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1、美国种族问题 American racial problemsome as refugeessu!Ulike most other peoples,Americans are primarily a nation of immigrants.The citzens or their ancestors immigrated from many parts of the globesome as adventuressome fleeing some as captives The United states was founded on the principle of human equal

2、ity ,but in the fact the nation has fallen far short of that ideal. American society is a stratified one, in which power,wealth,and prestige are unequally distributed among the population.This equality is not simply a matter of distinctions between gender and social classes,it tends to follow racial

3、 and ethnic lines as well,with the result that class divisions often parallel racial divisions. After the successful of the first Anglo -Saxon from northwesten Europe quickly took control of economic assets and political power in the United States,and they maintained this control, to greater or less

4、er degree, ever since. Successive waves of immigrates from othe parts of the world struggled long and hard to assimilated into the mainstream of American life. However only part of them succeeded and shared in the American dream ; others because of the different ethnic or racial characteristics (mos

5、t from dominant groups) havr been excluded and couldnt participate fullly in American life. The result is that this discrimination has been a severe and continuing racial tension in the U.S, Particularly since the civival rights demons, gehetto riots, and other unrest in the 1960s, race and ethnic r

6、elations have been a major preoccupation of social scientists, politicians and the generalpublic. In the United S tates , except the dominant white Anglo-Saxon Potestant other groups are minority group in American society. Thhese racial and ethnic minorities mainly refers to : Native AmericansBlacks

7、Ameican IndiansAsian AmericansHispanics And all these racial groups suffer from discrimination and injustice.And the problems have attracted the most public attention : the blacks (Afro-Americans) Afro-Americans Afro-Americans used to be the largest of the racial and enthnic minorities .But recent c

8、ensus shous that they are now the second largest, after the Hispanics. The population: In 2004, accout for 12.3% over 25.2 million ,11.7% Their history has been one of sustained oppression, discrimination,and denial of basic civil rights and liberties. When and why the first Africans were brought to

9、 North American? How they were treated?In 1519For their cheap laborShipped in wretchedly crowed conditions to the Caribbean and then to the United States.Sold like cattle at auction And the whip or the lynch mob served to assert social control over slaves who chanllenged the established order. 黑人的数量

10、多了,他们开始反抗这种不公平的待遇,开始有了各种不同的反抗运动,视频,然后将他们在运动中取得成绩已及这种歧视没有彻底的消除到现状查黑人制度延续 设及一小部分北美战争查黑人数量查黑人 In 1830,the Northern states had all abolished the slavery,but Southern states ended it until in 1863 by the Civil War,Lincolns emancipation of slaves and the Amendment to the Constitution in 1865. After the ab

11、olition of slavery,they were still suffered the discrimination in many ways : Many states passed segregation laws to keep the race apart (schools, housing, restaurant, and other public facikities)in the lowest- paid jobs,keept blacks off the voterss roll,prevented their political rights)查美国1960s黑人运动

12、及其取得成就The current status of Afro-Americans It presents a mixed pictures. Although they chieved cinsiderable success, there are still unequality for blacks.Ulike most other peoples,Americans are primarily a nation of immigrants.The citzens or their ancestors immigrated from many parts of the globe so

13、me as refugeessome as adventures some fleeing some as captives For these people came to American in different ways and for different purposes.They share a common American culture,but the nation containsmany racial and enthnic conflicts which have been persistent social problem to US society.In 1963,

14、 this man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., expressed his vision in the famous speech, I Have a Dream. But the dream-rooted in the American Dream-wasnt really new. From the beginning, this nation of immigrants welcomed people desiring freedom and a new start. However, the coming together of different rac

15、es and ethnic groups created some tensions. The early Americans (except for the native Indians) were almost all white Europeans. As more immigrants arrived, European groups fit into society easily. Others found it more difficult. 这个人, 马丁路德. 金恩博士, 在一九六三年的一篇有名的演讲我有一个梦当中表达了他的理想. 其实这个根植于美国梦的理想, 并不是个完全新潮

