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1、采购与外包采购与外包 Procurement and OutsourcingLecture Outline1) FreeMarkets Online2) B2B Strategies3) B2B Pitfalls4) Outsourcing讲义大纲1) FreeMarkets在线2) B2B战略3) B2B的缺陷4) 外包FreeMarkets OnlineFreeMarkets is an online market making firm that enabled industrial buyers to link up with their potential suppliers in

2、a live electronic biddingThe end result of such interaction among a network of suppliers was procurement cost savings of about 15% for the buyers The company was founded in 1995 and was on the verge of breaking even in 1998It was expecting to receive commissions and fees of nearly $6 million for arr

3、anging procurement of $200 million worth of industrial components and partsFreeMarkets在线FreeMarkets是一个电子自由市场在线公司,其将产业购买者与潜在供应商通过电子竞价系统联系起来;这种与供应商互动的结果是为购买者节省了15%的采购成本公司成立于1995年,1998年1月接近盈亏平衡98年预计安排价格2亿美元工业零部件采购的任务,将获得600万美元的代理服务费。The Move to B2B Commerce向B2B商业转移20032003$1.3 Trillion$1.3 Trillion2002

4、2002$843B$843B20012001$499B$499B20002000$251B$251B19981998$43B$43BBusiness-to-BusinessSource: Forrester Research, Inc.19991999$109B$109BBusiness-to-ConsumerB2B is Huge.20032003年年年年1.3 1.3 万亿美元万亿美元万亿美元万亿美元20022002年年年年84384300亿美元亿美元亿美元亿美元20012001年年年年49949900亿美元亿美元亿美元亿美元20002000年年年年25102510亿美元亿美元亿美元亿美元

5、19981998年年年年434300亿美亿美亿美亿美元元元元B2BSource: Forrester Research, Inc.19991999年年年年10901090亿亿亿亿美元美元美元美元B2CB2B 市场巨大Highly FragmentedMost product categories are highly fragmented, with numerous suppliers each offering different level of quality, service and pricing optionsBuyers incur significant cost in th

6、e actual purchase processA buyer must invest internal resources to manage the process of collecting, analyzing and acting upon all the information in the marketIn addition to purchase price companies spend over 10% in additional procurement costsOn the suppliers side, there are significant costs in

7、using the manufacturing repsThese commissions range from 4% to 7% of purchase price制造商认同电子投标市场具有价值的原因?大部分产品种类都是高度分散的,有无数的供应商,提供不同水平的产品、服务和价格选择购买者在实际购买过程中会产生巨额成本购买者必须投入内部资源以管理收集、分析和利用所有市场信息除了支付采购价格外,公司还要支付额外的10%的采购成本从供应商的角度看,雇用制造商销售代表的成本高昂这些佣金花费是采购成本的4%至7%制造商认同电子投标市场具有价值的原因?由于这种明显的分散性和差异性,采购者会面临信息选择问

8、题:选择的范围太大而且没有一个能将它们鉴别并区分开来的合适标准。购买者只能依赖供应商销售代表的话,但销售代表关心的只是市场而不是产品究竟如何!引入标准平台电子竞价市场。How Does FreeMarkets Online Create Value for its Customers?Consulting/Purchase outsourcingPutting together specs, drawings, lot sizes, documentation and RFQs询价 Identifying potential savings opportunitiesIdentifying a

9、nd qualifying suppliersEducating and training buyersConducting the Competitive Bidding Event (CBE)Providing post bid analysis and supportFreeMarkets在线如何为它的客户创造价值咨询 / 采购外包将规格、图纸、批量、文件和报价请求放在一起识别潜在的节约机会识别并确认供应商资格培训购买者引导竞价活动 (CBE)提供投标后的分析与支持How Does FreeMarkets Online Create Value for its Customers?Con

