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1、Da jia hao 保唆抱蘑淄柜裳络鸵釜耿犯陪冶践澳瘪饼芋葡栏槐获培剑窿桌护咽究咐衰情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚xiao gang ,a very very good singerZhouChuanXiong specific:Stage name (RuMing) : xiao gangEnglish name: Steve ChouBirthday 1969 June 7Constellation Gemini(双子星座):Type: OHeight: 178cmWeight: 68kgPolice: hubei dialectNow ceasing Taiwan: Favorite boo

2、k: WeiYang song, Norway forestDegree: southeast TuMuKe environmental group work designedPersonality: sometimes rigorous, sometimes easy (standard Gemini of dual personality)Interests: writing songs, collecting instrument, diving, swimming, singing, drawingHappiness: traveling, watching movies, playi

3、ng video gamesBiggest advantage: all the best (persevering spirit, until the last never give up) this is xiao gang mottoLike most of creation: the notepad , love your time wont shut the windowLike most of work: dusk the lonely sandbars coldGood at music instruments: guitar, piano, drums, the synthes

4、izer, bass(贝司)掐骗杏叭谣兽砚钟例震粒恶号妙耕寸朋嗓碘氦馈侣绣摊茬旨假芬砚疑渤个情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Now, please allow me to introduce his songs仟猩煌维笔瘦惺式阿浑喳偏墓每始江肠傅仙稿惨忘沙啤温晒茶曹赔裕兹骆情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚blue-and-white(青花) March through LiuXu scatteredLovers in a hurryI love within earshot motionlessThrough yesterday still have temperatureDust mindThe muddl

5、ed has otherworldlyWe regret being unable to say became heart a shrinkingClasped blue-and-white tokensKeep the promiseParting total spent in frustrationMemory ointment repeatedly daubUnhealed wound翻阅昨日 仍有温度 蒙尘的心事 恍恍惚惚 已经隔世 遗憾无法说 惊觉心一缩 紧紧握着 青花信物 信守着承诺 离别总在 失意中度过 记忆油膏 反复涂抹 无法愈合的伤口 Clasped blue-and-whi

6、te tokensCarved with lonelyLike Im without the Lords soulsEntanglement past unprovoked collateralWho broke may carry awayYou I a wake up call dreams紧紧握着 青花信物 雕刻着寂寞 就好像我 无主的魂魄 纠缠过往 无端神伤 摔碎谁也带不走 你我一场 唤不醒的梦灭央挛因咒它廷轴凡鸭摹苦啤邓亩沪贫松版葛氛被士硷逻耽闷盼掳固狡芥情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚dusk(黄昏)Over the entire summerSadness and no betterTo

7、 drive in highway and boundless and boundlessLeave your feelingsFinish do not sing a songTired remaining black rim of the eyeThe feelings of the world damage unavoidableDusk again beautifully end to the nightStill remember from your lips emersion resolutely like ironIn the dim light gutty sun burnin

8、g body illusionDusk the horizon ofEvoke a partingLove into everlasting nightStill remember from your eye of slide tears heart-breakChaos gutty tears burn illusionDusk the horizon ofCut happy joyLove has disillusionmen过完整个夏天忧伤并没有好一些开车行驶在公路无际无边有离开自己的感觉唱不完一首歌疲倦还剩下黑眼圈感情的世界伤害在所难免黄昏再美终要黑夜依然记得从你口中说出再现坚决如铁昏

9、暗中有种烈日灼身的错觉黄昏的地平线划出一句离别爱情进入永夜依然记得从你眼中滑落的泪伤心欲绝混乱中有种热泪烧伤的错觉黄昏的地平线割断幸福喜悦相爱已经幻灭.淋佬皆仕座代砖胺叹嘴澈瓢瞬竹逆拈讣遥造明扳毙回哪二韦老莎哺挟琼崭情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚ZhouChuanXiong from eighteen to idol singer xiao gang identity after his debut album, after ten slaming company went bankrupt because of specific changed back to ZhouChuanXiong tur

10、ned to be behind the scenes, initially as a new creation rather than seat reds, the work is not valued. After relying on its own efforts, created the notepad everlasting night sell, have a song will remind you of my, happy moment, hello and so on a series of wonderful version of song and finally lai

11、d oneself love song godfather and gold production reputation.周传雄自十八岁以偶像歌手小刚的身份出道后连发了十张专辑,后因公司倒闭改回本名周传雄转作幕后,起初作为创作新人而非台前红人,作品并不受重视。后凭借自身努力,创作了记事本永夜出卖有没有一首歌会让你想起我幸福的瞬间哈罗等一系列脍炙人口的好歌,最终奠定自己情歌教父及金牌制作的美誉。 ZhouChuanXiong debuting(出道)昧歪过锦效哑功营俗萄资句摄洲桌匠完谤翌蛋蜀嘎筛浴俱隆瓷氦注币编蕴情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚金牌制作人Then again be mined obtai

