大学英语教学课件:after-class reading

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1、Post-ReadingSummary Specific InformationMisunderstanding VocabularyTranslationIn-class Reading Post-ReadingDirections: Work in pairs to complete the following summary according to the information you get from the passage. Martians and Venusians encountered many of the problems with relationships we

2、have today. Because they recognized they were 1)_, they were able to solve these 2)_. One of the secrets of their success was good 3)_. When communication problems emerged, they assumed that with a little assistance of a 4)_ they would surely understand each other. Thats why they experienced a 5) _

3、and 6)_ that we rarely experience today. differentproblemscommunicationtranslatortrustacceptance1. SummaryIn-class Reading Post-Reading Men and women seldom mean the same things even when they use the same words. Women would tend to 7)_ the facts a little bit for effect and use various 8)_, 9)_, and

4、 10)_. Men commonly react in an 11)_ manner, because they mistakenly take these expressions 12)_. So it is important to 13)_ or 14)_ what they have heard to avoid misunderstanding. exaggeratesuperlativesmetaphorsgeneralizationsunsupportiveliterallyrethinktranslateIn-class Reading Post-ReadingDirecti

5、ons: Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are true or false. Put a “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided. Check the answers with your partner._ 1) Martians and Venusians refer to people from different countries._ 2) Martians and Venusians were able to unders

6、tand each other even though they spoke different languages._ 3) Misinterpreting was not common between Martians and Venusians. F TF2. Specific InformationIn-class Reading Post-Reading_ 4) Its easy for men and women to misunderstand each other._ 5) When a woman says “We never go out”, she implies tha

7、t she want to go out more often._ 6) It is mainly womens fault when men and women fail to understand each other._ 7) To understand women, men shouldnt take womens complaints literally._ 8) The number one complaint is that women feel men dont fully understand what they really mean to say. TTTTFIn-cla

8、ss Reading Post-Reading_ 9) It can be inferred from the passage that men are more factual than women._10) Its important for men to think about what women really mean before getting into an argument.TTIn-class Reading Post-ReadingClearing Up a MisunderstandingDirections: Read the following short stor

9、y and discuss in groups the question below. Question: What caused the communication problem between John and Laura?Words and Phrases:masculine and feminine culture 男性和女性文化男性和女性文化response 反应反应 feedback 反馈反馈 responsive 积极回应的积极回应的Clearing Up a Misunderstanding John and Laura worked together at an adver

10、tising company. One morning he came into her office to read an advertising product plan to her. As John discussed his ideas, Laura nodded and said, “um”, “un huh,” and “yes”. When he finished and asked what she thought, Laura said, “I really dont think that plan will sell the product.” Feeling that

11、she had misled him, John said angrily, “Then why were you agreeing the whole time I told you about my idea?” Completely confused, Laura answered, “What makes you think that I was agreeing with you? I didnt say that I was.” Clearing Up a Misunderstanding The problem was caused because there are diffe

12、rences in communication between masculine and feminine cultures. John understood Laura according to the rules of the masculine culture. Women give a lot of responses to show their interest and involvement in a conversation because relationships and using communication to build them are very importan

13、t to them. Masculine culture, on the other hand, focuses on outcomes more than processes. Thus, men tend to SampleClearing Up a Misunderstandinguse feedback to show agreement and disagreement. When John heard Lauras “um”, “un huh,” and “yes”, he thought that she was agreeing with him. However, accor

14、ding to the feminine culture, she was only showing interest and being responsive to him. She was not signaling agreement. Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1) Your books and magazines are almost in a _ (杂乱杂乱). Go and pu

15、t them in order. 2) History will not _ (重复重复) itself. 3) Dont let his friendly manner _ (引入歧途引入歧途) you into trusting him. 4) Erna _ (打算打算) to take short rests every two hours. 5) People under stress _ (有某种倾向有某种倾向) to express their full range of potential. 4. Vocabulary-1messrepeatmisleadintendstendI

16、n-class Reading Post-Reading 6) People will not believe a person who always _. (夸大夸大) 7) After three hours _ (令人沮丧的令人沮丧的) delay, the train at last arrived. 8) The driver _ (误解误解) the policemans signal and turned in the wrong direction. 9) She won _ (接受接受) by the King family only through extraordinar

17、y diligence. 10) We _ (信任信任) him because we know he has never deceived anyone.exaggeratesfrustratingmisinterpretedacceptancetrustIn-class Reading Post-Reading Column A Column B 1) encounter a. help 2) recognize b. express 3) assistance c. realize 4) conflict d. respond 5) ignore e. importanceDirecti