10、sulting/Purchase outsourcingDistribution IntermediaryFreeMarkets在线如何为它的客户创造价值渠道中间商Industrial BuyerManuf. Rep.Manuf. Rep.Manuf. Rep.Supplier 1Supplier 2Supplier 3Traditional B2B Trading ExchangesIndustrial BuyerManuf. Rep.Manuf. Rep.Manuf. Rep.Supplier 1Supplier 2Supplier 3传统B2B 商业交易企业购买者 厂商代表 厂商代表 厂

11、商代表供应商1 供应商2 供应商3Internet Based B2B Trading ExchangesIndustrial BuyerFreeMarkets OnlineSupplier 1Supplier 2Supplier 3以网络为基础的B2B商业交易 企业购买者FreeMarkets 在线 供应商1 供应商2 供应商3How Does FreeMarkets Online Create Value for its Customers?Consulting/Purchase outsourcingDistribution IntermediaryNetwork Enabler/Sof

12、tware ProviderFreeMarkets在线如何为它的客户创造价值网络采购的驱动者 / 软件提供者What are the Barriers for the buyers?Elimination of established relationships with the suppliers and their representativesElimination of manufacturing reps could result in loss of convenience购买者的障碍是什么?消除和供应商及其销售代表之间已经建立的关系消除制造商( buyers )的销售代表可能带来

13、不便What is the value to the suppliers?Less value for the suppliersCommission costs fell from 7% to 2.5%Table 7.5 implies reduction in commission by $174M(4.5%)=$8MTable 7.5 also shows $35M drop in revenue for the suppliers Suppliers could benefit from lower sales, marketing and distribution costs and

14、 better utilization of capacity对供应商的价值是什么?对供应商的价值相对较低佣金(以前支付给制造商代表的佣金)从7%降低到2.5%(支付给在线电子市场提供者)表7.5说明了佣金的减少为174M(4.5%)=800万美元表7.5还显示供应商的收入减少了3500万美元供应商可以从降低销售、营销、配送成本以及更好地利用生产能力中获利Which suppliers benefit from this model?Low cost, quality suppliers will benefit as they drive competition out of the mar

15、ketThe FreeMarkets model would be beneficial for large more efficient suppliersIt will also provide opportunities for a host of small suppliers, especially if they are located overseas 哪些供应商从这种模式中获利?低成本、低质量的供应商将获利,因为他们推动了市场竞争FreeMarkets模型将对大量更有效率的供应商有利它还会为一大群小规模供应商提供机会,尤其是国外的企业扩展市场The Revenue ModelA

16、 hybrid of service fees and sales commissionsFreeMarkets charged monthly fee from the buyer based on the size of the market making team dedicated to the eventWinning supplier paid sales commissions; this was paid in installments as suppliers shipped products收入模式收取服务费和销售佣金FreeMarkets公司向购买者按为其服务的市场创造团

17、队的规模每月收取服务费胜出的供应商支付销售佣金,这一费用在供应商发运产品时分期支付Problems with the revenue modelBuyer side:FreeMarkets invests substantially in a projectConsulting revenue is independent of the value createdDoes not lead to another intensive purchasing study for the customerGross margin on consulting is about 22% Doesnt sc

18、ale wellSupplier side:FreeMarkets does not represent the supplierFreeMarkets success depends on their ability to identify many potential suppliersSuppliers pay commissions to the company that reduced their margins收入模式的问题购买方:拒绝在采购价值之外在支付其它费用,甚至拒绝支付任何费用,包括采购服务费FreeMarkets公司在一个项目上进行了重大投资咨询收入和创造的价值不匹配也没

19、有进行另一次对客户采购的认真研究咨询的毛利率约为22% Doesnt scale well难以有递增的效应供给方:拒绝支付费用FreeMarkets不代表供给方FreeMarkets的成功依赖于它们有能力识别出了许多潜在供应商竞价供应商向公司支付佣金给FreeMarkets ,减少了自己的利润Vertical vs Horizontal Focus?Vertical:Advantage: FreeMarkets can capitalize on its deep knowledge of supplier industriesDisadvantage: Hard to scale-upHor

