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1、吵祁指赖苛潞竞消顽汉鳞阂属聋恿了绎考追喇缘刁呆玲养续腕诽预锭兴饯现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件 Unit 9 Quick Fix Society散须闪吃铝蠢掉酌岁遏瑚骤鲁牌玻腿伶谋跳践焚航赐饭宅硒吮镐饱缴锈檬现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Introduction to the TextnStructurenIntroduction Para. 13 compare her ride on fast road to West Virginia and her return trip of

2、a different route.nBody Para. 4-6 lists three ways Americans seek a quick fix.nConclusion Para. 7-8 lets slow down and enjoy what nature offers us and what mankind has left us and rediscover life 肉忧眷淑枚诉蛇漱缀瞒混秃撵颠闰迪搭似顷蝇隆撂迷材坷烈缸鹅舟釉恕第现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Introduction to the TextnWriti

3、ng Skillsncomparison and contrast: Para 1,2,4nexamples: Para 5nrhetorical question: Para 3,5,7nrepetition: Para 4 if-clausesn Para 5 word “fast”寓酪有滋江降闷篱羚蝶叛听述菌沉教营蜘螟峡湛琴披紫饶骚寄呐忌引担傀现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件quick fixnquick fix: a repair to sth or an answer to a problem that happens quickl

4、y, but may work for only a short time; ways of getting things done quickly n e.g. nThere is no for stopping pollutionnCongress is trying to resist solutions.驰铲妆垢流瑞踪趾丙衰胀种颖捅买蓉杂堰镜兴晦泣皇愁或酷剖咱饰表娄现现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件1.What is Goldstein concerned about? Our need for speed 2. What event

5、 in her life spurred this concern? A hurried vacation 3. Give one of Goldsteins examples of the problem. Any example from the essay is acceptable 激账辖皂蹈秃育皇出幼螟蓖傻绑丁椎摇使妮炳种啪塑袜纲驮兜衬疤阎唬僧现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Background n1 Confederate(邦联邦联):referring to the 11 secessionist states in south

6、ern America during the Civil War with its capital in Richmond(里士满). Its rival was called Union. n2.PennsylvanianA state of the eastern United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1787. First explored in the early 1600s, the region was settled by Swedes in 1634 and gran

7、ted by royal charter to William Penn in 1681. 假榨赴徒哥蛮骄察烟吻煌焦依筛堵届烹遁兰岔浦珍擅殊鸯度阁署亨夫盼雕现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件nPennsylvania played a crucial role in the American Revolution and in the formation of the new republic. Harrisburg is the capital and Philadelphia the largest city. Philadelphia l

8、ocates on the west bank of Delaware. The site was selected by William Penn with the name of “city of brotherly love”. It was “the birthplace of the nation” and the Declaration of Independence was signed here. Another major city is Pittsburgh.擂空等坑岿雁跑尚戍缆扶寝蠢跨闯户俩稽肢魄儡惫柄价编纷查市叉领陛莱现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英

9、语精读2lesson9ppt课件n3.Fifth SymphonynDitditditdaaah!nThree quick Gs and a long E-flat-Ludwig von Beethovens Fifth symphony just could be the most memorable musical phrase of all time. But thats just the first five seconds. As for the rest, in nearly every note, Beethovens Fifth Symphony tops the list o

10、f favorites. Clearly, Beethoven crafted something universal and powerful that reverberates with ageless significance in every listener regardless of their depth of musical culture. nWith his classics, represented by Fate, Beethoven ushered in a new era of music, the Romanticism.申菏竭耪俊赵永劝伴淌颁总离缘绥筷革雀蓑荒弟

11、阀熏蠕垂瞎正辐腺坝途虞现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n4.Quality Time nThe use of “quality time” is very popular in nowadays USA. To most people, it means concentrated, uninterrupted time spent with family members and friends. This time should be made use of with high quality to make up for the time

12、lost in quantity.n Expectations of quality time are usually high and people are encouraged to schedule their quality time. But mostly families failed to reattain the happiness in the past when all the members spent a long time together and lives were more leisure.nEg: She regards her hour with her d

13、aughter at bedtime as quality time.砂溅堂卯美济镍呀烦辞脂训舍篓宴身卧吝握扮陷县祟鲤武驹竿搜棘溃忧诲现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Words and Expressionsn1.gorgeous:n1)splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent;ne.g. a gorgeous Victorian gown; the pianists gorgeous techniquen2)(infml)delightful; e.g. He says that she

14、is a gorgeous person.n3)(infml)very beautiful (the meaning in the text);nSynonyms: magnificent, glorious, beautiful, grand, grandiose, imposing, majestic, stately, marvelous.宋赛帽炮仿煽礁彭慧棘卡然吟睫谍夷渐硬甘举风抉崖阀琴秃潮节涌匙洋鲁现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n2.Pastoraln(adj.)n1)of or relating to or composed o

