徒劳的搜索 a vain searchHe tried to calm down, but in vain. /He tried in vain to calm down. 语法语法 word studyeconomy: n. an economy is the system according to which the money

16、, industry and trade of a country or region are organized. 经济经济【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】economic adj. economical adj. 【 记忆策略记忆策略-同义辨析法同义辨析法】economic: adj. 1) 经济的;经济上的;经济的;经济上的;2) 有利可图的,赚钱的有利可图的,赚钱的economical adj. 经济的;省钱的经济的;省钱的【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】economics n. 经济学经济学economize: vi. 节约,节省节约,节省 【 usage 】 on. 语法语

17、法 He tried to invite me to the party, but in vain.他试图请我参加聚会,但是没有成功。 语法语法 她是她是这家家饭店的常客店的常客.frequent: adj. If something is frequent, it happens often. 频繁繁 的的 e.g. She is the frequent visitor to the restaurant. 【 记忆策略记忆策略-词缀法词缀法】frequency: n. 频率频率 语法语法 人人们担心担心MH370航班乘客无一幸免。航班乘客无一幸免。survive: 1) vt/vi if

18、 a person or living thing survives in a dangerous situation such as an accident or an illness, they do not die. 存活;幸存存活;幸存 It is feared no one on flight MH370 will survive the accident.车祸中所有人都活了下来,只有少数几人受了点伤。车祸中所有人都活了下来,只有少数几人受了点伤。All survived in the car accident with only few people injured.【 记忆策略记

19、忆策略-词缀法词缀法】Survival n. Survivor n. 幸存者幸存者适者生存。适者生存。The fittest survive. 语法语法 language study These days, lifestyles have a tendency to change so fast. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; its a whole way of living.有有趋势趋势He is more than a fr

20、iend to me. 他对我来说不止是一个朋友。不只是不只是/不不仅仅这不仅仅只是一个钱包。它是我这不仅仅只是一个钱包。它是我20岁生日时我朋友送给我的生日礼岁生日时我朋友送给我的生日礼物。物。It is more than a wallet. It was sent to me by my boyfriend as a present to me for my 20th birthday. 语法语法 language study These days, lifestyles have a tendency to change so fast. It is more than just cl

21、othing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; its a whole way of living.流行流行In style:流行的流行的【 记忆策略记忆策略-联想辨析法联想辨析法】-同义词同义词in fashion/fashionable过时过时out of date: 过时的【 记忆策略记忆策略-联想辨析法联想辨析法】out of style; out of fashion-反反义词 语法语法 language study Almost nothing in modern life get

22、s away from the influence of fashion: food, music, exercise, books, language, movies, furniture, and even names go in and out of fashion. The interests that people follow can change very quickly.流行流行get away from.: 摆脱.的影响他一直无法他一直无法摆脱妻子的死脱妻子的死给他他带来的悲痛。来的悲痛。摆脱摆脱摆脱摆脱He has never got away from his wifes

23、 death. 语法语法 language study Almost nothing in modern life gets away from the influence of fashion: food, music, exercise, books, language, movies, furniture, and even names go in and out of fashion. The interests that people follow can change very quickly.go in fashion: 变得流行; go out of fashion: 不再流行

24、c.f. go in fashion: 强强调动作作-“从不流行到流行从不流行到流行” be in fashion: 强强调状状态 语法语法 language study In the United States, even people can be “in” or “out”. Americans enjoy following the lives of famous people: actors, sports heroes, well-known artists, politicians, and the like.“in” or “out”: in fashion or out of

25、 fashion 流行/不流行 and the like: and the people or things of the same kind 诸如如此此类 语法语法 language study But Americans also pay a lot of attention to people who have no special ability at all. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV advertisement in which she looked at a very small

26、 hamburger .elderly: old 上了年上了年纪的的(委婉表达方式委婉表达方式) 语法语法 language study What causes such fads to come and go? Although clothing designers influence fads in fashion because they want to make money, this desire for money doesnt explain fads in other areas, such as e and go: keep changing/not keep the sam

27、e 变化无常化无常 e.g Fashions come and go, but this style always remains popular. 潮流变来变去,但是这种款式却始终受到欢迎潮流变来变去,但是这种款式却始终受到欢迎 语法语法 language study According to an expert in popular culture, people who follow fads are not foolish or vain; they simply want to be part of something new and creative. follow: if you

28、 follow sth, you take an interest in ti and keep informed about what happens 关注;追踪;关注;追踪;对感感兴趣趣e.g 人人们关注足球是因关注足球是因为他他们发自内心地喜自内心地喜欢足球。足球。People follow football because they truly like it. 语法语法 language study . most Americans seem to feel that something is wrong if there isnt frequent change in their

29、lives.=sth goes wrong/ there is sth wrong .出问题 语法语法 language study A social trend, however, survives a long time and become a true part of modern culture. The use of personal computers, for example, is a trend; a fad, on the other hand, could be the use of certain types of computer games.Vt 在.中幸存下来 另一方面【补充补充】on the one hand: 一方面一方面on the one hand: 另一方面另一方面for one thing: 首先首先for another thing: 其次其次



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