20、izontal:Advantage: Ability to generate multiple contracts from one buyersDisadvantage: FreeMarkets does not bring much expertise to the transaction FreeMarkets应当纵深发展还是横向发展?垂直:优势:FreeMarkets能利用其深厚的供应产业的知识劣势:难以扩大规模水平:优势:可以与同一个买方产生多个合同劣势: FreeMarkets没有形成交易的专门知识How about licensing the technology? Are bu

21、yers capable of using the technology by themselves?If not, how will this hurt?If they are, where is revenue going to come from?How can these problems be addressed?技术许可 购买者能够独立使用这种技术吗?使用需要专门的技能如果不能,这会带来什么损害?如果能,收益从何而来?如何应对这些问题?By the end of 1998 FreeMarkets was pursuing the horizontal market expansio

22、nIn 2000, the company started licensing its software 在1998年底 FreeMarkets正在进行水平市场扩张2000年,公司开始许可使用其软件The company went public in 12/99. Freemarkets Stock Price公司于1999年12月上市 Freemarket公司的股价Where is FreeMarkets today?For the three months ended in 3/31/01Revenue totaled $33MNet loss totaled $43.7MFor the

23、three months ended in 12/31/01Revenue totaled $44.8MNet loss totaled $2.8M今天的FreeMarkets2001年第一季度总收入3300万美元净亏损4370万美元2001年第4季度总收入4480万美元净亏损280万美元E-Marketplaces: The Initial (95-99) business modelThe e-marketplace concept started as a new way to procure products, particularly non-production items. E-

24、marketplaces Expand everyones market reachGenerate lower price for the buyersCut operational costs for buyers and suppliersAutomating the procurement process will reduce processing cost per order from as high as $150 to as low as $5 per orderFocus on liquidityTransaction fee paid by the suppliersSer

25、ve as a virtual distributorE-Marketplaces:最初的(1995年至1999年)的商业模式E-marketplaces的概念是采购产品的一种新方法。 E-marketplaces能够: 扩展每个公司的市场区域为购买者产生更低的价格为购买者和供应商削减运营成本采购过程自动化能够使每订单的处理成本由150美元降低到5美元专注于产品在更大范围的流通性交易费用由供应商支付扮演虚拟分销商的角色Problems with this Business Model Sellers resist paying a fee to the company whose main o

26、bjective is to reduce the purchase priceBuyers resist paying a feeThe revenue model needs to be flexibleSometimes the wrong party is chargedLow barriers to entry created a fragmented industry flooded with participantsJust in the chemical industry there were about 30 e-markets 商业模式存在的问题 销售者拒绝向那些主要目的是

27、降低采购价格的公司支付费用购买者拒绝支付费用收入模式需要灵活一些有时向不该收费的一方收费低进入壁垒使得参与者大量涌入,市场被分散仅仅在化学品市场就有约30个e-markets Continuous evolution of the business modelTransaction fees (typically paid by the sellers)Sometimes the wrong party is chargedBuyers and suppliers resist payingSubscription fees (typically paid by the buyer)Depen

28、ds on a number of dimensionsLicensing the software 商业模式的进一步演化交易费用(通常由销售者支付)有时向不该收费的一方收费购买者和供应商拒绝支付固定租赁费用(通常由购买者支付)由订购量决定软件许可使用Evolving Market Types Value-added independent e-marketsThey are expanding their offering to include inventory management and financial services (Zoho); supply chain planning

29、(Covisint, e2open, Converge, TheSupply)市场类型的进化 增值的独立e-markets它们正在将其服务扩展到库存管理和金融服务(Zoho),以及供应链规划 (Covisint, e2open, Converge, TheSupply)Consider Instill Corp.I focuses on the food service industry and provides an infrastructure which links together operators, i.e., restaurants, distributors and manuf

