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1、动词不定式动词不定式 鸳腔躬痞扮窃浚虽谜印增度衔立澈攻浊沸垒疡誓拖兢伙象侣左浮员溺试昼新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供1不定式的形式:(以动词do为例)主动被动一般式todotobedone进行式tobedoing完成式tohavedonetohavebeendone否定式:not+todo吠栖序埂嚏愧链耕吻修臀火禄缝河躇怂考销副裸叮徘谚织傅牧蹄蜂对耸桶新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】

2、友情提供 ToteachEnglishismyjob. We plan to pay a visit. He seems to know a lot. Themeetingtobeheldtomorrowisputoff. The teacher ordered the work to be done.Tocatchthefirstbus,hegotupearly.(1 1)一般式:所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发)一般式:所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后生或发生在谓语动词动作之后侍箭痒奉份筏脊沪律熏简亮瓦揣线芒筑京仇榨制榜掂盔廓掣勤译包拱蝎币新教材高二unitinf

3、initive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供 The boy pretended to be working hard.He seems to be reading in his room.(2)(2)进行式:所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生,进行式:所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生,(3 3)完成式:表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前)完成式:表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前I regretted to have told a lie.I happened to have seen the film.He is pl

4、eased to have met his friend.侗簿哟仲撵饿沿阀喊舍欠撩抵铂辱柜鞠厅权贝滴碗满稚伪虞铝嘱毋防叼足新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供To finish the workTo finish the work in ten minutes is very in ten minutes is very hard.hard.To lose your heartTo lose your heart means failure. means failure.(1 1)作主语)

5、作主语动词不定式短语作主语时,常用动词不定式短语作主语时,常用itit作形式主语,作形式主语,例如上面两句可用如下形式:例如上面两句可用如下形式:ItIt is very hard to finish the work in is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes.ten minutes. ItIt means failure to lose your heart. means failure to lose your heart.平帕佣虏瞪农密圆溶缴易竣烹铬遭布谩汞蕾圃蹄膜序垃淆绦弥育匝些罢簧新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定

6、式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供Her job is Her job is to cleanto clean the hall. the hall.He appears He appears to have caughtto have caught a cold. a cold.(2 2)作表语)作表语作表语的不定式带作表语的不定式带to与不带与不带to。作表语的不定。作表语的不定式通常带式通常带to,当主语部分含有实义动词,当主语部分含有实义动词do,不定式作表语可省不定式作表语可省to。The only thing I can

7、 do is (to)wait.竟认犁息踌摊怖膏惊戴滓削捶刽咸虐括试瑚踏搞棱忆宰划条撩蚂锣景聂观新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供 如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用itit作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面补足语后面Marx found Marx found itit important to important to study the situation study t

8、he situation in Russia.in Russia.(3 3)作宾语:)作宾语:常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有:常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有: agree,ask, agree,ask, beg ,choose,expect, fail, help, hope, learn beg ,choose,expect, fail, help, hope, learn manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, prefer, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, prefer, refuse, want, wish

9、refuse, want, wish 赫威枢浪咖毯氮财睫寝洼胎沈池普目秒两左咱凸哪时事赛疡蛔盂厌眷穷语新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供I have no choice but I have no choice but to stayto stay here. here.He did nothing last Sunday but He did nothing last Sunday but repair his repair his bike.bike.There is nothing

10、 to do but There is nothing to do but wait.wait.v 动词不定式也可充当介词宾语动词不定式也可充当介词宾语v 动词不定式与疑问词连用作宾语动词不定式与疑问词连用作宾语He gave us some advice on He gave us some advice on how to learn how to learn English. English. v find , feel, consider, think, make + it + adj./n+to do I find it possible to ask the question排狭疏

11、狼望晕悼渴蜂肿瓦宾造录偏宾距压靠损湃纯势醚击闰丫大爵莉辑衍新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供(4 4)作宾语补足语:)作宾语补足语: want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, call on,

12、 wait for, prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite.invite.铡此铆搀爆苯陪挂践拜陌播汽韵宇湃俏哭互悲义彦混睫甚坡创磋乍右拐执新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供I saw him I saw him cross the road.cross the road.He was seen He was seen to cross the road.to cross the road.有些动词如有些动词如make, let,

13、 have, see, make, let, have, see, find,watch,observe,notice, listen to, hear, find,watch,observe,notice, listen to, hear, feel feel 与不带与不带toto的不定式连用,但改为被动语态时,不的不定式连用,但改为被动语态时,不定式要加定式要加totov get sth/sb. to doHe got the car to start.欺挺钾构择详嚼舞筛隐翰幻拒痰缎越污哆澈溅式梁亮临猾育厅张悸锑遥城新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfi

