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1、A Brief Introduction to Classroom English英语课堂基本用语概述英语课堂基本用语概述灵宝市故县镇中心小学 张燕燕ContentsThe Importance of Classroom English1Situational Practice 2Summary: Standards for C.E.3The Importance of Classroom EnglishWhat is Classroom English?Class Organization and ManagementInstructionTeacher-Student Interactio

2、nFeedbackThe Importance of Classroom EnglishWhy should an English teacher use proper classroom English in his teaching?C.E. is the most important input for students.C.E. benefits communication in English classroom.The Importance of Classroom EnglishExamples of Common Problems“Whats your name in Engl

3、ish?”“Michael”“How to spell it?”“How do you spell it?”The Importance of Classroom English“Can you tell me when did the Second World War begin?”“Lets see the two sentence. One more students.”“Can you make a sentence about how long”?“Can you tell me when the Second World War began?”“Lets look at the t

4、wo sentences. I will ask one more student to read them.”“Can you make a sentence with how long?”The Importance of Classroom English“Pay attention to the difference. When shall we discuss?”“Please together answer!”“The letter a pronounces”“Pay attention to the difference. When shall we discuss it?”“P

5、lease answer it together!”“The letter a is pronounced.”The Importance of Classroom English“We are endeavoring to construct a more inclusive society.”“We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.”Situational PracticeSituation 1 Class ProceduresYour name is Tracy. You are a new teacher

6、in primary school. This is your first English Class, and you will teach Unit 1 “Whats the weather like today?”In this class, you will show students some pictures of weather and divide students into groups to practice the dialogue. Situational PracticeBy the way, Mary is late for class, and Tim is ab

7、sent. During the class, some students are absent-minded and whispering to each other, so you have to control noises.Situational PracticeSituation 1 Class ProceduresPhase 1Phase 2Phase 3Beginning of ClassIn Course of ClassEnd of ClassSituational PracticeSituation 1 ( The bell is ringing)“Did you hear

8、 the bell?”“Yes.”“OK. Its time for class.”Is that the bell?Did the bell ring?Has the bell gone off yet?Class is about to begin.Shall we start?Please get everything ready for class.Lets get started.Situational Practice“Good morning, everybody.”“My name is Tracy and Im your new English Teacher.”“Is ev

9、erybody here?”“”“All right. 我要点名了。”“Im Tracy. Ill be teaching you English this year.”“Anybody absent?”“Who is missing today?”“Who isnt here today?”Ill just mark / call / take / pick up the register. Lets have the roll call.Situational Practice“叫到你的名字请回答 到”。“LucyJerryMary”“” “Whats the matter with Ma

10、ry today?”“Sorry, We have no idea.”“Answer when your name is called.”“Does anyone know whats wrong with Mary?”“Has anybody any idea where Mary is today?”Situational Practice“Thats OK. Lets continue to call the roll. Tim”“He is not here today, teacher. He has got the flu.”“他请病假了吗?”“Yes.”“Did he ask f

11、or sick leave?”“I am sorry to hear that. I hope he will recover soon.”What a pity! I wish him a speedy recovery.Situational Practice“告诉他下次别忘了把病假条带到学校来。”(Somebody is knocking at the door.)“Morning, teacher. Im sorry. Im late.”“Is your name Mary?”“Yes.”“Dont forget to take your sick note to school nex

12、t time.”Situational Practice“Why are you late?”“My bicycle broke down on the way to school.”“好吧。下次尽量别迟到。”“Well, now I think we can get down to our business.”“I see. Try to be here on time next time.”“I see. Dont let it happen again.”“I see. Let this be the last time.”Situational Practice“这节课,我们主要学习第

13、一单元的对话 Whats the weather like today? Its”“请大家把书拿出来,翻到第一页。”“首先,我们听一段对话,然后我们转入生词和句型的学习。”“In this class, most of our time will be devoted to the dialogue in Unit 1 ”“Now please take out your books and open them at page 1.”“Lets listen to a dialogue first, and then well move on to the new words and patt

14、erns.”Situational Practice(The teacher plays the tape recording)“Can you all hear?”“如果你有个别词没有听到,没关系。我们有足够的时间把它再听一遍。”“光听就可以了,不要跟读。让我找一下开始的地方。”“It doesnt matter if you miss a word here or there. We have enough time to listen to it again.”“Just listen. Dont repeat. Let me find the beginning again.”“Is