30、acturers. This e-marketplace provides value to its customers by offering not only procurement services, but also forecasting, collaboration and replenishment tools.Instill公司案例I集中于食品服务产业,提供将饭集中于食品服务产业,提供将饭店、配送商和生产商联系在一起的服务。它店、配送商和生产商联系在一起的服务。它向客户提供采购服务以及预测、协作和补货向客户提供采购服务以及预测、协作和补货工具等服务工具等服务Consider e

31、SIn the alcoholic beverage industry, eSkye has tailored an offering that provides the supply chain with real value. eSkye now links retail stores, distributors and suppliers providing visibility into a supply chain where little data existed. eSkye adds value by automating the ordering process for th

32、e retailer while providing product flow information to distributors and suppliers.eS公司案例在酿酒行业,eSkye公司为提供供应链的真正价值而调整了其服务。现在,eSkye将零售店、分销商和供应商联系起来,在数据很少的供应链中提供了可视性。通过使零售商的订单处理过程自动化,同时向分销商和供应商提供产品流信息。Evolving Market TypesPrivate e-MarketsValuechain.D (Dell), eHub (Cisco)IBM, Sun Microsystems and Wal-Ma

33、rtThese companies use the marketplace to improve supply chain collaboration Providing suppliers with demand information and production data市场类型的进化专用的e-MarketsValuechain、D (Dell)、eHub (Cisco)IBM、Sun 微系统公司和沃尔玛这些公司利用市场改善供应链的合作向供应商提供需求信息和生产数据Evolving Market TypesConsortia-based e-markets. Covisint (auto

34、motive); Trade-Ranger (oil); Omnexus (chemicals); e2Open and Converge (high-tech)Objective of the consortia isAggregate activities and use the buying power of consortia membersProvide suppliers with standard systems that support all buyers and allows suppliers to reduce cost市场类型的进化基于行业联盟的基于行业联盟的e-ma

35、rkets. Covisint (汽车)、Trade-Ranger (石油)、Omnexus (化工)、e2Open和Converge (高技术)联盟的目标:汇集各种活动以便利用联盟会员的购买力向供应商提供标准系统以便支持所有购买者并使供应商降低成本的Evolving Market TypesContent based e-markets. Focus on Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) goodsThese are components that are not part of the finished product or the man

36、ufacturing process but are essential for the businessExamples include lighting, office supply, fasteners,市场类型的进化基于内容的 e-markets. 集中于维护、修理和操作设备这些要素不是最终产品的一部分或生产过程的一部分,而是这种交易的必要部分例子包括照明设备、办公用品和紧固件等E-marketplace实例Private TradingExchanges (PTX)Independent VerticalExchanges (IVX)Independent HorizontalExc

37、hanges (IHX)Consortia TradingExchanges (CTX)Private vs. consortium-based public marketsOwnerSingle vs Co-OpObjectivePrivate: (i) Share proprietary data (ii) allow for SC CollaborationConsortia: (i) Buying/selling commodities (ii) Finding new suppliers ParticipantsPrivate: Selected group of suppliers

38、Consortia: Open MarketBuyer CostPrivate: Building and maintaining the siteConsortia: Subscription fee; licensing fee专用与以行业联盟为基础的公开市场所有者个人与合作组织目标专用:(i) 分享私人数据;(ii) 供应链协同联盟:(i) 购买 / 销售商品 ;(ii) 发现新的供应商参与者私人:选定的一组供应商联盟:公开市场购买者成本私人:建立并维持这种场所联盟:订购费、许可费Private vs. consortium-based public marketsSupplier Co

39、stPrivate: No feeConsortia: Subscription fee; Transaction feeChallengesPrivate: Initial investmentConsortia: (i) Many have recently collapsed; (ii) preferred suppliers may object because of price focus; (iii) Sharing proprietary data (iv) developing standards专用与以行业联盟为基础的公开市场供应商成本私人:无费用公会:订购费、交易费用挑战私

