六年级英语下册 Unit 3(11)课件 苏教牛津版

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《六年级英语下册 Unit 3(11)课件 苏教牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Unit 3(11)课件 苏教牛津版(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 How to ask the way1.Excuse me, where is .? 2.Excuse me, does this bus go to .?3. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to .?4. Excuse me, how can I get to .? 5. Excuse me, which is the way to .?6. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to .?Sometrafficdirections 一直往前走一直往前走沿着这条街一直走沿着这条街一直走右转弯右转弯左转弯左转弯在第

2、一个十字路口在第一个十字路口在你右边在你右边在你左边在你左边过两个街区过两个街区gostraightaheadgoalongthisstreet turnright turnleft atthefirstcrossing onyourright onyourleft walktwoblocks乘乘5路车路车上车上车下车下车taketheNo.5busgetongetoffSometrafficdirections 一直走到十字路口一直走到十字路口 在对面在对面go straight ahead to the crossroadsbe on the oppositeHowtoexpressand

3、respondtothanks A:Thanks/Thankyou(verymuch)/Manythanks./Thanksalot./Thankyouverymuchindeed.B: Yourewelcome./Thatsallright./Itsapleasure./Mypleasure/Notatall./Sure. the history museumthe shopping centerthe train station the primary schoolthe post officethe middle schoolExcuseme,canyoutellthewayto.?Ex

4、cuseme,whereis.?GoalongthestreetGostraightaheadWalktwoblocksTurnleft/rightExcuseme,whichisthewayto.?GoalongthestreetbeonyouroppositethetoiletAnswer the questions according to the passage:1. When did the boy meet the foreigner? He met the foreigner last weekend.2. Where did the foreigner want to go?

5、He wanted to go to Zhangjiang High- tech Park.3. Could the boy understand him at first? No, he couldnt.4. Did the boy tell the foreigner the way in English? Why?/Why not? No.BecausehedidntknowhowtosaythatinEnglish.5. What did he do then? Hetookoutapenandapieceofpaperanddrawastreetmapforhim.6. What d

6、id the boy learn from his talk with the foreigner? HelearnedtheimportanceofEnglish.Act out the dialogueFillintheblankswiththefollowingwordsandphrasesintheirproperforms:1.The foreigner speaks very fast. I cant _him.2. It is very easy for him to _.3. _ and the supermarket is in front of the bookshop.4

7、. That is _, but we all like it and learn a lot.5. Tom took out _and drew a picture.Go straight aheadunderstandonly a few minutes talksay that in Englishunderstandonly a few minutes talkgo straight aheadsay that in Englisha piece of papera piece of paper校园图校园图校园图校园图GirlsDormitoryBoysDormitoryLibrary

8、HallClinicSwimmingpoolGymGardenClassroomBuilding1ClassroomBuilding2Gateplayground2136 kilometres4 kilometresDongmenMiddle SchoolGift:Bettertoaskthewaythangoastray.问路总比迷路好。问路总比迷路好。Confidenceinyourselfisthefirststepontheroadtosuccess.自信是走向成功的第一步。自信是走向成功的第一步。 Homework:1. Go over the reading2. A Game : Pair work: First write down a place . And then tell your partner how to get there.



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