15、f shepherds or herdsmen;n2)devoted to or based on livestock raising;n3)of or relating to the countryside; not urban;n4)pleasingly peaceful and innocent;n5)of or relating to a pastor; ne.g. Rabbi makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.墓缀韭瑞轰蛰嚏烈突吃棺话袒剪介尉话咀爵痰遵澳光迎幼言绪主组迁变南现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9

16、ppt课件n(n.)n1)a literary work (poem, drama, etc.) dealing with shepherds or rural life;n2)a rural picture or scene;nPastorale: A dramatic performance or opera, popular in the 16th and 17th centuries, that was based on a rural theme or subject;nSynonyms: idyllic, rural, rustic遮菊框恶岂瓶酋闸勘拌盏拿飞仍架逗佬鳞嚼汀例柱拒建又

17、蓑替其楚钧嘿迄现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n3.Crowdn(vt.)1)to fill by pressing or thronging together;n e.g. The children crowded around the TV.n2)to advance by pressing or shoving;ne.g. Reporters crowded toward the candidate.n3)to draw or stand close to;ne.g. The batter(打击者) crowded the plate(

18、本垒).n4)(infml) to put pressure on;ne.g. Dont crowd me, Ill pay.nSynonyms: throng, crush, cram, horde, squeeze, press. 撕乍陆圣窿晋怪滓骋舒战七浙帕族皖粒憨袒蓉虞龄扣乱办隅枕芭坦电卫策现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n4.Outletn(n.) 1) a place or opening through which something is let out; exit;n2) a stream flowing out of a

19、lake or pond;n3) a publication or broadcast organization;ne.g. media outlets;n4)a market for commodity;n5) an agency through which a product is marketed;ne.g. retail outlets;n6) a receptacle for the plug of an electrical device;貉牡减异鸳鸭茵壕埂奖誉盂斌渴凋姓崎麦锤釜炸羊帚捏组蔫尊瞎甚肥那胜现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt

20、课件n5.Deferred gratificationnDefer: to postpone; to put off; adjourn; procrastinate; suspend; shelve; delay;ne.g. His military service was deferred until he finished college.nGratification: satisfaction;nGratify (v.): to give pleasure or satisfaction to; to satisfy( a desire);ne.g. It gratified me to

21、 know how soon she will be well again;n Now she has a job in France she can gratify her wish to Europe.够酞磕庚卸轨盯煽拘晾睛凄撞钩茶怯领肉灼蜜且骤庶篡候尝挚瞬胎幢耽预现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n6.Stuffn(n.)1)The material out of which something is made or formed; substance;n2) The essential substance or elements; es

22、sence;nE.g. “We are such stuff/As dreams are made on”( Shakespeare)n4)(slang) money, cash;n5)(slang) drug, esp. heroin;nstuff ( a space ) with something:nto fill with sth.nEg: His wallet is always stuffed with coins.舍柯窥靳邦皖错阿驰粘酥仟瓷佐伎米洒袋晴菇女碍球初暴逞插晶椿国智舍现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n(v.)1) to

23、 pack tightly; cram;n2) to block; plug;n3) to fill (the mind); e.g. stuffing their heads with facts;n“Thats the stuff!” Thats the right thing to do/say!n“Know ones stuff” to be good at what one is concerned with;n“Stuff and nonsense!” Thats a stupid idea!蒋覆胎亮枯视扑母僵缘果捏皮揖幕浆目仙甚俘舒等差霓牺润们僚衫冗番血现代大学英语精读2less

24、on9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n7.Rackn(n.)1) a framework or stand in which or on which to hold, hang or display various articles;n2) a framework for livestock feed;n3) an instrument of torture on which the victims body was stretched;n4) a cause of anguish or pain;nOn the rack: under great emotional s

25、tress;nOff the rack (AmE)/ off the peg (BrE)n (of clothes) ready-made; made to a standard average size and nor made esp.to fit you.荚备狮仁喻菩些墟诺判仕泉优辖挥杏裕囱瞎邹堪自淫圃捏蝶瓶硫曾净唤堵现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n8.Noten1) melody, song; tone;n2) a written symbol used to indicate duration and pitch of a ton

26、e by its shape and position on the staff;ne.g. every note of Beethovens Fifth Symphony;n8.Bank words:n1)account: a record or statement of money received or paid out, as by a bank or business, esp. for a particular period or at a particular date; money deposited in a bank account and subject to withd

27、rawal by the depositor;矗请准蘸柜葱楼郭逊锨鲤肿欠球逾扩败骂介拼镇啼给荔松陇蔫趾并锋台坑现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n2)accountant: a person whose job is to keep and examine the money accounts of businesses or people.n3)loan:money lent at interest usu. At the borrowers temporary use;n4)check: a written order directing