40、人:初始投资公会:(i) 最近很多都瓦解了;(ii) 首选的供应商可能由于价格而拒绝;(iii) 分享私人数据;(iv)需 制定标准,规范数据Private vs. consortium-based public marketsAutomotive IndustryCovisint was established in early 2000 by the Detroits big three automakersIt now also includes Renault, Nissan, Mitsubishi and PegeotVolkswagen established its own pr

41、ivate e-marketVolkswagen e-market provides not only similar capabilities to that of Covisint but also real-time information on production plans so that suppliers can better utilize resources专用与以行业联盟为基础的公开市场汽车产业2000年初,三在汽车制造商在底特律建立了Covisint现在还包括雷诺、日产、三菱和标致大众公司成立了自己的私人e-market大众的e-market不仅提供类似于Covisin

42、t的服务,而且还提供生产计划的实时信息,以使供应商能更好地利用这些资源Consider IBM IBM has saved about $1.7 billion since 1993 by being able to divulge sensitive price and inventory information over a private exchange built for 25,000 suppliers and customers, says Bill Paulk, IBMs vice president of e-marketplaces. As host of the exch

43、ange, the company helped defray the cost of connecting suppliers. The payoff: On-time delivery to customers soared from about 50% to close to 90%, which helped justify the cost, Paulk says. E2open: A consortia based e-marketplace established in 1999IBM公司案例 IBM的e-marketplaces经理Bill Paulk声称,利用由25000家供

44、应商和客户组成的私人交易场所泄露出的敏感价格信息和库存信息,自1993年以来,IBM已经节约了17亿美元。由于有许多交易者,公司协助支付了连接供应商的成本。回报:向客户的准时递送由50%提高到90%。“这说明这种成本是值得的。”Paulk说。E2open:成立于1999年的以公会为基础的e-marketplaceA Framework for eProcurementType of ComponentStrategic ComponentsPart of the finished product Not industry specific; company specificExamples:

45、PC motherboard and chassisCommodity ProductsCan be purchased from a large number of suppliersPrice is determined by market forcesExamples: Memory unit in a PC Indirect MaterialMRO电子采购的框架组成类型战略部件最终产品的一部分 Not industry specific; company specific例如:计算机主板和机箱通用商品可以向大量供应商购买价格由市场力量决定例如:计算机的存储器间接材料MROA Frame

46、work for eProcurementLevel of RiskUncertain Demand (Inventory risk)Volatile market price (Price Risk)Component availability (Shortage Risk)电子采购的框架风险水平不确定的需求(库存风险)不稳定的市场价格(价格风险)部件的可获得性(短缺风险)Risk: Commodity ProductsCan be purchased either in the open market through on-line auction, or through the use

47、of long term contractsLong term contracts guarantee certain level of supply but may be risky for the buyerInventory risk, shortage risk or price risk风险:通用产品可以通过以下渠道采购: 通过在线拍卖的公开市场 通过长期合约长期合约保证了一定的供应水平,但可能对购买者存在风险库存风险、短缺风险或价格风险A Framework for eProcurementIndirect MaterialTypically low risk and hence

48、the focus is on content based hubs. The objective is to use an MRO-hub that specializes in unifying catalogs from many suppliersExamples: MRO.com, Grainger on-line catalogs电子采购的框架间接材料通常风险较低,因此集中于以满意度为基础的活动目标是利用MRO活动形成统一目录例如:MRO.com、Grainger在线目录GraingerW. W. Grainger has been selling industrial suppl

49、ies for 72 yearsIn 1995 Grainger established G, an on-line catalogue for more than 220,000 products from 12,000 suppliersIn 1999, Grainger experienced revenue growth of $102M through its internet channelThe MRO supply industry is growing at a rate of 3-4% a year. From 1996 to 1999 Grainger internet