16、的主意. 从一开始, 这个由移民所组成的国家, 便欢迎渴望自由和新开始的人来到. 但是, 不同种族的到来亦带来了紧张的气氛. 早期的美国人(除了印地安原住民之外)几乎全是来自欧洲的白人. 当更多的移民抵达时, 欧洲团体较容易适应这个社会, 其它团体则较感困难. Black people were the only immigrants who didnt choose to come to America. For hundreds of years, Africans were taken from their homes to be slaves in the New World. Eve

17、n George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves. The phrase all men are created equal didnt apply to blacks in their day. The end of the Civil War finally brought freedom to the slaves in 1865, but blacks still had a lower position in society. Many Southern states practiced segregation to keep b

18、lacks in their place. Blacks and whites went to different schools, ate at different restaurants, even drank from different water fountains 黑人是唯一非出于自愿而到美国来的移民. 几百年以来, 非洲人自其家园被迫带到新世界为奴. 即使乔治. 华盛顿和汤玛士. 杰弗逊也曾蓄奴. 那句人类生而平等的话, 在他们的时代并不适用于黑人. 一八六五年, 南北战争的结束终于为黑奴带来自由, 但是黑人的社会地位仍然较低. 许多南方的州实行种族隔离政策以使黑人不会跨越界限.

19、 黑人和白人上不同的学校, 在不同的餐馆吃饭, 甚至连喝水都用不同的饮水机. The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s helped black people secure many of the rights promised in the Constitution. A 1954 Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation had no place in public schools. Gradually, American education became more fair. In

20、1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus for a white man. Her courage sparked a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, that ended segregation on city buses. Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged black people to use nonviolent means to achieve their goals of equal treatment. Finally, Congress p

21、assed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to stop discrimination in all public places. 一九五与一九六年代的人权运动, 帮助黑人得到许多宪法中所保障的权利. 一九五四年最高法院的一个判决, 决定了在公立学校里不准实行种族隔离政策. 渐渐地, 美国的教育制度越来越公平了. 一九五五年, 罗莎. 帕克拒绝在公车上让位给一个白人. 她的勇气激起了阿接巴马州的蒙哥马利市对公车的抵制, 结束了市区公车上的种族隔离制度. 马丁路得. 金恩博士鼓励黑人, 使用非暴力方式达到他们追求平等待遇的目标. 最后, 国会在一九六四年通过民权法案,

22、 禁止所有在公共场合的歧视. In spite of the gains of the Civil Rights Movement, racial problems still exist. The laws have changed, but some people-on all sides of the color spectrum-remain prejudiced. Ten-sions sometimes erupt in violence. The 1992 Los Angeles riots sprang from the verdict of a racially-charged

23、 court case. Moreover, blacks and whites are not the only racial groups struggling to get along. Multicultural America has numerous minority groups that argue for equal treatment. Some contend that current immigration laws unfairly discriminate against certain racial groups. 虽然民权运动带来进步, 但是种族问题仍然存在.

24、法律已经改变了, 但是有些人-各种肤色的人-仍然保有歧视的态度. 紧张情形有时会引发暴力. 一九九二年的洛杉矶动乃是因一件因种族问题而起诉法院判决而引发的. 此外, 黑人和白人并不是为和平相处而挣扎的唯一种族团体. 多元文化的美国拥有无数为平等待遇而争论的少数团体. 有些人争论现行的移民法不公平地歧视某些种族团体. Even so, in the past 40 years, race relations in America have greatly improved. Minority groups now have equal opportunities in many areas of

25、 education, employment and housing. Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted. Children of different races-and their parents-are learning to play together and work together. Maybe Dr. Kings dream will come true after all. 即使如此, 在过去四十年间, 美国种族之间的关系已经大有进步. 少数团体现在在教育, 就业及住屋许多方面已有公平的机会. 异族的通婚已越来越被接受. 不同种族的小孩以及他们的父母亲, 也在学习与其它种族一起游戏和一起工作, 或许金恩博士的梦终会实现.



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