15、that sound clear enough?”Situational Practice(The teacher plays the tape recording again)“从这段录音里你学到什么了吗?”“We have heard some new words.”“Yes. Well have a look at the new words about weather. Sunny, rainy, cloudy”“你能说出这些单词的词性吗?”“Did you pick up anything from this recording?”“Can you identify the part

16、 of speech of this word?”Situational Practice“Put your hands up if you know the answer. OK, Jack.”“They are adjectives.”“Yes. You are right.”Thats correct / quite right.Yes, you have got it.You said it.Excellent / Magnificent / Fantastic / Marvelous!Thats perfectly correct.Thats exactly the point.I

17、couldnt have given a better answer myself.Thats just what I was looking for.Its very clever of you to say so.What you said was perfectly all right.Situational Practice(If Jack gives a wrong answer)“They are nouns.”“No, thats wrong.”Do you really think so?Is that your honest opinion?Not really.Unfort

18、unately not.Im afraid thats not quite right.Good try, but not quite right.Situational Practice“现在让我们一句一句来听这段录音。”“I will ask someone to dictate the new words on blackboard. Any volunteers?”“”“Come on, have a try.”Come on, you can do it!I feel you should go ahead.Dont be nervous. Nobody will laugh at

19、you.Dont worry. Just your classmates.Dont be afraid. Well help you if you get stuck.“Now, lets listen to the recording sentence by sentence.”Situational Practice“Good. Lily, come out to the blackboard.”(Lily dictates the words on blackboard.)“Thank you, Lily. Lets see if you have spelt it right / co

20、rrectly.”I wonder if you have spelt it right.Is there anything wrong with the spelling?Can anybody correct Junes spelling?Situational Practice“很抱歉,但是你拼错了两个单词。”“这里漏了一个 y”“这里应该是一个 u而不是 o。”“这两个字母颠倒了。”“Im sorry, but you have made two spelling mistakes.“A y is missing here.”“There should be an u instead

21、of o.”“These two letters are the wrong way round.”Situational Practice“Dont worry, Lily. Im sure youll do better next time.”(If Lily has spelt new words correctly)“Well done. Lily.”Not to worry. It will improve.Dont let this get you down.Dont give up now.Cheer up. Theres nothing to feel discouraged

22、about.Great Stuff!You have made a very good job of that.You didnt make a single mistake.Situational Practice“接下来,我想给你们看一些有关天气的幻灯片。”“请把灯关了。拉上窗帘。”(The teacher shows some pictures of weather to students.)“After appreciating these pictures, we shall do some drills.”For the next thing, I am going to show

23、 you some slides of weather.“Please switch off the lights and draw the curtains.”Situational Practice“我将把班级分成四个小组,每组六人。”“两个人一起练习这个对话。”(Students practice the dialogue)“May I have your attention, please? Everybody stop what you are doing. Now lets act out the dialogue.”“I will divide the class into 4

24、groups. 6 pupils in each groups.”“Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.”I want you to form 4 groups of 6.Get into 4 groups of 6.Situational Practice(Most students are quiet and listen to the teacher, except for Oscar and Allen. They are whispering to each other)“Hey, Oscar and Allen! Look this way

25、. You can talk during the break.”Hey, Oscar and Allen! Whats up? Please stop chattering there. Hey, Oscar and Allen, I hate to interrupt your conversation, but we are still in class.If you stop talking, you might even learn something you never know.Situational Practice“Sorry, teacher. It wont happen

26、 again.”“Oh, I trust your words. Be a good boy.”“现在让我们回到刚刚在做的事情上。”“Lucy and Lily, would you like to act out the dialogue?”“Now lets turn back to what we were doing.”Situational Practice“Its our pleasure.”“让我们鼓掌欢迎Lucy和Lily。”“Lets applaud Lucy and Lily.”(Lucy and Lily acts the dialogue out)Situational

27、 Practice“Thank you for your performance, Lucy and Lily.“快下课了,不值得再开始什么新的活动了。”“Its nearly time, and its not worth starting anything else.”The bell will be going any minute now and its no use beginning anything new.It seems we only have a few minutes to spare and there isnt any point starting a new th

28、ing.Situational Practice“最后,我来布置今天的家庭作业。”“Finally, a brief word about todays homework.”“今晚的家庭作业是抄写生词,并且完成第2页上的练习1。”“Your homework for tonight is to copy the new words and do Exercise 1 on page 2.”For the last thing today, I will assign you some homework.To finish with, I will set you some homework.S