50、sales grew 32% a year and 20% in offline due to customers that were lured to Grainger from the web siteGrainger案例W. W. Grainger从事工业品销售72年1995年,Grainger建立了G,包括由12000家供应商提供的220000种产品的目录1999年, Grainger通过互联网实现了1.02亿美元的收入增长MRO供应产业的年增长率为3%至4%。从1996年至 1999年,Grainger的因特网销售每年增长32%,其中20%是由于线下客户被吸引到Grainger的网站

51、A Framework for eProcurementStrategic ComponentsTypically high risk components that can be purchased from a small number of suppliersThe objective is to use private or consortia-based e-marketplace. The focus is on an e-marketplace that allow collaboration with the suppliers电子采购的框架战略部件通常具有高风险的部分可以通过

52、数量较小的供应商购买目标是利用私人或以公会为基础的e-marketplace. 关注于可以与供应商协同的e-marketplaceConsortia or Private?Transaction volumeNumber of suppliersCost of building and maintaining the siteThe importance of protecting proprietary business practicesTechnology and product life cycles联盟还是专用?交易量供应商数量建立并维护交易场所的成本保护私人所有者实践的重要性技术和

53、产品生命周期A Framework for eProcurementCommodity ProductsProducts go directly into finished goodsHigh riskMany potential options to choose fromLong Term ContractsBuyer and supplier commit to certain volume (called the commitment level)Supplier guarantees a level of supply for a committed priceFlexible, o

54、r Option ContractsBuyer pre-pay a relatively small fraction of the product price up-front, in return for a commitment from the supplier to satisfy demand up to a certain level (called the option level)The buyer can purchase any amount up to the option level by paying additional price for each unit p

55、urchased Spot Purchasing电子采购的框架产品直接到最终产品高风险有许多潜在的选择长期合约购买者和供应商承诺达到一定水平(称为承诺水平)供应商在承诺价格下保证一定水平的供给灵活性或期权合约购买者提前支付一小部分产品费用,供应商刚保证满足一定的需求水平(称为option level )购买者可以通过向每一购买的单位支付额外价格而购买直到option level的任何数量买进现货A Framework for eProcurement: A Portfolio Approach Inventory Risk(Supplier)Inventory Risk(Buyer)Price

56、, Shortage Risks(Buyer)N/ACommitment LevelOption LevelL HHL 电子采购的框架:组合方式 库存风险(供应商)库存风险(购买者)价格风险、短缺风险(购买者)N/A承诺水平Option LevelL HHL B2B Software VendorsOracle (Indirect and Direct)i2 Technologies and Manugistics (Direct)Ariba (Indirect and Direct)Commerce One (Indirect and Direct)Agile (Direct)Vertica

57、lNet (Indirect)B2B 软件销售商Oracle (间接与直接)i2 Technologies and Manugistics (直接)Ariba (间接与直接)Commerce One (间接与直接)Agile (直接)VerticalNet (间接)E-Procurement: The realityCompanies conducting greater than 20% of procurement transactions online have reduced their transaction processing cost by nearly a third (Ha

58、ckett Benchmarking)Product savings and process cost improvements effect operating cost by 10% (Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group)电子采购:现实在线采购交易超过20%的公司交易处理成本降低了1/3(以惠普为标准)生产节约和处理成本的改善对运营成本的影响为10% (Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group)E-Procurement: The realityTo capture this benefits

59、 purchasing organization needs to invest heavily in:Changing internal procurement processesIntegrating e-marketplaces in internal systemsPurchasing B2B applications, andPaying e-marketplace transaction fee/subscription feeSource: Forrester Research电子采购:现实为获得这一利益,采购企业需要在以下方面进行大量投资:改变内部采购程序将e-marketpl