18、ons: Match each of the words in Column A with an appropriate explanation from Column B. fcaki4. Vocabulary-2 Step OneIn-class Reading Post-Reading 6) emphasis f. meet 7) emerge g. way 8) assume h. appear 9) manner i. pay no attention to 10) convey j. think 11) react k. disagreement eh j gbdIn-class

19、Reading Post-ReadingDirections: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word from Column A. Change the form if necessary. Check the answers with your partner. 1) The expression on Bills face _ his thoughts. 2) Teachers cant give pupils any _ in exams. 3) When did you first _ these probl

20、ems? 4) There was a lot of _ between him and his father when he was young. conveyed/conveysassistanceencounterconflictStep TwoIn-class Reading Post-Reading 5) I hope you would give this idea extra _ in your report. 6) David _ to what I said by leaving the room. 7) I _ that I may have been wrong. 8)

21、Anne finished her work in a diligent _. 9) He was with an elderly man, whom I _ was his grandfather. 10) The sun _ from behind the clouds. 11) It would be unwise to _ the growing dissatisfaction with the policies.emphasisreactedrecognizemannerassumed/assumeemerged/emergesignoreIn-class Reading Post-

22、Reading Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 1) He pulled _ a knife and opened the box with it. 2) The amount you pay depends _ where you live. 3) We finished writing the report _ the assistance of two experts. 4) Undoubtedly, radio and tele

23、vision are important means _ communication. 5) _ her hurry she forgot to leave her address with Jane.outonwithofInVocabulary-3In-class Reading Post-Reading 6) Why are you talking _ such a strange manner? 7) The bank has offered a reward for any information leading _ the arrest of the men. 8) Scienti

24、sts are _ the verge of a major breakthrough. 9) _ times I wonder if its worth all the effort. 10) Ive got no way _ contacting him at all.intoonAtofIn-class Reading Post-ReadingDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。昨天我去牙

25、科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。(pull out) 2) 事情的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定的。事情的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定的。(depend on) I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes. 5. TranslationIn-class Reading Post-ReadingIn-class Reading Post-Reading3) 谚谚 条条大路通

26、罗马。条条大路通罗马。(lead to) 4) 我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘记把书带来了。我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘记把书带来了。 (mean to / intend to)5) 我差点儿接受他的建议。我差点儿接受他的建议。(on the verge of) 6) 离婚可不是儿戏离婚可不是儿戏/ /离婚这档子事可不能等闲视之。离婚这档子事可不能等闲视之。(take lightly) All roads lead to Rome.I meant to / intended to give you that book today, but I forgot to bring it

27、 with me.I was on the verge of accepting his advice.Divorce is not a matter you can afford to take lightly.Passage IFive New Words at a TimeAfter-Class Reading Passage I When Yulans family came to America, she was afraid of _because she couldnt _. Her mother worked in _ mainly because _. The mother

28、worked very hard, but she never _. She noticed Yulans _. The mother encouraged Yulan and _. Soon Yulan could communicate with others in English. Also the mother benefited from helping her daughter to pass _. Yulan _ and was grateful to her mother for her _. Main PointsAfter-Class Reading Passage I W

29、hen Yulans family came to America, she was afraid of going to school because she couldnt communicate in English. Her mother worked in a Chinese restaurant mainly because she couldnt speak English well enough. The mother worked very hard, but she never neglected her children. She noticed Yulans troub

30、le. The mother encouraged Yulan and worked together with her. Soon Yulan could communicate with others in English. Also the mother benefited from helping her daughter to pass the postal entrance exam. Yulan admired and was grateful to her mother for her determination. Main PointsAfter-Class Reading

31、Passage ITranslate the phrases into English怕去上学因为怕说中文的环境她弯月形的眼睛突然大哭起来抑制, 控制从不同的角度有别于牺牲她的休息时间我生活中的引路人dread going to school (L4)for fear of (L4)a Chinese-speaking environment (L8)her moon-shaped eyes (L13)burst into tears (L14)hold back (L14)in a different light (L20)distinguish from (L27)sacrifice he

32、r resting time (L31)the guiding light of my life (L42)Passage II MisunderstandingsAfter-Class Reading Passage IIHomonyms and Similar-Sounding Words Pronunciation is a particularly unreliable guide to the spelling of homonyms, which are words pronounced the same though they have different spellings a