29、ituational Practice“好了,今天就到这里,谢谢大家。”“All right! Thats all for today, thank you.”OK, well stop here today.Thats the end of the lesson, thank you.So much for today, thank you.Shall we call it a day?With that, we conclude our class today.The class is dismissed. Thank you for attending todays class.Situ

30、ational PracticeSituation 2 GamesIn order to review the pattern “Whats this / that?” “Is this / that”, you decide to play a guessing game in todays English class. To begin with, you have to explain how to do it, and then conduct students to play the game.During the game, you will make demonstration,

31、 give orders and make comments on students performance.Situational Practice“Hi there, kids.”“我们上节课都讲了些什么,你们还记得吗?”“What were we talking about last class? Do you still remember?”“”“Let me refresh your memory. Last time we talked about the pattern Whats this / that? Is this / that.”Where did we stop la

32、st time?How far did we get last time?Lets revise some of the things we did last timeIf I remember correctly, weve already studied the pattern “”.Situational Practice“Now well play a guessing game to help you memorizing the pattern.”“我们这样来玩:我这里有一些水果,苹果、梨、桔子、柠檬等等。玩这个游戏,我们需要两个同学,并且得把其中一个人的眼睛蒙起来。能看见水果的同

33、学让眼睛蒙起来的同学触摸他手里的水果,问他:Whats this? 眼睛蒙起来的同学回答:Is that 如果他答对了,他就能得一分,反之,对方得一分。”This is the way well do it: I have some fruits here, an apple, a pear, an orange, a lemon, and so on. For this game we need two students with one of them blindfolded. The student who can see the fruits should ask his partne

34、r who is blindfolded to touch the fruit in his hand, and ask: “Whats this?” His partner should reply as “Is that ” He will gain a point if he answers correctly. Otherwise, his partner will get a point.Situational Practice“Do you understand what I said?”“Yes, we do.”“你们要做的就是猜一猜。这个游戏的关键是你要尽可能地多得分。”“Wh

35、at you have to do is to guess. The idea of this game is to score as many points as possible.”Is that clear to you?Do you see my point?See what I mean?Are you all clear about what you have to do?You got it, didnt you?OK so far?Are there any questions?Situational Practice“Now Ill invite one student to

36、 play this game with me as a demonstration. Jack, may I ask you a favor?”“Certainly.”“Come out and stand by the blackboard.”(Jack goes to the blackboard and gets blindfolded.)Could you do me a favor?Can you give me a hand?Sure!Willingly!By all means.Id be glad to / Id love to / Id be delighted to.Wi

37、th great pleasure.Thats no trouble at all.Situational Practice“OK. Jack, please turn around and face the class. Can you guess what Im holding?(Jack touches the fruit and then replies as)“Is that an orange?”(The class bursts into a laughter, and someone is whispering the right answer.)“Be quiet, plea

38、se. Dont give him any hints.”No talking, please.Dont make such a noise.Could I have a bit of quiet, please?Situational Practice“Is that a lemon?”“你只能猜一次,不准多猜。我手里握着一个苹果。”“Im afraid you only have one guess, no more. I am holding an apple actually.”“你猜错了,所以我要得一分。”“You answer wrong, so I get one point.”

39、“现在让我们交换过来。Jack,现在你是提问者了。”“Lets change over. Jack, you can be the question asker.”Situational Practice(A few minutes later)“你一共得了几分?”“How many points have you got altogether?”“把你赢的分数加起来。”“Lets count up the points you won together.”“I get 8 points together.”“Congratulations. Here is the winner.”Situa

40、tional PracticeSituation 3 ExercisesIn this class, youll ask students to do some exercises. Firstly, youll explain how to do the exercises. Then youll set a time limit for students. Finally, youll check the answers and comment on their work.Situational Practice“Boys and girls, please open your exerc

41、ise books at page 21. I want you to try exercise 1-6.”“练习一要求你辨别这些句子中每一个画线单词的词性,并写出名词的形容词形式。For exercise 1, you have to identify the part of speech of each underlined word in these sentences, and form adjectives from these nouns.Situational Practice“练习二要求你用 that 代替这些句子里的 which,并且用被动语态改写句子。“For exerci

42、se 2, you will replace which in these sentences with that, and rewrite the sentences, using the passive.”Situational Practice“练习三中,你要在下面短文中每个标号的空白处填入一个合适的单词或词组。“ In exercise 3, fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with a suitable word or phrase.”Situational Practice“练习四要求你用所给的单词