60、aces整合进内部系统购买B2B应用软件支付e-marketplace的交易费用和订购费用Source: Forrester ResearchPositive Aspects of Trading Exchanges (Companies who use exchanges):Reduce costs or labor (31%)Better access to products/vendors (24%)Increase speed or efficiency (29%)Access to more customers (21%) Source: AMR Research贸易交易的正面因素(

61、采用交易的公司)减少成本或劳务 (31%)更好地接近产品 / 销售商 (24%)提高速度或效率 (29%)接近更多的客户 (21%) Source: AMR ResearchPositive Aspects of Trading Exchanges (Companies who plan to use exchanges):Reduce costs or labor (43%)Better access to products/vendors (26%)Increase speed or efficiency (23%)Access to more customers (10%) Source

62、: AMR Research贸易交易的正面因素(计划采用交易的公司)减少成本或劳务 (43%)更好地接近产品 / 销售商 (26%)提高速度或效率 (23%)更好地接近客户 (10%)Source: AMR ResearchNegative Aspects of Trading Exchanges (Companies use exchanges):Security trust (17%)Start Up cost (5%)Loss of face-to-face relationships (12%)Lack of standards (5%)Immature technology (5%)

63、Integration issues (7%) Source: AMR Research贸易交易的负面因素(采用交易的公司)安全保障 (17%)启动成本 (5%)面对面关系的损失 (12%)缺乏标准 (5%)不成熟的技术 (5%)整合问题 (7%)Source: AMR ResearchNegative Aspects of Trading Exchanges (Companies who plan to use exchanges):Security trust (16%)Start Up cost (15%)Loss of face-to-face relationships (11%)L

64、ack of standards (6%)Immature technology (6%)Integration issues (4%) Pricing pressure (6%) Source: AMR Research贸易交易的负面因素(计划采用交易的公司)安全保障 (16%)启动成本 (15%)面对面关系的损失 (11%)缺乏标准 (6%)不成熟的技术 (6%)整合问题 (4%) 定价压力 (6%) Source: AMR ResearchOutsourcingAn “easy way” to increase profitsNike, Cisco, Apple outsource mo

65、st of their manufacturingEach could focus on research, marketingEach has gotten into trouble 2001 Nike reported unexpected profit shortfalls due to inventory problems2000 Cisco had to write down billions in obsolete inventory1999 Apple was unable to meet customer demand for new products外包增加利润的“简单方法耐

66、克、思科和苹果公司外包其大部分生产可以关注研究与营销每家公司都遇到了问题2001年 耐克公司报告由于库存问题而导致意外的利润下降2000年 思科公司处理了数十亿美元的过期库存1999年 苹果公司不能满足客户对新产品的需求Outsourcing Benefits and RisksBenefitsEconomies of scale reduce manufacturing costsRisk pooling demand uncertainties are transferredReduced capital investmentFocus on core competenciesIncrea

67、sed flexibilityRisksLoss of competitive knowledge Conflicting objectives Flexibility vs. long-term, stable commitments, etc.Consider the IBM PC example.外包的收益与风险收益规模经济降低了制造成本风险分担 要求不确定性的转移降低资本投资集中于核心竞争力灵活性增加风险竞争性知识的损失目标冲突灵活性与长期、稳定的承诺等考虑IBM个人计算机的例子A Framework for OutsourcingReasons for outsourcingDepe

68、ndency on capacityDependency on knowledgeProduct architectureIntegral products components are tightly relatedDesigned as a systemNot off-the-shelf componentsEvaluated based on system performanceModular products independent components外包的框架外包的动机信赖于生产能力信赖于知识生产体系整合产品 组成部分高度相关作为一个系统进行设计非现货供应的组成部分基于系统绩效的评估模块化产品 独立的组成部分A Framework for Outsourcing (Fine & Whitney)ProductDependent:knowledge, capacityIndep:knowledgeDep: capacityIndep.:knowledgecapacityModularOutsourcing riskyOutsourcing oportunityOutsourcing can reduce costIntegralOutsourcing very riskyOutsourcing optionKeep internal



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