33、nd meanings: for example, great/grate(壁炉), too/two/to, threw/through, horse/hoarse(嘶哑的), board(木板)/bored(厌烦的), break/brake(刹车). Homonyms and words with very similar pronunciations , such as gorilla(大猩猩)/ guerilla(游击队) and accept/except, are common sources of spelling errors. Studying homonyms and si

34、milar-sounding words will help you avoid spelling errors caused by how words sound.all ready (prepared) 已准备好 already (by this time) 已经 bare (unclothed) 赤裸的 bear (to carry, or an animal) 承受; 熊capital (seat of government)首都 Capitol (legislative meeting place) 国会大厦dessert (the course after dinner)饭后甜点d

35、esert (abandon)抛弃rain (precipitation) 雨 reign (to rule) 统治 rein (the strap for controlling an animal) 缰绳 their (belonging to them) 他们的 there (opposite of here) 那里 theyre (contraction of “they are”) 他们是 1) What did the driver get when the passengers passed the message that there was a bum in the rest

36、room? 2) What trouble did similar-sounding English words cause when a passenger wanted to fly to Oakland, California?3) What did the boss mean about “Did you get a plate?” when one of the employee was late for work?4) What is the best thing to do when similar-sounding words cause misunderstandings?

37、Questions: After-Class Reading Passage II1) What did the driver get when the passengers passed the message that there was a bum in the restroom? 2) What trouble did similar-sounding English words cause when a passenger wanted to fly to Oakland, California? There was a bomb in the restroom. He boarde

38、d on the wrong flight that flied to Auckland, New Zealand.Questions: After-Class Reading Passage II3) What did the boss mean about “Did you get a plate?” when one of the employee was late for work? 4) What is the best thing to do when similar-sounding words cause misunderstandings? The real meaning

39、was “Did you get up late?”The best thing to do is just laugh and learn from the mistake.After-Class Reading Passage IIPart OneThree main examples support that similar-sounding words can cause misunderstandings.Part TwoWhen similar-sounding words cause mis-understandings, the best thing to do is just

40、 laugh and learn from the mistake.(Para.1-5)(Para.6-7)2. Organization AnalysisAfter-Class Reading Passage IITranslate the following into Chinese 1. He got on a bus and headed straight for the restroom. (L2) 他跳上一辆巴士.直奔厕所而去.2. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder. (L4) 她拍了拍她前排乘客的肩膀。3.

41、 The driver immediately pulled over to the side of the highway and radioed the police. (L11) 司机急忙把车开到高速公路边停下来, 用无线电报警。4. Twenty minutes after takeoff, the man began to worry. (L20) 起飞起飞20分钟后分钟后, 这位先生开始担心了这位先生开始担心了。5. The flight attendant gasped. (L24-25) 服务员倒吸了一口冷气服务员倒吸了一口冷气。6. Because so many Engli

42、sh words sound similar, misunderstandings among English-speaking people are not uncommon. (L27-28) 由于英语中许多词发音相近, 误会对讲英语的人来说司空见惯。 7. wondering what in the world he meant (L36) 一边纳闷他究竟是什么意思8. , probably the best thing to do is just laugh and learn from the mistake. (L46) 也许最好的做法是一笑了之并从中吸取教训也许最好的做法是一笑了

43、之并从中吸取教训。9. But even that misunderstanding turned out all right in the end. (L48-49) 然而然而,即使是那样的一场误会即使是那样的一场误会,结局还是可以的结局还是可以的。 After reading this unit, you must now know that misunderstandings are quite common in our daily lives. Work in groups to come up with ways to avoid misunderstandings.How to

44、Avoid MisunderstandingsSampleSpeak clearly, especially on the phone.Ask the other person to repeat what you have said, especially important facts and details such as where, when and who.Write clearly and exactly.If you are not sure about what the other person has said, do not hesitate to ask. Dont p

45、retend to know or understand. Dont guess. Questions to avoid or clear up misunderstandings are welcome because nobody wants to be misunderstood.Do not make too many inferences. Sometimes trying to guess the implied meaning will cause trouble.Try to make out the intended meaning of what one has said,

46、 not just the literal meaning, especially when you are talking to a person of the opposite sex. Remember that men are usually factual while women may be more emotional.Pay attention to similar-sounding words or words which are pronounced the same but spelled differently in conversation. When you say any word of the kind, make sure your listeners hear the word you actually said or meant. If youre a listener, try to make sure what you heard is really what the speaker had said.



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