43、造句以表明你理解这些单词的意思。”“For exercise 4, you will construct sentences using the words given to show you understand the meaning of the given words.”Situational Practice“在练习五中有一篇短文和五个不完整的句子。仔细阅读文章, 然后用尽可能少的单词完成这些句子。”“In exercise 5 there is a short passage with 5 incomplete statements. Read the passage carefu

44、lly and then complete the statements in the fewest possible words.”Situational Practice“在练习六中,你需要从下列单词中挑选一个合适的单词填补短文中的空白处。注意出现在空格前和空格后的信息。”“Complete the gaps in the passage by choosing a suitable word from the lists below. Pay attention to the information that comes after the gap.”Situational Practi

45、ce“大家尽量不要求助于字典,自己独立完成。”“Try to do as much of the exercise as you can on your own without using dictionary.”“如果在一道题上卡住了,把它放在一边,稍后再回过头来解决。”“If you get stuck on one, leave it out and come back to it later.”Situational Practice“你们有一个小时的时间完成这些练习。” “You have one hour to complete these exercises.”“Now lets

46、 get started.”Im afraid you can only spend one hour on these exercises.Ill give you one hour to finish these exercises.One hour is all the time youve got for these.Youll have to stop in one hours time.Dont spend more than one hour on these.Situational Practice(One hour later)“Have you finished these

47、 exercises?”“Yes.”“I see. Lets check the answers.”Have you all finished?Have you done everything?Anybody who still hasnt finished?Youre just about through with the work, arent you?Now well see how well you did.Lets run through the answers quickly.Situational Practice“Whats the answer to Exercise 1,

48、Wendy?”(Wendy tells the teacher her answer)“你的练习进步很大,我为此感到高兴。”“Your exercise has improved a lot. Im pleased with your progress.”What answer have you got for Exercise 1?How does the first exercise go?What have you got for Exercise 1?What have you put for Exercise 1?Situational Practice“Could somebody

49、 read out what he put for Exercise 2?” OK. Nancy.”(Nancy reads out her answer)“Good stuff! Theres not a single mistake in your answer.”Excellent work!Very well done.Satisfactory.Situational Practice“Has anybody got anything for Exercise 3? Its your turn, Oscar.”(Oscar gives answer, but his answer is

50、 not quite right.)“你这个练习犯了几个错误,恐怕你得重做。”“Im afraid you made several mistakes in the exercise and youd better do it again.”Situational Practice“你得更努力一点,要不就赶不上你的同学了。”“Work harder; otherwise, you wont be able to catch up with your classmates.”“Lets go on to Exercise 4. Carol, please read out your answer

51、 for that.”(Carol reads out her answer)“Could be better. There is still room for pronunciation improvement.”Situational PracticeSituation 4 Singing a songAfter doing exercises, you decide to turn to something easy and sing a song to relax your students.Situational Practice“Well, after a period of in

52、tense exercises, lets move on to something interesting.”“唱支歌怎么样?”“How about singing a song?”“Wonderful!”“我们先听曲调,然后我再给大家解释一下歌词。”“First, lets listen to the tune, and then I will explain the words to you.”Situational Practice“好的,你们已经知道调门了。它和玛丽有只小羊羔是同一曲调。”“Well, you already know the tune. Its the same t

53、une as Mary Had a Lamb.”“现在跟我读歌词。”“Now say the words after me.”“歌词背出来了吗?”“Do you know the words by heart yet?”Situational Practice“跟着磁带上的孩子一起唱。”“Sing along with the children on the tape.”“让我来给你们打拍子。”“Let me beat time for you.”“如果你不知道歌词,就跟着哼哼。”“If you dont know the words, just hum.”Company LogoSummar

54、y: Standards for C.E.StandardsStandardsBBE EC CDDAAPreciseConciseAcceptableFlexiblePracticalSummary: Standards for C.E.To be precisecorrect pronunciation no grammatical mistakesproper wordsstandardizationSummary: Standards for C.E.To be conciseclear and easy to understandword speedemphasesSummary: Standards for C.E.To be acceptablenot too difficult or too easytextbook systemsSummary: Standards for C.E.To be practicaldaily-life EnglishSummary: Standards for C.E.To be flexiblestudents language levelsdifferent textbookswhen expressing the same meaning



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