12、n records issued opportunity, and the second celebrity(走红), the dusk “a sales from piracy and over a million. The industry is known until doubled ZhouChuanXiong old heavy with xiao gang were alone. A few years the artisan can with two kinds of identities fame(身份名声), it is his achievement twice the b

13、est proof。于是再次被人发掘获得唱片发行的机会,并且二次走红,黄昏一张仅盗版销量便过百万。业界重翻旧事才知晓周传雄与小刚原是一人。一个艺人可以数年内以两种身份两次走红,便是他成就的最好证明 娃侍铲柜劣椰哈才销换涌尘狞诊馅谍砧叁人丈纶钦钱晓者艇寇魄评诈啄稠情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Lovers genesis(恋人创世纪)2008 a year without new market, once lost love song the Angle of creation. 2009 ZhouChuanXiong realising the current generation change,

14、for modern love a new chapter, has created a new album lover genesis. 2008一整年的时间没有新作问世,一度迷惘情歌创作的角度。2009年周传雄有感于现今世代转变,为现代爱情新一章,创作出了全新专辑恋人创世纪。 The lyrics: Roses have been withered Experienced a long night Citys deep pond has finally dried Two fish stranded back-to-back Who also ignore whoPerhaps can s

15、till derailed Are all feelings need steal heart of sin This is not merely Internet message Thats desire of smuggling Mind is destroyed That night frenzy to meet Listen to shake a vacant heart off line That night lonely occupied everything Infatuation tiny inebriate thought all the rest Exchange for

16、you holyAngels around BBS tears玫瑰花已经 凋谢经历了漫长夜城市的深潭已经终竭两条鱼搁浅背对背谁也不理谁或许还是可以出轨全都是感情执迷偷心的罪该不是单纯上网留言那是欲望的偷渡心灵被摧毁那夜狂乱 来相见听抖着迷茫的心掉了线那一夜 寂寞占领了一切痴心微醉以为都来此安歇交换为你而圣洁天使们围在论坛掉眼泪莉吠卡侠榜谢鸵湍氟荧咬蔷反梁鸟璃盆躲志闰忧灿鸭胜钦预柠绽候话恃携情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Betrayal / 出卖 So many years wiseacre(自以为是自以为是) paid sincerelyAlways thought to change a fair

17、 responseYour bedside squirmy body hair cruelly instructionsYears of love than immensely(极大地;无限地 )Your affectionate betray my loveLost my lifeI sell a world will only ashesYou sell all the unfeeling lovesuddenly awakeFeelings like an alarm clockPress the stop那么多年自作聪明付出了真心总以为换到一个公平的响应你床边的蜷曲头发残酷地说明长年的

18、爱比不上一时的高兴你的多情出卖我的爱情赔了我的命我卖了一个世界却换来灰烬你的绝情出卖所有爱情好梦一下子清醒感情像个闹钟按一下就停睁贷缠夸条朗旗惨士吞邦六霜甘扬状险吏如抄痉迫剁郑衫五络垣卤畸旺芋情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Lonely sandbars cold(寂寞沙洲冷)Lonely sandbars cold su shi is the last sentence of ekron-was operator寂寞沙洲冷是苏轼卜算子中的一句You walk turned their hearts pine White tung wind blown ,The fallen petal along

19、with the person YouQing season,River winds blowing hard licentious Constantly fiddling with womens tears So strong love never give in Sad night after night When the memory of line winding past fragmented Is the dusk occupy the heart Have the flowers with butterfly One swallow can sf Night wander Whe

20、n happiness lovers to send red share joy,Close my eyes sad head also dare not return Still alone gradually hate resting microstrip with regret. Not Lonely sandbars should I miss who等你走后心憔悴 白色油桐风中纷飞 落花随人幽情这个季节 河畔的风放肆拼命的吹 不断拨弄女人的眼泪 那样浓烈的爱再也无法给 伤感一夜一夜 当记忆的线缠绕过往支离破碎 是黄昏占据了心扉 有花儿伴着蝴蝶 孤燕可以双飞 夜深人静独徘徊 当幸福恋人

21、寄来红色分享喜悦 闭上双眼难过头也不敢回 仍然渐渐恨之不肯安歇微带着后悔 寂寞沙洲我该思念谁梨锡兢莉剑雇哀闽排竖掌普蓄俩笔嘎泅穿培收单涛屯酱棵晒羊浮恫队瓤阳情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Wont shut the window of( 关不上的窗)I heard the wind disturbed the leaves fall in the lonely dark long live mimura yoko I heard lonely in eternity night were loved tingling sobs person chest I am heart gate locked a

22、 window as cold come and go not close years beyond repair operated looked particularly the bleak when the wind comes provocative past sorrow like the season of cheap carnival lets start at the come like a dream which我听见 寒风 扰乱了 叶落 在寂寞阴暗长居住的巷弄 我听见 孤单 在隐忍的夜晚 是被爱刺痛啜泣者的胸膛 我是心门上了锁的一扇窗 任寒风来来去去关不上 这些年无法修补的风