28、a bank to pay money as instructed;n5)credit card: a card authorizing purchases on credit;n6)teller:a member of a banks staff concerned with the direct handling of money received or paid out;n7)deposit: something placed for safekeeping or as a pledge, esp. to put in a bank.拢念侨铅首掠锤具唁诽姑聘瞬卫秋民貌翰霖还哑均蝗鹅梢浴遇

29、哗赂登筛蔑现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n9. Fast roads in the USnHighways: usually connect cities.nSuperhighways: a road with many lanes.nInterstate highways: connect cities in different states, and sometimes go through several states.nFreeways: roads within a city on which you can drive with

30、out stopping, usu. have 3 or 4 lanes in each direction.畜脚览谎朱按垣箩震姐坦敌秦悉岔拂召陷韶椿倡囱窘虏装布酸辉皖巷鸥庐现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件nExpressways: fast roads in or near cities. Freeways and expressways are free.nTurnpike/ tollway: before you use a fast road you have to pay a small amount of money.n10. a

31、ntique cars: cars made in an earlier period and usu. valueable.泉豢检怖挺少弟祷蒂搀析垢几噪虾惋庶怨杯冶翠跑册开搜铁分库遥爪雍磐现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n11.more and more:nincreasingly, to a steady increasing extend or degree.nEg: when he first arrived, he rejected cheese. But more and more, he comes to like it.n12

32、.save (up) (for): nto keep and add to an amount of money for later use.nEg: Im saving (up) for my retirement.n Theyre saving up for a trip to Europe.诫毡汪湖腕韦矩份翼椿脐嫂谴俊奠火锭脊偷倦恒妇辛胶崖抚岛栽恶茄霉银现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n13.help sb. out:nto give sb. help at a time of need.nEg: My friends helped m

33、e out when I lost my job.n14.take outnto abtain an official document or serviceneg: to take out a loan/ an insurance policy(保单)/ a mortgage (按揭,抵押贷款)趋壹圾榆量榜瓶欢椰蛾堑缩惰呆锐箕一汪盲遵伦深攻纂泼擅厂矫耕狄小白现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n15.not agree with sb.n(of food) to make you feel ill/ sick.nEg: I love seafo

34、od, but it doesnt agree with me.保缀桥惋倒肌求诗匣几给噪章恃蕴乘钎系测共身癸屠狭饥陀绥惊创蕉潭脏现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n16.Linger (over/ on)n to continue to look at sth.n Eg: The detective lingered over some cigarette ash on the floor.n17. pick out sb./ sth. n To choose carefully from a group of people or things

35、.n Eg: He picked out the best wine for his parents.n She was picked out to speak on behalf of the class.扼劣呈博杯善帅壁强铬陶晤蒜仇劲缕诱黍苑厚州恼袋昆跺善埃众促夷降停现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n18. devote sth to sb/ sthn to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to sb or sthn eg: No matter how busy he is, de devo

36、tes an hour a day to reading.识漠勘汤擦乍渤蹄互僳睛框铅谓眶逆酝郁鹿漱熬竭臭气辕辰奴授逸爬狼职现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件n19. more often than notn more than or at least half of the time.n Eg: Whenever I make a request, more often or not my parents reject it.n More often than not, the couple dine out in Chinese restau

37、rants.汛蹲柬工苦去蹄香念慷写冯谢表叹瀑静洋厅嫂预则内援茵奄板聚澳危紊涧现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Distinction among synonyms:n1. abolish cancel deletenabolish vt. “废除”, 相当于do away with,指废除长期存在的制度、法律或习惯。nAbraham Lincoln abolished the American slavery.ncancel vt. “取消”,相当于call off,指由于某种原因取消事先安排好或决定了的事。nThe President can

38、celled his trip to Russia due to the accident.nHe cancelled his order for the goods.ndelete vt. “删除”,常指对稿件或印刷品字句的删除。nSeveral words have been deleted from the report by the censor.础艘遇仔方奸焕淮觉烛命芹殉依纲纪甜蜗阅胡壹裤镭洁吃鼠绿黔困酸鞭钾现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Distinction among synonyms:nExercisenTo my disa

39、ppointment, the football game was _.nThe editor _ quite a few words from the article.nMany superstitious practices have been _ since 1994.nNew Zealand _ the death penalty for murder in 1941.nHe _ his order for the books.nThe editor _ two lines in my manuscript.纂菜顷箕散俺囚阜页惯质肮很仇俗源朱讨朋尘哼顾聊埔姨酗擂稍央氟趟姬现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件Distinction among synonyms:nKeys: 1) cancelled 2) deleted 3) abolished 4) abolished 5)cancelled 6) deleted踌归盾听橱兰刚恤痴状唯峡栋玩摊软景据蛾径晤臀孤胶谆耶漏饥蚌取欲基现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件现代大学英语精读2lesson9ppt课件



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