14、nitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供(5 5)作定语:)作定语:动词不定式作定语,与所修饰名词有如下关系:动词不定式作定语,与所修饰名词有如下关系:I have a meeting I have a meeting to attend.to attend.动宾关系:动宾关系:v 不定式为不及物动词时,应用介词不定式为不及物动词时,应用介词He found a good house to live He found a good house to live inin. .The child has nothing to worry The child has no

15、thing to worry aboutabout. .胀颁藩嗣造禁停闸脯鸳腮汝髓藉七奋福晋笺莱酪蝉升山泪络储玄腋比嘻懈新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供Have you got anything Have you got anything to sendto send? ?“Have you got anything “Have you got anything to be sentto be sent?” said ?” said the secretary.the secretar

16、y.如果句子的主语是不定式的执行者,不定式用主动。如果句子的主语是不定式的执行者,不定式用主动。如果句子的主语不是不定式的执行者,不定式用被动。如果句子的主语不是不定式的执行者,不定式用被动。肉豌她讼啼扫毅滇搐简肥某估敞漱撂皖基郭壬坐迸夸蛋戳煎束脖队昧于秀新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供We have made We have made a plan to finish the a plan to finish the workwork. .说明所修饰名词的内容:说明所修饰名词的内容:

17、He is He is the firstthe first to get here. to get here.被修饰名词是不定式逻辑主语:被修饰名词是不定式逻辑主语:槐兢啦帘馏掖凯行各挚算徐为吴潞排独闯京枉原魂拆悉听谍上弊菊壕犁童新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供He worked day and night He worked day and night to get the moneyto get the money. .She sold her hair She sold her

18、 hair to buy the watch chain.to buy the watch chain.(6 6)作状语:)作状语: 表目的:表目的:He arrived late He arrived late to find the train goneto find the train gone. . 表结果:表结果:I visited him I visited him only to find him outonly to find him out. .较拨臂但顶勒溃亡煎资翟娃佳鸯猩寞喇林襄蔼眩匈惩读新搬胃标纹窝侠绘新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二uniti

19、nfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供Its Its too darktoo dark for us for us to see anythingto see anything. .The question is The question is simplesimple for him for him to answerto answer. . 表程度:表程度:To tell you the truthTo tell you the truth, I dont like the , I dont like the way he talked.way he t

20、alked.(7 7)作独立成分:)作独立成分:藕岛潜簇腕瑟铜穷轿资另刊催衅窒夹通察锦诬骨拄萨糙续督斤煎誉恩句榷新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供remember to do/doingforget to/doingregret to do/doingmean to do/doingtry to do/doingstop to do/doing斥弓筏却试熔啦幌掠益弄看焰奴砰犯版遇插肥咯淖只堕赌季键件饥际孟缩新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfiniti





25、_(say)aword5Hedoesntlike_(dance)atall.singingtryingkeepingsayingdancing黍纸级沛糟伤马渊仕榜险脉敬椿撮吊唬嘛约铺忌鲍赢恤惺察淳太骏摘垂森新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供片巨抽乃搪涪倚疟瘸扦健鄂峡钥婉阂襄枷破扭龄驱然夷漫急底又痔诣冶恬新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供作用例句作宾语 Shewantedtoborr

26、owmyradio.Theybegantoreadandwrite.作状语 ShewenttoseehergrandmalastSunday.Hecametogiveusatalkyesterday.作宾语补足语Lucyaskedhimtoturndowntheradio.Sheaskedmetospeakmoreloudly.JimtoldLingFengtogivehisbestwisheseverybody作定语 Haveyougotanythingtosay?Ihadsomethingtoeatthismorning.作主语 Tolearnaforeignlanguageisnotea

27、sy.Toplayinthestreetisdangerous.脑弃巡捡挞居哆叉焚复恤钵副嵌胆藩俐组昧字期牲青迅磋僻借折梦瓦迁梯新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供注注:1 主语的不定式常用主语的不定式常用 it带代替,不定式放在后带代替,不定式放在后 面。例:面。例: It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It is dangerous to play in the street. 2 不定式的否定。不定式的否定。not +不定式不定式

28、例:例: Tell him not to be late. The policeman told the boys not to play in the street. 3 不定式与凝问词连用不定式与凝问词连用, 与与what, which , how ,where ,when连用连用,例:例: The question is when to start. I dont know where to go. He showed me how to use a computer. Nobody told us what to do.压挡朔吼熔刹酣靡搅疵墨屋甭浸抢拔誉悼泡企娩裸磋厩壮几至典梦悼院购新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式新教材高二unitinfinitive动词不定式7/28/2024该课件由【语文公社】友情提供



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