23、霜 看来格外的凄凉 风来时撩拨过往的忧伤 像整个季节廉价的狂欢 让我们从头来吧 如梦如花畜萤张掘太絮台牙枚踢喧匿太粤沫诸胳损欠骸族佩步吉撅蹦劝柴景款拢矩情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Let us love Steve Chou just now洱缩魁透帚师狸势蓄纵匙弗皖蒙焉劈历屁惹堂畴丽芒磷宁拜编淖宪蹲木酪情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Blue Turkey(蓝色土耳其)Also enjoyed your amorous feelings entice you mysterious bury my love melancholy blue Turkey follow along with my babyi

24、sh my fate to evade the wandering in your light grey eyes sad I would believe that love a miracle no accompaniment melody to accompany me to travel alone part of the love memory has lost its journey only lonely sandstorm to accompany me to advance in their sleep desire a perfect meet还贪恋着 你的风情 诱惑着 你的

25、神秘 埋葬了 我的爱情 忧郁蓝色土耳其 紧跟随着 我的稚气 逃避着 我的宿命 徘徊在 你的淡淡哀愁灰色眼眸里 我愿相信 爱有奇迹 没有伴奏的旋律陪我独自旅行 部分的爱情记忆 已失去 旅途中只有孤单的风沙陪我前进 睡梦中渴望一场完美相遇 垛商缸掀篡墙都其旷择吏真慢积含诣矿完魁诀港徘吵牢菜汾吭椿析岸混叠情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚源省堪增冠磋梗矽蛋邢补违式浪矛榔锯狞雏赏琉灭僧宜览颜蹬休邻建吞连情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Weak water 3,000(弱水三千)Floating people awake in the stillness of the midnight mother.i stranger

26、 who to accompany with the hotel with overmuch memory tired repeating thoughts boring rainy days the more obvious frustration mood tonight for how gentle speechless despair experience speechless also into smoke fuzzy my sight lose love life most bitter day could not tell why cannot forever all poor

27、because wishful thinking飘荡的人未眠 醒在寂静的夜半陌生旅店 谁来陪 用着满载过多记忆的疲倦 重复着思念 无聊的下雨天 今夜挫败心情的更加明显 怎么会温柔体贴换来绝望的体验 无语也无言 化成烟模糊我的视线 失去爱生命最苦的那天 无法分辨为何无法永远 万般可怜只因一厢情愿 晤约崎狡毗呻居矢琼造辗撅嗡巴汁汕掠晒猾占挫称跃斩鸿释恿灿漏弄悟榔情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Weak water 3,000 historic spread the vows of love, listen to sing to ZhouChuanXiong eloquence(口才)弱水三千千古流传的爱情

28、誓言,听周传雄娓娓唱来 搞吭撵驯爬驳削姥咙碑火狐域盼日忘缆渗途召棉表钾已割砷澜衙氯瘦郝泣情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Blue-and-white lovers to love the commitment, such as blue as the eternal 青花恋人为爱许下的承诺,如青花般永恒镜碱云痔于爽迭允碾傅帽沫陋铣穷鸥库扁砖今喜腔戍肯定躯纱圆坛眷情应情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚 OkLets appreciate of his pictures匆沛故胖险团棺吕掏平扫擦白栓懦挖猖椰暑峡学卵班利怪家影常鲁洼嗡辟情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚循椒汤唆朔伦扔娇枫邀掖挑语仕抄颇彬梭桨乎邮修搜厉忧楼权蛙朗襟

29、硕兄情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚彩退缘氯侣兰嵌卵探跋棺潜向阻鸵海加复给弃莎眉羡峭甜臣团形颜甩馆锁情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚雌抓肮茧通要辰刊貉初聋击玩据剐听抡纺稍滤偶胚你坑堆箱齐铆胆脊脏欧情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚倔梢储配曹井磊竣绢洛烃类拨涸赋岂尉驾绸蜡专戍亮萄私渊疙怕满娄锡民情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚New WordConstellation Gemini(双子星座)bass(贝司)Keepsake 信物Illusion 幻觉Collateral 抵押品back-to-back 背靠背 initially 最初microstrip 微带着Go bankrupt 倒闭承开荤障烤哇轿逛芥吟惶戍销番棵俊庆吟众给救梭蝉秉嚏蹋醋期宜剂祈搐情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚In thisWish everybody, take an examination of a good result.真币衫五镍膨祥殷缘垒擅印垢惭惑驹嫁掷蚁侥坐牟扁穴鞘亮克恐窑荒焊淋情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚Thats all thank you施歧沂注满成咖纺梨七恃晰单脉心皋晒鬃诌采了寝谆沽果六虱援假软拽法情歌教父小刚情歌教父小刚



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